HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN-2023-525 - 2022 Development Charge Reserve Fund ReportFinancial Services Department www.kitchener.ca REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING: December 11, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Lautenbach, Jonathan, Chief Financial Officer, 519-741-2200 ext. 7334 PREPARED BY: Mark Gallas, Investment and Treasury Analyst, 519-741-2200 ext. 7340 WARD(S) INVOLVED: All DATE OF REPORT: December 1, 2023 REPORT NO.: FIN-2023-525 SUBJECT: 2022 Development Charge Reserve Fund Report RECOMMENDATION: For information REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of development charges that have been received and spent in 2022. The key finding of this report shows an ending balance in the development charge reserve funds of $14M. This report supports the delivery of core services. BACKGROUND: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 submit to Council an annual statement of the development charge reserve funds. REPORT: Summary of Development Charges Legislation: The Act provides the authority and process for the imposition and collection of development charges (DCs). DCs are generally paid as a part of the building permit process and are collected to fund growth-related capital costs for services as allowed by provincial legislation. Services were historically grouped into two categories: discounted services and non-discounted services. The Act had previously required that a discount of 10% be applied to the growth-related capital costs for discounted services when calculating DC rates, while non-discounted *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. services referred to services for which the legislation did not require a reduction. The following table shows which services within the City of Kitchener fit into the discounted and non-discounted categories: General Government Studies Discounted Services General Government Studies Parking (see commentary below) Indoor Recreation Outdoor Recreation Cemeteries Library Non-Discounted Roads and Related Services Sanitary Servicing Watermains Storm/Watercourse Intensification Allowance Engineering Studies Public Works Fire In 2019 under Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, changes were made to the by-law 2022-071 in 2022 incorporated these changes, meaning that moving forward for 2023 and beyond -di longer be relevant. Also as part of Bill 108, parking services became an ineligible service effective September 18, 2022. -law passed in 2022 no longer included a DC rate for parking services. The funds collected to date are now deemed under the Act to be a general capital reserve fund for the same purposes for which it was originally collected. The Parking fund is reported in the 2022 development charges statement for transparency, as it was considered a development charge reserve fund for the majority of 2022 and DC revenues were collected in it during 2022. A summary of the DC Reserve Fund by Category of Service is found in Attachment A, Table A. Determination of DCs: A DC Background Study is required to be completed when updating a DC by-law, which was completed with the passage of by-law 2022-071 effective July 1, 2022. The by-law is valid for a period of up to 5 years. The Act stipulates that the DC rates may be indexed each year that the by-law remains in effect. As such, the City of Kitchener indexes the DC rates based on the non-residential construction price index, as provided by Statistics Canada. The 2022 DC by-law stipulated that rate increases will come into effect on December 1 of each year. In 2022, there were three different DC rate periods in effect, as set out in Attachment A, Table B. The rates shown as of December 1, 2022, incorporate the mandatory phasing-in discount as a result of Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. With these changes to the Act, only 80% of the calculated DC rate can be charged in year one after a by-law is enacted, increasing to 85% in year two then 90% in year three and so on. The legislation made this retroactive to any by-law passed since Januar-law 2022-071 which had an effective date of July 1, 2022. The phase-in results in an effective discount of 20% included on the rates shown in Attachment A, Table B as of December 1, 2022. Revenue DC collections in 2022 total $26M, which is a decrease from the 2021 collections of $32.1M. Expenses DC expenses in 2022 total $29.1M, an increase from 2021 expenses of $24.3M. Detailed lists are included in the DC Reserve Fund Transactions in Attachment A, Tables C, D and E. Since 2004, different rates have been charged for the Central Neighbourhoods as compared to the Suburban Areas of the City (as defined in the DC by-law). Related revenues and expenses broken down by service are shown for both of these areas in Attachment A, Table E. Expenses are allocated to either the Central Neighbourhood or the Suburban Area based on whether the service is considered to be city wide or related only to a specific area. If a service is considered city wide, the expense is allocated based on estimated population growth in each area as provided in the background study. Reserve Fund Balances The DC reserve funds at December 31, 2022 had an total balance of $14M compared to $16.5M at the end of 2021. The overall reserve balance is broken out into further detail in Attachment A, Table E. The detail provided shows the balances in the Suburban Areas and the Central Neighbourhoods, which is then divided into Residential and Non-Residential services. These services are further divided into the Discounted and Non-Discounted categories, and then split into balances by service. Some services may reflect a negative or overdrawn position while others reflect a positive balance. Development charge reserve funds can experience an overdrawn position due to the timing of the emplacement of infrastructure ahead of complete funding being available. This overdrawn position is recovered through future funds to be received from developers. When the background study was completed, the reserve balances in each service were included in the DC rate calculation, therefore over time, it is anticipated that the deficits will be recovered, and the positive balances utilized. Exemptions DC exemptions in 2022 total $8.6M compared to $9.6M in 2021. A summary of major exemptions is included in Attachment A, Table F. Credit/Refund Agreements The City may, by agreement, permit a developer to provide services for development of land in lieu of payment of the DC. At December 31, 2022, credits of $21.5M were outstanding compared to $37M at the end of 2021. Refer to Attachment A, Table G for more details. Deferral Agreements New in 2022, the City has entered into several DC deferral agreements. The More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108), the Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138), and the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197) have made amendments to the Act to allow for the deferral of payment of DCs until occupancy for rental housing, non-profit housing and institutional developments. Non-profit housing was subsequently fully exempted under the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23) in November 2022. The City has entered into 24 deferral agreements by the end of 2022, with a total receivable balance of $10.7M, compared to 23 agreements with a total receivable balance of $9.3M at the end of 2021. Refer to Attachment A, Table H for more details. By-law A new DC by-law, 2022-071 came into effect July 1, 2022 for a term of no longer than five years. No Additional levies The City of Kitchener has not imposed, directly or indirectly, a charge related to a development or a requirement to construct a service related to a development, except as permitted by the Act or another Act. Capital Forecast The City expects to, at minimum, incur over the life of the by-law (2022 to 2027) the same amount of capital costs that were estimated for the same time period in the background study. The only service for which a DC was collected during the year but from which no money was spent during the year was for Fire Protection. The majority of the planned capital program under Fire Protection relates to the creation of an eighth fire station to accommodate growth, planned over the coming years. DC Statements for 2019 and 2021 As a result of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and staff turnover, annual statements for 2019 and 2021 were not previously submitted to Council, although they were made available to the development community and the public through the Ci. Attached to this report are tables detailing the activity and balances for these years. Refer to Attachments B and C for more details. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: This report supports the delivery of core services. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Financial implications are discussed above and detailed in the attached appendices. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: FIN-20-054 Development Charge (DC) & Community Benefit Charge (CBC) Update Development Charges Act, 1997 More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108) APPROVED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A Tables for 2022 DC Reserve Fund Report Attachment B Tables for 2021 DC Reserve Fund Report Attachment C Tables for 2019 DC Reserve Fund Report TABLE A DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUMMARY BY CATEGORY OF SERVICES Non-DiscountedDiscountedTotal ResNon-ResTotalResNon-ResTotal Balance December 31, 20213,325,236(8,823,143)(5,497,907)23,669,867(1,654,582)22,015,28516,517,378 DC Act Revenue9,323,6713,156,54212,480,21312,839,714677,47013,517,18425,997,397 Interest Income (Expense)(252,336)(1,092,222)(1,344,558)2,134,436(197,088)1,937,348592,790 Expenses(16,858,775)(4,605,211)(21,463,986)(7,124,375)(539,614)(7,663,989)(29,127,975) Balance December 31, 2022(4,462,204)(11,364,034)(15,826,238)31,519,642(1,713,814)29,805,82813,979,590 TABLE B DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from January 1 to June 30) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$14,033$20,945/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$9,853$14,708/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$7,092$10,588/ dwelling unit Lodging House$3,987$5,952/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$23.24$64.45/ square metre $2.16$5.99/ square foot DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from July 1 to November 30) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$16,612$24,733/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$11,667$17,370/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$8,399$12,505/ dwelling unit Lodging House$4,719$7,027/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$25.08$75.75/ square metre $2.33$7.04/ square foot DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from December 1 to December 31) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$14,419$21,468/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$10,127$15,077/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$7,290$10,854/ dwelling unit Lodging House$4,096$6,099/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$21.77$65.75/ square metre $2.02$6.11/ square foot TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER SUBURBAN AREA DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012002 2022 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2021 11,118,973 Revenues DC Act Revenue 25,941,157 Interest Income (Expense) 501,567 Total Revenues 26,442,724 Expenditures Fire Technology93,274.00 Close Out Fire Technology Account(93,274.00) Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout(2,028.68) Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair 107,418.00 Engineering Studies194,201.00 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies78,501.00 City Share Subdivisions1,000,613.00 Intensification Allowance0.00 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W604,888.60 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S730,907.06 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R2,671,591.33 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W47,754.23 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R169,792.78 Scada36,962.00 Misc. Creek Rehabilitation 128,300.00 Hydraulic Modelling150,000.00 Kof Recovery441,000.00 Library Technology Upgrade25,707.00 Close Out New Arena Study(204,220.00) R esources, Furniture & Equipment38,189.00 Rosenberg Community Centre -South End239,810.00 Mill Courtland Cc Addition1,377,434.00 Close out Rosenberg CC Account(287,586.00) Planning Studies - Growth298,464.00 Heritage Impact Assessments7,499.00 New Indoor Pool - South End62,849.00 Indoor Turf Field - South End355,003.00 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr27,774.00 Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades955,087.00 Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation17,359.00 Open Space Strategy31,871.00 Community Trails Gnrl Provision30,299.00 Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr133,611.00 Rolling Meadows Trail216,424.00 New Neighbourhood Parks954,602.00 Rbj Schlegel Park347,174.00 Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee316,201.00 Shoemaker (Dmaf)6,324.00 Citywide Parks General Provision66,169.00 Mclennan Park Improvements72,700.00 Library Recovery62,997.00 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery96,193.00 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery664,361.00 Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk Sewer, Do 14,612,785.21 Total Expenditures 26,884,981 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2022 10,676,716 TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012006 2022 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 20215,398,407 Revenues DC Act Revenue56,240 Interest Income (Expense)91,223 Total Revenues147,463 Expenditures Fire Technology35,026 Close Out Fire Technology Account(35,026) Intensification Allowance176,868 Cycling Infrastructure314,432 Library Technology Upgrade9,654 Close Out New Arena Study(76,688) Resources, Furniture & Equipment14,341 Rosenberg Community Centre -South End90,052 Mill Courtland Cc Addition517,248 Planning Studies - Growth112,078 Heritage Impact Assessments2,816 New Indoor Pool - South End23,601 Indoor Turf Field - South End133,309 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr10,429 Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation6,518 Open Space Strategy11,968 Community Trails Gnrl Provision11,378 Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr50,173 Rolling Meadows Trail81,270 New Neighbourhood Parks358,468 Rbj Schlegel Park130,370 Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee118,738 Shoemaker (DMAF)2,375 Citywide Parks General Provision24,847 Mclennan Park Improvements27,300 Library Recovery6,003 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery10,807 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery74,639 Total Expenditures2,242,994 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 20223,302,876 TABLE D CITY OF KITCHENER DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 2022 EXPENSES 470015400050470050470052470085470090490050&490060 Growth Related FundingNon-Growth Related Funding Central Suburban Area DC Neighbourhoods External Total Non-DC ReserveDC ReserveTotal DC FundingTax Based CapitalDonationsSanitary UtilityStorm Water UtilityWater UtilityGas UtilityParking UtilityFederal Gas TaxRecoveriesFunding GrantsReserves Fire Technology 93,274 35,026 128,300 - Close Out Fire Technology Account (93,274) (35,026) (128,300) - Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout (2,029) - (2,029) (20,766) (20,766) Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair 107,418 - 107,418 168,750 261,000 429,750 Engineering Studies 194,201 - 194,201 1,526 1,526 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 78,501 - 78,501 28 28 City Share Subdivisions 1,000,613 - 1,000,613 - Intensification Allowance - 176,868 176,868 88,434 88,434 Cycling Infrastructure - 314,432 314,432 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W 604,889 - 604,889 - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S 730,907 - 730,907 - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R 2,671,591 - 2,671,591 - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W 47,754 - 47,754 - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R 169,793 - 169,793 - Scada 36,962 - 36,962 386,244 386,244 Misc. Creek Rehabilitation 128,300 - 128,300 - Hydraulic Modelling 150,000 - 150,000 25,000 25,000 KOF Recovery 441,000 - 441,000 - Library Technology Upgrade 25,707 9,654 35,361 263,688 263,688 Close Out New Arena Study (204,220) (76,688) (280,908) (31,212) (31,212) Resources, Furniture & Equipment 38,189 14,341 52,530 5,837 5,837 Rosenberg Community Centre -South End 239,810 90,052 329,862 36,651 36,651 Mill Courtland Cc Addition 1,377,434 517,248 1,894,682 210,520 210,520 Planning Studies - Growth 298,464 112,078 410,542 87,349 (70,000) 17,349 Heritage Impact Assessments 7,499 2,816 10,315 2,419 2,419 New Indoor Pool - South End 62,849 23,601 86,450 63,862 63,862 Indoor Turf Field - South End 355,003 133,309 488,312 - 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr 27,774 10,429 38,203 386,280 386,280 Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades 955,087 - 955,087 - Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation 17,359 6,518 23,877 29,183 29,183 Open Space Strategy 31,871 11,968 43,839 10,283 10,283 Community Trails Gnrl Provision 30,299 11,378 41,677 8,550 12,533 21,083 Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr 133,611 50,173 183,784 2,089 2,089 Rolling Meadows Trail 216,424 81,270 297,694 47,095 50,211 97,306 New Neighbourhood Parks 954,602 358,468 1,313,070 145,897 145,897 Rbj Schlegel Park 347,174 130,370 477,544 513,060 513,060 Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee 316,201 118,738 434,939 415,061 415,061 Shoemaker (Dmaf) 6,324 2,375 8,699 141,301 141,301 Citywide Parks General Provision 66,169 24,847 91,016 (16,000) 106,414 90,414 Mclennan Park Improvements 72,700 27,300 100,000 100,000 100,000 Library Recovery 62,997 6,003 69,000 - Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery 96,193 10,807 107,000 - Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 664,361 74,639 739,000 - Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk 14,612,785 14,612,785 - 27,172,5672,242,99429,415,5611,557,099012,5331,158,440386,244265,23400050,2111,5263,431,288 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS 2022 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorPublicTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary WorksDiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve: (1,831,241) (1,755,124) 2,582,990 3,736,924 - (639,176) (1,322,859) 1,572,608 2,344,122 (915,656) 1,188,508 215,994 19,149,201 250,712 (2,293,197) - 17,595,562 19,939,684 DC Act Revenue 3,607,739 3,386,837 301,448 90,302 414,502 934,422 628,558 9,363,808 439,102 672,119 33,228 6,333,996 3,699,089 1,315,608 694,681 13,187,824 22,551,632 Interest Income (Expense) (318,487) (1,394,545) 555,910 820,051 (127,125) (229,904) 420,333 (273,767) (75,990) 115,159 20,576 2,025,151 94,438 (159,814) 2,019,520 1,745,753 Total Revenue 3,289,252 1,992,292 857,358 910,353 - 287,377 704,518 1,048,891 9,090,041 363,112 787,278 53,804 8,359,147 3,793,527 1,155,794 694,681 15,207,344 24,297,385 Fire Technology 68,089 68,089 - 68,089 Close Out Fire Technology Account (68,089) (68,089) - (68,089) Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout (1,481) (1,481) - (1,481) Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair 78,415 78,415 - 78,415 Engineering Studies 141,767 141,767 - 141,767 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 57,306 57,306 - 57,306 City Share Subdivisions 730,447 730,447 - 730,447 Intensification Allowance - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W 441,569 441,569 - 441,569 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S 533,562 533,562 - 533,562 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R 1,950,261 1,950,261 - 1,950,261 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W 34,860 34,860 - 34,860 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R 123,949 123,949 - 123,949 Scada 26,982 26,982 - 26,982 Misc. Creek Rehabilitation 93,659 93,659 - 93,659 Hydraulic Modelling 109,500 109,500 - 109,500 Kof Recovery 352,800 352,800 - 352,800 Library Technology Upgrade - 25,707 25,707 25,707 Close Out New Arena Study - (204,220) (204,220) (204,220) Resources, Furniture & Equipment - 38,189 38,189 38,189 Rosenberg Community Centre -South End - (13,841) (13,841) (13,841) Mill Courtland Cc Addition - 1,377,434 1,377,434 1,377,434 Planning Studies - Growth - 217,875 217,875 217,875 Heritage Impact Assessments - 5,474 5,474 5,474 New Indoor Pool - South End - 62,849 62,849 62,849 Indoor Turf Field - South End - 355,003 355,003 355,003 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr - 27,774 27,774 27,774 Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades - 706,764 706,764 706,764 Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation - 17,359 17,359 17,359 Open Space Strategy - 31,871 31,871 31,871 Community Trails Gnrl Provision - 30,299 30,299 30,299 Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr - 133,611 133,611 133,611 216,424 216,424 216,424 Rolling Meadows Trail- New Neighbourhood