HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Impact Assessment - 234 Tilt Drive3) 'I'lie Process of deniolition as it affects the older sections of the house be carefutly observed and recorded', ,f j, After the structure has been adeqUate.]y exposed, a detai,'Iecl assessinent of the bUilding bC Undertaken and the heritage inipact- assessnient conapleted, We have engaged Kies,�,vetter Demolition Inc. to work with, the heritage consultant on the rernoval of materials and deinohLiori of the i,tvo most nc)rthern sections of the'liouse, Kieswetter is expei,-ieficed in the dismantling and dernolition of old structures, N4"FE Consultanus, (stractural engincer) will hie o.n site with the heritage consultant, arid contractor as part oftlie partial demolition and renioval of layers of inaterial to provide expertise orgy the integrity of the Structure Such that it remains in as torn -i to provide Opportunity to consider a,11 options for the st'ructure through the final fleritagelini'ma Assessment. April 115, 2008 NIr—Leon. Bensason City, of Kitchener 10O King Strect West nmmrgggl Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4G7 Dear Mr. Bensason: Onmvio N 5i fir: 2341ilt Drive, Part of Lot 5, Biehns,rract City of Kitchener - Draft Plan of t Subdivision 30T-04208 / Our File Y202F Please find attached the "Built. Heritage Assessment Prelitninary Report", prepared by Archaeologix [tic., for lands located at, 234 Tilt L)rive and included within Block 12 of \1A, IV j Draft Approved Fllma of Subdivision 30`1-042()Kr NWI,-�, B!"', 'd�'J�I, Gmiditioti 3-18 of -DriIft Approval requires conipletion. of a Fleritage Impact Assessnient fortheexistinghouse located on Block 121 and niunicipally addressed 12134 Tilt Drivebe MCOI, PlAq, approved, prior to ,registration, RIT As we, discussed at OLIT'Site meeting on March 18,2008, the interior and exterior of the structure have been sign if ca ritly altered and. sections are fargely obscured by additions, The purpose of the Preliminary BUilt Heritage Assessn-rent is to explain and justify a request fi:)r lh.e partial demolition of the structure and the documented ren-ioval ofthe rnore recent layers of chaddingso that the structure can be seen and more thoroughly assessed. [II SUmmary, the Built Heritage assessnient is recom.mwnding the following The northern most sections of the house containing the ga rage atid the ac(jacent wing be demNished 2) The outer layers and irmwr layers of material which, obscure the structure be BPS, �eKAP, RI-PI, ca,refully renmved to the point where the present, condiG()n and appearance of rc the structure can be observed and assessed', 3) 'I'lie Process of deniolition as it affects the older sections of the house be carefutly observed and recorded', ,f j, After the structure has been adeqUate.]y exposed, a detai,'Iecl assessinent of the bUilding bC Undertaken and the heritage inipact- assessnient conapleted, We have engaged Kies,�,vetter Demolition Inc. to work with, the heritage consultant on the rernoval of materials and deinohLiori of the i,tvo most nc)rthern sections of the'liouse, Kieswetter is expei,-ieficed in the dismantling and dernolition of old structures, N4"FE Consultanus, (stractural engincer) will hie o.n site with the heritage consultant, arid contractor as part oftlie partial demolition and renioval of layers of inaterial to provide expertise orgy the integrity of the Structure Such that it remains in as torn -i to provide Opportunity to consider a,11 options for the st'ructure through the final fleritagelini'ma Assessment. " l' Ir krr~ k you foryour consideration (if the preliminar-ybLfift fie ritageass ssivi n t, ltiSLIriders toodai- iitifor-iTiatioii t°r.,porTt will be provided to tfrc City's Heritage hart Corm"r ittee for the fay ineeting. Should VOLT have any ryrI St¢Orrra or require rrrfrlitiorial Urrtr- rm'frr at on, Irgr~ °srse call.; Yours truty MI-IBC PLANNING k ,r'• Du vk Stoll, I.t. c.., . I.Cip, RPP DA: inc Attach .. Paul O span, Jini Wilson, Prrrrl Britton, Rob Lowry .Built Heritage Assessment Preliminary Report 234T11t Drive, Gubler Subdivision Part of Lot 5, Biehn's "Fract, City of Kitchener Re,gional Municipality of NV-aterloo, Ontario ubinitted to MHBC P1tannin 171 Victoria tr ct orth, I itcherm', Ontario, N21-15(75 Phone, ( 