HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN-09-157 - Agreement for the Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Drinking Water SystemsI
Financial Services
REPORT TO: Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Chair, and Members of the Finance
and Corporate Services Committee
DATE OF MEETING: November 16, 2009
PREPARED BY: Angela Mick, P.Eng, Utilities Water Engineer
DATE OF REPORT: November 9, 2009
REPORT NO.: FIN-09-157
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen
In Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services
acting through the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) for the purpose of providing the
City of Kitchener with an Accreditation to Operate the Municipal Drinking Water Systems
The Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS), under the Safe Drinking Water
Act, 2002 and Regulation 188/07, requires the City of Kitchener to become licensed to operate
and maintain Kitchener's Water Distribution System. One of the licensing requirements was the
preparation of a Quality Management System (QMS) and Operational Plan. Council endorsed
the Operational Plan on November 17, 2008 (FIN-08-133). Ongoing communication regarding
the DWQMS will be provided annually to Council.
CGSB was retained by the Ministry of Environment to complete audits of the Operational Plans
on their behalf. After an external audit was completed by CGSB in summer of 2009, they
recommended that Kitchener become an Accredited Operational Authority. Execution of the
Agreement is required for Kitchener to become an Accredited Operating Authority.
A signed agreement with CGSB is required for Kitchener to become an Accredited Operating
Authority. To remain in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, Kitchener is
required to be an Accredited Operating Authority. A copy of the Agreement is attached.
There is no cost to the City to engage in the agreement, however the City must pay for audit
related expenses.
Once the accreditation agreement between CGSB and of Kitchener has been signed, the CGSB
will issue the accreditation certificate and add Kitchener to the list of accredited operating
authorities on their website.
ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Dan Chapman, General Manager of Financial Services & Treasurer
2- 2
THIS AGREEMENT made in hiplicate as of the 24~i' of September 2009
BETWEEN Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. as represented
by the Minister of Public Works and Govenmlent Services
acting tln~ough the Canadian General Standards Board
(hereinafter referred to as "Canada")
AND The Corporation of the Cit<~ of Kitchener. a corporation
incorporated under the lays of the Province of Ontario.
Canada, and having its head office in Kitchener, Ontario
(hereinafter "the (?perating Authority°")
WHEREAS Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and
Govenunent Sei-~~ices. has made the Canadian General Standards Board (hereinafter "the
CGSB") responsible for the administration of certain accreditation programs:
AND WHEREAS the CGSB has further to its mandate established an
accreditation program for the purpose of ascertaining whether a parh~ is capable of
meeting the requn-ements under the Accreditation Program for Operating Authorities of
Municipal Drinking Water Systems (hereinafter "the Accreditation Program'):
AND WHEREAS the Operating Authoring wishes to participate in and be listed
under the Accreditation Program with respect to those of its Drinking Water Systems that
are listed in the attached Schedule `B":
AND WHEREAS the Operating Authority has made an Application to Canada
representing that its seiti~ices meet the requirements of Ontario's Drinking Water Quality
Management Standard (hereinafter "the Standard") as yell as the Program Handbook for
the Accreditation of Operating Authorities -Municipal Drinking Water Sy_ stems
(hereinafter "the Handbook"):
AND WHEREAS Canada is prepared to list the Operating Authorit~~ under the
Accreditation Program upon the terms and conditions and for the consideration set out
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the nmhull
covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth. Canada and the Operating Authorit<~
(hereinafter collectively "the Parties") agree as follo~~--°s:
1. This non-exclusive Accreditation shall be for a tern of tluee (3) y°ears
commencing the nth day of August 2009 and expiring on the nth day of August
2. The follo~ti°ing listed documents form part of and are incorporated into tlus
Agreement as fully and effectively as if they were set forth at length in this
a. These articles of Agreement:
b. Schedule "A" -'`Operating Authority's Application for Accreditation":
c. The Handbook
d. Schedule 'B" - "Operating Authority's Driiilting Water Systems and
In the event of anv discrepancies. inconsistencies or ambiguities in the wording of
these documents, the wording of the document that first appears on the above list
shall prevail.