Parks - 954,602 954,602 954,602 Rbj Schlegel Park - 347,174 347,174 347,174 Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee - 316,201 316,201 316,201 Shoemaker (Dmaf) - 6,324 6,324 6,324 Citywide Parks General Provision - 66,169 66,169 66,169 Mclennan Park Improvements - 72,700 72,700 72,700 Library Recovery - 62,997 62,997 62,997 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 75,992 75,992 75,992 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 524,845 524,845 524,845 Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk Sewer, 11,836,356 11,836,356 - 11,836,356 Total Expenses 2,804,657 12,396,900 476,429 201,678 - 277,488 352,800 - 16,509,952 223,349 600,837 27,774 1,577,225 2,192,734 126,893 706,764 5,455,576 21,965,528 Net Change for the Year 484,595 (10,404,608) 380,929 708,675 - 9,889 351,718 1,048,891 (7,419,911) 139,763 186,441 26,030 6,781,922 1,600,793 1,028,901 (12,083) 9,751,768 2,331,857 Closing Reserve Balance (1,346,646) (12,159,731) 2,963,919 4,445,599 - (629,288) (971,141) 2,621,499 (5,075,789) (775,893) 1,374,950 242,025 25,931,123 1,851,505 (1,264,296) (12,083) 27,347,330 22,271,541 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS 2022 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorPublicTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary WorksDiscountedTotal NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve: (5,362,562) (1,413,994) 434,114 1,033,695 - (500,324) (1,717,641) 115,176 (7,411,536) (482,292) (926,883) - - - - - (1,409,176) (8,820,712) DC Act Revenue 1,231,136 1,302,342 127,063 70,351 - 110,549 24,074 208,623 3,074,137 159,521 17,820 - - - - 420,438 597,780 3,671,917 Industrial Exemption Funding Downtown Exemption Funding Interest Income (Expense) (684,119) (292,932) 53,207 134,023 (64,488) (227,323) 28,516 (1,053,116) (58,824) (132,247) - - - - (191,071) (1,244,187) Total Revenue 547,017 1,009,410 180,270 204,374 - 46,061 (203,249) 237,139 2,021,021 100,697 (114,427) - - - - 420,438 406,709 2,427,730 Fire Technology 25,185 25,185 - 25,185 Close Out Fire Technology Account (25,185) (25,185) - (25,185) Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout (548) (548) - (548) Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair 29,003 29,003 - 29,003 Engineering Studies 52,434 52,434 - 52,434 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 21,195 21,195 - 21,195 City Share Subdivisions 270,166 270,166 - 270,166 Intensification Allowance - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W 163,320 163,320 - 163,320 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S 197,345 197,345 - 197,345 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R 721,330 721,330 - 721,330 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W 12,894 12,894 - 12,894 Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R 45,844 45,844 - 45,844 Scada 9,980 9,980 - 9,980 Misc. Creek Rehabilitation 34,641 34,641 - 34,641 Hydraulic Modelling 40,500 40,500 - 40,500 Kof Recovery 88,200 88,200 - 88,200 Library Technology Upgrade - - - Close Out New Arena Study - - - Resources, Furniture & Equipment - - - Rosenberg Community Centre -South End - - - Mill Courtland Cc Addition - - - Planning Studies - Growth - 80,589 80,589 80,589 Heritage Impact Assessments - 2,025 2,025 2,025 New Indoor Pool - South End - - - Indoor Turf Field - South End - - - 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr - - - Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades - 248,323 248,323 248,323 Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation - - - Open Space Strategy - - - Community Trails Gnrl Provision - - - Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr - - - Rolling Meadows Trail - - - New Neighbourhood Parks - - - Rbj Schlegel Park - - - Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee - - - Shoemaker (Dmaf) - - - Citywide Parks General Provision - - - Mclennan Park Improvements - - - Library Recovery - - - Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 20,201 20,201 20,201 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 139,516 139,516 139,516 Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk Sewer, 2,776,429 2,776,429 - 2,776,429 Total Expenses 1,037,340 2,983,754 176,214 74,593 - 102,632 88,200 - 4,462,734 82,614 159,717 - - - - 248,323 490,654 4,953,388 Net Change for the Year (490,323) (1,974,344) 4,056 129,780 - (56,571) (291,449) 237,139 (2,441,712) 18,083 (274,144) - - - - 172,115 (83,945) (2,525,657) Closing Reserve Balance (5,852,885) (3,388,339) 438,170 1,163,475 - (556,895) (2,009,090) 352,314 (9,853,249) (464,209) (1,201,027) - - - - 172,115 (1,493,121) (11,346,370) Total Suburban Areas Reserve (7,199,530) (15,548,070) 3,402,088 5,609,074 - (1,186,182) (2,980,231) 2,973,813 (14,929,037) (1,240,103) 173,922 242,025 25,931,123 1,851,505 (1,264,296) 160,032 25,854,209 10,925,171.17 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS 2022 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorPublicTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary Works/FleetDiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve: - - - - 558,480 - 422,634 981,114 (193,208) 954,852 62,140 5,289,824 303,201 (342,502) - 6,074,307 7,055,421 DC Act Revenue (24,225) (15,912) (40,137) (13,285) 16,186 800 (179,371) (92,871) (31,473) (48,095) (348,110) (388,247) Interest Income (Expense) - 10,134 11,297 21,431 (5,459) 20,979 1,294 110,027 (3,498) (8,427) 114,916 136,347 Total Revenue - - - - (14,091) - (4,615) (18,706) (18,744) 37,165 2,094 (69,344) (96,369) (39,900) (48,095) (233,194) (251,900) Fire Technology 25,570 25,570 - 25,570 Close Out Fire Technology Account (25,570) (25,570) - (25,570) Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout - - - - Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair - - - - Engineering Studies - - - - Master Plan/Feasibility Studies - - - - City Share Subdivisions - - - - Intensification Allowance 125,576 125,576 - 125,576 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W - - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S - - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R - - - - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W - - - - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R - - - - Scada - - - - Cycling Infrastructure - 223,247 223,247 - 223,247 Hydraulic Modelling - - - - Kof Recovery - - - - Library Technology Upgrade - 9,654 9,654 9,654 Close Out New Arena Study - (76,688) (76,688) (76,688) Resources, Furniture & Equipment - 14,341 14,341 14,341 Rosenberg Community Centre -South End - 56,117 56,117 56,117 Mill Courtland Cc Addition - 517,248 517,248 517,248 Planning Studies - Growth - 81,821 81,821 81,821 Heritage Impact Assessments - 2,056 2,056 2,056 New Indoor Pool - South End - 23,601 23,601 23,601 Indoor Turf Field - South End - 133,309 133,309 133,309 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr - 10,429 10,429 10,429 Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades - - - - Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation - 6,518 6,518 6,518 Open Space Strategy - 11,968 11,968 11,968 Community Trails Gnrl Provision - 11,378 11,378 11,378 Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr - 50,173 50,173 50,173 Rolling Meadows Trail - 81,270 81,270 81,270 New Neighbourhood Parks - 358,468 358,468 358,468 Rbj Schlegel Park - 130,370 130,370 130,370 Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee - 118,738 118,738 118,738 Shoemaker (Dmaf) - 2,375 2,375 2,375 Citywide Parks General Provision - 24,847 24,847 24,847 Mclennan Park Improvements - 27,300 27,300 27,300 Library Recovery - 6,003 6,003 6,003 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 8,538 8,538 8,538 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 58,965 58,965 58,965 Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk Sewer, Doon S Sewer - - - - - Total Expenses - - - - 348,823 - - 348,823 83,877 67,503 10,429 653,587 823,405 29,998 - 1,668,799 2,017,622 Net Change for the Year - - - - (362,914) - (4,615) (367,529) (102,621) (30,338) (8,335) (722,931) (919,774) (69,898) (48,095) (1,901,993) (2,269,522) Closing Reserve Balance - - - - 195,566 - 418,019 613,585 (295,829) 924,514 53,805 4,566,892 (616,573) (412,400) (48,095) 4,172,314 4,785,899 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS 2022 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorPublicTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary Works/FleetDiscountedTotal NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve: - - - - (1,503,836) - - 92,227 (1,411,609) (137,482) (107,924) - - - - - (245,406) (1,657,015) DC Act Revenue - - - - 54,549 - - 27,856 82,405 21,458 - - - - - 58,233 79,691 162,096 Industrial Exemption Funding - - - Downtown Exemption Funding - - - Interest Income (Expense) - (41,986) - - 2,880 (39,106) (3,721) (3,058) - - - 762 (6,017) (45,123) Total Revenue - - - - 12,563 - - 30,736 43,299 17,737 (3,058) - - - - 58,995 73,674 116,973 Fire Technology 9,456 9,456 - 9,456 Close Out Fire Technology Account (9,456) (9,456) - (9,456) Kolb Drain Smetana To Rothsay Closeout - - - - Monitor/Update Prog - Upper Blair - - - - Engineering Studies - - - - Master Plan/Feasibility Studies - - - - City Share Subdivisions - - - - Intensification Allowance 51,292 51,292 - 51,292 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-W - - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-S - - - - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-R - - - - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-W - - - - Blair Creek Dr Road & Wm Ext-R - - - - Scada - - - - Cyling Infrastructure - 91,185 91,185 - 91,185 Hydraulic Modelling - - - - Kof Recovery - - - - Library Technology Upgrade - - - Close Out New Arena Study - - - Resources, Furniture & Equipment - - - Rosenberg Community Centre -South End - - - Mill Courtland Cc Addition - - - Planning Studies - Growth - 30,257 30,257 30,257 Heritage Impact Assessments - 760 760 760 New Indoor Pool - South End - - - Indoor Turf Field - South End - - - 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Impr - - - Equip Acquisitions & Upgrades - - - Vic Park Mstrpln Implementation - - - Open Space Strategy - - - Community Trails Gnrl Provision - - - Ped Bridge 881 - Montgomery Cr - - - Rolling Meadows Trail - - - New Neighbourhood Parks - - - Rbj Schlegel Park - - - Park Rehab - Idlwd/Kinzie/Chicopee - - - Shoemaker (Dmaf) - - - Citywide Parks General Provision - - - Mclennan Park Improvements - - - Library Recovery - - - Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 2,269 2,269 2,269 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 15,674 15,674 15,674 Refund (Blair, Strasburg Rd N, Mid Strasburg Trunk Sewer, Doon S Sewer - - - - - Total Expenses - - - - 142,477 - - - 142,477 31,017 17,943 - - - - - 48,960 191,437 Net Change for the Year - - - - (129,914) - - 30,736 (99,178) (13,280) (21,001) - - - - 58,995 24,714 (74,464) Closing Reserve Balance - - - - (1,633,750) - - 122,963 (1,510,787) (150,762) (128,925) - - - - 58,995 (220,692) (1,731,479) Total Central Neighbourhoods Reserve - - - - (1,438,184) - - 540,982 (897,202) (446,591) 795,589 53,805 4,566,892 (616,573) (412,400) 10,900 3,951,622 3,054,419.88 Total Development Charges Reserve (7,199,530) (15,548,070) 3,402,088 5,609,074 (1,438,184) (1,186,182) (2,980,231) 3,514,795 (15,826,239) (1,686,694) 969,511 295,830 30,498,015 1,234,932 (1,676,697) 170,933 29,805,830 13,979,591.05 TABLE F DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 2022 EXEMPTIONS 50% Industrial Enlargement 407,927 Accessory Building 55,195 Additional Dwelling Unit(s) in Existing 5,396,801 Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit 170,254 Municipal Use 47,814 Redevelopment Allowance 1,963,129 Separate School Board 430,310 Temporary Building/Use 18,248 Grand Total 8,489,678 TABLE G DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE ActivaActivaMonarchActivaActivaPrimeland DevelopmentsHallman Construction Peter Dietrich KruseHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.CorporationHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.