19) 576.3365 t., Fax- (5 19) "76 -0121 Prepared by ARCHAEOLOGM INC. 1 4 Ox Ford Street West, London, Ontario, 61 -1 I P9 April 2008 RVO/h V1 Ulan, 8 1 tilt lkritag,, 14,�sesstmvnt, 234 Tilt Drive, subdh'i,imw Table of Contents List (�(Viguric,!s iii LO PURPOSE ANWME'THOD 1 2.0 ms,rORY OF LAND ONN"NERSHIP, NORTH HALF LO'F 5, BIEUN'S r., r .T 11 1-he Gitigerich and Block F`aryfflies 1 2,,2 Lzaer History 6 .0 TIJE H OUTSE,VY' 2.14TILTDRIVE 6 3.1 ectioii � 9 4.0 C',ONCLU S IONS 18 5.0 RECUNTNIENDvrIONS 22 i Inc. P1dtddn "n'1 � �'kY "tSarr :Y '.tii'.i.Y t7dn 234 Tilt Drivr'„ 4`rF(hloi`, S11bdt`rfsie".n s't of Figures 1 w Section of 1.50,000 topographical niap, indicatin the s`i cly , 1-ca in iaahn's' "Trait, fi -oraa "Map of `1 "'ownshlp " in the 111lrstr al'o(I ,411aaes Of the Caaaaara`t a #J (,ata°a loo, 188 1, ;. Detail li- onith e' 1" ae rn aailaa; rna .apaat'Waterloo "1 "ownship.1 6i; Acriaal �I-iew of the property aat;2 4 Tilt Drk,e, Cioogle Satellite kktp, 2 ()tl8 . Lane. to °Taft Drive, viewed iraarar the laaaar,,,"aa a@t 134 Tilt D 6, The ;laaause at 2341111 Drive, viewed from the east; 7, .1. "heia ffic of sectio.n. 2, looking tw,, %,ards the northern wall ,,md roof of section 1, the VVC111 IS built oaf k),gS, 8. Clapboard scem below ansulbrick on the west side of section 9 tO110 1`aaUndaataaaat, r oi-tla wall of section I,. 10. Basement bearing wail, section 1, 1'I . The Saaartla ltagaadc, a4rc a 195 (Photograph courtesy a fB arbaasaa :1aalrller); 1 2" 1"he oast. side aai "section 1, circa I 50 (I"haatogr-aa h au.OaiaTCSa ,r of Barbara ra~a1 er) [1 The east side ra1°se tion 1„ 2007 14. he south side a t sectiaaaa 1, 2007 15, North side of sc,.ctiori 11, 2007 I (r. 1aate nor, grctund floor, section 1, looking southeast l7. Interior, ior, t roun l floor, section 'I, looking northw st 18. Bridge allowing movetnem between the two upstaah -s r"a aatatra 1t1. t"aap1°oaara.ls twtwla.ell Upstairs ro<rins 20" 1aaterior east wall, sa;;a°rrnd floor: MEMMEZEM I"'? clitnh"'ap'v Rudi hierii.age Asses.'anumi, . 234 Till Di ii c, Gublvi, Subdhipion ("itY ollitc,heno, Waterloo Couru.v, OntetHo 2 1, Sill, al)R)tl, alld SUITOUTI'd of window in east wall', second floor ,22. Looking southeast in the attic t-O's ection 2. Note flu., substan6al bearns, posts, and, braces that fbi-ni the post-and-be arn SLIPPort system, as well as the wide vertical planks betweQ,n tl-w posts, 23. Nort1i wall of b,asetnent, section 2 1,'k Looking towards the solLuffieast corner of t[w basen'ient, section 2 25. Notth end ofs1ection 2, ch-ca 1950 (Photogwraph courtesy ol'Barbara Ciubler) 26. Looking south along the cast, exter-lor w, vafls ofsectioris —2 and I 27, Section viewed ft-oni the no.ortheast 28, Sectiori 4, vieoved from the east 29, J'he east faaade of the house at 234 "I'llt DrI ive, cirea 1960 (PhotogT'r, p tic OL lr t SV ' f Barbara IGUbler) MMEMEMM= Built 2,34 TO Dri've, v Utiv o/ Kitchener, IP-rfrerloo 0-'puq(lvo OntcIHO ...... ..... ........ . ........ ... Personnel Pm.ject Coordinator Jint Wilson'.1 M,A Hei-ttage Assessment Minc y Z, 'T'ausky ikl, IEhiL Field Investigation Nancy Z. T'',,Wskv. M, 11h 1, Field /' ssistant Joanne H(:)ffiday. B-A, Researvii /\ssistant Hilary Bates Near y, 'VI.L.S, N—LA, Report. Pt-oduction Nancy Z. Tausky, M, 1,11i d. OfTice Assistants Cassandra MlckNvorth-Robb Jeffrev Nlltiir, B.A. Acknowledgments "I'lle. coinpletion ol-'H-IiS I-CpOtt WLIS facilitated b'v the assistance of the following 111(fividuals: 0 Paul Britton, R.PJ)., M.C.LP,, I)i,incipal., IVII-1130 Planning Ltd.-,, 0 Rob Lowr ' v, structui-al c'ngineei-, tsar searing his discoveric�s i-egarding the, post-and- 1,')earri section Ot'Llic house, and Barbara Gubler. neighhOUr and f'onner resident of''the house at 234'Tih D -five , has been of' great help in shafitig tier, memories caid photogt-aphs of thaa propetty, Arcliaeologix Inc. Prehinhun-1, Built [krirajqe Assessinent, 231 Tilt Drive, Gubler S ibdivish',Pn� Cit.v offitchener, U,`Orerloo Counn;, ()rttario ......................... - Project Surnmary In. August 2007, MIJBC contracted Nancy Z. -rausky., thr-OLLgh Archaeologgix Iris,,, to Provide a Fieritage Impact Assessinent ol" t'he property at 134 "1"14 Drip e in Kitcherler, Ontario (Rg. 1), in connection with the Halfrman Constru.ction Urnited Plan of