The Environmental Committee met this date commencing at 4:07 p.m.
Present: Councillor B. Vrbanovic -Chair
Ms. Y. Fernandes, Ms. N. Sonder and Messrs. R. Dingman, B. McColl, M. Peterson, C.
Schneider, O. Ludin and F. G. Zador.
Staff: G. Murphy, Director of Engineering Services
A. Pinard, Manager of Long Range & Policy Planning
B. Korah, Manager of Development Engineering
B. Steiner, Environmental Planner
D. Schmitt, Environmental & Urban Forest Project Manager
C. Goodeve, Committee Administrator
The Committee considered the South Strasburg Creek Sanitary Trunk Sewer Class
Environmental Assessment (EA) Executive Summary, dated February, 2008. In addition, the
Committee was in receipt this date of the Stantec Consulting Ltd. presentation regarding the
South Strasburg Creek Sanitary Trunk Sewer EA.
Messrs. George MacDuff and Chris Powell, Stantec Consulting Ltd. and B. Korah reviewed the
inventory of existing conditions within the South Strasburg Creek study area, completed to
facilitate an evaluation of relative impacts of sanitary servicing alternatives on the existing natural
and social environments. Mr. MacDuff advised that the Official Plans of the Regional Municipality
of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener include provisions for development within and adjacent to
the general study area boundary. He added that the provision of a sanitary sewage system is a
pre-requisite for development; accordingly, the `do nothing' alternative is not a viable option. The
following servicing alternatives were then presented by the Project Team:
Alternative `A' -deep gravity sewer extending from the trunk sewers current terminus at
Strasburg Road along the middle branch of Strasburg Creek, and extending westerly within
the existing Huron Road Right-of-Way (ROW);
Alternative `B' -deep gravity sewer extending southerly from the trunk sewers current
terminus point within the future Strasburg Road ROW through to the limit of Draft Plan 30T-
95018, then westerly along the south branch of Strasburg Creek to the north woodlot,
extending through to Fischer-Hallman Road; includes an alternative alignment in close
proximity to a cleared forest edge, combined with a potential community trail; and,
Alternative `C' -deep gravity sewer extending southerly from the trunk sewers current
terminus point within the future Strasburg Road ROW through to the limit of Draft Plan 30T-
95018, then westerly along the south branch of Strasburg Creek, to the south of the
woodlot, extending through to Fischer-Hallman Road.
Mr. G. MacDuff stated that as there is sufficient topographical relief to drain the majority of this
sewershed via gravity to the existing sanitary sewage collection system, a sewage pumping
facility was deemed unsupportable as a design alternative. He advised that the Project Team
ranked each servicing alternative based on the following criteria: serviceable areas, natural
environment, social environment and financial requirements. He noted that the result of the
evaluations identified Alternative `C' as the preliminary preferred alternative. Mr. B. Korah stated
that the next steps to be followed in the EA process for the project are to present the preliminary
preferred alternative at a second Public Information Centre and receive comments from the public
and review agencies. He noted that the Committee's comments and questions would be taken
into consideration as the EA process moves towards completion.
Several members expressed concerns regarding the potential impact that the trunk sanitary
sewer could have on the wildlife and natural environment in and around the study area
boundaries. Further, members noted that it would be difficult for them to provide comprehensive
comments on the EA without examining the raw data collected as part of the detailed field
investigations to identify and characterize the natural features and associated ecological
functions. Mr. B. McColl stated that at the February 21, 2008 Environmental Committee meeting,
members requested that Appendices `A' and `B' of the EA, which contain the field investigation
data, be distributed prior to this meeting; adding that those documents have yet to be circulated.
In response to questions, Mr. G. MacDuff advised that one of his company's senior staff were
conducting a peer review of the requested Appendices, which is why they have not been
distributed to the Committee. Mr. C. Powell stated that with the exception of one limited area, the
alignment of the Alternative `C' sewer pipe would consistently be located above the groundwater.
He noted that in that one area a clay collar would be constructed around the pipe to minimize its
impact. Mr. B. Korah stated that the Region of Waterloo, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment
(MOE), and the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) have all provided comments as to
the sanitary sewers impact on the area's natural environment. He added that staff from the
GRCA are members of the Project Team and have provided detailed information /comments
relative to environmental screening criteria, which will be addressed prior to the finalization of the
Environmental Study Report (ESR).
