HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-10ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2002 CITY OF KITCHENER The Environmental Committee met this date, Chaired by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, commencing at 4:05 p.m., with the following members present: Ms. N. Sonder, Ms. Y. Fernandes and Messrs. R. Dal Bello, F. Wende, J. Kos, B. Lemieux, R. Nandakumar and P. O'Toole. Officials Present:Ms. P. Houston, Ms. B. Steiner, Ms. J. Billett and Messrs. B. Stanley, C. Pomeroy, T. Potwarka and G. Meincke. Councillor B. Vrbanovic welcomed those attending the meeting and requested that members of the Committee and staff introduce themselves. Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that Ms. Robyn Schuller had declined her appointment to the Committee, effective January 7, 2002, as she was also appointed to the City's Arts and Culture Advisory Committee and is unable to fulfill duties for both Committees. 1. APPOINTMENT – CO-CHAIR Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that he had been appointed as Co-Chair of the Environmental Committee by City Council at the Annual Appointment meeting held on December 10, 2001. He pointed out that one additional representative of the Environmental Committee is to be appointed as Co-Chair. On motion by Mr. F. Wende – it was resolved: “That Mr. Rino dal Bello be appointed Co-Chair of the Environmental Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2002." 2. PEOPLE'S CAR CO-OPERATIVE - REQUEST FOR LOAN AND MUNICIPAL STAFF SUPPORT The Committee was in receipt of correspondence dated December 11, 2001 from Mr. Marc Xuereb, Director, and Ms. Sheila Gharabaghi, General Manager, of the People's Car Co- operative, requesting that a line of credit in the amount of $30,000. at interest be provided to the Co-operative in support of its car sharing initiative. The request also includes continued provision of a delegated municipal staff person to represent the City on the Car Sharing Co-ordinating Committee to assist in overseeing implementation of the Co-operative's business plan. Mr. Marc Xuereb and Ms. Sheila Gharabaghi were in attendance this date in support of the Co- operative's request for financial and municipal staff support. Mr. Xuereb distributed a pamphlet which provides an overview of the car sharing initiative. Since receiving an initial grant from the City, he noted that the Co-op is on target with its initial projections operating with a fleet of 4 vehicles and approximately 50 members. Mr. Xuereb advised that the Co-op expects to add an additional 2 vehicles and exhaust current funding by project end in April 2002. The objective of the Co-op is to become a self-sustaining business within the next 3 years and a business plan has been prepared and reviewed by City staff. In order to be self-sustaining, he advised that approximately 300 members will be required by the end of the 3 years. He advised that a loan of approximately $90,000. is required to meet the goals of the business plan. Accordingly, the Co-op is requesting financial assistance from the City in the amount of $30,000. as a loan to be repaid over 7 years at a 10% interest rate. He further advised that the City of Waterloo and the Regional Municipality of Waterloo will be approached for similar funding. Mr. Xuereb pointed out the benefits of car sharing, noting that as motorists become aware of the true cost of driving a vehicle, less driving occurs resulting in a reduction in air emissions. The Committee then raised a number of questions concerning the operation and financing of the Co-op, and how this initiative benefits the environment. Issues raised related to: · use of alternative fuels (natural or propane) - conversion costs are prohibitive at this time · collateral/risk involved - staff impressed with the business plan and loan is at rate of 10% · financial support of municipalities assists in obtaining funding from other levels of government · impact to Co-op if funding not provided - Co-op has investigated alternative financial investment options 2. PEOPLE'S CAR CO-OPERATIVE - REQUEST FOR LOAN AND MUNICIPAL STAFF SUPPORT (CONT'D) ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2002- 2 -CITY OF KITCHENER · monitoring of funds provided to ensure dollars spent where appropriate - provision of funds requires a legal agreement to be entered into and staff participate on the Car Sharing Co- ordinating Committee to assist in overseeing implementation of the business plan Following further discussion, it was agreed that the requested financing should be contingent upon similar funding being provided by the City of Waterloo and the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, or any other suitable financial investors. On motion by Mr. R. dal Bello - it was resolved: "That in support of its car sharing initiative, a $30,000. line of credit be approved for The People's Car Co-operative, at a 10% rate of interest to be repaid in full by April 30, 2009, subject to similar financial participation of the City of Waterloo and the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, or any other suitable financial investor(s) subject to approval by the City's Chief Financial Officer; and further, That the City of Kitchener continue to delegate a staff person as a representative to the Car Sharing Co-ordinating Committee to oversee the implementation of The People's Car Co-operative's business plan." 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE - STRATEGIC PLANNING The Committee was circulated this date with draft Terms of Reference for review. Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that City Council has requested new Terms of Reference be developed for all Advisory Committees. He noted that Section 2 (Composition & Structure) was developed by City Council and it is not anticipated that this section will require change. The focus of review is to be on Section 1 (Purpose/Scope) and Section 3 (Responsibilities). In addition, Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that he would like to have an expanded meeting in the form of a strategic planning session to develop a work plan for the coming year, at which time the draft Terms of Reference could be considered in more detail. In this regard, Councillor Vrbanovic suggested that the strategic planning session take place at the Committee's next meeting in February. It was also suggested that the Environmental Strategic Plan, circulated with the January 10th Committee agenda, be reviewed and discussed as part of the strategic planning session. The Committee generally agreed to expand the length of its February meeting to accommodate a strategic planning session. 