(2003) LimitedLimited Balance December 31, 2021 6,003 2,403 295,772 95,405 3,309,573 6,800,000 33,261 80,646 New Agreement Cost Adjustment Credits Used 10,261 Prior Year Adjustment Credits Cancelled Refund Given 95,405 3,041,563 33,262 80,646 Balance December 31, 2022 6,003 2,403 295,772- 0 257,749 6,800,000- 0 0 ServiceLower Hidden ValleyStrasburg CreekLaurentian Doon South PumpingBlair Creek DriveOttawa Trussler PumpingStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd and PS and appurtenancesTrunk SewerEA/Design WorkStation and worksBridge worksStation and worksassociated worksassociated works Registered PlanPlan 58M-422Plan 58M-471, 472, 47330T-0820458M-528, 30T-07202 &30T-0820330T-0820458M-607 (30T-98201)TBD East Forest/Decora Lands30T-07204 Plan 58M-338, 374, 426, 427, 428 Date of ServiceNovember 15, 2006December 8, 2008March 5, 2013December 10, 2013February 18, 2014May 31, 2016September 14, 2017September 14, 2017 Original Credit$1,400,000$1,642,555$302,776$545,363$2,729,075$1,578,106$593,242$692,531 Estimated Total Refund$7,097,889$876,861$5,402,156 Estimated Refund Remaining$1,656,959$3,429,573$4,315,000 Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-1930-Jun-2230-Jun-2330-Jun-2030-Jun-20 TABLE G (continued) DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE Sunvest ReidFreure DevelopmentsActivaBeckerActivaDeer Ridge LimitedLimitedHoldings Inc.Estates Inc.VariousHoldings Inc.Heights IncTotal Balance December 31, 2021 121,670 78,177 199,383 44,148 15,575,964 10,205,198 123,900 36,971,504 New Agreement - Cost Adjustment - Credits Used 630,786 101,478 74,199 816,724 Prior Year Adjustment - Credits Cancelled - Refund Given 121,671 78,177 199,383 44,148 10,918,532 14,612,786 Balance December 31, 2022- 0 0 - 0 0 4,026,646 10,103,720 49,701 21,541,994 ServiceStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andMid Strasburg TrunkDodge Dr Sanitary SewerCommunity Trail associated worksassociated worksassociated worksassociated worksSanitary SewerInfrastructure Project Registered PlanTBDTBDTBDTBD30T-0820358M-587, 30T-94009 Date of ServiceSeptember 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017February 10, 2020October 30, 2020January 6, 2020 Original Credit$1,089,499$670,392$1,756,537$1,756,537$14,700,000$6,254,000$182,244 Estimated Total Refund$8,777,024 Estimated Refund Remaining$182,244 Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2230-Jun-28N/A - Credits only TABLE H DEVELOPMENT CHARGE DEFERRAL AGREEMENTS Year Permit Issued AddressBalance Dec 31, 2021New deferralsPaymentsBalance Dec 31, 2022 695 Block Line Rd511,469511,4692020 102,208511,0402020 1430 Highland Rd W613,248 1,025,2742020 595 Strasburg Rd1,025,274 80,0242020 414 Prospect Ave Bldg A96,02916,005 58,9452020 18 Guelph St70,73411,789 15,24176,2062021 80 McGee Ave91,447 566,7302021 221 Victoria St N566,730 64 Margaret Ave98,77598,7752021 1,023,1272021 528 Lancaster St W1,227,752204,625 270 Spadina Rd E592,650592,6502021 844,8012021 169 Borden Ave N844,801 13,1702021 51 David St13,170 39,5102021 293 King St E39,510 21,2062021 30 Duke St W25,4474,241 1430 Highland Rd W29,4934,91624,5782021 589,8602021 50 Eighth Ave589,860 659 Stirling Ave S15,4432,57412,8692021 128,3602021 80 Sydney St N Building A128,360 96,6782021 80 Sydney St N Building B96,678 1,749,9182021 525 New Dundee Rd - Foundation1,749,918 329,4082022 695 Block Line Rd329,408 236 Margaret Ave32,52232,5222022 899,9802022 301 Westmount Rd W899,980 1438 Highland Rd W1,344,6761,344,6762022 8,426,7882,606,586361,59910,671,776 TABLE A DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUMMARY BY CATEGORY OF SERVICES Non-DiscountedDiscountedTotal ResNon-ResTotalResNon-ResTotal Balance December 31, 20202,032,187(8,848,949)(6,816,762)17,133,019(1,767,179)15,365,8408,549,078 DC Act Revenue11,627,8831,555,43113,183,31418,618,659298,00818,916,66732,099,981 Interest Income (Expense)47,853(167,797)(119,944)366,405(32,752)333,653213,709 Expenses(10,382,687)(1,361,828)(11,744,515)(12,448,216)(152,659)(12,600,875)(24,345,390) Balance December 31, 20213,325,236(8,823,143)(5,497,907)23,669,867(1,654,582)22,015,28516,517,378 TABLE B DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from January 1 to November 30) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$13,030$19,448/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$9,149$13,656/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$6,585$9,831/ dwelling unit Lodging House$3,702$5,526/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$21.58$59.84/ square metre $2.00$5.56/ square foot DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from December 1 to December 31) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$14,033$20,945/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$9,853$14,708/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$7,092$10,588/ dwelling unit Lodging House$3,987$5,952/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$23.24$64.45/ square metre $2.16$5.99/ square foot TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER SUBURBAN AREA DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012002 2021 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 20204,294,493 Revenues DC Act Revenue27,201,329 Interest Income (Expense)157,263 Total Revenues 27,358,592 Expenditures Monitor Upper Blair Creek105,312 Engineering Studies40,393 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies76,990 Increasing the budget for Middle Strasburg Trunk Sanitary Se 6,000,000 City Share of Subdivisions980,993 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Road488,988 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Watermain22,109 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Sanitary 27,311 SCADA 36,237 Miscellaneous Creek Rehab125,784 Fire Technology from Master Plan- CLOSEOUT FREEPORT SPS UPGRADES(594,910) CLOSEOUT STRASBURG WATERCOURSE MID/SOUTH(100,000) Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades936,360 KOF Recovery433,000 Doon SPS S Refund # 31,684,281 Strasburg Rd N1,000,000 Library Technology Upgrade25,203 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment37,440 Community Library/South End3,101,314 Planning Studies262,524 Heritage Impact Assessments7,352 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements27,229 New Neighbourhood Parks544,587 RBJ Schlegel Park3,141,288 NEW ARENA STUDY204,220 NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END69,271 DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY17,018 ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END(219,015) Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition238,819 VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION85,092 OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY13,615 COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION43,817 PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY115,682 STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL94,510 LAURENTIAN TRAIL67,848 ALPINE PARK TRAIL83,605 PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV67,567 SHOEMAKER (DMAF)114,139 PROSPECT PARK (DMAF)43,620 WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL90,875 CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION70,717 HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN65,430 CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN51,056 Library Recovery61,171 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery93,496 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery651,775 Total Expenditures20,534,113 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 202111,118,973 TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012006 2021 TRANSACTIONS 04,254,585 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 202 Revenues DC Act Revenue4,898,652 Interest Income (Expense)56,446 Total Revenues4,955,098 Expenditures Intensification Allowance173,400 Cycling Infrastructure308,267 Fire Technology from Master Plan0 Library Technology Upgrade9,464 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment14,060 Community Library/South End1,164,593 Planning Studies98,583 Heritage Impact Assessments2,761 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements10,225 New Neighbourhood Parks204,501 RBJ Schlegel Park1,179,603 NEW ARENA STUDY76,688 NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END26,013 DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY6,391 ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END(20,869) Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition89,680 VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION31,953 OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY5,112 COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION16,454 PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY43,441 STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL35,490 LAURENTIAN TRAIL25,478 ALPINE PARK TRAIL31,395 PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV25,372 SHOEMAKER (DMAF)42,861 PROSPECT PARK (DMAF)16,380 WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL34,125 CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION26,555 HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN24,570 CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN19,172 Library Recovery5,829 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery10,504 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery73,225 Total Expenditures3,811,276 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 