In the event that a document on the above list is internally inconsistent or
ambiguous, the wording that first appears in the document shall prevail over anv
subsequent wording in the document.
Canada declares, and the Operating Authorit<~ acknowledges, that Canada's
decision to enter into this Agreement is based in part upon the Operating
Authorih ~s representations and undertakings that are set out in the Operating
Authorit`~'s Application for Accreditation submitted by the Operating Authorit`~.
Listing in the Accreditation Program
d. During the teen of this Agreement and subject to the conditions set out herein.
Canada shall list the Operating Authorit<~ as a participant in the Accreditation
Program provided that the Operating Authorit`~ satisfies on an ongoing basis the
terms, conditions and other requirements of the Agreement of the Accreditation
Program as detailed in the Handbook.
The Operating Authorit<~ agrees and covenants that it will comply with and
perforn all its obligations in accordance with the terms. conditions,
specifications, representations. undertakings and other requirements of this
Agreement, the Standard and the Handbook. during the term of this Agreement
and for all its drinking water systems and facilities listed at Schedule 'B", «-hich
may be amended from time to time tluough mutual agreement of CGSB and the
Operating Authorit`~, including taking responsibilih~ for ensuring that:
a. the Operating Authorih- continues to respect the representations made in the
Operating Authorit~~'s Application for Accreditation (Schedule '`A")
throughout the term of this Agreement: and
b. the Operating Authority reports to the CGSB, without any delay, any changes
to its operations, facilities and procedures, or anv other changes relative to its
representations made in the Operating Authorit<~ Application for Accreditation
(Schedule "A").
6. Canada also resei'~-es the right to change the Handbook at any time. If Canada
amends the Handbook, the Operating Authority will be notified that a new
revision of the Handbook has been released. and it will be the sole responsibility
of the Operating Authorih to retrieve and implement the most current rep°ision of
the Handbook. If required, the Operating Authorit`~ will be given reasonable time
to implement associated changes to its operations, facilities and procedures that
are needed to conform to these amendments. After this time. Canada may require
that the Operating Authorit`~ confirm in writing that it conforms to the revised
Handbook Failure to bring a listed facilin~ into conformance with the revised
Handbool: within the time given for implementation shall be, at the option of
Canada, either grounds for de-listing or a default under this Agreement.
Similarly, the Province of Ontario may amend the Standard at any time. It is the
sole responsibilit`~ of the Operating Authorifi to ensure that they monitor and
conform to the most current recision of the Standard. If required, the Operating
Authorit~~ will be given reasonable time to implement associated changes to its
operations, facilities and procedures that are needed to conform to these
amendments. After this time. Canada may require that the Operating Authority
confirm in writing that it conforms to the revised Standard. Failure to bring a
listed facilit<~ into conformance with the revised Standard within the time given
for implementation shall be, at the option of Canada, either grounds for de-listing
or a default under this Agreement.
Withdra~yal and/or Termination b~- the Oneratin~ Authorit~-
8. The Operating Authorit<~ may. at anv time, inform Canada in writing that it is
withdrawing from the Accreditation Program. The Operating Authorit<~ shall no
longer use the CGSB accreditation number. Upon the Operating Authorit<~'s
formal withdra~yal from the Accreditation Program, Canada shall not be obligated
to repay anv payment or portion of anv payment made be the Operating Authorit<~
that corresponds to a period of time extending beyond the withdrawal from the
Accreditation Program.
The Operating Authorit<~ may, at the option of the Operating Authorit`~, terminate
this Agreement by giymg si~t`~ (60) days' written notice to Canada in the manner
set forth and at the address listed at Article 28.
