HomeMy WebLinkAboutDTS-09-016 - Traffic Calming - Greenbrook Dr - Follow-up ReviewI~TCx~~~ Development& Techrrica~ Services Report To: Development & Technical Services Committee Date of Meeting: 2009 February 9 Submitted By: John McBride, Director of Transportation Planning Prepared By: Jeramie Lewis, Traffic Technologist (741-2665} Ward(s) Involved: Forest - Rockway -Ward 5 Date of Report: 2009 January 16 Report No.: DTS-09-016 Subject: GREENBROOK DRIVE -TRAFFIC CALMING FOLLOW UP REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: That the existing traffic calming measures (8 speed humps and a narrowing at Birchcliff Avenue) on Greenbrook Drive from Stirling Avenue to Fischer Hallman Road remain in place; and further That an additional speed hump be installed on Greenbrook Drive between Ruskview Road and Birchcliff Avenue. BACKGROUND: As per the recommendations in Report DTS-06-175, Transportation Planning has conducted a review of the traffic calming measures (speed humps and one road narrowing) on Greenbrook Drive. A key aspect of the review is obtaining resident input on the measures. The City of Kitchener installed temporary traffic calming measures (chicanes) on Greenbrook Drive, in March, 2006. The concept of the chicane traffic calming measures was expected to reduce the speed of traffic along Greenbrook Drive, and discourage some of the "through traffic" from using the street. As a result of the temporary measures (chicanes), both speeds and volumes had decreased and no negative impacts on collision patterns were identified. On October 27, 2006, Transportation Planning mailed a survey and information report to residents/property owners of the Forest Hill Community on Greenbrook Drive and adjacent streets, as well as anyone that had expressed an interest in the study. The intent of the survey was to determine if there was support for the permanent installation of the temporary traffic calming measures (chicanes) on Greenbrook Drive. There were a total of 768 residential properties surveyed within the boundaries of the study area, of those residents that responded to the survey, 78% were opposed to the permanent installation of the chicanes as traffic calming measures. The residents of the Forest Hill Community did not support the temporary traffic calming measures (chicanes) on Greenbrook Drive. However, as an alternative to the chicanes it was recommended, based on sound engineering principles and resident input, that a series of 8 speed humps be installed strategically along Greenbrook Drive. The 8 speed humps and a narrowing at Greenbrook Drive and Birchcliff Avenue were installed in the spring of 2007. REPORT: As part of the review of the traffic calming measures along Greenbrook Drive, Transportation Planning has compared speed, volume and collision data for the Forest Hill Community based on pre-traffic calming conditions, post-chicane installation and post-speed hump installation. The results are as follows: ~~~ ~ 2005 Pre- Traffic Calming 2006 Chicanes 2005-2006 % Change 2008 Speed Humps % Change Stirling to Lakeside (85th Percentile Speed) 54 49 -10% Stirling to Lakeside Volumes (AADT) 8,364 7,251 -13% Lakeside to Forest Hill (85th Percentile Speed) 62 45 -29% Lakeside to Forest Hill (AADT) 7,603 6,854 -10% Forest Hill/Villa e Road 85th Percentile S eed 63 54 -15% 48 -24% Forest Hill/Villa e Road AADT 8,243 6,218 -25% 5,410 -34% Westmount to Warren 85th Percentile S eed 62 50 -19% Westmount to Warren (AADT) 5,304 3,967 -25% Warren to Forest Hill Plaza (85th Percentile Speed) 54 53 -2% Warren to Forest Hill Plaza (AADT) 4,946 4,350 -12% Plaza Chicane/Speed Hump at Measure (85th Percentile Speed) 58 44 -25% 46 -22% Plaza Chicane/Speed Hump at/on Measure (AADT) 3,934 3,543 -10% 3,114 -21% Stonybrook to Birchcliff (85th Percentile Speed) 51 52 1% Ston brook to Birchcliff AADT 4,650 3,825 -18% Birchcliff and Fischer-Hallman near #498 85th Percentile S eed 58 61 5% Birchcliff and Fischer-Hallman (AADT) 