HomeMy WebLinkAboutSafe & Healthy - 2009-12-01SAFE AID I-EALTFiY C~ONNlL11VlYAD~A90FZY C~OMNTTEF M IVUiES
DECBVBE}21, 2009 CITY OF lgl~l-ENE}2
The Safe grid H~Ithy Ca~r~rrx.riity AcNisory Ca~rrrittee met this date, oorr7r~ndng at 4:00 p. m
Presert: Ms. K Kwiatkan~sld, Chair
Ms. L Booth, Ms. M F-bgg grid Messrs. D. Bellamy, B. Pegg and D. Pellerin.
Cax~cillor B. VFt~a~ovic grid Ms. S. Frar~en were in altendarbe for part of the
Staff: L Paiubeski, Manager of Progam grid .roe Services
L Ka-abo, CommitteeP~chinistrator
Nlr. Mark Garner, Executive Director, Ddr,M-ita~,n Kitd Business Impra/emert Assoaation
(BIA), prided an update cn the BIA grid its a.xrent initiatives grid projects grid distributed
copies of the BIAs 2008 Arrxaal Report.
Nlr. Garner advised that a BIA is a non-prat organization aid 2010 will rr~rlc the 4dh
Amiversary of BIAs in Canada; the Kitd~er BlAwas established in 1977 under the authority
of the M.x~idpal Act grid has a vdunteer Board of Directors representing across-section of
businesses within its bax~daries. These established bax~daries are: Francis to Cedar Street
grid Duke to Charles Street.
In 2008, the organization r~urned its foa.~s to that of a business irrpr~ement area and
rebrarxied itself, implementing a nevv name. Currently, it has aver 400 rr~errt~ers grid those
merrt~ers who are also building owners pay a tax lely pricing the BIA with its arrxaal
fur~cing. Nlr. Garner advised that the opening budget fcr 2009 is $.550,000. F-le then briefly
reviened its organizational structure, Hating that final aooa.ritability is before City Cax~cil.
Nlr. Garner then reviewed initiatives in which the BIA is curently involved grid w«ald be of
interest to the Ca~r7rittee. F-le advised that its main foaas is cirected ta~vards the removal of
gaffiti grid possible proacxive approad~es to lessen the arr-x.rit within the Ddrwntawn core. F-le
advx~Nedged the awl oortribution made by the Safe grid H~Ithy Ca~r~rrx.riity AcNisory
Corr7rittee ta~vards the ongoing cost of gaffiti rema/al and advised that the BIA will be
requesting a $5,000. oortribution in 2010, being a 50% reduction from its 2009 funding
request. F-le also stated that it has been diffia.lt to gauge the ama.nt of funding required to
oorr~bat gaffiti each year as there are fluctuating costs depending on the a~ria.rit of rema/al
required. It has been observed that the majority of gaffiti appears between the Spring grid
Fall; some of which is gang related but in most cases is "taggir~' by individuals or crews. An
increase of "taggir~' in the core has been observed grid in cyder to effecxively gain control of
the situation, creative ideas are required to stay within the allocated removal funds. In order to
obtain additional monies, the BIA will be applying for pants from other organizations,
something which has Hat been done in the past.
Nlr. Garner advised that developrr~~t of a longterm strategy to deal with gaffiti grid its
negative impact requires oorrYrxx~ity and partner engagement. To begin this process, the BIA
has invited a ga.p of key stakeholders to develop a strategy that will address related
concerns; key stakehoders are all at the table grid will meet regularly thra.~~out the Doming
year. This poop is proposing to launch an awarer~ /educational carrpaig-i in the
ocrrrrxx~ity, is wcxidng to increase its membership, is proposing to table a gaffiti by-law and
identify areas where artistic gaffiti will be alla~n,ed to remain.
Several ac~ia-is have already been implemented to bridge the gap until to the establishment of
a la~gterm solution, namiely.
• establisrrrient of a partnership with The VUxi<ing Centre whose "stream teamis' are
prided with deaning products to rem~e gaffiti found daily on the Bound level of any
• building owners have been asked to paint their bads alley doors one of fax colors so
that if gaffiti is applied, these doors can be quddy flagged by the "street team-i' grid r~
painted by The VUxidng Centre;
• all new infrastn..~ture along King Street has been protecxed with a coating which allows
for easy gaffiti rem~al without the use of pcrner washir~ arid,
DECE]VBE7~ 1, 2009 - 31- qN OF l4TCFEI~ER
• a flat daily rate has been negotiated with a local fim~, APP Protection grid Graffiti
Removal, far removals requred above g'axid level. APP will come 1 2 days per month
grid dean the entire core. Implementation aF a flat rate has g-eatly reduced costs.
In response to several questions from members M-. Garner advised that other oorm~.nities
have arki~afFiti by la~us in place but there does riot appear to be a or~siz~fits-all k~ lad ou-
local stakehdders will work to find the best fit for ou- oom,~.nity. He Hated that any
partnerships which can be established with oonpariies /organizations in the care are weloorne
grid will assist with a more effective strategy grid more timely g'afFiti removal. The Commttee
was advised that the coating applied to Do~nto,Nn infrastructu-e would protect smooth
su-faoes for a 10-year period.