Si~nifiamce of Accreditation
The Operating Authorit`~ understands and agrees that Canada's execution of this
Agreement and Canada's listing of the Operating Authority as a participant in the
Accreditation Program means that the Operating Authorit<~ has demonstrated to
the satisfaction of Canada that it is capable of conforming to the requirements of
the Handbook and those of the Standard. The Operating Authorit<~ shall make no
other implied or eypress representations as to the meairing of such a listing. The
Operating Authorih~ understands and agrees that the listing of the Operating
Authority under the Accreditation Program in no way_ relieves the Operating
Authorih~ of the duh~ to uphold the la~~--°s and regulations applicable to the indushti~
and to maintain a continuing, systematic and diligent program and a qualit`~
management system to ensure that the Operating Authority meets or exceeds the
requirements of the Handbook and the Standard.
Agreement to use the CGSB Accreditation number
10. During the term of this Agreement and suUject to the terms and conditions set out
hereii~ Canada hereby grants the Operating Authorit~~ the right to use the CGSB
accreditation number in accordance with Section 10 of the Handbook, ``Use of the
CGSB name and Accreditation number'.
11. Canada shall have the right to preview and approve the use of its name, the CGSB
accreditation number or anv other representation of its Accreditation Program
before publication, printing~or other use by the Operating Authorit`~. Tlus right
includes the right to preview anv other claim or representation made by the
Operating Authorit<~ in or on advertising, promotional materials or labels that
have not been assessed and listed by Canada.
12. The Operating Authorit`~ acknowledges that the CGSB accreditation number is
the e~clusiye properh~ of Canada and that all use of the CGSB accreditation
number by the Operating Authority shall inure to the benefit of Canada. If Canada
notifies the Operating Authorih~ that it objects to a use of the CGSB accreditation
number bv_ the Operating Authoritti~. the Operating Authority will have to cease
such use immediately. The Operating Authorit`~ agrees that it will do nothing
inconsistent with Canada's o~enership of and title to the CGSB accreditation
number. or with the rights pro~-ided to the Operating Authorit`~ under this
Agreement regarding the CGSB accreditation number. Nothing in this Agreement
shall giee the Operating Authorit<~ anv right, title or interest in the CGSB
accreditation number other than the right to use the number in accordance with
this Agreement.
13. The failure of the Operating Authorit`~ to conform to the teams, conditions and
covenants contained in this Agreement shall entitle Canada. acting reasonably at
its sole discretion, to terminate the Agreement The Operating Authority agrees
that the breach of any term, condition or covenant contained in Section 10 of the
Handbook. "Use of the CGSB name and Accreditation number', or Articles 10 to
13 of this Agreement, or anv use of the CGSB accreditation number ~yithout
Canada's prior consent, will cause irreparable injun~ to Canada. The Operating
Authorit`~ therefore agrees. in the event of anv such breach, and notwithstanding
an~~ provision to the cont~aiv in this Agreement, that it will not oppose Canada's
request to a court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief prey°enting the
Operating Authority's continued use of the CGSB accreditation number.
14. The Operating Authorit<~ shall immediately notify Canada of anv apparent
infringement of or challenge or claim by an~~ person relating to the CUSB
accreditation number. Canada shall have the exclusive right to control as it sees
fit, in its sole discretion, anv settlement, litigation or other proceeding relating to
such infringement, challenge or claim or other~~-ise relating to the CUSB
accreditation number.
Accreditation Program Fees
1 ~. Each rear during the teen of this Agreement, in consideration of the
non-e~clusiye accreditation granted by Canada hereby. and in consideration of
Canada's activities relating to its management of the Accreditation Frogram and
its listing of the Operating Authorit<~ as a participant, the Operating Authority
shall pay to Canada fees and charges as detailed at Section 9, "Costing", of the
16. Payment of the said fees and charges shall be made in the manner set forth at
Section 9, "Costing", of the Handbook.
Interest on Late Payments
17. The Operating Authorit`~ shall be liable to pay to Canada simple interest at the
Bank Rate, plus tln~ee percent (3.00%). on any overdue amount from the date such
amount became overdue until the date prior to the date of pa~~ment, inclusively.