4. PROPOSED COMMITTEE MEETING DATE SHEDULE On motion by Mr. F. Wende - it was resolved: "That the Environmental Committee approve holding its 2002 meetings at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings on the dates listed below: February 7May 2August NoneNovember 7 March 7June 6September 5December 5 April 4July 4October 3." 5. APPOINTMENT TO CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AIR QUALITY The Committee was in receipt of an excerpt from the December 10, 2001 Council minutes in which Council questioned the requirement to make appointments to certain Advisory Committees. In this regard, the Environmental Committee was requested to comment on appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Air Quality (CACAQ). 5. APPOINTMENT TO CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AIR QUALITY (CONT'D) Mr. B. Stanley provided a brief history of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Air Quality and ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2002- 3 -CITY OF KITCHENER its activities to date. He pointed out that initiatives undertaken by CACAQ include: developing a Clean Air Plan, hosting an annual Clean Air Festival, participating in the Commuter Challenge and currently working on developing a Regional Idling Policy. He noted that meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and it would be appropriate to appoint an Environmental Committee representative. Following further discussion, Mr. Patrick O'Toole expressed an interest in this appointment. On motion by Mr. F. Wende - it was resolved: "That Mr. Patrick O'Toole be appointed as an Environmental Committee representative to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Air Quality for a term to expire on November 30, 2002." Councillor B. Vrbanovic then left the meeting and Mr. R. dal Bello assumed the Chair. 6. CITY VEHICLE IDLING POLICY AND WATERLOO REGION IDLING CONTROL PROTOCOL The Committee was in receipt of a copy of the City's Vehicle Idling Policy and a copy of a proposed Waterloo Region Idling Control Protocol. Mr. C. Pomeroy was in attendance to provide an overview of the City's Vehicle Idling Policy. He pointed out that staff were requested by City Council to review and strengthen wording of the existing policy. The revised policy is to be included in Fleet's Policies and Procedures Manual and provided to all vehicle operators to carry in their vehicles. Mr. Pomeroy distributed a pamphlet on the subject of idling which is to be distributed to all staff, together with a copy of the City's Vehicle Idling Policy, to bring awareness to City employees throughout the organization. In addition, he provided samples of stickers that have been developed for placement on City vehicles and signs will also be displayed in each of the City's four Works Yards. Mr. Pomeroy noted that the Citizens Advisory Committee on Air Quality has also commissioned Conestoga College students to develop a sticker for use by municipalities and the public in time for this years smog season. He noted that the City's sticker may be replaced with that developed by Conestoga College subject to its suitability. The Committee then entered into discussion during which issues concerning the following were raised: · education of City employees and enforcement of the policy · consideration of implementing an Idling By-law · impact to City equipment; ie. grassing cutting · communication through use of the City's Website, press releases, Clean Air Festival · effective wording on the stickers to indicate idling is not acceptable. During discussion, several members of the Committee expressed the opinion that a by-law would not be appropriate because of the difficulty of enforcement and that the best methods for promoting anti-idling would be through communication, education and leading by example. 7. BROWNFIELD SYMPOSIUM - MANAGING CONTAMINATED LAND AND BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT - NOVEMBER 14 & 15, 2001 - OVERVIEW Mr. B. Stanley provided a brief overview of the "Managing Contaminated Land and Brownfield Redevelopment" Symposium held in November 2001 which was hosted by the Environmental Management Resource Centre for Business and the Ontario Environmental Industry Association. Mr. Stanley advised that Mr. T. Boutilier, Senior Planner, was extensively involved in the organization of the symposium. He noted that the main focus was on new Provincial legislation relative to contaminated sites and the workshops provided valuable information relative to managing these sites, as well as issues of liability. 7. BROWNFIELD SYMPOSIUM - MANAGING CONTAMINATED LAND AND BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT - NOVEMBER 14 & 15, 2001 - OVERVIEW (CONT'D) ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2002- 4 -CITY OF KITCHENER Mr. R. dal Bello and Mr. F. Wende had attended the symposium as representatives of the Environmental Committee. Mr. dal Bello provided a brief description of brownfield sites and pointed out that these sites are often uneconomically viable for private sector redevelopment because of the high costs involved in testing and remediation of the sites. Mr. Wende stated that the symposium was excellent; however, he had come away with many questions relative to the direction Kitchener is taking with respect to identifying and managing its own brownfield sites. He expressed the opinion that this would be a good topic for future discussion of the Committee. Mr. dal Bello advised that he had approached the symposium from his professional capacity as a planning consultant and, while he had enjoyed the event, expressed disappointment at not receiving