HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRACC - 2024-10-24 K!TCHENER Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Date: October 24th, 2024 Location: Zoom Meeting Present: Tamara Cooper (Co-Chair),Alyssa Clelland (Co-Chair),Amy Ross (City of Waterloo), Jenny Walker (Region of Waterloo), Trevor Tamlin (Canadian Hearing Services), Christine Nishiwaki, Heather Clark Harris, Carrie Speers, Lolita Paroski (City of Kitchener), Janis McKenzie (City of Kitchener), Kaitlin Bos (Township of Wilmot),Teresa McQuillin, Councillor Chantal Huinink(Region of Waterloo), Councillor Sandra Hanmer(City of Waterloo), Robyn Jackson (Independent Living Centre), Paula Saunders,Ashley Good (Township of North Dumfries) Regrets: Sarah Boghossian, Jolene MacDonald, Heather Gillespie, Councillor Jason Deneault(City of Kitchener), Katherine Waybrant, Farshid Sadatsharifi,Amy Harron (Township of Wellesley), Alex Smyth (Township of Woolwich) 1. Commencement 1.1 Land Acknowledgement We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather today, recognizing that the land in which we gather today is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee,Anishnawbe and Chonnonton peoples.We would also like to acknowledge the enduring knowledge,presence and deep-rooted traditions of the First Nations, Metis and Inuit who continue to enrich our community to this day. 2. Minutes for Approval That the minutes of the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held September 26, 2024, as circulated to the members, be accepted. All in favour. 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interests None 4. Delegations No Delegations 5. Discussion Items 5.1 Roll Call-Introductions 5.2 2025 Plan and Budget Input-Region of Waterloo Deb Bergey, Manager, Community Engagement, Region of Waterloo Priorities 1. Homes for all 2. Climate Aligned growth 3. Equitable Services and Opportunities 4. Resilient and Future Ready Organization Comments/Feedback 1. How well do you feel you understand how your taxpayer money is spent? • Somewhat 2. How can we do abetter job educating people about how taxes are spent? • Keep it as simple as possible,do not complicate it 1 • Sharing the details in a timely manner • Posted on the website 3. Which option would you most support? • Increase taxes enough to keep the same amount of services taxes 4. How do we achieve this? • Extension for support for seniors—homemaking services is a gap • Transit—expanding the boundaries, specifically mobility plus 5.3 Region Administrative Headquarters -Street Pavestone Replacement 150 Frederick Street-Region of Waterloo Nolan Smith and Rebecca Egger, Project Coordinators, Region of Waterloo Project Scope: • Replacement of the existing pavestone walkways • Replacement of the existing landscaping • Addition of a sacred fire space for indigenous communities • Replacement of the benches and group tables within the area • Addition of bollards for additional security for the building Accessibility to the building: • Access to the building can be achieved through the front door or side doors • There is an existing ramp that will remain for access to the front door of the building • The existing ramp at the side door entrance will be reconstructed Comments/Feedback • Left side of the building entrance—which street? Off of Queen Street. • Boulders on the edge of the grass—how far away from the sidewalk will they be? Will not be in the way of the sidewalk at all, spaced enough that a car can get through • Wayfinding tactile strips taking you from the sidewalk to the entrance of the building and then into the building • High contrast, between bollards and sidewalk • Handrails—looking for rounded and curves at the bottom so that people will know when they are at the top or the bottom • Mobility plus have a half hour waiting period, a place to sit would be helpful • No planters between ramp and stairs due to non-visibility • If stairs not needed because ramp is accessible for everyone, low rise eliminate the stairs • New paths will be maintained by winter maintenance • BUILT environment willing to do a walkabout when design near completion 5.4 Community Pavilion Luther Village -Exterior Ramp Renovation 101 Father David Bauer Drive -City of Waterloo Amy Ross,Accessibility Advocate, City of Waterloo • Project is ready to go • Looking to improve the ramp • Elongated sidewalk • Tactile at the edge • Lines up with the pedestrian crosswalk • Handrails will be round • Detour—when it is closed for improvements up to two weeks—will have to around on the sidewalk until completed • Monday, October 28th is the start date for the project, could take up to two weeks weather dependent Comments/Feedback • Will the bike racks impede foot and bike traffic during the detour—they will not • Social media to be used for communication—what about people without computers—Lutherwood has been notified and it will also be posted onsite 2 The Grand River Accessibility Committee will take a 15 mins recess following item 5.4 and reconvene to consider the balance of the agenda immediately following. 