18. For the purposes of Article 17
a. an amount is "due and parable' when it is due and payable by the Operating
Authorih• to Canada pursuant to the terms of this Agreement:
b. an amount is "overdue" when it is unpaid on the first day following the day
that it is due and pa~~able:
c. "date of payment" means the date on which the payment of the fees and
charges detailed in Section 9, "Costing", of the Handbool: is received by
Canada: and
d. `Bann Rate~~ means the prevailing discount rate of interest set b~-° the Bank of
Canada at the opening of business on the date the amount of the fees and
charges detailed in Section 9. "Costing", of the Handbook become overdue.
Termination for Default
19. Canada may terminate this Agreement upon giving written notice to the Operating
Authority in the event that
a. the Operating Authority fails, refiases or neglects. or is unable to comply ~yith
anv of the provisions of this Agreement:
b. the Operating Authorifi fails to comply with the provisions of its Application
for Accreditation (Schedule '`A"):
c. the Operating Authorih~ fails to comply with the requil-ements of the Standard
or the Handbook:
d. the Operating Authority- fails to respect any of the time periods stipulated.
referred to or set in accordance with this Agreement: or
e. anv amount payable by the Operating Authority to Canada under the terms of
this Agreement remains unpaid for more than sizh~ (60) days.
20. This Agreement shall terminate without notice. and all rights accorded to the
Operating Authorit`~ under tl>is Agreement shall be terminated, if the Operating
a. applies for or consents to the appointment of a receiver, receiver manager.
trustee or liquidator for itself or anv of its propert`~;
b. is unable or admits its inabilit`~ to pay its debts as they become due:
c. makes a general assigmnent for the benefit of creditors:
d. is adjudicated banlalipt or insolvent: or
e. files a voluntary petition in banlillaptcy or a petition seeking reorganization or
arrangement with creditors: takes advantage of any insoh enev law: admits to
the material allegations of a petition filed against it in any banlal~ptcy.
reorganization or insoh~ency proceeding: initiates a corporate action to effect
anv of the foregoing: or if an order is made or a resolution passed for the
winding up of the Operating Authorit<~.
21. The Operating Authorih shall be liable to Canada for all loss and damage that
may be suffered by Canada bv_ reason of anv_ default on the part of the Operating
22. Not~yithstanding anything herein to the cont-ai~ , upon termination of this
Agreement for anv reason of default by the Operating Authorih~- all fees and
charges that are owing pursuaant to the teens of this Agreement shall immediately
become due and payable, and in no event shall Canada become obligated to repay
any payment made or any portion of a payment that has been made and that
corresponds to a period of time that eltends beyond the date of termination by
reason of default.
Termination by Canada
23. Canada may, at the option of Canada, and in addition to the provisions of
Article 20 herein, terminate this Agreement by giving sixty- (60) days' written
notice to the Operating Authorih~ in the manner set forth and at the address listed
at Article 28.
24. In the event Canada terminates this Agreement for anv reason other than the
Operating Authorit`~'s default in respecting any of its obligations hereunder, the
annual Program Management charges will be prorated according to the number of
days of the then current year during which this Agreement is i1r effect, and the
remaining portion for that year ~ti°ill be reimbursed to the Operating Authority. In
the event, however. that -the Operating Authority terminates this Agreement
pursuant to Article R hereof. then the Operating Authorit<~ shall not be entitled to
anv reimbursement.