Subdivision- A field im,es rig ation cond-ticted on October 5, 21,007 prove(l that the older sections of thC 11OLISC! Orl the property a.re potentiflly of historical and ,trc[ua,eo logical %,alue, Eiut that the origind], StrUCtUrTs have been largeN O[ISCUrecl by subseqLlCta, claddings and addifions of rnucl- I si less gnificance. The purpose of this prelfirrinary refiort is to explain and jLlSfify to request for the dcn:iolition of-the late tWCD.tiCtl1-CCotUrN,, additions to the house ivid the doetaiiented rernoval of the mare re recent lavers o fry eladding, so that the ori,ginal St.1-LIctures can he seen and more thoroughly assessed. The oldest Pall of the tiouse at 234 Tilt Dri ,e was built by Joseph inn rich between 1851 and 1861, It consists of as log structure, which sits, on a f"UH basernent with thick stone, walls, Three additiorial wings extend to the nordi, so that the Present house and garage stretches OUt alOrIg at north-south as xis in four conniecte.d but vi,,Llafly distinct sectiorn; ofx,alryrn-, helights -Fhe second segmC111, JUSI north of the log house is a roughly contemporary post-and-b earn structure, The twoa !riortherrin-iost sections, Comprising a, ,arage arid the adjacent one-storey wing were added in rf.ce 1950s and do not have Both the inteHor and r: xtenor-a appearance of the house have been significantly altered over its long history and tlie older sections larg,,ely obscured by later additions, In order to assess the log house aMrrately, it , I r S flecessMy to r,errro%,,e some of the Lyers of material that have come to obscure it over tirne. We titer 'ore recorninend ( 1 ) that the 'two nort[te'rnaTIOSI sections of the house. containing the garage and the adjacerit wing be demolished, (2) that 111C OUtel lavers and imner layers of ixiateiial whi&h obsecire the early Jog acid post-astd-bean'i structures be carefully rernow,ed to tire, point where the present con(lition and appeanatice, of the historle strUCIU,res can be obscrved and assessed, (1) th,,,a the process ofdcrn.olition as it al1octs the oldcr sections of the 11OUSe be carefully observed and recorded" and (4) that after the (og I ouse and the post-and-bearn structure have bee'ri adequately expc sed, a detailed assessi-neat of the bLdl&ng, involving both an additional fi eld imcsfigation ,and more extensive historical research, be Undertaken,, and that the heiritagle imPact assessment f.10 ConipleteCL EMMMEMEM BUILTHERITAGE ASSESSMENT' Preliminary Report 234 I'M Drive, Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Biehn'sTract, Part Lot 5, Geographic'[`ownship of Waterloo, Waterloo County, Ontario) t.0 PURPOSE AND METHOD In ALIgUst 2007, MIIBC contracted NaTacy Z. Tfflsky, through Archaeologix hic, to provIde a Heritage Irnpact Assessment of the property (At 134"I'dt Drive in Kitchener, Ontario (fig. I ), in connectiml With the 1-hdInIMI COnStRICtion Lit-nited Drail, Plan of SLIbdiViSiOrl application. A field investigation conducted oil Oetober 5, 2007 1:)ro,ved that the older sections of the house on the property are poteraially historical and ,,,.,trcl-eicological value. [)art that [fie original struictUres have been lamely obscured Iry SUbsequen't a addinLls �and additioris of much less sigrifficance, The purpose of this prehi-nirrary report is to explain and justify �a, request f'or the denrolition of the late twentieth-century additions to the moose and the docurnented removal of` the more recent layers of cladding, so that the original structures can bc seen alid more thoroughly e7l assessed. In addition to the fileld investigation, the pr(�,ject mani tats Undertaken rese'a•ch in land records, census reports,, assessizient rolls., and relevatit published rriateri'als,', In the KitCheller PUblic Library to determine the approximate date of the buildin g! and to build on the parrictl history of land ownership [II-OCILIced 1'ry Don Ryin, tieritage R.esearcher, in 199 A SUmni,ary of our firidings regarding both the history of the property and the klilditigon the property are given below, 2.0 ms,rORY OF L-AND OWNERSHIP, NORTH IIA.1,F I,0T 5, BIERN'S TRACT 2.1 The Gxincxerich an(I Bloclk Families '11te propertY GIt 2314 Tilt Drive,, Kitchener, Ontario, us located in the nortir [,)art art' Lot 5, B ehn's Tract, in the g Ln I