Cn motion hY N~. M Hogg -
it v~ resdved:
"That $5,000. be allocated in 2010 to the Da~nto,Nn K~td~ner Business Improvemer7t
Area for the pu'poses of their Graffiti Removal Prog'am from the Safe City Commttee -
General Provision Aooax~t."
M'. Joe N~ndni, Director, grid N~. Jennifer Mains, Outreach Coorcirrator, The V~brking Cerkre,
provided an update on the Stre~ Outreach Progam grid preserked their 2010 funding request.
M'. Nbncini cistnbuted a su~m~ary sheet identifying the various oorm~.nity agencies arrently
sl,pporting the Outreach Prog'am Additionally, statistics were provided detailing the total
riurber' of individuals served hY the prog'am grid the types of contacts made. He Hated the
fuxfing provided hY the Safe grid Healthy Corrm..nity Advisory Committee over the past
several years and the year Tnlli~xn Grant finding have made this prog'am possible.
Fu~ther, the Commttee was advised that in the Fall of 2009, The V~brking Cerkre oorxk,~ted a
suvey of Don~ntovvn businesses aslang if they had arty issues v~ith the street population. A
total of 88 businesses along K~rig Street between Victoria grid Cedar Stress were interviewed.
Three categories of responses emerged, being: no issues; oocasior~al issues / isdated
irxiderks; arid, oontirxaal issues and general problems. Ffty businesses indicated that there
were no problems at all, 27 indicated oocasiorral issues grid only 11 stated that there were
oontirx,raal issues. ~fnety peroerk of the businesses in the Don~nto,Nn have little or no oonoerr~s
v~ith the homeless population, due in large part to the work done throw the Street Outreach
Nis. K Kwiatkowski ada~x~iedged the g-o~vth in the riurba- of sl~port agencies that has been
e~erierioed grid asked hav the Local Health Integation Network (CHIN) has rx~v become
M'. N~ncini advised that the CHIN has provided finding to the Street Outreach Progam
beca~,~se they view it as: providing preventative healthcare; providing Beater access to
healthcare; and, reduang misuse of healthcare. The Outreach Prog'am is considered to be
proactive and cast effective in the view of the CHIN and they have provided pemianer~t finding
based on the cxxrent partnership model.
Nis. N~ins provided additional infom~ation on the prop-am advising that K~td~ner has two fcll-
tirr~ outreach workers on the street grid the City of V~terloo is nowfu~ding a part tirr~ worker
in their Uptonn-i. She advised that other m_nidpalities grid organizations see the Gty of
K~td~ner as having a positive image as an imovative grid caring oomnznity.
In respornse to questions oornoeming why a finding application has Hat been submitted to the
Citys Ca'rrrxxnity Investmerk Strategy (GS), M-. N~ncini stated that staff have advised that he
approach the Commttee for finds but has also suggested that he investigate other alternative
sou-oes of finding. VUth regard to the finding request, M-. N~ncini Hated that their 2010
request is $16,000.
DECE]VBE7~ 1, 2009 - 32 - qN OF l4TCFEI~ER
A general disa,ission er~,ied wherein it vvas pointed out that if the Committee disoontirx.aes its
furxing sl,~port, many of the sl,~porting agerides may also cut back on their oontnbutions.
Nls. Palubeski Hated that prodding funding to this prog'am, provides the Committee with
leverage to ensue that some of the work under its n~arxlate is accomplished. Monies
available for distribution at this Committee's discretion are far prop-ams and services Hat
axrently uxler the n~rxlate of the GS.
On motion hY N~. M Hogg -
it v~ resdved:
"That $16,000. be al located in 2010 to the Don~nto,Nn Street Outreach Prog'am from the
Safe CityCommittee - Ce~-ieral Provision Pooa,nt.,,
M'. D. Pellerin referred to a su~m~ry of Eoonorric Development Project Updates attad~ed to
the agenda.
As Nls. T Beaulne vvas Hat in attendance at todays meeting, this item vvas deferred to the
Jarx,iary 2010 meeting.
Nls. L Pal~.#~esla irkrod,ioed Nls. Juanita , Crime Prevention Ca,ricil (CPC), who has
jarred the Coim~ittee as a staff liaison. She advised that the CPC is in the process of
developing a new Strategic Plan for 2010-2014 grid has an on-line suvey available at
v,nnnniprevr~-itinga-ime.ca allo~nng input into this process. Ca~sultation v~ith the Safe and
Healthy Com,~.r7ty AcMsory Committee v~ill be sd~eduled doing its Jarx,iary 2010 meeting.
Nls. M~zger Hated that the CPCs new business plan vrill be finalized in March 2010 grid she
would be shoring this v~ith the Corm7ttee.
On motion, the rr>e~ing adjouried at 5:45 p.m
Lir>da Ka-abo
Committee Administrator