HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompass - 2008-11-05
November 5, 2008 CITY OF KITCHENER
The Compass Kitchener Committee met on this date, commencing at 4:15 p.m.
Present: Kim Knowles, Theron Kramer, Laura Lee Dam, Don Bourgeois, Norm Damaren
Staff: Shelley Adams, Jenn Grein
Regrets: Susan St. John, Pat Doherty, Mike Harris, Sarah Marsh, Jasminka Klacar
Don welcomed all members to the meeting.
1. General Business
An information brochure on the Local Environmental Action Fund (LEAF) was provided to the
An information brochure on the Downtown was provided to the committee. There seems to be
many things in the works for the downtown! This will act as a tool so residents and visitors can
see what’s going on.
2. Growth Management
Alain joined the committee to provide a quick update and answer questions regarding the
Growth Management Strategy. The full overview of the strategy was provided at the Advisory
Committee Gathering, and he is available to answer any additional questions. Additional
information can also be found at www.kitchener.ca/kgms.
Council gave staff the green light to proceed with the Growth Management Strategy, the Terms
of Reference for the group was approved in June. A Task Force was pulled together to work on
the project. The group engaged the community on what their interpretation of Growth
Management was, and provided some of the background information to residents, as well as
terminology and what the city can and can’t do. This presentation included a video (available on
the site) about growth management and Kitchener’s challenge. During these early stages of
community engagement, staff were also completing background work and research on what has
happened in Kitchener over the years. The information collected was very helpful for the project
and staff have been able to access this information and put it to use for other projects since. The
information includes details on what we have throughout the city currently – density and so on.
Staff are currently working on drafting the strategy, they are looking to create a 10-12 page
document that is easily readable.
The Growth Management Strategy consists of 5 main components:
Summary of findings from the background strategy and the community engagement
Summary of overarching goals and objectives
Strategic Directions – outline of directions that are already underway re: growth
management and new directions that we can go.
A Kitchener of Tomorrow – once all of these things are done, what will the Kitchener of
tomorrow look like? This will tie in to make the Planning document we are required to
A question was asked regarding timeframe for the project? This is a 2 year project starting in
January. Certain pieces are mandated to be implement by June 2009. All timing must be
matched up with timing with the Regional Plan.
Some of the key findings include:
We are well positioned to meet the provincial requirements in the Growth Plan for the
Greater Golden Horseshoe.
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In order to do a good job of growth management we have to have a high quality data
management system and improve the links between this system and the financial
system the city is using.
Key Directions
The one that seems to be of the greatest interest is that Kitchener is going to change
the way that we do staging of development. This change is because our current staging
of development process only considers green field opportunities. We are now
mandated to consider other opportunities as well. It is also important to build in stages
for feedback. The group will also be proposing an annual monitoring report. June 16 is
an important date in planning; many things revolve around this date as it is the
implementation date of the Places to Grow Plan. This may be an ideal time for the
community to give feedback yearly.
Staff would like to build an assembly consisting of people who are interested in growth
management that we would be able to tap into as a sounding board.
A question was asked in regards to strategic directions, thus far, the information doesn’t seem to
take into account the cultural and social aspects of development. These directions are in fact
grouped into 6 themes. Theme areas include: Enhance our Valued Natural and Cultural
Heritage Resources, Create Vibrant Urban Places, Ensure Greater Transportation Choice,
Strengthen Communities, Foster a Strong Economy, Manage Change in an Effective and
Coordinated Manner.
The question was asked, how will it affect developers who already own land when we say this
city will not be developing there? The Growth Management Strategy is not proposing anything
that is going to change the rate in growth. An evaluation matrix will be formed for use as well.
The possibility exists that we could be allowing more development in one area and less in
another, pushback from developers will likely be a result in this case.
A comment was provided to Alain, one of the primary objectives of a Plan for a Healthy
Kitchener is to create balance, it seem off that growth management is so focused on
Developers seem supportive of the Growth Management Strategy and of finishing developments
before starting the next. It may be beneficial for the group to consider looking at effectiveness
and efficiency and how they might tie in moving forward.
There is a need to create pressure points that allow staff and/or committees to respond. A
framework should be in place so it is clear if they are not meeting the requirements that they are
required to meet. Additionally it is important to create a counter weight in reports from Compass
Kitchener or the Environment Committee to show how it ties into the economic plan, tax rates,
stability, and in comparison to other communities. This is beneficial for times where it may
come to legal issues.
It was also recognized that it is important to include all the plans we have already created,
including the Strategic Plan for the Environment, Plan for a Healthy Kitchener, the Leisure
Facilities Master Plan, the Parks Master Plan, and many more!
Key members who have been involved with all of the cities plans will be at the table for the
yearly feedback sessions in order to ensure we are all on the same page.
The question was asked, does there need to be direction from Compass Kitchener for all these
pieces to be tied in together? Fortunately, this is part of the purpose of our advisory committee
gathering. Perhaps we could focus on this in the early session 2009.
CK intends to encourage this dialogue and it should also be discussed in the annual and term
by term report to Council.
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A final question was asked, how do you think this will be affected by the economic downturn?
So far we haven’t seen any huge level of change in development of the community. There is a
strong possibility of a downturn; however there is a good consensus in this community that we
will continue to see good levels of growth. Ultimately, all growth will need to be managed,
coordination will still need to take place, and it is important to continue to focus on becoming
more effective and efficient.
3. Update on Access, Equity and Inclusion - new vision statement
The new statement has been inserted into the document based on feedback received from
Compass Kitchener.
4. Advisory Committee Gathering - Feedback
Many found the Advisory Committee Gathering valuable!
A comment was received that it would be nice to have more informal time to talk with other
committee reps.
Several people pre gathering and during the gathering commented that the Saturday morning
timing does not always work. It is unfortunate, but it is hard to accommodate everyone, it may
be beneficial to rotate the times of these gatherings – one in the evening and the next on a
Saturday morning.
5. December Report to Council
The annual update to Council is an opportunity to provide highlights of what the committee has
been working on over the year. Shelley asked the group for ideas on what they would like
included in the presentation.
One important piece to mention is the level of competence that exists throughout the
corporation. An example of this is Alain, who joined the committee this meeting for an update on
Growth Management. He understands his area well and sees the broader picture. Staff in
particular have embraced the concepts and seem to be working strategically.
It also seems that senior level staff have taken to the committees work well and people are tying
it into their everyday work.
It should be noted that one of the more challenging areas this group will face over the next few
years will be the implementation of the community engagement piece.
On the agenda for next year, it would be beneficial to drive the Plan for a Healthy Kitchener out
into the community more. Unfortunately the residents are not as aware of the plan as we would
like, and it seems people are still saying you have no vision.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Next meeting:
January 7, 2009
Schmalz Room – Kitchener City Hall
General\Compass Kitchener\CK Attendance.xls