HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-04 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4. 2002 CITY OF KITCHENER The Environmental Committee met this date, Chaired by Mr. Rino dal Bello, commencing at 4:05 p.m., with the following members present: Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Ms. N. Sonder, Ms. Y. Fernandes and Messrs. B. Lemieux, R. Nandakumar, H. Alsafouti, D. Murphy and P. O'Toole. Officials Present: Ms. B. Steiner, Ms. J. Billett and Messrs. T. Boutilier and G. Meincke. 1. GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY - REVISED WETLANDS POLICY The Committee was in receipt of a Discussion Paper entitled "Draft Grand River Conservation Authority Wetlands Policy" and a companion Appendix, dated March 19, 2002. Ms. Barb Veale and Ms. B. Doran, Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), were in attendance to provide an overview of the proposed policy. Ms. Veale advised that the policy is currently in draft form only and the GRCA is seeking input from area municipalities prior to preparing a final draft for consideration of the GRCA's Board. She noted that the GRCA hopes to receive comments on this draft by April 30, following which a final draft will be prepared for consideration and approval by the end of July. Highlights of Ms. Veale's presentation are as follows: . scope of GRCA Watershed - beginning from Dundalk and flowing 300 km into Lake Erie, covering an area of 7,000 sq.km.; 65% of the wetlands lost over the past 200 years and 85% lost in some areas; . role of the GRCA in wetlands management; . key principles, goals and objectives as outlined in the draft policy; . determining form and function; setting criteria and standards for classification and evaluation; partnering with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; . planning and protection strategies; develop a Natural Heritage Framework; set priorities for updating existing and undertaking new watershed plans; use of comprehensive studies; GRCA's advisory and regulatory roles; . flexibility provisions; recognition that some wetlands do not warrant protection; criteria for consideration of their loss; . implementation; develop terms of reference; co-operation sought with various levels of government, interest groups and private landowners. In response to Ms. Fernandes, Ms. Veale advised that notification of the policy has been posted to the GRCA's website for public viewing, an article has been incorporated in the Grand Action Newsletter, copies forwarded to all Environmental Groups and an advertisement will be placed in the local newspaper to advise of a public information session. Ms. Fernandes also raised concern with enforcement issues and Ms. Veale pointed out that the GRCA relies on their own staff, municipal staff and the community at large for notification of violations and where a violation is determined, fines of up to $10,000. could be imposed. Mr. D. Murphy suggested that where no study has been undertaken a wetland should be considered Provincially significant and a 120 m buffer required for development until such time as a study has been completed, rather than the 30 m setback proposed in the policy. Mr. Murphy also referred to the characteristic criteria to be used in consideration of loss of wetlands and inquired as to the likelihood that a wetland would exhibit 2 or more of the proposed criteria. Ms. Steiner advised that within Kitchener the majority of wetlands have already been evaluated and protected, and those remaining are small. In this respect, she stated that the proposed tests are adequate for consideration of loss of remaining wetlands. In response to a question from Ms. Fernandes regarding exemption of existing plans, Ms. Veale advised that the GRCA has requested Planning staff to identify all existing plans and pointed out that where plans have been inactive for a period of time (usually 5 years or more), the municipality has the ability to pass a by-law to nullify subdivision approval. Mr. B. Lemieux stated that he was not in agreement with the principle of "no loss of wetlands" and questioned how such lands are determined to be Provincially significant. He further questioned the rationale of the principle given that despite a 65% loss, the watershed still continues to thrive. Ms. Veale advised that a number of factors threaten the watershed including human interference and climate change. She noted that continued reliance on a system of dams to manage the watershed is costly to implement and maintain. She further stated that it is ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4. 2002 1. GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY - REVISED WETLANDS POLICY ICONT'DI - 15 - CITY OF KITCHENER important to find a proper balance between social, economic and environmental factors to defray the cummulative impact to wetlands. Ms. B. Steiner pointed out that the term "Provincially significant" originates with the Ministry of Natural Resources, who make determinations based on evaluations using a point system. Councillor B. Vrbanovic suggested that it would be beneficial to have staff prepare a report commenting on any corporate concerns and including issues raised today, which could be further considered at the next meeting of the Committee. The final comments of the Committee could then be forwarded to the Development and Technical Services Committee to allow Council an opportunity to comment as well. Given that this suggestion would not meet the April 30th deadline, Ms. Veale requested that the GRCA be notified of the timeframe in which it could expect to receive comment from the municipality. Councillor B. Vrbanovic left the meeting at this time. Mr. R. dal Bello suggested that the Committee could also provide further comments via e-mail to Ms. Steiner or directly to the GRCA. Ms. N. Sonder inquired if the draft policy would be consistent with other government policies and Ms. Veale advised that in time it is hoped to have complementary policies and the GRCA is encouraging municipalities to take this policy into consideration relative to its planning policies. Mr. dal Bello inquired if the Committee would have interest in forming a sub-committee to review this policy and provide input to the Committee throughout the approval process. Following further discussion, it was agreed not to form a sub-committee. Accordingly, staff will prepare a report for consideration at the Committee's meeting to be held on May 2, 2002. Mr. dal Bello thanked Ms. Veale and Ms. Doran for their presentation. 