HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompass Kitchener - 2023_10_04 COMPASS KITCHENER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 4,2023 CITY OF KITCHENER The Compass Kitchener Advisory Committee met this date, commencing at 4:06 p.m. Present: J. Stephens-Wells, Chair K. Brabazon, T. Glover, A. Forstmanis, L. Thompson, W. Rahimi, L. Trumper. Staff: A. Fritz-Walters, Engagement Program Manager—Strategic Planning S. Sweazey, Senior Policy Advisor A. Remillard, Committee Administrator 1. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF—NIL 2. REVIEW 2023 BUSINESS PLAN AUGUST PROGRESS REPORT The 2023 Business Plan August Progress Report was shared with Compass members and A. Fritz-Walters asked if Compass members had any comments or questions. Feedback was provided by J. Stephens-Wells that it would be easier for readers to understand the report and how progress reported on relates to the chart summarizing all the strategic actions, if, in the chart, actions that include more than one initiative, listed each sub-initiative individually under the overall action heading. 3. STRATEGIC PLAN INDICATOR DEVELOPMENT—Continued from September A. Fritz shared a slide deck on the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan Indicator Development Approach and asked for feedback from the Compass Kitchener group. Through group discussion, Compass members collaboratively developed four distinct parameters when evaluating and developing indicators: o Relevance to the Municipal Sphere: Ensure that the chosen indicators are directly related to the municipal sphere of influence. o Demonstrate Tangible Impact: Select indicators that effectively demonstrate a clear benefit or drive a significant change. o Outcome-Oriented: Ensure that each outcome has a corresponding indicator. o Resident-Centric: Develop indicators that reflect the perspectives and needs of our residents. A. Fritz-Walters suggested Compass members take the indicator list away to give it some thought, further evaluate the indicators based on the criteria above, and share their feedback at the November 1 Compass Kitchener meeting. In an effort to save more time for discussion, T. Glover suggested that members send their thoughts to S. Sweazey, in advance of the meeting, to assemble their suggestions into a document that could be shared with everyone in advance of the November 1 meeting. J. Stephens-Wells requested that a summary of this discussion be sent out to the Compass group, as well as a copy of the slide deck to aid members in creating their suggestions. 4. ALL ADVISORY COMMITTEES MEETING —Format/Agenda J. Stephens-Wells referred to the discussion from the last meeting where the Compass group identified that the focus of the November 7 All Advisory Committee meeting is to get committee members thinking about what they are interested in as an Advisory Committee, how that intersects with the Strategic Plan and how they can help move that forward. It was discussed and determined by the group that the agenda consist of a 30-minute introduction to the Strategic Plan with A. Fritz-Walter as the guest speaker, then to split up the Chairs and Vice Chairs into goal area tables to workshop content and talk about where they see an alignment with their own committee's work and how they might contribute to moving strategic goals and actions forward. Refreshments will be provided at the meeting, A. Remillard to arrange. COMPASS KITCHENER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 8, 2023 -6- CITY OF KITCHENER T. Glover suggested that the workshop segment of the meeting, could include a "pairing and sharing"segment during which advisory committee chairs would caucus with their Vice Chair for a few minutes, to identify some key points they could share with the group, outlining initiatives on which their committee's work plan is focused, and identifying the areas in which their committee's work focus and plan aligns with and supports the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. A. Fritz-Walters noted that based on an observation from a previous gathering, building in some time to socialize is also needed. J. Stephens-Wells encouraged all Compass Kitchener members to attend to help host the meeting, be part of the conversations and to encourage advisory committee members' input. 5. OTHER BUSINESS The minutes of the Compass Kitchener meeting held September 6, 2023 were reviewed. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm. A. Remillard Committee Administrator