HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-03ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3~ 2002 CITY OF KITCHENER The Environmental Committee met this date Chaired by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, commencing at 4:05 p.m., with the following members present: Ms. Y. Fernandes, Ms. N. Sonder and Messrs. B. Lemieux, R. Nandakumar, P. O'Toole and R. Dal Bello. Officials Present: Ms. B. Steiner, Ms. J. Billett and Messrs. T. Boutilier and G. Meincke. REGION OF WATERLOO WASTE AUDIT REPORT - 2002 EARTH WEEK FESTIVAL COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN The Committee was in receipt of Region of Waterloo Waste Audit Report dated April 27, 2002 conducted as part of the 2002 Earth Week Festival Community Clean-up Campaign. Ms. Deanna Dakin, Regional Engineering Department - Waste Management Division, was in attendance to present the findings of the Waste Audit. Ms. Dakin provided a Powerpoint presentation outlining Audit goals and the approach taken; findings and observations of the study by weight and volume; and recommendations for a 2003 Audit including seeking industry funding, tracking physical sources of litter and developing marketing approaches geared toward children's environmental programs, interactive activities and participation in a broader cross- section of community based events. The Committee entered into a general discussion during which concerns were raised respecting communication of the Audit findings to the general public, the roles played by the fast food and beverage industries in producing waste packaging and by the community in littering waste packaging. On motion by Mr. P. O'Toole - it was resolved: "That staff work with the City's Communications Division to develop an appropriate media release to announce the results of the Region of Waterloo Waste Audit Report conducted as part of the 2002 Earth Week Festival Community Clean-up Campaign." - and - "That on behalf of the Kitchener Environmental Committee, Councillor Berry Vrbanovic correspond with major corporations of the fast food and beverage industries to solicit ideas and request support for reducing waste associated with the industries." These recommendations will be forwarded to the October 21, 2002 Development and Technical Services Committee meeting for consideration. SSD-02-021 - INVESTIGATION OF THE PHASING OUT OF THE CITY'S PURCHASE OF COAL-FIRED ELECTRICITY - RESPONSE TO APRIL 8, 2002 COUNCIL RESOLUTION The Committee was in receipt of Strategic Services Department report SSD-02-021 dated September 24, 2002 recommending that investigation of phasing out of the City's purchase of coal-fired electricity be referred to a comprehensive strategic planning process for Environmental Management to be completed as part of the City's Corporate Strategic Plan. Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that staff have undertaken a preliminary review of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance's request to phase out the purchase of coal-fired electricity and have concluded that rather than conduct investigations piece-meal, it would be more appropriate to undertake a comprehensive review of the City's current environmental programs and long term strategy. Accordingly, he noted that staff are recommending investigation of phasing out coal- fired electricity be referred to the strategic planning process for the Environmental Management component of the City's Corporate Strategic Plan. Councillor Vrbanovic further advised that he had contacted his political counterparts within the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to request information on how their municipalities are responding to this issue. The Committee then entered into a brief discussion during which Ms. N. Sonders expressed the ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3~ 2002 - 30 - CITY OF KITCHENER SSD-02-021 - INVESTIGATION OF THE PHASING OUT OF THE CITY'S PURCHASE OF COAL-FIRED ELECTRICITY - RESPONSE TO APRIL 8, 2002 COUNCIL RESOLUTION (CONT'D) opinion that it is important to move forward with phasing out coal-fired electricity and raised concern that no specific timeframe has been given for completion of the Environmental Management component of the Corporate Strategic Plan. Mr. P. ©'Toole referred to an information item included in the agenda package respecting a letter received from the Ontario Clean Air Alliance outlining Ontario Power Generation's willingness to enter into customized contracts with Ontario municipalities to provide power exclusively from its existing water power facilities. Councillor Vrbanovic pointed out that this letter was received subsequent to the writing of report SSD-02-021 and should be addressed as part of the proposed review. Following further discussion, it was suggested that report SSD-02-021 be deferred and referred to the Committee's November 7 meeting to allow an opportunity for staff of the Strategic Services Department to be present to answer questions. On motion by Ms. N. Sonder - it was resolved: "That Strategic Services Department report SSD-02-021 (Investigation of Phasing Out of the City's Purchase of Coal-Fired Electricity) be deferred and referred to the November 7, 2002 Environmental Committee meeting for consideration." 3. DTS-02-216 - GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (GRCA) WETLANDS POLICY The Committee was in receipt of Development and Technical Services Department report DTS- 02-216, undated, outlining reasons for the position taken by staff in recommending that the GRCA's Wetlands Policy not be endorsed until accompanying implementation guidelines are detailed and confirmed; the impact to municipal responsibilities and operations is determined; and, further consultation with appropriate agencies is completed. Ms. Barb Steiner provided an overview of the staff report, noting that the GRCA is requesting the City's endorsement of the policy as area municipalities will be subject to its provisions. She advised that at this time, staff are not comfortable with endorsing the policy without specific guidelines in place to determine how the policy will actually be implemented. In addition, she pointed out that Provincial legislation on which the policy is based is not yet in effect and accordingly, the municipality does not have appropriate means to determine the impact such policy will have on municipal responsibilities and operations. The Committee then entered into a general discussion during which several members expressed concern with endorsing the policy prior to enactment of appropriate guidelines. Mr. B. Lemieux also raised concern with the impact such a policy will have on future development in rural municipalities. Ms. Steiner commented that while endorsement is felt to be premature, there is benefit in formalizing the GRCA's approach to wetlands to provide consistency in its commentary role respecting planning