HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Adv - 2009-09-10
September 10, 2009 City of Kitchener
The Downtown Advisory Committee met this date, chaired by Glenn Scheels; with the following
members in attendance: Councillor Christina Weylie, Denis Pellerin, Alan Doherty, Peter Hammond,
and Lisa Polonoski
Staff in attendance: Silvia Wright, Sandy Curzon, Terry Boutilier, Don Chapman, Cory Bluhm, Rod
Regier, Pamela Albrecht, Siobhan Delaney
Regrets: Mark Garner, Bryan Larkin, Don Zehr, Alan Anderson, Lesley Cooper, Jack Byrne, Jamie
Yantzi, Bernie Nimer, Tamara Minns, Councillor John Smola
Ms. Pamela Albrecht provided the committee with an ‘Accessible Customer Service’ presentation.
This training has become mandatory for both the public and private sectors, as well as anyone who
interacts with the public in Ontario, or influences policy in any way.
*For a copy of the presentation, please see attachment ‘ACST Downtown Advisory’
Meeting Commenced: 4:10pm
Discussion Items
1.Minutes & Committee Updates
1.1Approval of Minutes of June 11, 2009.
On motion by Mr. Denis Pellerin, seconded by Ms. Lisa Polonoski, that the minutes of
the June meeting be approved.
1.2EDAC Advisory Committee Update
Mr. Bernie Nimer sends his regrets
1.3SAHAC Advisory Committee Update
Mr. Rod Regier gave an update regarding both EDAC and SAHAC. Economic
Development participated in a Corporate Visitation Program, for the Financial Sector
in Kitchener. 48 different companies within the financial sector were interviewed,
and the results from these interviews are currently being tabulated. A
representative from each company interviewed, has been invited to the upcoming
mayor’s breakfast, taking place on Tuesday September 22. All businesses
interviewed seem to be out-performing the industry, on average, and a majority of
the businesses interviewed view Waterloo Region as a good place to grow, with
healthy competition.
2.New Business
2.1Façade Grant Update
Mr. Cory Bluhm provided an update on the 2009 façade grant program. Several
projects currently underway are in various stages of completion. Applications are
now available for the 2010 funding of $100,000. Mr. Bluhm indicated that there
continues to be a significant interest for this funding.
Questions about the façade grant included the following:
Q: Have the signage rules changed?
A: Signage rules have not changed. In order for businesses to be able to hang their
signs over the sidewalk, they have to go through an encroachment agreement, as
well as additional processes for approval.
Q: Why is there a difference in the amount of money allocated for the façade grant
next year, as compared to last year?
A: There is less money allocated for next year ($100,000) as compared to last year
($200,000) simply due to cash flow. Council will have to re-evaluate the grant next
year if it turns out that more businesses are interested in participating. We do have
a funding contingency plan for next year, should more businesses be interested;
however funding will not be allocated to the grant program, until all allocation has
been completed throughout the organization.
Q: This time around, can tenants apply for the grant?
A: Yes, building tenants can apply for the grant this time around, not just building
Please visit http://www.kitchener.ca/downtown/facade/ for updated
façade grant information.
2.2Project Updates
*Please see attachment ‘August 09 Project Update’
If you have further ideas regarding the best way to receive Economic Develop
Development updates, please let Rod know. A URL will be created in the future, so
that committee members can receive constant updates.
King Street Reconstruction – As per Ms. Kim Feere, the King Street
Reconstruction project is on track. The granite for Speakers Corner, as well
as some light poles are on back order, however the October 3 ceremony for
the maypole set up is still scheduled as planned.
2.3 Downtown Tours
New this time around, is the online registration component. Students will be able to
sign up online, at their leisure. Ms. Silvia Wright and Ms. Siobhan Delaney have
visited the WLU – Faculty of Social Work and participated in the student orientation
day, to get the word out about the tour. As always, volunteer tour guides are
welcome, for both this upcoming tour (September 26) and our next School of
Pharmacy Tour (January 2010). A special orientation tour is also planned, for WLU
visiting dignitaries from China.
2.4Terms of Reference
Ms. Lisa Polonoski and Ms. Tracey DeVille worked on the terms of reference, to make
them more concise and less wordy. Changes to the TOR will be placed as the first
item on next months agenda, for discussion, when more DAC members are present.
2.5King Street Update
The Federal Government has just begun to release Community Adjustment Funds,
and the City of Kitchener has put in an application. We have been awarded $2.1
Million, and have until March 2010 to spend it. Since the government took such a
long time to deliver the funding, we no longer have the time to deliver everything
that we promised in our application. An update on this situation will be available at a
later date, for DAC members.
Ms. Kim Feere delivered an update on the King Street Streetscape, in regards to the
power washing and sealant application. Both the power washing and the sealant
application are underway for the first and second block, with the sealant being paid
for by a government grant program. In the future, the power wash will be applied to
certain areas of the downtown buildings as well as the road, to prevent graffiti.
(There is also less cost associated with the removal of graffiti, when a surface has
been power washed).
Questions about the King Street Streetscape included the following:
Q: Will skateboarding be in issue regarding the new planters?
A: We are looking at various solutions to this issue, to prevent skateboarders from
using the planters as ramps.
Q: Will the City be taking any suggestions on how to spend the $2.1 Million received
as grant money?
A: We will be looking at taking suggestions in the future, as to the best allotment of
the grant money.
Information Items / Unfinished Business
3. Standing Items / Business Arising
3.1 Go Transit Update
The implementation of the new GO Bus system has been targeted to commence on
October 31.
3.2Subcommittee Brief
*Please see attachment ‘Proposed Changes to TOR for DAC’
3.3 Monthly Information Sheet
Silvia will have updated information sheet for October’s meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: 5:50pm