25. Without limiting Canada's remedies and recourses at law, the Operating
Authority covenants and agrees to indenmit~~ and save harnless Canada, the
Minister of Public Works and Govermnent Sei-~°ices Canada and their sei~-ants
and agents from and against
a. ane damages, costs or expenses or anv claim, action. suit or other proceeding
that they or anv of them may at anv time incur or suffer as a result of or
arising out of anv injuiv to persons (including injuries resulting in death) or
loss of or damage to propert<~ of others that may be or be alleged to be caused
by or suffered as a result of
i. the Operating Authorit<~'s operations. facilities and procedures:
ii. the provision of a sen~ice by or for the Operating Authorit`~ and in
comlection with which the CGSB accreditation number is used. whether
such use is authorized or unauthorized: or
iii. anv other act or omission of the Operating Authorih
b. anv and all liability-. loss, cost. damages, legal fees and expenses of whatever
kind or nahue that Canada may sustain or incur by reason or in consequence
of any act or omission of the Operating Authority in respect of the right
granted herein to use the CGSB accreditation number or display the certificate
issued by Canada, or the right to use or the use of the CUSB accreditation
number in connection with an~~ product and/or facilities, whether authorized
or unauthorized: and
c. anv reasonable costs that may be sustained or incurred by Canada in malting
anv ins°estigation on account of anv such liabilit<~, loss, cost, damage, legal
fees or expenses in defending or prosecuting any action, suit or other
proceeding that may be brought in connection therewith or in obtaining a
release from liabilit~~ in connection therewith. or in enforcing any of the
obligations herein contained.
Canada shall give notice to the Operating Authorit`~ of anv claim. action, suit
or proceeding referred to above. To the extent requested by the Attorney
General of Canada, the Operating Authorit<~ shall, at its own expense.
participate in or conduct the defense of anv_ such claim, action, suit or
proceeding and anv negotiations for settlement of the same. but the Operating
Authorit<~ shall not be liable to ilidemnifv Canada for payment of anv
settlement unless it has consented to the settlement.
26. This Agreement is personal to the Operating Authority and shall not be assigned
or otherwise encumbered by the Operating Authorit<~ or by operation of law. in
whole or in part Any purported assignment or encumbrance of this Agreement by
the Operating Authority shall be null and void.
Time is of the Essence
27. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.
28. a. Any notice shall be in writing and may be delivered by hand or sent by e-mail.
by courier. by registered mail or by facsimile or other electronic means that
proeides a paper record of the test of the notice, and addressed to the Parh~ for
whom it is intended at the address set out below. Anv notice shall be deemed
to be effective on the day it is received at that address.
For the Operating Authority, to:
Utilities Water Engineer
The Corporation of the Cit<~ of Kitchener
Cite Hall, PO Box 1118
200 King Street West
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 4G7
For Canada, to:
Manager, Conformit<-° Assessment Diaision
Canadian General Standards Board
11 Laurier Street, Place du Portage
Phase III, 6B 1
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 1 G6
b. Either parn~ may, by ~yritten notice to the other. change its address for
purposes of this article. In the event that any notice sent to the address set out
in this article, or in the latest address change notice received by the parfi
sending the notice, shall be returned undelivered by reason of the fact that the
part`s to whom it ~~--°as addressed has moved or does not occupy the designated
address, such notice shall nevertheless be deemed to have been received by
such part`s on the date it was sent.
29. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance ~~ith the laws
in effect in the Province of Ontario.
30. No member of the House of Commons shall be admitted to ane share or part of
this Agreement or to anv benefit to arise therefrom.
31. a. The Operating Authorit<~ certifies that it has not, directly or indirectly, paid or
agreed to pay and agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, pay a
contingency fee for the solicitation, negotiation or obtaining of the Agreement
to any person other than an employee of the Operating Authorifi_ acting in the
normal course of the employee's duties.
In this article,
"contingence fee"' means any payment or other compensation that depends or
is calculated on the basis of a degree of success in soliciting, negotiating or
obtainng the Agreement, and "person" includes any individual who is
required to file a return with the Commissioner of Lobbying pursuant to
section ~ of the Lobbi~ing_-1ct, 198, a 44 (4th Supp.):
"employee" means a person with ~yhom the Operating Authorit`~ has an
employer-employee relationship: and
'`person" means an individual or a giaup of individuals, a corporation, a
partierslup, an organization. an association and, without restricting the
generalit<~ of the foregoing. any individual ~yho is required to file a return ~yith
the Commissioner of Lobbying pursuant to section ~ of the Lobbying _4ct,
198, c. 44 (4th Supp.) as the same may be amended from time to time.