erl-raphical. Township ofWaterloo, Waterloo County (see lily 2). The patent ti.) Mock No. 2 on, the Grand Ro,er, of which this propert, y was orilgiru.AlY a part., was granted to Richard Beaslc�,,, Rm�or 41 February, 1798 Because of cm.Tiplicared ffrmnci,fl cibli,nitions, Beasley will part ofthis'bloA in 1800 to John Bielin. a In Mennonite settler, froni MontgOII)Cty COLITIty, Pen nsylvatii,i (Bloonifield 1,995a"34-35). Biehri's T'ract was si,itclivided, and, the 195 acres of Lot 5 kvas sold to J,,-Leob Long ill '1807, and then to Abraham Staril"fer in 1838,, In 1841. David CiiingcHch (sorrietirnes spelled .t rrat;rraa „I j)Urch,,,.ised I-ol, #5, Bielin Tract, t'rom Stauff” r, his -Father-in-law, probably Prelmninui,v Ruill HoVleige Asso-s,'mcm, 234 Zilt Drive, G ubler Subdivision 2 Cali ry'Kin,liener, fVaterloo Onlar;(,), int,ending it f r his sons Abraham and Joseph. Da'kid died on 19 Septernber 1879, In his will he beque, ithcd "the riorth half ot" part of lot tiLlYnbered five in 13can's -Fract, containing by adriwasurenient ninety sevcn acres and as ILialt— to Joseph. He left Abrai'min One south half of the lot (Waterloo 'Fownshi , Land Record A,bstracts, instruments 286, p 602, 208, 7022). 'Hie Gfrig erich flinifly was arnong the earliest pioneers in the township (Bloomfiekl 1995: 34 'Fhey care to Waterloo 'Yowtiship in 1801 from, Lancaster 1,'o,washij,,,),, Pennsylvania, as part, of as larger ex(.,rdUS Of MCIM0111tCS, "I"Unkers, and Quakers from that State attracted tio Upper Carmda bY land and the PI.0111iSe Of' LieUtCM111t- (lovernor John (iraves it iccie that they Nvould, be exenipt fi-om 1-11ilitary service (Blootntield 1995b: 'Flie patriarch of this [arnily was Ahrahani, but his son, David Hunsicker Gingerich, eanie first to Upper Canada to evatuate land, and ,-,;ettlernent opportl,11116CS, He then returned the intelligence needed to persuade his lar " ge ramilly to move north in the spring of' 1,801 (Gingerich 1981.7�, Waterloo Chronicle, I l JaMlary 19r), 'n-,e tamify acc.inireci iand east of Preston (Gingerich 1981: 7, see also "i-remaine Map, Jig, 31 . David H, (Jingerich's son, alsc �natne(i David, mai-iied Elizabeth Stauffer in 1'8,26, and they had seven children, illClUdIng Abraham (b, 1818) and Joseph ( ' b, 1835) (Gingericli 198 1: 1 7). `11-ie Ccasws, for 1,85 1 for Waterloo Township enutnen-,ited Davrid and Elizabeth Gingerieft with six children, David's son Ah•arn [sicl, tire eldest Lit 24.1 was listed as as labMtrerl, as was his brother Joseph, 17 years old., who was also attemling School. Assessinent Rolls f(,)r Waterloo "rownship sur-vive Cron,,,i 1,85,3�� In that year, Abraham (3ingerich was assessed in BlehrCs 'rract, in 1857 his brother Joseph was listed as as non-residetit there., and in f859 both brothers wvere living in that tract,, each on 95 acres, while their father 1),,,i%,-id was still resident still in the Presio'n area, By the tinie of the I861 Census, both Abrahani and Joseph had established then:)Selves on Lot 5, Biehn.`s 'Fract, Jo,,seph, then 26 years old and his wit"e. Agnes, 28, both listed as Funkers,, had one child, Josephine (b, 1860)� Of Joseph's 97 acres, 30 acres were cultivated, 20 Were in crops,, kvki in pasture, one in orchards and gardens, and 67 1/2' in wood /wild, T'he products of his t1triis spoke of indUstry and skill, Joseph vahted Itis ffinn tat S1 250, and his at, S60, 'The Cainfly was living in as one-storey? one. 1,.unfly log house. undoubtedly HIC 101�1 bUdding th'at. still resides i,.,) n the property 'The 1871 Census f'or Waterloo 'Fownshils located Joseph Gingerich and his family on 100 acres of Lot 5 of Bielin's 'Fract., 50 acres of whiel'i were rmprovod, fi ve i,n pasture, and 'two in orchardsigardens, The prodUCtS of' Joseph's lia.rrn, together with its livestock and impleniients indicate grmving prosperity. Josel"Ai's Eamily included [ds wife Agnes al,,ed 38 years c)ld, and their children -- Joseplihic ( 14), N—lilton ( 12), Freenian ( I O), Orman (8), and Larance [s W] (6). 