HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN-08-003 - T07-051 - Emergency Support Rescue Vehiclei~';
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Report To: Mayor Carl Z~hr & Members of Council
Date of Meeting: 2008-0 l -14
Prepared By: Larry Gordon
Date of Report: 2008-O1-02
Report No: SIN 08-003
Subject: T07-051 -Emergency Support Rescue- Vehicle
That to-nder T07-051, Emerge-ncy Support Rescue- Vehide, be awarded to Dependable
Emerge-ncy Vehicles, Brampton, Ontario at their tendered price of $449,078.54, including G.S.T.
In order to provide- the- necessary response- of apparatus and equipment to de-liver and manage- the
anticipated routine- fire- demand services in the- community, the- Fire- Department has a long range
systematic schedule- for the- replacement of vehicles, equipment and other tools which have
reached the- end of their useful life, are- beyond economical re-pair, or are- no longer suitable- for
the task that they are required to perform.
Fire- Apparatus Large- Fleet and Equipment are- managed by a ton (10) year Fire- Department
capital fore-cast replacement strategy which recognizes years of life- for various ve-hide-types and
equipment, ranging from e-fight (8) to fifteen (15) years. Fire- apparatus that are- replaced are
moved into a reserve vehicle- status for two (2) -three (3) years.
The- Emerge-ncy Support Rescue- Vehicle- that is being replaced 004525, was manufacture-din
March 2000, serving us in front-line service- for a total of e-fight (8) years, and will continue in
reserve- capacity for se-venal additional ye-ans.
Te-nders were- advertised publicly in The- Re-cord, the- City of Kitchener website and on the
Internet through the- Ontario Public Buyers Electronic Tendering Information System. Twelve
(12) potential bidders downloaded the- to-nder document from our website and by the- closing date
of Thursday November 1~`, 2007, five (5) to-nders had been recefived.
The- following to-nders were- received:
Dependable Emergency Vehides Brampton, ON $449,078.54 ~=
Darch Fire- Inc. Ayr, ON $489,384.83
Resgtech Systems Inc. Woodstock, ON $504,560.00
Safetek Emerge-ncy Vehides Ltd Coquitlam, BC $516,956.70
Thibault & Associates Port Dover, ON $518,340.00
Te-nders were- reviewed by ~I. ~Iolst, Master Mechanic -Firefighter, who concurs with the- above
Funding will be provided from Index 412166 - CapitaUFire-Major Equipment/Fleet
CapitaUFire-Major Equipment/Fleet $1,785,748.
T07-051 $ 449,078.54
Less G.S.T. Re-bate- ($ 25,419.54)
$ 423,659.00 $ 423,659.
Equipment Costs $ 315.000.
TOTAL $ 738,659.
SURPLUS $1,047,089.
The- budget estimate- for this vehide- is $789,000. which includes $473,800. for the- vehide- and
$315,000. for etluipment.
Surplus in this account will be used for purchase- of fire- vehides as identified in the- ton year
forecast model.
Larry Gordon
Director of Purchasing
Funding will be provided from:
Index 412166 -Capital/Fire-Major Equipment/Fleet 1,785,748
Tender T07-051 449,079
Less GST Rebate (25,420
423,659 (423,659
Cost of Equipment (315,000
BALANCE 1,047,089
Balance in account to be used for purchase of fire vehicles as identified in 10 year forecast model