b. All accounts and records of the Operating Authoring pertaining to payment of
fees or other compensation for the solicitation, negotiation or obtaining of this
Agreement shall be open to audit, inspection and examination by the
authorized representatives of the CGSB. ~yho may make copies and take
extracts therefrom. The Operating Authorit~~ shall ~ provide all facilities for
such audits and inspections and shall furnish all such information as the
representati~°es of the CGSB may from tune to time require ~yith respect to
such accounts and records.
a If the Operating Authority certifies falsely under this article or is in default of
the obligations contained herein, the ~ CGSB may either terminate this
Agreement for default in accordance with the termination for default
provisions of the Agreement or recover from the Operating Authorit`~ the full
amount of the contingence fee.
32. a. Persons in Canada, and Canadians outside of Canada, are bound by economic
sanctions imposed by Canada. Details on existing sanctions can be found at
b. The Operating Authorih undertakes and agrees that it will, in the performance
of tl>is Agreement, comple with any such regulations that are in force on the
effective date of the Agreement.
a The Operating Authorit<~ must comply ~yith changes to such regulations
imposed during the period of the Agreement. The Operating Authorit~~ must
immediately advise Canada if it is unable to abide by the terms ~of the
Agreement~or the other documents listed at Article 2 of this Agreement as a
result of the imposition of economic sanctions against a counhti~ or person or
the addition of a good or sei~~ice to the list of sanctioned goods or sen~ices. If
the Parties camrot agree on a ~~--°orkaround plan, the Agreement will be
33. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Canada and the
Operating Authorit`~ relating to the subject matter of the Agreement and
supersedes all previous negotiations. communications and other agreements.
whether ~tiritten or oral, relating to it unless they are incorporated by reference in
the Agreement There are no terms, covenants, representations, statements or
conditions binding on the Parties other than those contained in the Agreement.
34. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the
successors and permitted assignees of Canada and of the Operating Authorit<~.
35. All of the Operating Authorit`~'s representations and warranties set out in this
Agreement as well as the provisions concerning indemnity against tlurd party
claims shall sui-~Tiee the expilti~ of the Agreement or the termination of the
Agreement for default, for convenience or by mutual consent, as shall any other
prop°ision of the Agreement that, by the nahue of the rights or obligations set out
therein, might reasonably be expected to be intended to so sui-~riee.
36. No amendment or modification to this Agreement shall be valid and binding
unless it is incorporated into the Agreement by ~yritten amendment executed bv_
the authorized representatives of both Canada and the Operating AuthoritL-.
37. No waiver shall be valid. binding or affect the rights of the Parties unless their
respective authorized representatives make it in ~~riting. The «°aiver by a Parh~ of
a breach of any teen or condition of the Agreement shall not present the
enforcement of that term or condition by that Party in the case of a subsequent
breach. and shall not be deemed or constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.
Eveiti- right, remed~~. po~yer and discretion vested in or acquired by Canada under
this Agreement or be law shall be cumulative and non-exclusive.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been duly esecuted on behalf of HER
MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister
of Publics Work and Go~-ernment Seiti-ices acting through the Canadian General
Standards Board, and has been duly esecuted on behalf of THE CORPORATION
OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER, the Operating Authority-, by- its duly° authorized
officer effecti~-e the day- and rear first abo~-e ~i ritten.
(as represented by' and acting through the Canadian General Standards Board)
Name/title: Carole Beauchamp / CGSB Manager, Confonnin~ Assessment Dieision
Witness Name/title:
2 - it
A5 per the signed application dated the 8th day of Januan~ 2009
Drinking Water S~-stem Name(s) /Address(es):
City of Kitchener Dririlcin~ Water Distribution S~~stein
Utilities Operation Centre
83 Elmsdale Ih~iee. Kitchener ON