The Development and Technical Services Committee met this date, commencing at 7:25 p.m.
Present: Councillor C. Weylie -Chair
Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors K. Galloway, J. Smola, J. Gazzola and G. Lorentz.
Staff: C. Ladd, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Speck, General Manager, Corporate Services
D. Chapman, General Manager, Financial Services
J. Willmer, Interim General Manager, Development and Technical Services
L. MacDonald, City Solicitor
A. Pinard, Interim Director of Planning
T. Beckett, Fire Chief
G. Murphy, Director, Engineering Services
R. Regier, Executive Director, Economic Development
B. Sloan, Senior Planner
D Gilchrist, Committee Administrator
The Committee generally agreed to refer consideration of this report to the special Council
meeting to be held immediately following this meeting.
The Committee considered Development and Technical Services Department report DTS-09-081,
dated May 20, 2009, recommending approval of the 2009-2010 and Post 2010 Kitchener Growth
Management Plan, attached as Appendix "A" to this report, on the condition that the timelines of
the capital projects be revised to align with the timelines identified in the final Development
Charges Background Study (2009). The report also recommends that the City initiate an official
plan amendment to re-designate west side lands (identified in Appendix "B" of the report), to urban
land uses, if not completed through the Official Plan review, by June 16, 2011.
Ms. Ladd addressed the Committee advising that when the growth management plan last came
before this Committee, staff was requested to meet with the homebuilding industry to see if there
was a resolution to the issues raised, and if a compromise could be found. Since that time staff
met with most of the major stakeholders to get a better understanding of the issues and find some
way to address them.
Ms. Ladd stated that the growth management plan submitted for consideration tonight is
substantially the same as the document previously before this Committee; however, that does not
mean staff has been unwilling to address the issues. Staff has reviewed the issues with the
homebuilders and found that through clarification of the issues, many of the homebuilders did not
necessarily disagree with the priority level they were given in the growth management plan.
Rather, their issues were related to other matters that did not necessarily affect staging of
development. Their issues related to such mattes as finalization of land use and related studies.
Also, timing of servicing was cited as an issue, and staff will work to resolve this in concert with the
proposed new Development Charges By-law, to allow for completion of communities which are
already being developed, before starting new communities.
She advised that a great deal of attention by stakeholders was placed on the west side of the City,
specifically west of Fischer-Hallman Road. This area is the last frontier for development in the
City. This is the City's opportunity to guide the development of an innovative community that truly
embraces the concept of complete communities, considering such things as: macro and micro
transportation planning, including live/work opportunities, housing for all population groups,
maximum pedestrian orientation through linkages between neighbourhoods using both road
systems and natural environment corridors, transit supportive principles and future links to arterial
and provincial road networks. Staff will also consider the innovative opportunities a new
community offers such as LEED developments. Without a strong framework in place it may be
impossible to achieve the kind of community envisioned through the growth management strategy
and to prematurely remove any part of the strategy will mean that the entire vision can
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not be completed.
Ms. Ladd stated that at a high level, it is important to realize that municipalities are charged with
the responsibility for the growth of cities. The new planning environment in which we now work is
significantly different and everyone needs to look at growth in a different way. Municipalities must
work within the framework of the new Provincial Places to Grow. The Kitchener Growth
Management Strategy has looked at this growth management framework, as has the Regional
Growth Management Strategy and the evolving new Regional Official Plan. Most importantly, the
City has worked at length with its citizens to ensure that the growth of our city is reflective of their
desires, as shown through the Environics survey and the resultant Healthy Communities Plan,
which is now in the City's Strategic Plan.
Change is difficult but if the City, the development industry and our community work together, the
kind of city everyone wants can be created. It is important to remember that this growth
management plan is not a competition to see who goes first; it is about making sure we do things
right. The City has always had a very collaborative working relationship with the homebuilding
industry and we value the contribution they make to our community. Staff is very mindful and tries
to respect the homebuilders' interests and timing considerations. The growth management plan
seeks to ensure there is a balance between these interests and the community's and City's
strategic interests in growth, by ensuring the following: there is a balance of growth between infill
and greenfield; there are opportunities for greenfield development throughout the City;
communities under development are completed before new communities are developed and that
planning for these new communities occurs in such a manner that there is a consistent and
continual flow of new development that supports the needs of both the homebuilders and new
homeowners; and, that infrastructure is provided in such a way that it supports growth in a manner
which is financially responsible for the City. While staff may not have satisfied all the
homebuilders, they have worked to address the majority of concerns.