Mr. M. Peterson expressed support for Alternative `C', indicating that it is preferable over the other
2 Alternatives, as those would require approximately 12 meters of excavation.
Ms. Y Fernandes expressed concerns regarding the impact that the alignment of Alternative `C'
and the future Strasburg Road ROW would have on the adjacent woodlot and was advised that
the sanitary sewer would constitute only a minor disturbance. Mr. C. Powell stated that the future
alignment of Strasburg Road would encroach on the woodlot, noting that he is unable to confirm
the degree of its impact at this time. Mr. G. MacDuff noted that the sanitary trunk sewer is being
pursued in direct response to draft development plans already committed to for this area, adding
that the future alignment of Strasburg Road was established through the 1994 Brigadoon
Community Plan.
At the request of Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Mr. G. MacDuff agreed to circulate Appendices `A' and
`B'. Mr. MacDuff stated that the Project Team anticipate holding another Public Information
Centre in mid-April 2008 and requested that the members forward any additional comments to
him prior to that time.
Mr. D. Schmitt advised that the Kitchener Natural Areas Program (KNAP) is a collaborative
project aimed at engaging the community in environmental stewardship; educating people about
Kitchener's natural areas; and, creating opportunities to experience nature in the City. He then
reviewed the various initiatives planned for the coming year, noting that more information
regarding this project can be found at www.kitchener.ca/knap.htm.
Mr. D. Schmitt advised that staff are currently involved in a new Street Tree Inventory program to
count and examine every City-owned tree in Kitchener. He stated that trees remove air pollutants
such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone and particulate matter, adding
that these benefits are directly related to tree size, particularly the total leaf area, which varies by
tree species. He indicated that staff will use a model called Stratum (i-tree) to inventory and
calculate the value of each street tree, characterizing each one by its structure, function and
value. The project involves collecting data in the field using computerized tablets within the City's
Geographic Information System (GIS), which will allow staff to download the data into corporate
databases. He added that staff will be able to map and analyze the data with the GIS to identify
changes that occur over time and estimate future needs and trends. He stated that the data
collected would be used to develop an Urban Forest Strategic Plan, management plans, plus
policies and standards. He estimated that the field work would be completed by the end of 2008.
In response to questions, Mr. D. Schmitt advised that the City owns approximately 45,000 street
trees and estimated that 10,000 trees have been inventoried in 2008. He stated that once a
municipality has information establishing the quantified value of trees, a much stronger case
could be made for tree preservation. He added that this project would also focus on maintenance
requirements for the City's overall tree infrastructure and identify areas where new trees can be
planted. He commented that this is the first step in resource management, noting that these
valuable resources must be managed now if the City is to derive future benefits from them.
Several members expressed support for the KNAP and the Street Tree Inventory Program.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic opened the floor to nominations for the Committee's representative to the
Kitchener Natural Areas Program (KNAP). Ms. Y. Fernandes and Mr. M. Peterson volunteered to
stand for nomination. Mr. D. Schmitt advised that the Committee could have more than one
representative to the Program and it was agreed that both Ms. Fernandes and Mr. Peterson
would be appointed as the Environmental Committee's representatives to the KNAP.
The Committee was in receipt of the draft updated Strategic Plan for the Environment, dated
March 18, 2008. Ms. B. Steiner gave a presentation on the results of the December 2007 public
consultation, and how this has resulted in the updates reflected in the text of the draft Plan. She
stated that comments /feedback is still being obtained from key members of staff on the draft
updated Plan prior to finalization and requested that all members provide her with their comments
by March 26, 2008.
In response to questions, Ms. B. Steiner advised that the update to the current Strategic Plan for
the Environment seeks to move it from a document that primarily guides the environmental
activities of the City, into a document that refocuses environmental awareness and commitment
to include the entire community, as well as municipal administration. In addition, an updated Plan
would allow the City to successfully integrate a number of policy initiatives, and amended
legislation from all levels of government, that have changed the context in which Kitchener's
environment is managed. She stated that under each of the Plan's functional areas there are
primary objectives and overall program priorities that would be used to guide staff in
implementing the Plan. She added that an objective of the Plan is to ensure the integrity and
long-term sustainability of the City's natural watercourses and municipal water supply through the
protection and enhancement of essential hydrological and hydrogeological functions using
ecologically sound management practices, conservation strategies and public education. She
stated that fostering environmental awareness is critical to establishing high levels of
environmental literacy, which is why environmental education and public awareness is its own
separate functional area. She commented that the Air Quality in Kitchener Plan would be an
implementation piece under the Air Quality functional area. She noted that no one formula exists
to calculate net gain improvements to the City's environment and accordingly, the environmental
benefits of an initiative would be considered on a case by case basis.