2. DTS-02-062 - TREES FOR OUR FUTURE PROGRAM REVIEW The Committee was in receipt of Development and Technical Services Department report DTS- 02-062, dated March 19, 2002 recommending that current financial incentives under the Trees for Our Future Program be discontinued and funding for the program to be re-allocated for tree planting in conjunction with the City's annual Earth Day Festival. Mr. T. Boutilier reviewed the history and operation of the program since its inception in 1999. He noted that a wide range of marketing techniques were used; however, despite these efforts they were unsuccessful in gaining public interest in the program. He pointed out that over the 3 year life of the program 2,069 trees were funded at an average cost per tree of $42.35. All 3 participating municipalities agreed that the per unit cost was higher than expected, due to lower than anticipated sales, and they could no longer justify continuation of the program. Mr. Boutilier advised that Kitchener intends to continue with the program in a different format that will no longer include subsidization. He advised that staff are recommending re-allocation of the program's remaining funds for tree planting in conjunction with the City's Earth Day Festival. He noted that the school program developed for last years Festival will also continue, with participating schools receiving $100. toward purchase of trees in exchange for clean-up of their school playground and one additional public area. In response to Ms. Fernandes, Mr. Boutilier advised that private schools had not been approached to participate; however, agreed to take this into consideration. In response to further questions of Ms. Fernandes, Mr. Boutilier advised that the City's Forestry Division is responsible for trees on City property and any concerns or questions should be directed to Mr. Kim Nihls, Supervisor of Forestry. Mr. R. Nandakumar commented that he had visited two of the participating Nurseries to buy trees and had not seen any promotional material, nor been advised of the program by Nursery staff. In this regard, he suggested that poor marketing had contributed to the failure of the program. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4. 2002 2. DTS-02-062 - TREES FOR OUR FUTURE PROGRAM REVIEW ICONT'DI - 16 - CITY OF KITCHENER On motion by Mr. D. Murphy- it was resolved: "That the current financial incentives provided to our citizens through local Garden Centres under the 'Trees for Our Future Program', be discontinued; and further, That the balance of funding previously set aside in the Capital Forecast for the 'Trees for Our Future Program' be re-allocated for tree planting in conjunction with the City's annual Earth Day Festival." The recommendation noted above will be referred for consideration to the April 15, 2002 meeting of the Development and Technical Services Committee. 3. DTS-02-063 - EARTH DAY 2002 FESTIVAL The Committee was in receipt of Development & Technical Services Department report DTS-02- 063 outlining details of the events planned for the Earth Day 2002 Festival. Mr. T. Boutilier provided highlights of this years festival including the following: . community planting projects at South West Optimists Park and Lions Arena and Sportsfields; . Community Clean-up: Kitchener Schools will clean-up playgrounds and those who also clean-up one other public community area will receive $100 to buy trees for their school yard; local community associations, service clubs, companies, employee groups will help clean-up pre-selected sites; . Litter Audit: each bag collected in the clean-up campaign will be tagged, identified for location and an audit conducted by the Region of Waterloo to investigate the type and nature of Kitchener's street litter; . Clean Air Fair hosted by the Citizens Advisory Committee on Air Quality, including children's activities (Bird Box and Bird Feeder Workshops, etc.) and nature presentations by The Canadian Peregrine Falcon Foundation and Mad Science of Kitchener; . Arbour Day hosted by the K-W Chamber of Commerce's Environmental Committee including selling trees in conjunction with the Region's Com poster Distribution Day; Seedling Planting and Care Workshop; Exhibition Hall of local Environmental Firms; . Environmental tours of the Materials Recycling Plant hosted by the Region of Waterloo. Mr. T. Boutilier invited all members of the Committee to join in the festivities and where possible, volunteer their time to assist with events. Mr. R. dal Bello thanked Mr. Boutilier for his presentation. 4. STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION Due to time constraints this item was deferred to the Committee's next meeting to be held on Thursday, May 2, 2002. Ms. B. Steiner distributed this date a revised version of the "Environmental Committee - Strategic Planning Session" document for members of the Committee to review in preparation for discussion at the May meeting. 5. WATERLOO REGION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILlTY AWARDS The Committee was in receipt of documentation pertaining to the nomination process for the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards to be held on Thursday, June 6, 2002 at Kitchener City Hall. The Committee was advised that it was necessary to establish a Nomination Review Working Group for the purpose of reviewing nominations and compiling a ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4. 2002 5. WATERLOO REGION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILlTY AWARDS ICONT'DI - 17 - CITY OF KITCHENER list of preferred nominees for voting purposes. The Committee was further advised that the Working Group was intended to be comprised of all members of the Committee who had an interest in participating. On motion by Mr. P. O'Toole, it was agreed that the following individuals would form a Nomination Review Working Group for the purpose of reviewing nominations and to compile a list of preferred nominees for voting purposes relative to the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards, namely: Ms. Yvonne Fernandes, Ms. Barb Steiner and Messrs. Rino dal Bello, Danny Murphy, Hussein Alsafouti and Raj Nandakumar. The Nomination Review Working Group this date received copies of all nominations and agreed to hold a separate meeting at a future date for the purpose of their review and compilation of a list of preferred nominees. The Committee was advised that the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards Nomination Selection Committee would meet on Thursday, April 18, 2002 to undertake voting to determine award recipients and it was necessary to appoint a voting delegate to attend this meeting. The Committee was further advised that it is intended to direct the voting delegate to vote according to the instructions given by the Nomination Review Working Group. On motion by Mr. D. Murphy- it was resolved: "That Ms. Barbara Steiner, Environmental Planner, be appointed as the Environmental Committee's voting delegate to the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards Selection Committee; and further, That Ms. Steiner be directed to vote according to instructions given by the Environmental Committee's Nomination Review Working Group." The recommendation noted above will be forwarded directly to Mr. Ian Macdonald, Chair, Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards Selection Committee. 6. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. J. Billett, AMCT Committee Administrator