Mr. Pinard addressed the Committee highlighting some of the key points in the staff report. He
noted that consultations provided the opportunity to clarify many aspects of this growth
management process, particularly that macro-level planning needs to be done in advance of
micro-level planning. Macro-level planning refers to high level planning initiatives that affect more
than one property, usually affecting a whole community or an even larger area. Decisions made
on such things as: community plans, transportation network studies and secondary plans not only
guide, but impact the range of choices that can be made for individual properties. Micro-level
planning refers to plans of subdivision and site-specific studies and focuses on very detailed
matters that can not be finalized until the macro-level planning is done. After receiving an
explanation of these matters many developers expressed support in principle provided that all
landowners are treated equally.
These recent consultations provided staff the opportunity to clarify the meaning of the 4 priority
levels. Staff advised that they would be actively processing plans of subdivision for Priority A and
B land; however, Priority B lands can not advance to Priority A if there are outstanding items such
as servicing connections. Further, Priority C lands require macro-level planning; consequently,
staff will not be processing plans of subdivision for these lands but will be working on macro-level
planning projects. Staff also advised the developers that the growth management plan will be
updated every 2 years, and properties will advance to Priority B from C when the macro-level
work is completed, and if a property advances to Priority B in a future plan, it will be given equal
standing to existing Priority B lands.
Mr. Pinard pointed out that growth management is not about ensuring greenfield land supply. It is
about ensuing that development patterns are sustainable and lead to building good and complete
communities. Maintaining land supply is important, but the growth management plan now allows
the City to better handle the requirement of making land available through intensification and
redevelopment. It is also important to understand that the growth management plan identifies and
plans for the entire remaining greenfield land supply, which will be entirely developed by 2031.
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Mr. Pinard advised that the West Side lands have been a major focus of discussion. They are
collectively the largest remaining greenfield area in the City and there are a lot of land owners
involved. It is understandable that there is apprehension over the number of macro-level projects
being proposed, especially since some of them only emerged in the last year or two. Through
discussions with the property owners, staff had the opportunity to explain the sequencing of
projects and how they relate to creating a focal point for this large part of the City. This means
looking at establishing a mixed use corridor and/or one or more nodes along Fischer-Hallman
Road to help connect this part of the City to the rest. Many of the developers have indicated that
they would co-operate provided everyone is treated equally. Mr. Pinard then explained the
sequencing of the various studies required, taking until June 2011 to complete.
Mr. Pinard reviewed the staff recommendations contained in Development and Technical Services
Department report DTS-09-081, noting that the timelines in the Growth Management Plan should
be revised to align with the timelines identified in the final Development Charges Background
Study that will soon be presented to Council. The staff recommendations also clarify and
undertake to process official plan amendments to bring all of the west side lands into the urban
area, if not completed through the official plan review, by June 16, 2011.
Mr. Pinard explained that significant revisions to the growth management plan were limited by two
factors. First, advancing the priority level of one area usually means assigning a lower priority to
another area. The second factor is that many Priority C lands are subject to the same macro-level
initiatives and it is not appropriate to advance one property ahead of others in the same situation.
Although not all property owners are in agreement with the growth management plan, the
additional consultations were a good opportunity to explain the plan and to develop some support
for it. It is a plan that co-ordinates the financing and construction of infrastructure and community
facilities with planning studies and development approvals, and staff is confident that the Kitchener
Growth Management Plan is the best way to move forward with Kitchener's growth management
In response to a question from Mayor Zehr, Mr. Pinard advised that through recent consultation
staff learned that the developers are not sure that the Development Changes Background Study
and the Growth Management Plan are consistent. The purpose of the second part of staff
recommendation # 1 is to ensure that the 2 documents are consistent.
Councillor Vrbanovic noted that the 2 year time frame for updating the growth management plan,
questioning whether it is staffs intension to have the macro-studies completed within the 2 year
period. Mr. Pinard advised that the dates fall close together, and the next growth management
plan will be available in January 2011. Staff will be preparing this plan in the fall of 2010, prior to
Council's consideration of the Capital Budget and Forecast. He advised that each evolution of the
plan will review all that has taken place in the previous 2 years. The progress that takes place
between now and next fall will influence the 2011 Plan, and if the required macro studies have
been completed for Priority C lands, staff will be able to process plans of subdivision for those
Councillor C. Weylie read aloud an email submitted by Mr. D. Bourgeoise, in support of the
Kitchener Growth Management Plan.