The Committee was in receipt of Development and Technical Services Department report DTS-
08-037, dated March 18, 2008 concerning amendments to Kitchener Municipal Code Chapter
273 (Park Dedication Policy).
Mr. A. Pinard advised that the Planning Act establishes park dedication limits of 2% of the land or
land value for commercial or industrial development and 5% of the land or land value, or
alternatively 1 hectare per 300 dwelling units proposed, for residential development. He stated
that the City is entitled to require the maximum park dedication as a condition for development or
redevelopment, noting that the proposed amendments are intended to give guidance for a fair,
reasonable and consistent approach given the different circumstances of various development
proposals. He then reviewed the implementation strategy for the proposed new policy, as
outlined in Report DTS-08-037. He noted that staff anticipate presenting the new Park
Dedication Policy at the April 21, 2008 Development and Technical Services Committee meeting.
In response to questions, Mr. A. Pinard advised that for institutional lands the City would pursue
the full 5% conveyance. He stated that in cases of phased development involving large holdings,
it may be mutually agreeable for the owner and the City to enter into a parkland deferral
agreement for later phases. He noted that if land is partially developed and the remaining part is
to be developed or redeveloped, the parkland dedication would be based on the total area of the
site, less that area in which existing development is to remain. He added that the City would
reserve the right to collect park dedication on future redevelopment or intensification on that
portion of land on which park dedication was not assessed. He requested that the members
provide him with any additional comments regarding the proposed amendments by no later than
April 4, 2008.
Mr. B. McColl advised that the Growth Management Working Group has yet to meet. He stated
that in preparation of the Working Group's meetings he would be circulating a report to solicit the
members' feedback to the following question: "is there a model for economic sustainability in our
society that is not dependant on growth?"
Mr. B. McColl requested that an update be provided at a future Environmental Committee
meeting regarding the Doon South Community Plan. Mr. A. Pinard agreed to follow-up on this
request and noted that he may be limited in the information he is able to provide due to the
current litigation involving that matter.
The Committee was in receipt this date of the Air Quality Working Group's Candidate Best Bets
for 2008, dated March 18, 2008. Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that at the February 21, 2008
meeting it was determined that the selection of the 2008 Best Bets would take place at the April
24, 2008 meeting, or if more time and information is needed, at the May meeting; which would
facilitate their release prior to Clean Air Day. He noted that in terms of the selection process, the
Working Group was asked to bring forward 8 to 10 Candidate Best Bets and the members would
narrow that list down to the 5 Best Bets for 2008.
Several members expressed concern with Candidate Best Bet #4 (Public Education) in that it has
3 Air Quality in Kitchener Report Recommended Actions listed as sub-points. Mr. C. Schneider
commented that for some of the Candidate Best Bests there appeared to be additional action
items not listed in the original Air Quality in Kitchener Report. Mr. G. Zador commented on the
impact of grouping 3 Recommended Actions under one Best Bet would have on staff's workload
and inquired into what would happen if he only wanted to select one of the 3 Recommended
Actions. Ms. Y. Fernandes stated that as the topic of public education is very broad the Working
Group determined that it would be preferable to include several items under the umbrella of that
single Best Bet. It was noted that previous Best Bets also contained several sub-points. Mr. Q.
Ludin expressed concern with the potential confusion that this could present when the members
try to rank the Best Bets, particularly with regard to numbering. He then inquired if it would be
possible to have one contact person to whom the members could forward their selected
Candidate Best Bets.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that typically the annual Best Bets are re-worked to facilitate their
consideration by this Committee and Council. He then requested that staff reformat the
Candidate Best Bets and distribute them to the members along with a ranking chart. He stated
that the members would return their completed ranking charts to staff, who would then compile
the selected Candidate Best Bets into a prioritized list in preparation for the April 24, 2008
Environmental Committee meeting.
Ms. Y. Fernandes stated that the Alder Strasburg Creek Watershed Study and Upper Strasburg
Creek Watershed Plan are listed on the Committee's Unfinished Business List and are scheduled
to be considered by the Development and Technical Services Committee on March 31, 2008.
She requested that an update be provided on this matter at the April 24, 2008 Environmental
Committee meeting.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
Colin Goodeve
Committee Administrator