HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2007-018 - Amend c.710 - Building Permits & Fees . BY-LAW NUMBER ~ 007 - , g OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend Chapter 710 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code with respect to Building Permits and Fees.) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Chapter 710 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code as adopted by By-law 88-100; as follows: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts 1. Section 710.13.2 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "710.13.2 Notwithstanding Article 12, for any complete application accompanied by full payment received prior to February 1, 2007, the permit fee shall be calculated in accordance with Article 6 and Schedule "A" - Classes of Permits and Fees." 2. Effective February 1, 2007, Schedule "A" - Classes of Permits and Fees of Chapter 710 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code is hereby deleted and the attached Schedule "A" is substituted therefor. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this d q-t4- day OfJ~ ,A.D. 2007. ~J~ Mayor -6 Clerk .. 2 SCHEDULE "A" CLASSES OF PERMITS AND FEES 1. Calculation of Permit Fees Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below, unless otherwise specified in this schedule: Permit Fee (rounded to the nearest dollar) = SI x A where SI = Service Index for Classification of the work proposed and, A = floor area in ft2 of work involved CV = construction value 2. Minimum Permit Fee A minimum fee of $95.00 shall be charged for all work, unless otherwise indicated. 3 3. Classes of Permits and Fees SERVICE INDEX (SI) A. CONSTRUCTION - NEW BUilDINGS, ADDITIONS, MEZZANINES $/sq.ft. unless otherwise Indicated Group A (Assembly Occupancies) Assembly (finished) $2.05 Assembly (shell) $1.80 Outdoor patio $160.00 Outdoor public pool $704.00 Group B (Institutional Occupancies) Institutional (finished) $2.17 Institutional (shell) $1.92 Group C (Residential Occupancies) Single family, Semi, Townhouse, Duplex $1.03 Garage/Carport (per bay) $95.00 Shed or Porch $95.00 Deck or Pool $95.00 Apartment Building $1.03 Hotels/Motels $1.73 Residential Care Facility $1.22 Group D (Business & Personal Service Occupancies) Office Buildings (shell) $1.47 Office Buildings (finished) $1.73 Group E (Mercantile Occupancies) Retail Stores (shell) $0.97 Retail Stores (finished) $1.22 Group F (Industrial Occupancies) Industrial (shell) $0.58 Industrial (finished) $0.70 Parking garage $0.64 Other Farm Building $0.33 Foundation or Conditional Permit $0.13 4 SERVICE INDEX (SI) B. STAND ALONE & MISCELLANEOUS WORK $/sq.ft. unless otherwise Indicated Interior finishes to previously unfinished area (including finishing of residential basements and major renovations) - All classifications $0.34 Alterations and renovations to existing finished areas - All classifications $0.20 New roof structure $0.20 Parking garage renovations $0.06 Single partitions, washrooms, new entry, new demising wall, canopies $95.00 Air supported structures $0.39 Temporary tents $160.00 Temporary buildings $160.00 Portables/per site (excluding port-a-pak) $160.00 Demolitions (minimum of $100.00) $0.02 Change of use $160.00 Minor demolition (up to and including a Single Family Dwelling) $95.00 Barrier free Ramp $64.00 Fireplace/woodstove (each) $95.00 Retaining wall (per linear foot) $2.69 Balcony guard (replace per linear foot) $0.54 Balcony repairs $12.50/balcony Shoring & Underpinning (per linear foot) $3.00 Ceiling (new or replace) $0.05 Fac;ade improvement $160.00 All designated structures per OBC 2.1.2 (except retaining walls, public pools & signs) $288.00 Storefront (replace) $147.00 Elevator IEscalator I Lift $288.00 Fire Retrofit (oer storey) $95.00 C. MECHANICAL HVAC Permit (residential per suite) $95.00 HV AC Permit (non-residential) $0.09 (Fire)Sprinkler system (minimum $160.00) $0.04 Commercial kitchen, spray booth, dust collectors $160.00 Standoipe and Hose system (retrofit) $95.00 D. ELECTRICAL Fire alarm system & electrical work (Min. $160.00) Per storey Electromagnetic locks and Hold Open Devices (per device) Emer enc Li htin er store $0.04 $38.00 $95.00 5 SERVICE INDEX (SI) E. PLUMBING $/sq.tt. unless otherwise indicated Plumbing permit (per fixture with a minimum fee of $95.00) $11.50 Water Softener $19.00 Disconnect plumbing from septic $95.00 Connect to storm or sewer $95.00 Catch basins/manholes/roof drains (each) $11.50 Building/site seNices (per linear foot) $0.58 Backflow Prevention Device (per device) $64.00 Annual Renewal Backflow Prevention (per devicel $32.00 F. ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM Installation of a new system $448.00 Major repair $224.00 Minor repair $95.00 G. OTHER FEES Examine revised plans (minimum $95.00) $0.02 Minimum Permit Fee (unless otherwise noted) $95.00 Transfer of Permit (change of ownership) $95.00 Permit to occupy unfinished building $95.00 Special Inspection Fee after hours (per hour) $181.00 Special research requests of Building Division microfilm & plans record (per hour or $50.00 part thereof and includes reauests for written information) H. EXTRA FEES New construction of single family, duplex, semi-detached, townhouse and triplex dwelling units $500/permit New construction and additions to multi-residential, commercial, industrial and $10/$1000 CV max. institutional projects $5000 Additions/alterations to single family, duplex, semi-detached, townhouse and triplex dwelling units $250/permit Alterations/interior finish permits to multi-residential, commercial, industrial and institutional projects $1000/permit 4. MISCELLANEOUS - CHARGES 6 For classes of permits not described or included in this schedule, a reasonable permit fee shall be determined by the Chief Building Official. 5. REFUNDS Pursuant to Article 5 of this by-law, the fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of the fees payable under this by-law, calculated by the Chief Building Official as follows: (a) 80% if administrative functions only have been performed; (b) 70% if administrative and zoning functions only have been performed; (c) 45% if administrative, zoning and plan examination functions have been performed; (d) 35% if the permit has been issued and no field inspections have been performed subsequent to permit issuance; (e) 5% shall additionally be deducted for each such field inspection that has been performed after the permit has been issued (f) No refund shall be in an amount less than $25.00 6. INTERPRETATION The following explanatory notes are to be observed in the calculation of permit fees: · Floor area of the proposed work is to be measured to the outer face of exterior walls and to the centre line of party walls or demising walls. (excluding residential garages). · In the case of interior alterations of renovations, area of proposed work is the actual space receiving the work e.g. tenant space. · Mechanical penthouses and floors, mezzanines, lofts, habitable attics, and interior balconies are to be included in all floor area calculations. · Except for interconnected floor spaces, no deductions are made for openings within the floor area (e.g. stairs, elevators, escalators, shafts, ducts, etc.). · Unfinished basements for single detached dwellings (including semis, duplexes, and townhouses etc.) are not included in the floor area. · Attached garages and fireplaces are included in the permit fee for single detached dwellings, attached dwellings, semis, duplexes and townhouses. · Where interior alterations and renovations require relocation of sprinkler heads or fire alarm components, no additional charge is applicable. · Ceilings are included in both new shell and finished (partitioned) buildings. The Service Index for ceiling applies only when alterations occur in existing buildings. 7 Minor alterations to existing ceilings to accommodate lighting or HVAC improvements are not chargeable. · Where demolition of partitions or alteration to existing ceilings is a part of an alteration or renovations permit, no additional charge is applicable. · Corridors, lobbies, washrooms, lounges, etc. are to be included and classified according to the major classification for the floor area on which they are located. · The occupancy categories in the Schedule correspond with the major occupancy classifications in the Ontario Building Code. For mixed occupancy floor areas, the Service Index for each of the applicable occupancy categories may be used, except where an occupancy category is less than 10% of the floor area. · For Rack Storage use apply the square footage charge for industrial for the building.