20215,398,407 TABLE D CITY OF KITCHENER DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 2021 EXPENSES Growth Related Funding in 2021Non-Growth Related Funding in 2021 Central Suburban Area DC Neighbourhoods DC Total Non-DC ReserveReserveTotal DC FundingTax Based CapitalDonationsReservesGrantsSanitary UtilityStorm Water UtilityWater UtilityGas UtilityParking UtilityFederal Gas TaxExternal RecoveriesFunding Monitor Upper Blair Creek105,312 - 105,312 - Engineering Studies40,393 - 40,393 - Master Plan/Feasibility Studies76,990 - 76,990 - Intensification Allowance- 173,400 173,400 86,700 86,700 Cycling Infrastructure- 308,267 308,267 854,133 1,170,000324,730 2,348,863 Increasing the budget for Middle Strasburg Trunk Sanitary Sewer6,000,000 - 6,000,000 15,862,61315,862,613 City Share of Subdivisions -980,993 980,993 602,413602,413 Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Road488,988 - 488,988 - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Watermain22,109 - 22,109 - Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Sanitary27,311 - 27,311 - SCADA -36,237 36,237 384,553 384,553 Miscellaneous Creek Rehab125,784 - 125,784 - Fire Technology from Master Plan- - - - CLOSEOUT FREEPORT SPS UPGRADES(594,910) - (594,910) 320,336 320,336 CLOSEOUT STRASBURG WATERCOURSE MID/SOUTH(100,000) - (100,000) - Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades936,360 - 936,360 - KOF Recovery433,000 - 433,000 - Doon SPS S Refund # 31,684,281 - 1,684,281 - Strasburg Rd N1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - Library Technology Upgrade25,203 9,464 34,667 258,517 258,517 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment37,440 14,060 51,500 5,722 5,722 Community Library/South End3,101,314 1,164,593 4,265,907 473,99060,000 533,990 Planning Studies262,524 98,583 361,107 84,704 84,704 Heritage Impact Assessments7,352 2,761 10,113 2,372 2,372 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements27,229 10,225 37,454 378,706 378,706 New Neighbourhood Parks544,587 204,501 749,088 83,232 83,232 RBJ Schlegel Park3,141,288 1,179,603 4,320,891 485,149 485,149 NEW ARENA STUDY204,220 76,688 280,908 31,21231,212 NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END69,271 26,013 95,284 10,587 10,587 DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY17,018 6,391 23,409 2,6012,601 ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END(219,015) (20,869) (239,884) (247,210) (247,210) Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition 89,680238,819 328,499 36,500 36,500 VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION85,092 31,953 117,045 143,055 143,055 OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY13,615 5,112 18,727 22,889 22,889 COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION43,817 16,454 60,271 26,366 26,366 PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY115,682 43,441 159,123 (69,636) 53,041122,677 STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL94,510 35,490 130,000 25,00025,000 LAURENTIAN TRAIL67,848 25,478 93,326 2,8742,874 ALPINE PARK TRAIL83,605 31,395 115,000 35,00035,000 PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV67,567 25,372 92,939 100,434 100,434 SHOEMAKER (DMAF)114,139 42,861 157,000 158,000 158,000 PROSPECT PARK (DMAF)43,620 16,380 60,000 60,000 60,000 WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL90,875 34,125 125,000 135,000 135,000 CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION70,717 26,555 97,272 20,00012,568 32,568 HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN65,430 24,570 90,000 10,000 10,000 CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN51,056 19,172 70,228 85,834 85,834 Library Recovery61,171 5,829 67,000 - Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery93,496 10,504 104,000 - Civic District Parking Garage Recovery651,775 73,225 725,000 - 20,534,1133,811,27624,345,3892,059,57660,00020,000704,889000324,7301,355,55116,465,02722,161,622 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewe rWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:(4,023,269) 2,109,563 2,322,924 3,671,886 - (1,036,668) (2,469,708) 844,080 1,418,808 (787,762) 961,681 160,617 12,304,372 637,885 (1,251,392) 12,025,401 13,444,209 DC Act Revenue4,147,549 3,070,263 226,696 - - 579,067 2,232,111 706,035 10,961,721 439,133 1,606,267 79,026 6,634,984 4,180,200 1,525,972 14,465,583 25,427,305 Industrial Exemption Funding - -- Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)(59,271) 3,697 49,782 75,169 (16,984) (38,406) 24,543 38,530 (17,270) 21,869 3,824 319,363 9,150 (35,917) 301,019 339,549 Total Revenue4,088,278 3,073,960 276,478 75,169 - 562,083 2,193,705 730,578 11,000,251 421,863 1,628,136 82,850 6,954,347 4,189,350 1,490,055 14,766,602 25,766,854 Monitor Upper Blair Creek 76,87876,878 76,878- Engineering Studies 29,48729,487 29,487- Master Plan/Feasibility Studies56,203 56,203 56,203- Increasing the budget for Middle Strasburg Trunk Sanitary S6,000,0006,000,000 6,000,000- City Share of Subdivisions716,125 716,125 716,125- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Road356,961 356,961 356,961- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Watermain16,140 16,140 16,140- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Sanitary19,937 19,937 19,937- SCADA26,453 26,453 26,453- Miscellaneous Creek Rehab91,822 91,822 91,822- Fire Technology from Master Plan (1)(1) (1)- CLOSEOUT FREEPORT SPS UPGRADES(481,877) (481,877) (481,877)- CLOSEOUT STRASBURG WATERCOURSE MID/SOUTH(81,000) (81,000) (81,000)- Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades 692,906692,906 692,906- KOF Recovery 346,400346,400 346,400- Doon SPS S Refund # 31,364,268 1,364,268 1,364,268- Strasburg Rd N810,000 810,000 810,000- Library Technology Upgrade - 25,20325,203 25,203 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment - 37,44037,440 37,440 Community Library/South End - 3,101,3143,101,314 3,101,314 Planning Studies 191,639- 191,639191,639 Heritage Impact Assessments 5,367- 5,3675,367 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements 27,229- 27,229 27,229 New Neighbourhood Parks - 544,587544,587 544,587 RBJ Schlegel Park - 3,141,2883,141,288 3,141,288 NEW ARENA STUDY 204,220- 204,220204,220 NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END 69,271- 69,271 69,271 DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY 17,018- 17,01817,018 ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END (219,015)- (219,015) (219,015) Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition 238,819- 238,819 238,819 VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION - 85,09285,092 85,092 OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY 13,615- 13,61513,615 COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION- 43,81743,817 43,817 PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY - 115,682115,682 115,682 STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL - 94,51094,510 94,510 LAURENTIAN TRAIL - 67,84867,848 67,848 ALPINE PARK TRAIL - 83,60583,605 83,605 PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV - 67,56767,567 67,567 SHOEMAKER (DMAF) - 114,139114,139 114,139 PROSPECT PARK (DMAF) - 43,62043,620 43,620 WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL - 90,87590,875 90,875 CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION - 70,71770,717 70,717 HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN 65,430- 65,43065,430 CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN 51,056- 51,05651,056 Library Recovery - 61,17161,171 61,171 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 2020 Correction 712,341- (712,341) - - Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 2020 Correction (14,204)- 14,204 - - Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery (14,204)- (14,204)(14,204) Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 712,341- 712,341712,341 Total Expenses1,883,086 6,928,781 16,140 10,822 - 162,568 1,039,306 (1) 10,040,702 548,345 1,396,274 27,229 89,075 4,563,347 2,526,991 9,151,261 19,191,963 Net Change for the Year2,205,192 (3,854,820) 260,338 64,347 - 399,515 1,154,399 730,579 959,550 (126,482) 231,862 55,621 6,865,272 (373,998) (1,036,936) 5,615,341 6,574,890 Closing Reserve Balance(1,818,077) (1,745,257) 2,583,262 3,736,233 - (637,153) (1,315,309) 1,574,659 2,378,358 (914,244) 1,193,543 216,238 19,169,644 263,887 (2,288,328) 17,640,742 20,019,099 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewe rWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:(5,238,968) (1,607,065) 398,508 1,027,747 - (514,458) (1,669,786) 11,397 (7,592,625) (463,639) (1,093,452) - - - - (1,557,091) (9,149,716) DC Act Revenue572,626 449,256 33,233 - - 84,820 317,552 102,817 1,560,305 64,011 234,930 - - - - 298,942 1,859,246 Industrial Exemption Funding Downtown Exemption Funding Interest Income (Expense)(107,554) (30,640) 8,450 20,917 (10,294) (34,362) 1,288 (152,195) (9,596) (20,493) - - - (30,089) (182,284) Total Revenue465,072 418,616 41,683 20,917 - 74,526 283,190 104,105 1,408,110 54,415 214,437 - - - - 268,853 1,676,962 Monitor Upper Blair Creek 28,43528,435 28,435- Engineering Studies 10,90610,906 10,906- Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 20,78720,787 20,787- Increasing the budget for Middle Strasburg Trunk Sanitary Sewer - -- City Share of Subdivisions264,868 264,868 264,868- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Road132,027 132,027 132,027- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Watermain5,969 5,969 5,969- Biehn Dr & San Trunk Sewer Ext-Sanitary7,374 7,374 7,374- SCADA9,784 9,784 9,784- Miscellaneous Creek Rehab33,962 33,962 33,962- Fire Technology from Master Plan 11 1- CLOSEOUT FREEPORT SPS UPGRADES(113,033) (113,033) (113,033)- CLOSEOUT STRASBURG WATERCOURSE MID/SOUTH(19,000) (19,000) (19,000)- Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades 243,454243,454 243,454- KOF Recovery 86,60086,600 86,600- Doon SPS S Refund # 3320,013 320,013 320,013- Strasburg Rd N190,000 190,000 190,000- Library Technology Upgrade - -- Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment - -- Community Library/South End- -- Planning Studies 70,885- 70,88570,885 Heritage Impact Assessments 1,985- 1,9851,985 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements - -- New Neighbourhood Parks - -- RBJ Schlegel Park - -- NEW ARENA STUDY - -- NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END - -- DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY - -- ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END - -- Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition - -- VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION - -- OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY - -- COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION - -- PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY - -- STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL - -- LAURENTIAN TRAIL - -- ALPINE PARK TRAIL - -- PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV - -- SHOEMAKER (DMAF) - -- PROSPECT PARK (DMAF) - -- WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL - -- CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION - -- HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN - -- CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN - -- Library Recovery - -- Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery - 2020 Correction - -- Civic District Parking Garage Recovery - 2020 Correction - -- Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery 107,700- 107,700107,700 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery (60,566)- (60,566)(60,566) Total Expenses586,895 224,138 5,969 14,962 - 60,128 330,054 1 1,222,147 72,870 47,134 - - - - 120,004 1,342,151 Net Change for the Year(121,823) 194,478 35,714 5,955 - 14,399 (46,864) 104,104 185,963 (18,455) 167,303 - - - - 148,849 334,812 Closing Reserve Balance(5,360,791) (1,412,587) 434,222 1,033,702 - (500,059) (1,716,650) 115,501 (7,406,662) (482,094) (926,149) - - - - (1,408,242) (8,814,904) Total Suburban Areas Reserve(7,178,867) (3,157,845) 3,017,484 4,769,935 - (1,137,212) (3,031,959) 1,690,160 (5,028,304) (1,396,337) 267,394 216,238 19,169,644 263,887 (2,288,328) 16,232,499 11,204,195.17 Table E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:- - - - 399,360 - 214,018 613,378 (112,947) 558,258 48,782 3,408,159 797,179 408,188 5,107,619 5,720,997 DC Act Revenue- - - - 495,503 - - 204,894 700,397 127,447 466,179 22,934 1,925,627 1,213,195 442,872 4,198,255 4,898,652 Industrial Exemption Funding - -- Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)- 5,601 3,723 9,324 (1,790) 8,848 649 50,862 6,435 384 65,388 74,712 Total Revenue- - - - 501,104 - 208,617 709,721 125,657 475,027 23,583 1,976,489 1,219,630 443,256 4,263,643 4,973,364 Intensification Allowance 123,114123,114 123,114- Cycling Infrastructure 218,870218,870 218,870- Fire Technology from Master Plan 11 1- Library Technology Upgrade - 9,4649,464 9,464 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment - 14,06014,060 14,060 Community Library/South End - 1,164,5931,164,593 1,164,593 Planning Studies 71,969- 71,96971,969 Heritage Impact Assessments 2,016- 2,0162,016 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements 10,225- 10,225 10,225 New Neighbourhood Parks - 204,501204,501 204,501 RBJ Schlegel Park 1,179,603- 1,179,603 1,179,603 NEW ARENA STUDY 76,688- 76,68876,688 NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END 26,013- 26,013 26,013 DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY 6,391- 6,3916,391 ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END (20,869)- (20,869) (20,869) Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition 89,680- 89,680 89,680 VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION - 31,95331,953 31,953 OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY 5,112- 5,1125,112 COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION- 16,45416,454 16,454 PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY - 43,44143,441 43,441 STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL - 35,49035,490 35,490 LAURENTIAN TRAIL - 25,47825,478 25,478 ALPINE PARK TRAIL - 31,39531,395 31,395 PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV - 25,37225,372 25,372 SHOEMAKER (DMAF) - 42,86142,861 42,861 PROSPECT PARK (DMAF) - 16,38016,380 16,380 WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL - 34,12534,125 34,125 CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION - 26,55526,555 26,555 HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN 24,570- 24,57024,570 CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN 19,172- 19,17219,172 Library Recovery - 5,8295,829 5,829 Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery (1,596)- (1,596)(1,596) Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 80,029- 80,02980,029 Total Expenses- - - - 341,984 - 1 341,985 205,918 78,433 10,225 94,824 1,713,608 1,193,946 3,296,954 3,638,939 Net Change for the Year- - - - 159,120 - 208,616 367,736 (80,261) 396,594 13,358 1,881,665 (493,978) (750,690) 966,688 1,334,424 Closing Reserve Balance- - - - 558,480 - 422,634 981,114 (193,208) 954,852 62,140 5,289,824 303,201 (342,502) 6,074,307 7,055,421 Table E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:- - - - (1,347,478) - - 91,154 (1,256,324) (108,684) (101,404) - - - - (210,088) (1,466,412) DC Act Revenue- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Industrial Exemption Funding - -- Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)- (16,673) - - 1,072 (15,601) (1,439) (1,224) - - - (2,663) (18,264) Total Revenue- - - - (16,673) - - 1,072 (15,601) (1,439) (1,224) - - - - (2,663) (18,264) Intensification Allowance 50,28850,288 50,288- Cycling Infrastructure 89,39789,397 89,397- Fire Technology from Master Plan (1)(1) (1)- Library Technology Upgrade- -- Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment - -- Community Library/South End - -- Planning Studies 26,614- 26,61426,614 Heritage Impact Assessments 745- 745745 91 Moore - Sustainable Building Improvements - -- New Neighbourhood Parks - -- RBJ Schlegel Park - -- NEW ARENA STUDY - -- NEW INDOOR POOL - SOUTH END - -- DOWNTOWN REC. SPACE STUDY - -- ROSENBERG COMMUNITY CENTRE -SOUTH END - -- Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition - -- VIC PARK MSTRPLN IMPLEMENTATION - -- OUTDOOR COURTS STUDY - -- COMMUNITY TRAILS GNRL PROVISION - -- PED BRIDGE ROTHSAY - -- STIRLING TO MADISON TRAIL- -- LAURENTIAN TRAIL - -- ALPINE PARK TRAIL - -- PARKS & SPORTSFIELDS GEN PRV - -- SHOEMAKER (DMAF) - -- PROSPECT PARK (DMAF) - -- WATER REUSE SYSTEM - RBJ SCHLEGEL - -- CITYWIDE PARKS GENERAL PROVISION - -- HNA ECOLOGICAL MGMT PLAN - -- CEMETERIES STRATEGIC PLAN - -- Library Recovery - -- Charles&Benton Parking Garage Recovery 12,100- 12,10012,100 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery (6,804)- (6,804)(6,804) Total Expenses- - - - 139,685 - - (1) 139,684 27,359 5,296 - - - - 32,655 172,339 Net Change for the Year- - - - (156,358) - - 1,073 (155,285) (28,798) (6,520) - - - - (35,318) (190,603) Closing Reserve Balance- - - - (1,503,836) - - 92,227 (1,411,609) (137,482) (107,924) - - - - (245,406) (1,657,015) Total Central Neighbourhoods Reserve- - - - (945,356) - - 514,861 (430,495) (330,690) 846,928 62,140 5,289,824 303,201 (342,502) 5,828,901 5,398,406.54 Total Development Charges Reserve(7,178,867) (3,157,845) 3,017,484 4,769,935 (945,356) (1,137,212) (3,031,959) 2,205,021 (5,458,799) (1,727,027) 1,114,322 278,378 24,459,468 567,088 (2,630,829) 22,061,401 16,602,601.71 TABLE F DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 2021 EXEMPTIONS 50% Industrial Enlargement11,137 Accessory Building33,589 Additional Dwelling Unit(s) in Existing3,416,734 Local Board6,528 Municipal Use3,130 Public School Board41,594 Redevelopment Allowance6,051,075 Grand Total9,563,787 TABLE G DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE ActivaActivaMonarchActivaActivaPrimeland DevelopmentsHallman Construction Peter Dietrich KruseHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.CorporationHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.(2003) LimitedLimited Balance December 31, 20206,003 2,403 295,772 71,827 2,318,648 1,578,106 136,550 230,398 New Agreement Cost Adjustment Credits Used 27,180 Prior Year Adjustment 13,84620,267- Credits Cancelled Refund Given 163,59855,841 Balance December 31, 20216,003 2,403 295,772 71,827 2,318,648 1,578,106 33,261 80,646 ServiceLower Hidden ValleyStrasburg CreekLaurentian Doon South PumpingBlair Creek DriveOttawa Trussler PumpingStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd and PS and appurtenancesTrunk SewerEA/Design WorkStation and worksBridge worksStation and worksassociated worksassociated works Registered PlanPlan 58M-422Plan 58M-471, 472, 47330T-0820458M-528, 30T-07202 &30T-0820330T-0820458M-607 (30T-98201)TBD East Forest/Decora Lands30T-07204 Plan 58M-338, 374, 426, 427, 428 Date of ServiceNovember 15, 2006December 8, 2008March 5, 2013December 10, 2013February 18, 2014May 31, 2016September 14, 2017September 14, 2017 Original Credit$1,400,000$1,642,555$302,776$545,363$2,729,075$1,578,106$593,242$692,531 Estimated Total Refund$7,097,889$876,861$5,402,156 Estimated Refund Remaining$1,656,959$3,429,573$4,315,000 Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-1930-Jun-2230-Jun-2330-Jun-2030-Jun-20 TABLE G (continued) DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE Sunvest ReidFreure DevelopmentsActivaBeckerActivaDeer Ridge LimitedLimitedHoldings Inc.Estates Inc.VariousHoldings Inc.Heights IncTotal Balance December 31, 2020 222,419392,653 613,864 131,739 - 458,700 - 6,459,082 New Agreement 182,24414,700,000 14,882,244 Cost Adjustment 8,969,0048,969,004 Credits Used- 286,64929,181 58,344 342,992 Prior Year Adjustment 14,34124,360- 9,945 116,772 143,157 Credits Cancelled - Refund Given 158,583246,622 404,537 1,029,181 Balance December 31, 2021 78,177121,670 199,383 44,148 14,413,351 9,427,704 123,900 28,794,999 ServiceStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andMid Strasburg TrunkDodge Dr Sanitary SewerCommunity Trail associated worksassociated worksassociated worksassociated worksSanitary SewerInfrastructure Project Registered PlanTBDTBDTBDTBD30T-0820358M-587, 30T-94009 Date of ServiceSeptember 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017February 10, 2020October 30, 2020January 6, 2020 Original Credit$1,089,499$670,392$1,756,537$1,756,537$14,700,000$6,254,000$182,244 Estimated Total Refund$8,777,024 Estimated Refund Remaining$182,244 Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2230-Jun-28N/A - Credits only TABLE H DEVELOPMENT CHARGE DEFERRAL AGREEMENTS Year Permit Issued AddressBalance December 31, 2020New deferralsPaymentsBalance December 31, 2021 544 Bridgeport Rd444,711.22444,711.22 0.002020 511,469.142020 695 Block Line Rd511,469.14 1430 Highland Rd W613,248.00613,248.002020 1,025,274.002020 595 Strasburg Rd1,025,274.00 80 McGee Ave89,124.062,323.02 91,447.082021 566,730.002021 221 Victoria St N 566,730.00 64 Margaret Ave 98,775.0098,775.002021 96,029.002020 414 Prospect Ave Bldg A96,029.00 18 Guelph St $11,78970,734.0058,945.002020 1,227,751.882021 528 Lancaster St W1,227,751.88 270 Spadina Rd E 592,650.00592,650.002021 844,801.002021 169 Borden Ave N 844,801.00 825 King St W 226,962.70226,962.702021 13,170.002021 51 David St 13,170.00 293 King St E 39,510.0039,510.002021 25,447.002021 30 Duke St W 25,447.00 1430 Highland Rd W29,493.00 29,493.002021 589,860.002021 50 Eighth Ave 589,860.00 1470 