5,408 3,972 -27% Birchcliff and Ruskview near #553 (85th Percentile Speed) 55 42 -23% Birchcliff and Ruskview (AADT) 4,701 4,035 -14% Compared to pre-traffic calming data (2005) Note: 85t" percentile speed - 85% of vehicles travelling at this speed or less (km/h) AADT -Average Annual Daily Traffic (veh/day) Based on the data collected for Greenbrook Drive, in comparison to 2005, Greenbrook Drive has experienced a decrease in both speeds and volumes. However, in the section of Greenbrook Drive between Birchcliff Avenue and Ruskview Road we have had a slight increase in the 85t" percentile speed by 2 km/h, which can be attributed to the distance between traffic calming measures and the reduction in volume. 2 Recommended New Speed Hump Installation In order to address this area of higher speeds, Transportation Planning, is recommending a new vertical measure (speed hump) in the area between Birchcliff Avenue and Ruskview Road. The recommended spacing between measures is 125-150 metres, and as such the spacing between the narrowing at Birchcliff Avenue and the speed hump near Ruskview Road (approximately 350 metres) far exceeds the recommended distance outlined in the "Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming" Transportation Planning is recommending the installation of the speed hump near 502 Greenbrook Drive, as this location is ideal based on many factors including the following: • Midway between the narrowing at Birchcliff Avenue and the curve along Greenbrook Drive, • Residential support from the review survey sent out November 2008, 12 of 21 residents requested an additional speed hump be installed live in the area of the proposed additional speed hump, • Appropriate location based on guidelines from the Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming. ~` ~~~ ~ w f,<eT i .K+.R ~~r. . ..~ k ~+ ~ $I ~ti. ~`y1 ~ ~~ J ~~ ~~°~- J R~ ~ ~~~. 5 5 ~~~ 5_~~ P~ e "~ ~~~~+~77 ~: ~k~• ~ 3 Based on the side street volumes obtained this year in comparison to the data collected during the pre-traffic calming and the post chicane periods, there has been a slight increase in volumes on some of the side streets and only a single location where the 85t" percentile speed increased by 1 km/h, or 2%. However, even with increased volumes on these streets, with the highest impact being an additional 227 vehs/day on Lakeside Drive (2006 to 2008 comparison) the daily volumes travelling these streets still fall well below the 2000 vehs/day threshold that is expected for a local roadway, as defined in the City's Municipal Plan. The following table illustrates these findings: 2005 Pre- Traffic Calming 2006 Chicanes 2005- 2006 % Change 2008 Speed Humps Change Birchciff Avenue 85th ercentile s eed 55 55 0% NIA N/A Birchciff Avenue (AADT) 1528 1214 -21 % NIA NIA Forest Hill Drive (85th Percentile Speed) 57 53 -6% Forest Hill Drive (AADT) 773 914 18% Gatewood Road (85Th Percentile Speed)) 57 56 -2% Gatewood Road (AADT) 415 555 34% Gra stone Avenue 85th Percentile S eed 51 47 -7% Gra stone Avenue AADT 185 136 -26% Lakeside Drive (85th Percentile Speed) 60 58 -3% 51 -15% Lakeside Drive AADT 1273 1,181 -7% 1,408 11 Stoneybrook Drive (85th Percentile Speed) 51 52 2% Stoneybrook Drive (AADT) 808 707 -12% Village Road (85th Percentile Speed) 53 45 -16% Village Road (AADT) 319 265 -17% Warren Road (85th Percentile Speed) 54 49 -9% Warren Road AADT 935 1,151 23% Compared to pre-traffic calming data (2005) Note: 85`h percentile speed - 85% of vehicles travelling at this speed or less (km/h) AADT -Average Annual Daily Traffic (veh/day) Based on this evidence of additional traffic on some of the area's side streets, Transportation Planning will continue to monitor the traffic conditions on area streets and investigate possible actions, should any concerns arise. Collisions along Greenbrook Drive have decreased since the introduction of speed humps to this area. The following is a summary of the collision history for the pre-traffic calming, post- chicanes and present day speed humps: 4 ~ 1 ~ 1 Rear End Sin le Motor Vehicle Ri ht An le Sideswi e Total 7 6 4 3 20 Average collisions per month: 0.83 ~1 ~ 1 Rear End Sin le Motor Vehicle Ri ht An le Sideswi e Total 5 2 4 3 14 Average collisions per month: 0.93 ~- ~. 