matters. She further commented that the policy is not intended to interfere with existing agricultural lands. Ms. Steiner then reviewed outstanding technical comments, as outlined in the staff report, arising from the City's response to the original draft policy which were not incorporated into the final version. In this regard, she advised that staff are recommending the outstanding technical comments be brought to the attention of the GRCA for further consideration. On motion by Mr. B. Lemieux - it was resolved: "WHEREAS the City of Kitchener values wetlands as evidenced through existing City, Regional and Provincial policy; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Kitchener advise the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) that endorsement of the GRCA Wetlands Policy dated July 16, 2002 is premature until: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3~ 2002 - 31 - CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DTS-02-216 - GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (GRCA) WETLANDS POLICY (CONT'D) i) accompanying implementation guidelines are detailed and confirmed; and, ii) the effect of the 'Gene#c Regulation' under the Conservation Autho#ties Act on municipal responsibilities and operations is determined, and municipal consultation with appropriate agencies is undertaken and complete; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that outstanding technical comments on the Wetlands Policy, as outlined in Development and Technical Services Department report DTS-02-216-PL, be forwarded to the GRCA for consideration." This recommendation will be forwarded to the October 7, 2002 Development and Technical Services Committee meeting for consideration and subsequently, to the special Council meeting of the same date. CRPS-02-234 - 2002-2003 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE STRATEGIC WORK PLAN The Committee was in receipt of Corporate Services Department report CRPS-02-234 dated September 23, 2002 recommending approval of the Environmental Committee's Strategic Work Plan, as attached to the staff report. Mr. Rino Dal Bello summarized the results of the Committee's September 5th ranking session during which 3 specific actions from each of the 4 main categories identified in the Strategic Plan, were chosen and ranked in order of priority. Councillor B. Vrbanovic congratulated the Committee on successfully completing a high-end product and pointed out that the Work Plan is intended to continue into 2003. Councillor Vrbanovic suggested that as part of the recommendation, staff be directed to commence consideration of appropriate action plans to assist in carrying out Work Plan priorities and report back to the Committee on an ongoing basis as such plans develop. On motion by Mr. R. Dal Bello - it was resolved: "That the 2002-2003 Environmental Committee Strategic Work Plan, as attached to Corporate Services Department report CRPS-02-234, be approved; and further, That staff report to the Environmental Committee on an ongoing basis respecting development of proposed action plans to assist in carrying out priorities as listed under each main category of the Committee's Strategic Work Plan." This recommendation will be forwarded to the October 21, 2002 Development and Technical Services Committee meeting for consideration. ANNUAL EARTH WEEK FESTIVAL - DIRECTION FOR 2003 By general consent, it was agreed to defer discussion relative to this matter to the November 7, 2002 Environmental Committee meeting. ANNUAL WATERLOO REGION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS PROGRAM - DIRECTION FOR 2003 Ms. Barb Steiner provided a verbal update on the status of the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards (W.R.E.S.A.) Program, noting that the Chamber of Commerce who has played a leading role in sponsoring this event has recently announced its decision to discontinue participation in the Awards Program. She advised that a small working group recently met to discuss the future of the Awards Program, during which changes to the format were discussed relative to conducting a bi-annual event rather than annual and/or modifying the award ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 3~ 2002 - 32 - CITY OF KITCHENER ANNUAL WATERLOO REGION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS PROGRAM - DIRECTION FOR 2003 (CONT'D) categories, and ultimately it was decided to seek guidance from area municipal Councils respecting continuance of the program and determination of an appropriate agency, whether it be private or public, to take ownership of the program should it be continued. Ms. Steiner further pointed out that there is some urgency in deciding these matters if an Awards Program is to go forward for 2003. Councillor B. Vrbanovic expressed disappointment with the Chamber's decision to discontinue its participation and commented that the Awards Program provides an excellent opportunity for the business community to demonstrate environmental stewardship. He suggested that a letter be sent to the Chamber conveying the Committee's disappointment and to request the Chamber regardless of its decision, to encourage the business community to continue to be involved. Several members of the Committee expressed concern that Kitchener is the only municipality sharing in the leadership role for this event and requested that the Region of Waterloo and the City of Waterloo also be approached to request that they consider increasing their level of participation. Councillor B. Vrbanovic accepted the Committee's request as direction to undertake discussion with area municipal Councils and the Region of Waterloo to encourage their participation in organizing this event. On motion by Mr. B. Lemieux - it was resolved: "That on behalf of the Kitchener Environmental Committee, Councillor Berry Vrbanovic convey the Committee's disappointment with the decision of the Chamber of Commerce of Kitchener & Waterloo to discontinue its participation in the Waterloo Region Environmental Sustainability Awards (W.R.E.S.A.) Program; and further, That notwithstanding the Chamber's decision, the Chamber be requested to encourage representatives of the business community to continue to be involved in the W.R.E.S.A. Program." This recommendation will be forwarded to the October 21, 2002 Development and Technical Services Committee meeting for consideration. 7. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AIR QUALITY (CACAQ) - UPDATE Mr. Patrick O'Toole, representative of the Environmental Committee to CACAQ, provided a verbal update of recent activities concerning CACAQ's participation in smog alert days, promotion of an anti-idling campaign including outreach education to parents picking up and dropping off their children at local schools, and plans for restructuring of CACAQ. 8. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Janet Billett, AMCT Committee Administrator