Block Line Rd403,071.00 403,071.002021 282,392.002021 39 Sheldon Ave N 282,392.00 659 Stirling Ave S 15,443.0015,443.002021 128,360.002021 80 Sydney St N Building A128,360.00 80 Sydney St N Building B96,678.00 96,678.002021 1,749,918.002021 525 New Dundee Rd - Foundation1,749,918.00 2,683,826.427,100,098.60456,500.229,327,424.80 TABLE A DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUMMARY BY CATEGORY OF SERVICES Non-DiscountedDiscountedTotal ResNon-ResTotalResNon-ResTotal Balance December 31, 2018(1,901,166)(7,161,042)(9,062,208)5,390,162(1,598,560)3,791,602(5,270,606) DC Act Revenue7,179,5351,331,3128,510,8477,397,519424,3917,821,91016,332,757 Industrial Exemption Funding 385,180385,180-- 56,74956,749441,929 Downtown Exemption Funding 4,0354,03517,76617,76621,801 Interest Income (Expense)(847)(164,580)(165,427)189,902(34,195)155,707(9,720) Expenses(3,701,898)(878,562)(4,580,460)(4,503,169)(188,227)(4,691,396)(9,271,856) Balance December 31, 20191,579,659(6,487,692)(4,908,033)8,492,180(1,339,842)7,152,3382,244,305 TABLE B DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from January 1 to June 30) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$6,030$11,573/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$4,272$8,199/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$3,327$6,387/ dwelling unit Lodging House$1,834$3,519/ dwelling unit ** Non-Residential Development Gross floor area of building$18.01$59.60/ square metre $1.66$5.54/ square foot **The rates as shown above represent the full non-residential DC rate. For the period of July 1, 2014 to March 1, 2019, Council approved a 50% reduction of the Non-Residential rate for industrial development. DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from July 1 to November 30) CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$12,549$18,730/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$8,811$13,152/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$6,342$9,468/ dwelling unit Lodging House$3,565$5,322/ dwelling unit ** Non-Residential Development Gross floor area of building$20.78$57.63/ square metre $1.92$5.36/ square foot DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES (effective from December 1 to December 31) CentralSuburban NeighbourhoodsAreas Residential Development Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$12,700$18,955/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$8,917$13,310/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$6,418$9,582/ dwelling unit Lodging House$3,608$5,386/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$21.03$58.32/ square metre $1.94$5.42/ square foot TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER SUBURBAN AREA DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012002 2019 TRANSACTIONS 8 (5,844,052) Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 201 Revenues DC Act Revenue15,162,443 Industrial Exemption Funding 441,929 Downtown Exemption Funding - Interest Income (Expense)(51,965) Total Revenues 15,552,407 City Share of Subdivisions2,261,183 Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station - Refund3,955,532 SCADA31,798 Freeport Sanitary Pumping Station Upgrades and Forcemain (2,275,000) Otterbein/Forwell Sanitary Pumping Station(1,000,000) Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station(18,966) Miscellaneous Creek Rehab110,408 Engineering Studies182,911 Monitor Upper Blair Creek122,000 Development Charge Study-Non-Discounted Services85,645 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies73,973 Fire Technology from Master Plan(2,925) Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades463,886 Equipment Acquisitions Recovery99,000 KOF Recovery507,000 Planning Studies104,932 Development Process Review72,784 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services63,087 Heritage Impact Assessments1,182 Library Technology Upgrade20,286 Huron Brigadoon Community Centre1,191,465 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre411,763 Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition17,058 Community Trails414,952 Neighbourhood Park Development329,565 District Park Development212,351 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation15,813 Victoria Park Redevelopment11,391 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment2,068 McLennan Park Redevelopment976 Library Recovery837,221 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery364,095 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery199,578 Total Expenditures8,867,012 9 841,343 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 201 TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012006 2019 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2018573,446 Revenues DC Act Revenue1,170,314 Industrial Exemption Funding - Downtown Exemption Funding 21,801 Interest Income (Expense)42,245 Total Revenues1,234,360 Expenditures Intensification Allowance(15,986) Planning Studies11,825 Development Process Review8,216 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services7,145 Heritage Impact Assessments146 Library Technology Upgrade1,933 Huron Brigadoon Community Centre113,535 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre39,237 Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition1,625 Community Trails39,541 Neighbourhood Park Development31,404 District Park Development20,235 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation1,507 Victoria Park Redevelopment1,085 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment197 McLennan Park Redevelopment93 Library Recovery79,779 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery40,905 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery22,422 Total Expenditures404,844 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 20191,402,962 TABLE D CITY OF KITCHENER DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 2019 EXPENSES Growth Related Funding in 2019Non-Growth Related Funding in 2019 Central Suburban Area Neighbourhoods Total DC Tax Based Sanitary Storm Water Total Other DC ReserveDC ReserveFundingCapitalDonationsGrantsUtilityUtilityWater UtilityGas UtilityFunding City Share of Subdivisions2,261,183 2,261,183 - Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station - Refund3,955,532 3,955,532 - SCADA31,798 31,798 74,19474,194 Freeport Sanitary Pumping Station Upgrades and Forcemain(2,275,000) (2,275,000) (1,225,000)(1,225,000) Otterbein/Forwell Sanitary Pumping Station(1,000,000) (1,000,000) - Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station(18,966) (18,966) - Miscellaneous Creek Rehab110,408 110,408 - Engineering Studies182,911 182,911 - Monitor Upper Blair Creek122,000 122,000 - Development Charge Study-Non-Discounted Services85,645 85,645 - Master Plan/Feasibility Studies73,973 73,973 - Fire Technology from Master Plan(2,925) (2,925) - Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades463,886 463,886 115,971 115,972 115,972 115,972 133,561 597,448 Equipment Acquisitions Recovery99,000 99,000 - KOF Recovery507,000 507,000 - Intensification Allowance- (15,986)(15,986)- Planning Studies104,932 11,825116,757 76,458 76,458 Development Process Review72,784 8,21681,000 10,000 10,000 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services63,087 7,14570,232 11,697 11,697 Heritage Impact Assessments1,182 1461,328 273 273 Library Technology Upgrade20,286 1,93322,219 235,032 235,032 Huron Brigadoon Community Centre1,191,465 113,5351,305,000 145,000 145,000 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre411,763 39,237451,000 99,000 80,273 179,273 Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition17,058 1,62518,683 2,076 2,076 Community Trails414,952 39,541454,493 226,587 226,587 Neighbourhood Park Development329,565 31,404360,969 57,110 35,265 92,375 District Park Development212,351 20,235232,586 363,646 363,646 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation15,813 1,50717,320 61,711 61,711 Victoria Park Redevelopment11,391 1,08512,476 61,516 61,516 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment2,068 1972,265 81,009 1,500 82,509 McLennan Park Redevelopment976 931,069 248,931 248,931 Library Recovery837,221 79,779917,000 - Civic District Parking Garage Recovery364,095 40,905405,000 - Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery199,578 22,422222,000 - 8,867,012404,8449,271,8561,796,017117,0380(1,034,834)115,972115,972133,5611,243,726 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewe rWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:(4,040,353) 669,388 1,905,621 3,688,524 - (1,114,279) (3,067,958) 26,925 (1,932,132) (605,823) (606,125) 96,868 6,985,080 (1,084,508) (1,681,423) 3,104,069 1,171,937 DC Act Revenue3,130,285 1,834,374 209,097 101,455 - 326,978 1,178,129 288,450 7,068,768 197,559 867,509 30,427 2,972,154 1,876,415 956,238 6,900,302 13,969,070 Industrial Exemption Funding - -- Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)(65,357) 25,167 38,743 71,208 (21,951) (56,026) 3,321 (4,895) (11,614) (7,613) 2,160 147,644 (12,331) (31,453) 86,793 81,898 Total Revenue3,064,928 1,859,541 247,840 172,663 - 305,027 1,122,103 291,771 7,063,873 185,945 859,896 32,587 3,119,798 1,864,084 924,785 6,987,095 14,050,968 City Share of Subdivisions1,831,558 1,831,558 1,831,558- Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station - Refund3,203,981 3,203,981 3,203,981- SCADA25,756 25,756 25,756- Freeport Sanitary Pumping Station Upgrades and Forcemain(1,842,750) (1,842,750) (1,842,750)- Otterbein/Forwell Sanitary Pumping Station( 810,000) (810,000) (810,000)- Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station(15,362) (15,362) (15,362)- Miscellaneous Creek Rehab89,430 89,430 89,430- Engineering Studies 148,158148,158 148,158- Monitor Upper Blair Creek 98,82098,820 98,820- Development Charge Study-Non-Discounted Services 69,37269,372 69,372- Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 59,91859,918 59,918- Fire Technology from Master Plan (2,341)(2,341) (2,341)- Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades 371,109371,109 371,109- Equipment Acquisitions Recovery 79,20079,200 79,200- KOF Recovery 405,600405,600 405,600- Planning Studies 82,896- 82,89682,896 Development Process Review 57,499- 57,49957,499 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services 49,838- 49,83849,838 Heritage Impact Assessments 933- 933933 Library Technology Upgrade - 20,28620,286 20,286 Huron Brigadoon Community Centre 1,191,465- 1,191,465 1,191,465 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre 411,763- 411,763 411,763 Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition 17,058- 17,058 17,058 Community Trails - 414,952414,952 414,952 Neighbourhood Park Development - 329,565329,565 329,565 District Park Development - 212,351212,351 212,351 