Mr. P. Britton, MHBC Planning, addressed the Committee on behalf of his clients who own the
gravel pits, confirming that they are in support of the staff recommendation. He questioned the
time line in recommendation # 2; that regardless of the process undertaken, that all Official Plan
changes will be completed by June 16, 2011.
Mr. Britton then requested that staff report to this Committee on a quarterly or bi-annual basis on
the progress made with respect to the growth management plan.
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Mr. Britton spoke about the land in Doon South Phase 2, and the notation that these lands
continue to be subject of an Ontario Municipal Board appeal. He asked that the notation be
revised and the priority of these lands be changed to reflect the Ontario Municipal Board decision.
With respect to the Development Charges Background Study, Mr. Britton stated that it is his
understanding that he will be able to have input into the study and he has information to submit to
staff on: priority studies, infrastructure, and environmental assessments that he will provide to
Mr. Pinard responded to Mr. Britton's submissions that regardless of the method used, the west
side lands will be re-designated in the Official Plan for urban land uses, by June 16, 2011.
Concerning the Doon South lands, Mr. Pinard agreed that the notation on the plan is out of date,
as the Ontario Municipal Board has made a decision. However, he has no comments on priority
levels. With respect to regular reports on growth management progress, Mr. Pinard advised that
staff will report every 6 months.
In response to questions about Doon South Phase 2, Mr. Pinard advised that the City will comply
with the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board. He then stated that subdivisions will not
commence until the required studies are complete. Further there are very significant Capital works
to be done; consequently, staff are not prepared to change the priority level for these lands.
Mr. P. Chauvin, MHBC Planning, addressed the Committee regarding property # 95 in the
Kitchener Growth Management Plan, noting that it is a Priority C parcel and he requested that it
be moved to Priority A. He stated that he understood the need for macro-level studies and it was
his position that these studies have already been completed. Further access and servicing to this
land has already been contemplated through the adjacent subdivision. These land are zoned R-1
and they are currently pursuing a site plan application.
In response to a question from Councillor Galloway, Mr. Chauvin advised of his understanding
that the Fischer-Hallman Corridor Study is on-going and they are prepared to work within the
confines of that study.
Mr. Pinard advised that staff gave careful consideration to the prioritizing of this land. He stated
that moving this property ahead will preclude options. Further, staff wants to treat everyone
equally; consequently, is maintaining a Priority C forthis property.
Ms. C. Wiebe, MHBC Planning, provided the Committee with a written submission and addressed
them on behalf of Freure Developments and Primeland Development who own parcels 30 and 31,
totalling 180 acres, in the vicinity of Huron Road and Strasburg Road. In the growth management
plan, Parcel 30 is designated Priority B, and Parcel 31 is designated Priority A, and her clients are
satisfied with their ranking. Over the last 20 years her clients have identified the necessary
infrastructure required to facilitate their on-going development. Key infrastructure projects
requiring completion are the extension of the South Strasburg Trunk Sewer and the extension of
Strasburg Road. Her clients and others contributed financially to the completion of the Class EA
Study which confirmed the northerly alignment of Strasburg Road and the most appropriate route
for the trunk sewer. She strongly encouraged the City to take a leadership role in order to facilitate
the timely construction of these important projects so that a number of existing communities can
be completed. A comprehensive and co-ordinated approach needs to be undertaken to ensure
the development related funding is allocated. The completion of these 2 projects will significantly
benefit a number of land owners and will allow for the completion of communities as outlined in
the growth management strategy.
Mr. T. Cooke, Cooke Capital, was in attendance on behalf of Mattamy Homes who own parcel #
118 in the growth management plan. He advised that they are very dissatisfied with their ranking.
He stated that one of their challenges is being from out of town. Although they have met with staff
many times over the last year, they remain frustrated over this process.
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They have attempted to be a team player. They have infrastructure and have completed some of
the studies. Respecting the Fischer-Hallman Design Study, they would be willing to freeze
development of those lots facing Fischer-Hallman Road. He stated that his clients are the most
successful new builder in Canada today. We want to be constructive participants but we can not
afford to wait 5 years.
In response to questions from the Committee, Mr. Cooke stated that Mattamy will bring direct
cash flow and will draw trades, employers and buyers to this Community. He stated that the
current economic situation should have been a consideration in the growth management plan.
Mr. Pinard advised that the rating for the Mattamy lands has been based on the same principles
as all other properties. We can not support changing the priority on their land when we have
agreed to treat everyone equally.