'I"he Fatnily was identifie(i xis belionging to the Wesleyan Methodist Church, By the, lime of this ISM CenSLIS the fiandy, had grmsn tic) include a daughter, Ella, and they were one ag-,,,iin identified as 'FunkerSL T'rclhrdnfwa y fluill, Ilef itage Asseswncwt, 234 Tilt Dthv, Citir ol Kitchener, C"ountv, Onuv it) Arditninary Buih Heritagw Assc� ssrncnt, 234 Tilt Dr A c,, Gubler Subdi'vision (71Y of" tchonorl Coum,i,, Ontario ........... . . Figure 2. '[-.,ot 5 irk Biehn's Tract, from ".M.ap of Waterloo rownship"' fil the MustratedAthys ofthe Counq, qf 1,Vaterloo, 1881 MIMEZMM� Prelilninal.v Builf Heritage Assesnnent, 234 THY Drive, Gubler Subdivision, CI it,3, ol Wirchcner, fr' werlotp Count¢,' , Ontalio ........ ....... Figure 3. Detail from theTrentaine tuap of Waterloo Township, 1,86,1 Prehminan, Built Hersagre 234 Tilt Di iv e, GlIbler 6 Citv �,�(Kirchtm cr, Waterlo(,) C(natru, Ontario No Hiformation was collected abOUL housiiig in either the assessment rcolls, or the 1871 or 188 1 census reports, Land in the assessment rolls COMSUIted LIP to 1874 the vall.10 Of real and personal property for both brothers on Lot 5 did, not fluctuate in an way that Inight suggest sudden. r.n, aesttnent in new 11OLI4 hIg. It) 1875, however, Joseph's assessinent for real property, which until then had been around $12 0 or S 1300, iriereased to $ 1550. and this may have arisen from the first addition tc) tI1C, IAOUSC, thOUgh it COUld ELISO be explained in other ways ('see section .2.2). Josel)h sold his proj)erty tar Jacob Block on 25 Sej,)teniber 1883 (Waterloo Towris,hip, Land Record Abstracts, instr, #8976 ' by 1895,-2,1,0), 1"he 1891 COI)SUSS did riot CrIUmeraLe Jaoo)b Block in the SUb-district where tNs property is located, bUt (lid eninnerate his son there, Sainuel Block was 5'7 ' years old,, zind [its akife, Cathrine [sic], mis 52 they had hive children,, T'hey were living to, a wooden., I storcy, 9-room hOU.Se, Jacob Block died om 3 .lame 1893, atid his executors so ld the property to) his son, SalllUel, on IS December 1894 (Waterloo Towmship, 1-and Record Abstracts, inst.r. 13I 14), 2.2 Later History Sal'I'Mel Block sold the land to Harry y ntonon in 1920, and Ckll-ill,Ll, the next dmide It was sokl_ iri sequence, to, two other la czt 1.2art-ners, each of whom retained the property flor only three or four years. It waS J)UrChased by John KoLhut in 192" arid by James GOUCHe ire 1927, In 160, harnes GOLL(lie, sold the property to Herbert 1) Wism.er an(A his ,srf Carolyn, vvho fiy e there for nearly twerity . years and raised two sons and a dLtugjiter, the latter of whorn died VOUIIy� (Gubler 1.008). In 1951 time land and buildings Lk,,eore sold to Vernon E, Schierholtz, who trade substziritial renovations to the hOUse and haarvas, the latter to acconirriodate his horses. His Catnily fiNed therC 1111til In SUdderi death at 47� after which, the hOUS& ancl part of the north halt' of l-ot 5 were purchased by Mj or Holdinll)s and Development Limited in 1,969. When Ma or Holdings and Development I J LAmited we-tit., bLiiikrupt, the house an([ the property imiriediately surrOUnd it were PUrChaSed, in 1984, by Wiltiam Gubler and his vyitle� Barbani, Ciaughter of Vernon Schierholtz, who owrted the fiOUSc lie had built inimediatel , N, to the north of the subject site bel'bre the death of Barbara's father, and the house was iii the Gu.bler name until recently (Waterloo "Fowitship, Lati(I Record. bstr'aacts, insh', 23930� 2701955, 28894), 3.0 THE HOUSE AT 234 "FILL' DRIVE The sub ' ject 11OUSC :sits att the west end of a long kane leading fro n) 2214 Filt DriVe (fi gs, 4, 5). Viewed from the hanC� the hOUSe 130S fow.- visually distinct sections, marked bv the differerit levels of the roofii as the building descends down a. gentle slope (fic'n . 6), " 1 )-te oldest section. at the top ol't.lie hill, leas a shallow gableroo Fwi tit its ridge hile along an east-west axis; the three sectloris to the west also have gable roof�,,., their ridge lines along an north-south axis, We shall describe these sections iii order, relcrring ter the oldest and 1-nost southern of the Sections as sechori, 1, and descending to the g,arage unit iat the north, called section 4. ........... ..... . . ........ . ..... Preliminur), Built 234 Tilt Drivc,, `illy q1',Utch(?nev, MWer loo Cot rte', Ontario . .. ........... . .... ..... . --- .. ......... . - — ---- - Figure 4. Aerial view of the property, at 234 "Flit Drive, Goot",,Ie Satellite Nlap, 1008 IMMMEMMEM prelhninfIrY lhdlt th-witage ls aessyneni, 234 Mt Dove, Gubler Subdivision C( , U), ol'Kitchencr, Raterlf)o ('Wint'v, Ontario . . .......... . . .. . .................. . Figure 5. Lane tai "Fitt Drive, vio-seat from the house rat ,234'Fitt Dr. Figure 6. Tbe house at '234 Tilt IDrive, 'viewed from, the east . . ........ . . ...... . Nrchaeologtx Inc. Prelimbuuy Built Heritage . rss ssrne n 234 # nh Drive, Gublcr uheh b�ion a_t 3.1, Section As can be seers from the attic of section 2 the as dest Part of (lae house is of to construction (fig, 7) a,md ataaraasrat s aappr°ra.wim atraly. 21 by 28 feet.. The I(Aa I, 11OUsc, Sits on aa, ,,tone f�atan aa.tioti, which appears to be around 2 feet deer), The original strUCtUrar^ Cof' the laaailclirtg, however, is almost entirely hidden behind several la:ayers of claddlag on the Oaatsirle and a.a vaariety., of interior Finishes.. Outside, 'the logs have been covered by clapboard and them law,, uraStuliarick (fig. g. 8); on the south, and east side w(,,Yod shingles have been placed over the irtsrallarick during the I 950 (t" abler 200 8)„ basic , plaster Finishes, waallp,aaper„ and, in the haasern ra(, plywood and nictaal cover ariost visible surfaces, rh.e stone fOUratlaatar -ara can be g1'impsed at two points in the (mserpent, laasweN er e.g. taLg. atl, and at thick ,stone Lwaring wall can 'be seen net to the basernent stairs in tha, centre or the stru.c a~re(fig, 10).; Because the original Caahric of the building is so thoroughly covered, it is impossible to be certain exactly what the origirml house looked like or how inuch alataaaaage has been thane to the older harolding, The house initially faced soutlr, ',and pictures taken sta•Ce'r 1lf tf 1 °at°obaahl y sfioww's the position of the original front door aaaacl windows (11-, 11 flay also shmv as t,"nitterra of fenestration on the south side similar to that which exists now ( figs, 12 1')), Vernon E. y,chierholtz„ who purchased file Iaaatasaa in 1951. maad extensive tasiw alterations, 1le aadd,ecl the two aatarthernmost (additions, added electricity, and Completely redid the inter'icir° of than older seaa,tiaaras, He aaclrled as fireplace to the south s'de of they house, rra the position where the original door had been, extended one window into aa, door, and enlarged the other window (see f& 14),, Ile also added two saarall, adjacent w rraclkaws on the north side of'the log I'm use (fig. l ,,, Gable 2008), Inside, the ground floor ins rraww as C .r ied by one large single room, wiffi an awlaen staaiaiwaay rising to tlae second f'loor (figs. ltw, 1`7), Upstairs acre two rooms, cor'riecte I.ay as bridge Icwwwcrr °eel over the staairwwa aye (fad, 1 ) There were f6ur s °aaa'll roorras prior tray Shier °holtas 's renovations', in addition to enlarging [he upstairs r°raa ins. he lwaa]lt substantial c,;w.aPhoaarals along the dividing wall between the present rr orris (1(y,. 19) The only visible sil,tas or an stitch house on Hasa p re,.w at interior are the wina om, surrounds of the Upsunrs' rooms (figs, 20, 21). `17h rt is no access to an attic. Section l Section 2 also dates laaaek to the nineteenth Ceflkrry, it natal,, have laa"en built at the sfanie tinge as the log haaarsaw or have been con"."truc:ted soon afterwards. '.1. "lass section is of post and 17tiWmn c>.onstru tion, wide vertical planks fill in the areas between. the posts (se fie, 22), 'The trrot' consists of'rwaaft rs support'in., as double layer cif wood cladding, with the falaaras of the lower layer crisscrossing those ;;above, it a }apears to be supported, at the baswsraaaant level, by log joists, F"n-,dirnimay Buill Ho-itage .4,Ysessment, 234 Tilt D, ive, G�ibler SuboUvision Citv offitchei�(,,r, Cminlv Ootcvlo Figure 7. The attic of section 2, looking towards the northern wall and roof of Se cot "t 1,; the wall is built of logs. Figure 8. Clapboard seem below insulbrick on the west side of section I Pa°0r`m irulo°t Built, Ho ita e Avs smnarn —,"34 TO (;uhler Srrhs. "ivision 1, t'r cal l e l� ti i °crC p "lt. .p Cr unt,Y, Ontar°io Figure 9. Stouef"Oundation, north wall of section I Figure 10. Basement bearimigwall, section I rlF Inc. 11n,liminvily noill Heyite(ge As,wssmenl, 2,34 )"ill Drive, (­P'llhlel �'ubdivi,)fon Gitv ff"'verloo C"ouwv, Ontario . ............ ,Figtire 1. 1 � The south faqade, cirea 1950 (Photograph courtesy of Barbara Gable ° Figttre 1.2. 