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation - 15,81315,813 15,813 Victoria Park Redevelopment - 11,39111,391 11,391 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment - 2,0682,068 2,068 McLennan Park Redevelopment - 976976 976 Library Recovery - 837,221837,221 837,221 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 287,635- 287,635287,635 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery 157,667- 157,667157,667 Total Expenses1,831,558 561,625 - 89,430 - 376,268 855,909 (2,341) 3,712,449 191,166 445,302 - 1,620,286 987,116 857,507 4,101,377 7,813,826 Net Change for the Year1,233,370 1,297,916 247,840 83,233 - (71,241) 266,194 294,112 3,351,424 (5,221) 414,594 32,587 1,499,512 876,968 67,278 2,885,718 6,237,142 Closing Reserve Balance(2,806,983) 1,967,304 2,153,461 3,771,757 - (1,185,520) (2,801,764) 321,037 1,419,292 (611,044) (191,531) 129,455 8,484,592 (207,540) (1,614,145) 5,989,787 7,409,079 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND SUBURBAN AREAS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewe rWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:(4,318,864) (1,115,384) 351,023 1,041,999 - (391,595) (1,267,318) (60,554) (5,760,693) (277,286) (978,010) - - - - (1,255,296) (7,015,989) DC Act Revenue437,035 261,822 26,374 30,280 - 46,513 172,547 45,261 1,019,832 34,034 139,507 - - - - 173,541 1,193,373 Industrial Exemption Funding190,657 86,128 11,752 23,658 13,917 51,027 8,041 385,180 9,742 47,007 441,92956,749 Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)(84,173) (20,092) 7,382 21,114 (8,089) (25,184) (670) (109,712) (5,537) (18,613) - - - (24,150) (133,862) Total Revenue543,519 327,858 45,508 75,052 - 52,341 198,390 52,632 1,295,300 38,239 167,901 - - - - 206,140 1,501,440 City Share of Subdivisions429,625 429,625 429,625- Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station - Refund751,551 751,551 751,551- SCADA6,042 6,042 6,042- Freeport Sanitary Pumping Station Upgrades and Forcemain(432,250) (432,250) (432,250)- Otterbein/Forwell Sanitary Pumping Station( 190,000) (190,000) (190,000)- Doon S Sanitary Pumping Station(3,604) (3,604) (3,604)- Miscellaneous Creek Rehab20,978 20,978 20,978- Engineering Studies 34,75334,753 34,753- Monitor Upper Blair Creek 23,18023,180 23,180- Development Charge Study-Non-Discounted Services 16,27416,274 16,274- Master Plan/Feasibility Studies 14,05514,055 14,055- Fire Technology from Master Plan (584)(584) (584)- Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades 92,77792,777 92,777- Equipment Acquisitions Recovery 19,80019,800 19,800- KOF Recovery 101,400101,400 101,400- Planning Studies 22,037- 22,03722,037 Development Process Review 15,285- 15,28515,285 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services 13,248- 13,24813,248 Heritage Impact Assessments 249- 249249 Library Technology Upgrade - -- Huron Brigadoon Community Centre - -- Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre - -- Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition - -- Community Trails - -- Neighbourhood Park Development - -- District Park Development - -- Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation - -- Victoria Park Redevelopment - -- Huron Natural Area Redevelopment - -- McLennan Park Redevelopment - -- Library Recovery - -- Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 76,460- 76,46076,460 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery 41,911- 41,91141,911 Total Expenses429,625 131,739 - 20,978 - 88,262 213,977 (584) 883,997 50,819 118,371 - - - - 169,190 1,053,187 Net Change for the Year113,894 196,119 45,508 54,074 - (35,921) (15,587) 53,216 411,303 (12,580) 49,530 - - - - 36,950 448,253 Closing Reserve Balance(4,204,970) (919,265) 396,531 1,096,073 - (427,516) (1,282,905) (7,338) (5,349,390) (289,866) (928,480) - - - - (1,218,346) (6,567,736) Total Suburban Areas Reserve(7,011,953) 1,048,039 2,549,992 4,867,830 - (1,613,036) (4,084,669) 313,699 (3,930,098) (900,910) (1,120,011) 129,455 8,484,592 (207,540) (1,614,145) 4,771,441 841,343 TABLE E DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICESDISCOUNTED SERVICES SanitaryStormIntens'nEngineeringPublicTotalIndoorOutdoorTotal RoadsSewerWaterSewerAllowanceStudiesWorksFireNon-DiscountedStudiesParkingCemeteriesRecreationRecreationLibrary DiscountedTotal RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:- - - - 30,964 - - 30,964 (49,496) 133,175 22,606 1,710,308 319,709 149,794 2,286,096 2,317,060 DC Act Revenue- - - - 109,023 - - 1,744 110,767 13,386 69,897 1,695 199,990 126,589 85,660 497,217 607,984 Industrial Exemption Funding - -- Downtown Exemption Funding 4,0354,035 474 2,538 58 7,067 4,476 3,153 17,766 21,801 Interest Income (Expense)- 4,010 38 4,048 (2,349) 6,355 1,034 76,434 14,886 6,749 103,109 107,157 Total Revenue- - - - 117,068 - 1,782 118,850 11,511 78,790 2,787 283,491 145,951 95,562 618,092 736,942 Intensification Allowance (10,551)(10,551) (10,551)- Planning Studies 9,342- 9,3429,342 Development Process Review 6,491- 6,4916,491 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services 5,645- 5,6455,645 Heritage Impact Assessments 115- 115115 Library Technology Upgrade - 1,9331,933 1,933 Huron Brigadoon Community Centre 113,535- 113,535 113,535 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre 39,237- 39,237 39,237 Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition 1,625- 1,625 1,625 Community Trails - 39,54139,541 39,541 Neighbourhood Park Development - 31,40431,404 31,404 District Park Development - 20,23520,235 20,235 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation - 1,5071,507 1,507 Victoria Park Redevelopment - 1,0851,085 1,085 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment - 197197 197 McLennan Park Redevelopment - 9393 93 Library Recovery- 79,77979,779 79,779 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 32,315- 32,31532,315 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery 17,713- 17,71317,713 Total Expenses- - - - (10,551) - - (10,551) 21,593 50,028 - 154,397 94,062 81,712 401,792 391,241 Net Change for the Year- - - - 127,619 - 1,782 129,401 (10,082) 28,762 2,787 129,094 51,889 13,850 216,300 345,701 Closing Reserve Balance- - - - 158,583 - 1,782 160,365 (59,578) 161,937 25,393 1,839,402 371,598 163,644 2,502,396 2,662,761 NON-RESIDENTIAL Opening Reserve:- - - - (1,400,350) - - - (1,400,350) (86,513) (256,751) - - - - (343,264) (1,743,614) DC Act Revenue- - - - 225,197 - - 86,283 311,480 53,845 197,005 - - - - 250,850 562,330 Industrial Exemption Funding- - -- Downtown Exemption Funding - -- Interest Income (Expense)- (56,774) - - 1,906 (54,868) (2,760) (7,285) - - - (10,045) (64,913) Total Revenue- - - - 168,423 - - 88,189 256,612 51,085 189,720 - - - - 240,805 497,417 Intensification Allowance (5,435)(5,435) (5,435)- Planning Studies 2,482- 2,4822,482 Development Process Review 1,725- 1,7251,725 Development Charge Study-Discounted Services 1,500- 1,5001,500 Heritage Impact Assessments 31- 3131 Library Technology Upgrade - -- Huron Brigadoon Community Centre - -- Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre- -- Mill Courtland Community Centre Addition - -- Community Trails - -- Neighbourhood Park Development - -- District Park Development - -- Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation - -- Victoria Park Redevelopment - -- Huron Natural Area Redevelopment - -- McLennan Park Redevelopment - -- Library Recovery - -- Civic District Parking Garage Recovery 8,590- 8,5908,590 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery 4,709- 4,7094,709 Total Expenses- - - - (5,435) - - - (5,435) 5,738 13,299 - - - - 19,037 13,602 Net Change for the Year- - - - 173,858 - - 88,189 262,047 45,347 176,421 - - - - 221,768 483,815 Closing Reserve Balance- - - - (1,226,492) - - 88,189 (1,138,303) (41,166) (80,330) - - - - (121,496) (1,259,799) Total Central Neighbourhoods Reserve- - - - (1,067,909) - - 89,971 (977,938) (100,744) 81,607 25,393 1,839,402 371,598 163,644 2,380,900 1,402,962 Total Development Charges Reserve(7,011,953) 1,048,039 2,549,992 4,867,830 (1,067,909) (1,613,036) (4,084,669) 403,670 (4,908,036) (1,001,654) (1,038,404) 154,848 10,323,994 164,058 (1,450,501) 7,152,341 2,244,305 TABLE F DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 2019 EXEMPTIONS 50% Industrial Enlargement578,397 Accessory Building679 Additional Dwelling Unit(s) in Existing1,282,168 Downtown Exemption7,687,069 Federal Use14,370 Municipal Use11,956 Public Hospital Addition6,481 Public School Board270,967 Redevelopment Allowance1,544,479 11,396,566 TABLE G DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE ActivaActivaMonarchActivaActivaPrimeland Developments Peter Dietrich KruseHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.CorporationHoldings Inc.Holdings Inc.(2003) Limited Balance December 31, 20186,003 2,403 295,772 87,452 2,372,697 1,578,106 517,666 New credits Credits Used 54,04920,243 174,538 Refund given Balance December 31, 20196,003 2,403 295,772 67,209 2,318,648 1,578,106 343,128 ServiceLower Hidden ValleyStrasburg CreekLaurentian Doon South PumpingBlair Creek DriveOttawa Trussler PumpingStrasburg Rd and PS and appurtenancesTrunk SewerEA/Design WorkStation and worksBridge worksStation and worksassociated works Registered PlanPlan 58M-422Plan 58M-471, 472, 47330T-0820458M-528, 30T-07202 &30T-0820330T-0820458M-607 (30T-98201) East Forest/Decora Lands30T-07204 Plan 58M-338, 374, 426, 427, 428 Date of ServiceNovember 15, 2006December 8, 2008March 5, 2013December 10, 2013February 18, 2014May 31, 2016September 14, 2017 Original Credit$1,400,000$1,642,555$302,776$545,363$2,729,075$1,578,106$593,242 Estimated Total Refund$7,097,889$876,861$5,402,156 Estimated Refund Remaining$3,142,357 Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-1930-Jun-2230-Jun-2330-Jun-20 TABLE G (continued) DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CREDIT FOR SERVICE Hallman ConstructionSunvest ReidFreure DevelopmentsActivaBecker LimitedLimitedLimitedHoldings Inc.Estates Inc.Total Balance December 31, 2018 1,089,499692,531 670,392 1,756,537 1,756,537 10,825,595 New credits - Credits Used 527,613278,783 Refund given - Balance December 31, 2019 1,089,499692,531 670,392 1,756,537 1,477,754 10,297,982 ServiceStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd andStrasburg Rd and associated worksassociated worksassociated worksassociated worksassociated works Registered PlanTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD Date of ServiceSeptember 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017September 14, 2017 Original Credit$692,531$1,089,499$670,392$1,756,537$1,756,537 Estimated Total Refund Estimated Refund Remaining Refund to be given at earliest30-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-2030-Jun-20