Ms. Y. Fernandes spoke about the importance of fresh water for the community. She asked that
construction not take place in the recharge areas and requested that the countryside line be a firm
Mr. Pinard advised that the Kitchener Growth Management Plan only affects lands inside the
urban area. Respecting Doon South it was ruled on by the Ontario Municipal Board. Further, all
capital projects will be subject to environmental assessments. Lands that are already in the urban
area can be developed, but in a cautious way.
Mr. L. Masseo, of Activa, stated that the growth management plan largely meets the needs of all
involved. He appreciated the fact that partial communities will be completed. He advised that he
will work with staff on Doon South regarding the required studies and scheduling.
Mr. Masseo requested deferral of a decision on Laurentian West Phase 3b of the Kitchener
Growth Management Plan until the June 15th Council meeting, noting that they have just received
new material, and he will meet with staff in this regard at their earliest opportunity. The specific
property in the plan is # 117, 468 Trussler Road, owned by 2140065 Ontario Inc.
Mayor Zehr stated that he would be prepared to agree to a deferral until the June 1St special
Council meeting; which Mr. Masseo agreed with, provide that staff can review the material. Mr.
Pinard responded that staff will do what they can; however, not knowing the details of the new
material, it is difficult to know if this could be done.
Mr. V. Bender, RBJ Schlegel, was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation. He
stated that the Development Charges Background Study and the City's Capital Forecast should
align with the Growth Management Plan. He requested that before the Development Charges
policies change that the current mechanisms be looked at carefully. He advised that they want to
participate in shaping greenfield in a positive way. Respecting the countryside line, he stated that
they support a solid line and have also cautioned the Region about a firm countryside line.
Achieving complete communities is very important and Mr. Bender stated that Schlegel is
committed to exceeding City Standards as has already been shown in the Williamsburg Town
Mr. L. Cook, Cook Homes, was in attendance and thanked staff and Council for providing clarity
with respect to the Kitchener Growth Management Plan. He stated that he is in support of both
staff recommendations, and wants to work collaboratively with staff and other developers.
Mayor Zehr moved the staff recommendations with some amendments: to defer a decision on
property # 117 until the June 1St special Council meeting; to require updates on the progress
under the growth management plan, and to amend recommendation # 2 such that through either
of the 2 methods identified the Official Plan will be amended by June 16, 2011, and to re-
designate the west side lands to urban land uses.
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Mayor Zehr stated that he wants the majority of the growth management plan dealt with as soon
as possible. The presentations this evening have been very interesting; however, we have almost
lost sight of one of the major points. We have mainly been discussing greenfield development but
other important aspects of the plan are intensification and understanding a new way of dealing
with planning.
Mayor Zehr stated that many of these greenfield properties were purchased over many years.
This is our last opportunity to make the best choices for greenfield development and changing the
status of any one property will take away from the comprehensiveness of the plan. He stated his
hope that including specific timelines in the recommendation will offer some assurances to
Councillor Vrbanovic stated that the City is in a much better position today respecting this plan and
that the previous deferral has allowed time to clarify many issues. He stated that he feels very
strongly about the importance of creating equity in the west side lands. He recognized that not all
property owners are satisfied but there seems to be a commitment to seeing the process through
over the next 2 years.
A recorded vote was requested.
On motion by Mayor C. Zehr -
itwas resolved:
"That save and except for Property #117, the 2009-2010 and Post 2010 Kitchener Growth
Management Plan, attached to Development and Technical Services Department report
DTS-09-081 as Appendix "A", be approved subject to the following:
(a) That upon approval of the Development Charges Background Study (2009), the
timelines of the capital projects be revised to align with the timelines identified in the
final Development Charges Background Study (2009); and,
That the City of Kitchener complete the processing of amendments to Kitchener's Official
Plan to re-designate the west side lands identified in Appendix "B" of Development and
Technical Services Department report DTS 09-081 to urban land uses in accordance with
approved studies, if not completed through the Official Plan Review, by June 16, 2011;
That staff provide the Development and Technical Services Committee with bi-annual
progress reports on the Kitchener Growth Management Plan; and further,
That final consideration of, and decision on, the position of Property #117 within the
Kitchener Growth Management Plan be deferred to the special Council meeting of June 1,
2009, immediately following the Development and Technical Services Committee meeting
to be held that date."
Carried Unanimously.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
D. Gilchrist
Committee Administrator