answers from the City to questions relative to planning issues and, in particular, how the municipality plans to provide assistance for private sector redevelopment. Ms. B. Steiner commented that the City of Hamilton has been a leader in developing policies for provision of financial incentives and the fostering of redevelopment of brownfield sites. She acknowledged the need for other municipalities to develop similar programs. Mr. B. Lemieux advised that he had also attended the symposium and agreed that brownfield sites remain vacant as they are not economically viable to develop privately. He suggested that the municipality must take a leadership role in managing and remediation of the sites and provide financial incentive for their redevelopment. Mr. B. Stanley advised that staff plan to review the legislation and possibly through implementation of a Community Improvement Plan, provide financial incentives for redevelopment of these sites. He further pointed out that staff plan to document all brownfield sites within the municipality. Mr. Stanley advised that the issue of brownfield sites will be a topic for future discussion of the Committee. 8. TREE MANAGEMENT POLICY - REVIEW Ms. B. Steiner provided a Powerpoint presentation of the City's Tree Management Policy and distributed a copy of a flow chart summarizing the various steps involved in managing the policy. Highlights of Ms. Steiner's presentation addressed the following issues: · need for securities - not viewed as effective insurance for tree conversation as few incidents to date and those that occurred were unintentional, and would only serve to drive up the cost of housing · improved communications - clarity and consistency of plans; inter-departmental communications; grading and environmental consultants to certify each others plans and implementation; subdivider to confirm property owner has received copy of approved plans and written instruction on tree stewardship · condition of conveyed lands - conveyance of park land to be in clean condition; conveyance of open space land to be in clean condition within 30 m from lot/block line and 10 m on either side of a proposed or existing community trail · ongoing woodland management - adequate buffer zones; allow for maintenance access; monitoring and maintenance period to ensure compliance with reports; ecological restoration by subdivider; management strategy re conservation of vegetation, watercourses, wetlands, wildlife habitat and location of public access points and compatible recreation use · community trails within woodlands - subdivider to locate and construct trails with development of subdivision · clear identification of City boundaries - subdivider to install park boundary markers supplied by the City. The Committee then entered into a general discussion during which it was pointed out that any land being subdivided, either by the subdivider or through severance of land, will be required to provide appropriate information with respect to tree management at the time an application is filed. The policy determines the limits and prioritizes areas relative to tree management and 8. TREE MANAGEMENT POLICY - REVIEW (CONT'D) ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2002- 5 -CITY OF KITCHENER each site is evaluated on its own merit according to criteria such as the sensitivity and significance of its features, topography and nature of soils. Mr. J. Kos expressed a desire to explore this issue in more detail at a future meeting from the perspective of the subdivider and how they are to prepare applications relative to tree management. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - FCM / INDUSTRY CANADA PILOT PROJECT The Committee was in receipt of a letter dated October 26, 2001 from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) advising that the Federation is currently assisting Industry Canada to identify municipalities that may have an interest in participating in a pilot project to encourage adoption of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Mr. B. Stanley advised that a staff report will be provided for consideration at the Committee's meeting in February outlining the City's approach and recommendations regarding establishment of an Environmental Management System. 10. REGION OF WATERLOO WORKING GROUP ON PESTICIDES - UPDATE Ms. B. Steiner provided an update on the Region of Waterloo's initiative to establish a working group to discuss development of a co-ordinated process to reduce and possibly regulate cosmetic pesticide use. Ms. Steiner advised that she and Mr. T. Potwarka had attended a meeting organized by the Waterloo Region Community Health Department on December 13, 2001. Draft Terms of Reference were developed at this meeting and Ms. Steiner distributed a copy of the draft for information of the Committee. She stated that the next step will involve canvassing on a community wide basis to determine interest at the local level. Ms. Steiner further pointed out that the focus at this time is on an educational campaign versus implementing a by-law. The Committee then entered into a general discussion with respect to the pros and cons of establishing the working group. During discussion, Mr. P. O'Toole commented that having factually correct information is important rather than relying on unsubstantiated allegations. Mr. J. Kos also expressed the opinion that expert studies would be beneficial to determine the effects of pesticides on human life. In response to a question, Ms. Steiner and Mr. Potwarka advised that the City of Cambridge is strongly in favour of pursuing implementation of a by-law. Mr. Potwarka noted that legislation does not permit the Region to implement a by-law and, accordingly, the Region has taken on a facilitation role to develop a co-ordinated process for municipalities to initially work toward reduction of pesticide use and implement educational programs. He stated that enactment of municipal by-laws is not definitive at this time. Ms. Steiner advised that this issue will be a topic of discussion at a future meeting. 11. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. J. Billett, AMCT Committee Administrator