5.5 Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPS) Program Overview Region of Waterloo Kaileigh Pfaff, Supervisor,Administrative Penalties Program Municipal Speed Camera and Red-Light Camera tickets issued in Waterloo Region are currently handled through the Provincial Offences Court process. The tickets are issued as Certificates of Offence. Under the Region's new Administrative Penalties (AP) Program, tickets will be issued as Penalty Orders.The process to receive, pay or dispute a ticket will be simplified, mostly digital and cost-effective. The new dispute resolution process will be outside of the court system. Appeal Process: • Stage One:A Screening Officer Review of the documentation and reason for appeal • Stage Two:A Council-Appointed Hearing Officer Review of the Screening Officer's decision if the individual is not satisfied with the decision made at stage one. Commitment to Accommodation We are committed to removing barriers and responding to accommodation needs of individuals accessing services. Guidelines and policies are flexible to meet the accessibility requirements of: • Individuals with vision, mobility, cognitive, or hearing needs • Individuals who don't speak or read English • Individuals without access to computers or internet,or with limited digital literacy Comments/Feedback • Can the mailed ticket be sent in large font size • Committee wishes to thank you for all of the options • Website link is not live quite yet, but will send out as soon as it is ready • Financial hardship is determined by the screening officer and is done on a case-by-case basis 5.6 Built Environment Sub-Committee Project Updates Paula Saunders, Member, Built Environment Sub-Committee City of Kitchener • Centre In the Square (CITS), accessible seating and wording for website site visit Committee member and staff visited CITS on Friday October 4, 2024. Accessible seating—2 seats were removed to accommodate an accessible seating space,with a companion seat beside. Located at the centre in the square theatre,full row, forward facing.This row is in addition to the current accessible seating. Wording for website—Committee member shared that wording should be simple, honest, and respectful. Examples were given to staff at CITS. • Kitchener Public Library Southwest, Interpretive Signage for Artwork New library expected to open in early 2025 at 100 Rosenberg Way in Kitchener. Kitchener staff are working on an interpretive sign to describe the art piece (indigenous art piece, hung up high—no reach for anyone).The interpretive signage is looking into colour contrast, large font, plain language, raised tactile, images and a QR code. Staff are working with the artist. • Special Events, Roll out mats for events. Special events purchased roll out mats to use at events to accommodate a smoother transition to the event. These are the mats that GRAAC suggested to use for various projects (i.e. discussed in the past for a community garden)These are the mats that are typically seen at beach locations leading to the water. 3 City of Waterloo • Outdoor washrooms o Green lab by Rim Park, needs a curb near the parking -signage on men's washroom needs to be updated - unable to reach the soap or hand towels o Solstice Way across from Rim Park—emergency button is in the way of the grab bar- no accessible parking -water bottle station good o Lexington Park—no access to the building o Hillside Park—area around the sink you can reach everything o Westmount Sports fields—issues getting from the parking to the sidewalk to the washroom-Stainless steel toilets and sinks • Universal washroom at the Y at 500 Fischer Hallman Walkabout at Waterloo Memorial Rec Complex o Second floor which will not be accessible o Have to go through the fitness centre to get to it o Tactile strips will not be an option 6. Information Items 6.1 None 7. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned Please send regrets to Janis McKenzie—lanis.mckenzie(cDkitchener.ca Next Regular Meeting—Thursday November 28, 2024, at 1:30pm, ZOOM 4