1-' 1 1 : 1 Rear End Sin le Motor Vehicle Loss of Control Total 6 3 2 11 Average collisions per month: 0.65 Based on the above findings, the reduced speeds along Greenbrook Drive have had a noticeable effect on the collision rate. There has been a 22% decrease in the number of collisions since the pre-traffic calming time period. Greenbrook Drive is a major collector roadway and as outlined in the City's Municipal Plan, a major collector roadway is expected to carry up to 8,000 vehicles per day. Greenbrook Drive is currently carrying less than 8,000 vehicles per day and averaging 0.65 collisions per month, which is lower than the pre-traffic calming collision rate. As part of the speed hump traffic calming review on Greenbrook Drive, an information and survey package was mailed out in November of 2008 to the residents of Greenbrook Drive and the Forest Hill Community. This package outlined to residents the speed, volume and collision data on Greenbrook Drive, as well as other Foresthill Community roadways, for conditions before and after the implementation of the 8 speed humps and narrowing. A total of 291 responses were received from 912 surveys that were mailed out, and the results are as follows: Total Survey Results: Residents in support of maintaining the existing traffic calming 195 (67%) Residents not in support of maintaining the traffic calming 96 (33%) Total 291 of 912 (32% response rate) Greenbrook Drive Residents: Residents in support of maintaining the existing traffic calming 59 (87%) Residents not in support of maintaining the traffic calming 9 (13%) Total 68 of 154 (44% response rate) Forest Hill Community Residents: Residents in support of maintaining the existing traffic calming 136 (61 %) Residents not in support of maintaining the traffic calming 87 (39%) Total 223 of 758 (29 % response rate) 5 It is clear that the residents directly affected by the traffic calming on Greenbrook Drive (Greenbrook residents) and the residents of the Foresthill community are in full support of keeping the existing traffic calming measures in place as they are effectively controlling the speeds of vehicular traffic along Greenbrook Drive. These lower speeds have led to a reduced collision rate. Residents in the Forest Hill Community have acknowledged the need for an additional measure to be installed on Greenbrook Drive between Ruskview Road and Birchcliff Avenue, in order to reduce the speed in which vehicles are travelling between measures. As a result of the survey conducted the following is a summary of those requests: • 21 residents responded with a request for an additional speed hump to be installed between Ruskview Road and Birchcliff Avenue, • 12 of the 21 residents that responded with this request live between Ruskview Road and Birchcliff Avenue, • 3 of 21 live along Greenbrook Drive, and • 6 of 21 are residents from the Forest Hill Community. Therefore Transportation Planning is recommending that an additional speed hump be installed in 2009 between Ruskview Road and Birchcliff Avenue as the spacing between vertical measures far exceeds the recommended distance outlined in the "Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Guide by Transportation Association of Canada" Furthermore, that the existing traffic calming measures along Greenbrook Drive remain in place. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The approximate cost for installation of a speed hump is $4,000 which includes signing and will be taken from the existing traffic calming budget. John McBride, Director Transportation Planning Jeramie Lewis, Traffic Technologist Transportation Planning Ken Carmichael, C.E.T. Supervisor of Traffic & Parking 6