'rhe east side of section 1, c ea 1950 (Photograph coo l-tesy of Barbara Gubler) . . . .. . . . .......... ..................... . .... .......... Archaeologix Inc. Prehadnaty Bud/ I-revila"ge A sst!ssmc�yv, .7 N TMP Drive, Gubler Smbe.hv�,sioa Ow q/ Kirchencr, ff,'Uterhoo ( Countv, Ontario ....... ...... . ..................... - — - -- --- ---------- - . .. . . ................ Figure D.The east side of section 1., 2007 Figure 14. "rhe south side of section 1, 2007 cmmmmm�� Pr(dimia(In" Buill 11crita'qe Xkscs,,,,nwnl, 234 Tilt Drivc,, Gubher Siebdivi'sion Waterloo County, Ontanyo ..... ....... Figure 15. North side of section J, 2007 Figure 16. Interior, ground floor, section 1, looking southeast pn-41"adnarr Built Heritage Asscsmnent, 234 Tdr` Drive, On 01"'U"•'chencr, ff,'rtterloc,, C"ouniv, Ontario ....... . ........... . .. ....... . ... - -- ------------ Figure 17. Interior, ground floor, section 1, looldng northwest l"igure 18. Bridge allowing movement between the two upstairs root-its Ilre4uninarlY Built Heritage issessmeni, IN Tilt L)rivc, Cio, ofWachem"'r, R'utcrloo Count,t., Ontario Figure 19. Cupbo,ards bet-ween upstairs rooms tl� Figure 20. Interior east wall, second floor Prclhninary Buill 234 Ti'l'e ive, (Jubler Subdivision Oh- ql'kachener' lf"(Ilulof) CountY, Ontario ------- ----------- -- Figure . Sit], apron, and surround of window in cast wall, second floor Figure 22. Looking southeast in the attic of section 2. of the substantial beanis, posts, and braces that form, the post-and-bearn support system, as well as the wide vertical planks between the posts. Pr°<ahrwain an, Built yaw °r rt a, r.' ., t w�Y,S rw�c, 23 TO Drive, d ar�aJ a:�° as ,Kara °a.�raaar � t'r'rY a �l`drtta.°hc>rrata °. Waatr °rloo CountY, o aarr "rr The W"ssnadrrs, who bought tlae property at :234 Tilt Drive in 1930, claahnedl to have. added the kitchen,, and this was interpreted by subsequent dawn rs as meaning that they added tladr win cda�nalwa.rising sectldara 2 (Chiller 1008)a ft is not now c ident exactly wl`raat! haarra°-es 'the av'`israadwrs made to this wing, but their renovations MUSt have involved a dndaod deal of remodeling, aa,, w' 11 as the addition of the bascinent that extends underneath part' of the t'Wc,ait"°aand - beam structure. ,.l`he west avaall of the laaascraacara't is 1."adr'ilt of concrete that; taaaad l ben lacwUr dl into nio uldlaa the north and east walls drfeernent`b1cwdrld^ ('figs. 2.;., 4), All exterior door once led fron'i the north end of the basement, (fig. 25). Section , now contains as kitchen and traatll2 "oor °n as t°etnodicled by Vernon chaeir-holtz in the I �,)5 ts. Outside, ar fwr °raud;r verandah along th e cast side of the w-in t has been closed in (thy;, -!ta) 3.3 Sections 3 and 4 Vernon cha ialrcaltz added section 3 (fig, 27), now containing a large bedroorn, in 1955 or 1956„ and lie added the d oul.,le car garage comprising as ctrd,ra 4 in 1957 (fig, 8) "i�aaUre 29 shows the lrcuse ww her't lad° taaacl i7taisladrdl his extensive r°cracaaaatidan;s in ti hate 41.0 CONCLUSIONS The oldest part ol;` [lie hoiise at tut , Tilt [)rive was bUilk by Joseph Gingeriarh between 1851 and 1861. It cori ists or as log structure. which hr sits on as 'dull basement with thick stone vvaalls. Three additional Nvings extend to the north, so that the present ladarase and gaarm e strctc:hes t "wart along ai north-south axis an four connected but VaSaaa HV d iStinCt sections of varying heights, 'The second set ,anent,: which is ro a hl Y conternporary with the log lydrL03C, is as laraadt- nand- beanni sStrdad Ure The two northernmost sections, comprising as ganige aandl the u.haacerat cane- adtcarey wing vv°c:re added in that 19500 Both the interior and e tetidar appearance of the tadUSC, have been si nitau:.aan ly alltdmred over its long laustdary, Except Ctar glimpses (if the upper section of the back %vaall% visible tar°darra the attic of the o](te;t addition, the log str-uudwtUre is tIONA,. iadara°alal tel r hidden beneatti interior finishes and as SC(lUence of e terror c huldiitigs,, clapboard, insulbrick, and shingles. New, windows have been d:.dat rratda the e, st and west sides of the lday lacause at the gronrr �- ,tiaorey level, and a, window can the original ii`,ont has been extended to for°tai as door. A laari e exterior bric chininey obscUres the place where the original t °a°datrt door o as located, The post- and-b aaraa atitrUCtrurC adljaadrent to the l0g1"tdaUSC is also Laarg lar hidden, prelimimu-�v Suitt w,scssmvnt� 234 Tilt,()rive, (Male i• Sm"idivision "I CitY (PfKilchever, jf"aterlo�o ("e"unrr, Ontario Figure 23. North wall of basenvent, sectimi 2 Figure 24,, Looking, towards the southeast comer of the basement, section 2 . ......... . . Archae,ologix Inc. prelilninaflv Audi fferirage Assessawi'a, 2,34 Tili Sylbelivision 2 ql'Kitehenerl Wat, rloo (-ount.v, Ontario . . ........ ............... ... . ................. f1w,urg 25. North end of section 2, error 1950 ara Gubler) Figure 26. Looking south along the east exterior walls of sections 2 and I ..... . . . ...... . " , , , Archaeologix Inc. pri- lYnUnaarl l ldh llet .w'34 Til, Drive, Gubler Subdivision t FAG' a.p, `xf .`lx;>atc "a Mtaerloo Crlraarlr, ; Omea,,, io Figut-e 27. Section. 3, viewedfroim the northeast Figure 28. Bastion 4, viewed from the past Ruilt h1en'tage 234 Tilt Drive, (habeler Sabcfiviyjr,),q,z -2 CaY qlWitchey7c"T" ff"werloo ColmuY, Ontario ........... . . . ............ .............. - ------- .. . . . . ...... ....... . ......... ---------- ----------- Figure 29. The east NV.ade of the house at 234 Tilt Drive, eirca 1960, (Photograph courtesy of Baflxira Gubler) Fn order to assess the log Inouse accurstely, it is ncccssiry to reinove some of the kayers of i-naterial that have come to obscure it over titnc, 5.0 RECOMNIENDA"FIONS We therel'ore ntakc the f6flowing reconunendations� I "niat tiie two ricy'rthernmost sections of the house, containing the garage and the Alacent wing, be det-nolished, I That flne outer lavers and inner layers of matcria[ that O'bSCUre the early bo- and post-and-bearn structures be carefully renioved to the point where the present condition and appearance of the historic structures ca,n be observed and assessed. 3 Thal the coverings reinoved during the process of partial demolition of' sections I and 2. be recorded during the process. llrefindtuvy BBill flerilcrge lkscssnicnt, '34 rilt Drive, Gublur Call, qlfkitel,hcm-',r, Moterfoo Ofnau ici? . . . ............... -- -- . .. . ............... . ........ ... ... . ..... ...... . ........ That,, after the Its house and the post-and-bearli structure flave beery adeqUately exposed, as detafled assessment of liv building, involving [)oth an acklitioind fieW investigation and more extensive [iistotical rescarch, be underl,nken, and that the fictitage impact tassel merit be cornpleted, Prcxr "imbult•w, Built Hdrv^`tage Ass s.>mient 234 Tilt Drive, 24 `r`ta° 4pl't rt. Att- erl ontr ricr; ltrrrrrafield, Elrzrrbeffi 995 e,-ni arling Farrar "lies c:a I1(uer'raoo l oc ,,-n slripr 1800-1830, Car'iboo ,Cn'rprints, Guelph,, Ontario, Bir'rcara h lcl„ Elizabeth 1995 li caler'l,,rc) :lc r,rrrw lar > tlrrc,rlr la tr -m centuries 'artrwr•Ir_o Historical Socicty, Kitchener, Ontario. E[") , Ezra I.W. 1895 A Bioarapldc, l llr,�tcrr v r;r1° I/ater-loo T ),i�r,raship and others Io,rrrsllaps e,,fthc c ^otaratr•: bei ag ca histcw'V ( #'the ecrr'la, etth,,rs and their 'desc.,enc cants, raaarsdY rill of f'c °rara 'n °'acrrallr l.trrtc Ir crr'h in- Berfin [Kitchener], ener], Ont rio, 'o consult lar geS Online,; sce little: - t' la �trntlt r i rr� ttel lit t,L ra lr' a la c., a cr°,l lair rt t rail &PLIgg Girrlacr cii, Itr w, 1917 History of the Gin r•iclrl- °atnil , H,'W rlooChrouic /c° II Jaanuar .'v aL rloo, Ontario Ginger°ach, John Edmond, oon,ip, i 981 Cicne a ofir, i-r'hlr lirtdlcrl hiskrnarc tl and other ,teva of the EfIric h Gi agericlr fitlaall ,� RBW lira I'rittaters, Owen Sound, (-)ratarrio,, Government of Canada. 1 8 - 5 1 , 186 1 , B71, 1881, 1 91, Census reports, N/Ticr-olllni Ire ld at 1.011(10n PUblic Library. tlubler, Barbara 2008 Interviews, 5 Cictc)ber 20071, 11 April 200 Tr°ctraarine, Georg R ,;,m l L 1. . 186l 4t-ip qfA'awr °loot Walker and Miles 1,881 Illustrated f r;atcrr°ic�atl ,�Iticta� cal ts" e t. rums° ,ah 11''r.ver°loo, W vterlcira °hownsialla.,; 1853-1875 At,srvssni rat Rolls- INficrofiche held at Kitclaa.rrcr Public Libl°rr,ry, Waterloo .1 "rrwraship 1798 IT Land Records, Abstracts, I „art 5, L ichn's Fraact Irrstr•a,rrarents 208, 286. 602, 7677y 1.11 l4, '219 0, 27095, 28894