HomeMy WebLinkAboutSafe City - 2000-10-03SAFECITY~2000-10-03 SAFE CITY COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2000 CITY OF KITCHENER The Safe City Committee met this date commencing at 4:07 p.m., Chaired by Councillor K. Taylor- Harrison with the following members present: Councillor M. Yantzi, F. Bishop, T. Dickson and M. Smith. Ms. T. Beaulne and Mr. D. Schnarr were in attendance for part of the meeting. Others present: Ms. M. Morrison, Ms. J. Dean, Ms. P. Anderson (Co-op Student), Ms. M. Beaudoin (Katimavik), Ms. C. Ladd, Ms. J. Hughes (Member- City Wide Youth Issues Sub-Committee), Ms. L. Korabo and Messrs. B. Stanley and J. Bow (Co-op Student). The meeting commenced without a quorum in attendance. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Mr. T. Dickson - it was resolved: "That the minutes of September 5, 2000 be approved." 2. COMPASS KITCHENER OVERVIEW Ms. M. Morrison, Project Coordinator, gave a Powerpoint presentation updating members on the Compass Kitchener process and highlighting future actions. During this presentation, Mr. D. Schnarr entered the meeting. Ms. Morrison circulated copies of a 'Summary of Compass Kitchener Input' as well as a summary of input relating to Strategic Direction #4 and overviews of comments from two community roundtables, she advised that there would be no budget implications regarding Compass Kitchener until 2001 and noted that a summary inventory of actions will be printed in Spring 2001. She requested the opportunity to present this document to the Committee at a future meeting. Ms. M. Morrison and Mr. J. Bow left the meeting. 3. SAFE CITY CO-ORDINATOR'S REPORT- October 2000 Ms. J. Dean distributed the October 2000 Safe City Co-ordinator's report to members for their information. The Committee then reviewed the report, which included updates on the following topics: Outreach/Liaison 1. Windsor Community Exchange 2. Festival of Neighbourhoods Funding 1. Graffiti Busters Program 2. Muralist Mentoring Program 3. Youth Violence Prevention Proposal City-Wide Youth Issues Committee 1. Little Black Book 2. Katimavik Volunteers · Safety Audit Working Group 1. Civic Centre Neighbourhood Association · Lighting Working Group- 1. Lighten Up Campaign Councillor K. Taylor-Harrison and Messrs. D. Schnarr and F. Bishop, all of whom attended the Windsor Community Exchange, gave verbal reports and provided feedback on their experience. It was noted that seven communities participated, up significantly from the SAFE CITY COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2000 - 29 - CITY OF KITCHENER 3. SAFE CITY CO-ORDINATOR'S REPORT - October 2000 - (Cont'd) previous year. The 2001 workshop will be held in Hamilton and all members of the Committee were urged to attend this worthwhile presentation. Ms. M. Beaudoin left the meeting. Ms. J. Dean requested volunteers to assist with the safety audit being undertaken on October 24, 2000 in the Civic Centre neighbourhood. Councillor K. Taylor-Harrison, Ms. P. Anderson and Mr. D. Schnarr volunteered and it was noted that Ms. A. Kutler had previously expressed an interesting in assisting. Ms. T. Beaulne entered the meeting and a quorum was now present. 4. COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION PROJECT- UPDATE As a method of updating the Committee on the Community Mobilization Project, copies of an Executive Summary and Mid-Term Report by the consultant, Hugh Russell, were attached to the agenda. This project has been named 'Neighbourhood Mobilization Alliance: People Helping People' by those involved. The summary, dated July 6, 2000, provides a progress report and projections for actions to the end of 2000 when the consultant is due to conclude his involvement. This pilot project, funded by the City of Kitchener, is in response to neighbourhood concerns about drug trafficking and related activities. Mr. B. Stanley advised that staff recently met with the consultant, representatives of Waterloo Regional Police, the Ward councillor and affected neighbours to review the information in the summary. It was noted that since the writing of the summary, more positive changes have taken place in the Louisa Street neighbourhood. It was also noted that the consultant's contract expires at the end of December 2000; however, residents are confident that they and Waterloo Regional Police representatives can continue this initiative despite the fact that there are no long-term plans in place. As the Mid-Term report was not provided directly to the City of Kitchener but rather circulated to members of Regional Council for information, Mr. Stanley requested that the final report be addressed jointly to the Co-Chairs of the Safe City Committee, the Waterloo Regional Police and the neighbourhood. A lengthy discussion followed on many aspects of the report and its history and a proposal was made for an independent evaluation of the project. It was also noted that the City of Kitchener would like the final evaluation to include written comments by involved social agencies and residents in order to verify the issues as to advantages and disadvantages of the pilot project. Ms. J. Dean expressed concern regarding vague comments in the consultant's overview noting: specific gaps in service; breakdowns in communications between agencies, offices and organizations; inconsistencies between policies and practices; and barriers to inter-agency coordination and cooperation. It was her view that more specific information was required in order that these 'gaps' could be addressed. Councillor M. Yantzi, Ms. C. Ladd and Ms. P. Anderson left the meeting and a quorum was no longer in attendance. Ms. J. Dean suggested that it would be prudent to obtain proof of partnerships that have been established by the consultant during his project, in order that these partnerships can be sustained following the conclusion of his involvement. Mr. Stanley advised that he will be sending a letter to the consultant prior to preparation of the final report and will forward the comments and requests of this Committee. As more detailed information was requested in order to fully understand all aspects of this pilot project, a suggestion was made that key players in the Community Mobilization Project be invited to attend a future meeting of the Safe City Committee to make a presentation and respond to questions. Members of the Committee appeared to concur with this suggestion. OCTOBER 3, 2000 SAFE CITY COMMITTEE MINUTES - 30 - CITY OF KITCHENER = = = LIGHTEN UP CAMPAIGN Ms. J. Dean distributed draft wording for a flyer announcing the 'Lighten Up' campaign that will be enclosed with a future hydro billing. MURALS - IRONHORSE TRAIL Photographs of the completed mural in Victoria Park, along the Ironhorse Trail, were circulated. CRIME PREVENTION INVENTORY - SAFE COMMUNITIES ACTION TEAM = = Copies were provided to each member of the Committee. APPOINTMENTS FOR 2001 Applications for appointment to the Safe City Committee in 2001 were circulated to members. Deadline for submission to the City Clerk is October 27, 2000. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. L. Korabo Executive Assistant/ Committee Administrator