HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 620 - Demolition Control PROPERTY MAINTENANCE
Chapter 620
Article 1
620.1.1 Approval authority-defined
620.1.2 Building Code Act-defined
620.1.3 Chief Building Official-defined
620.1.4 City-defined
620.1.5 Council-defined
620.1.6 Dwelling unit-defined
620.1.7 Director of Planning-defined
620.1.8 Manager-defined
620.1.9 Planning Act-defined
620.1.10 Residential property-defined
620.1.11 Standard approval conditions-defined
Article 2
620.2.1 Provisions-intended-Planning Act
620.2.2 Provisions-not intended-Planning Act
620.2.3 Area-limited-as set out
620.2.4 Permit-required
620.2.5 Exemptions-set out-demolition permitted
620.2.6 Authority to approve demolition
620.2.7 Application for approval-directed to Council
620.2.8 Redevelopment-approval required-conditions
620.2.9 Permit issue-redevelopment time limitation-fine
620.2.10 Heritage property of interest-examination
Article 3
620.3.1 Validity
Article 4
620.4.1 By-law-previous
WHEREAS section 33 of the Planning Act,R.S.O. 1990,c.P.13,provides
that Council of The Corporation of the City of Kitchener may byby-law des-
ignate any area within the City of Kitchener as a demolition control area
when a property standards by-law under section 15.1 of the Building Code
Pict, 1992, S.O. 1992,c. 23,is in force in the City of Kitchener;
AND WHEREAS Chapter 665 (Property Standards) of the City of
Kitchener Municipal Code has been enacted and is in force in the City of
AND WHEREAS no person shall demolish the whole or any part of any
residential property in a demolition control area unless the person has
been issued a demolition permit by the Council of The Corporation of the
City of Kitchener;
AND WHEREAS under subsections 33 (3) and 33 (6) of the Planning
Pict,R.S.O. 1990,c.P.13,the Council of The Corporation of the City of
Kitchener is the decision-maker in respect of consenting to the demolition
of a residential property in an area of demolition control;
AND WHEREAS under sections 9 and 10 of the Municipal Pict, 2001,
S.O. 2001, c. 25, in accordance with section 23.1 of the Municipal Pict,
2001,the powers of a municipality under that or any other Act maybe del-
egated to a person or a body subject to the restrictions set in sections 23.2
to 23.5,inclusive, of the Municipal Pict, 2001;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to exercise the powers conferred
by the Municipal Pict, 2001, S.O. 2001,c.25;
620.1.1 DEMOLITION CONTROL 620.1.11
Article 1
620.1.1 Approval authority-defined
"approval authority"means Council or Manager,depending on the circum-
stance as described in Section 620.2.6.
620.1.2 Building Code Act-defined
"Building Code Pict, 1992"means the Building Code Pict, 1992,S.O. 1992,
c.23,as amended.
620.1.3 Chief Building Official- defined
"Chief Building Official"means the Chief Building Official of the City and
shall include a delegate or delegates thereof.
620.1.4 City-defined
"City"means The Corporation of the City of Kitchener.
620.1.5 Council-defined
"Council"means the Council of The Corporation ofthe City of Kitchener.
620.1.6 Dwelling unit-defined
"dwelling unit"means any property that is used or designed for use as a do-
mestic establishment in which one or more persons may sleep and prepare
and serve meals.
620.1.7 Director of Planning-defined
"Director of Planning"means the Director of Planning of the Community
Services Department for the City.
620.1.8 Manager-defined
"Manager"means the Manager of Development Review of the Community
Services Department for the City in the absence or unavailability of said
Manager,this term shall mean the City's Director of Planning.
620.1.9 Planning Act-defined
"PlanningAct"means the Planning Act,R.S.O.1990,c.P.13,as amended.
620.1.10 Residential property-defined
"residential property"means a building that contains one or more dwelling
units, but does not include subordinate or accessory buildings the use of
which is incidental to the use of the main building.
620.1.11 Standard approval conditions- defined
"standard approval conditions"mean those conditions outlined in section 8,
as permitted by the Planning Pict.
620.2.1 DEMOLITION CONTROL 620.2.5
Article 2
620.2.1 Provisions-intended-Planning Act
The demolition control provisions contained within section 33 of the Plan-
ning Pict are intended to:
(a) prevent the premature loss of viable housing stock and the cre-
ation of vacant parcels of land;
(b) protect the appearance, character, and integrity of residential
neighbourhoods and streetscapes where no redevelopment is
(c) prevent the premature loss of municipal assessment;
(d) retain existing dwelling units until redevelopment plans have
been considered and approved;and
(e) ensure that redevelopment occurs in a timely manner, where
620.2.2 Provisions- not intended-Planning Act
The demolition control provisions contained within section 33 of the Plan-
nindAct,are not intended to:
(a) examine the layout or design of a proposed redevelopment of a
site that is the subject of a demolition control application since
other Planning Pict provisions perform this function;or
(b) prohibit or delay demolition where a building permit for rede-
velopment is ready to be issued.The approval authority must is-
sue approval where a building permit is ready to be issued and
may impose the standard approval conditions.
620.2.3 Area-limited-as set out
The City's demolition control area shall be limited to lands within zoning
classifications R-I through R-6 as defined in the City's Zoning By-law 85-1,
as amended,within the City.
620.2.4 Permit- required
No person shall demolish the whole or any part of any residential property
within the demolition control area specified in Section 620.2.3 unless the
person has obtained demolition control approval and a demolition permit
issued by the City.
620.2.5 Exemptions-set out-demolition permitted
This Chapter shall not apply if:
620.2.6 DEMOLITION CONTROL 620.2.6
(a) the proposed demolition does not result in the loss of any dwell-
ing units;
(b) the residential property is not a permitted use under the current
zoning of the property;
(c) the residential property has been found to be unsafe under sec-
tion 15.9 of the Building Code Act, 1992(unsafe order)and/or
has been found to be an immediate danger to life safety under
section 15.10 of the Building Code Pict, 1992 (emergency or-
der)and/or has been found to constitute an emergency situation
under the Chapter 665 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code
and an emergency order has been issued under section 15.7 of
the Building Code Pict, 1992;
(d) the proposed demolition is necessary to facilitate environmen-
tal remediation of the site and completion of record of site con-
dition as specified by a qualified professional;
(e) demolition of the residential property is necessary to allow for
the construction or establishment of a public work or service ap-
proved by the City,the Regional Municipality of Waterloo,or
Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Inc.;
(f) the residential property is a mobile home; or
(g) the residential property is exempted under any provincial or
federal statute or regulation.
620.2.6 Authority to approve demolition
Subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, all authority of Council to
approve demolition control applications under subsections 33(3)and 33(6)
of the Planning Act is delegated to the Manager under the following circum-
stances only.In all other cases Council shall have all authority. Delegated
authority to the Manager shall include the authority to impose the standard
approval conditions under subsection 33 (7)of the Planning Pict at the dis-
cretion of the Manager.This authority shall not include the power to refuse a
demolition control application. Delegated authority to the Manager shall
only apply where the residential property proposed to be demolished is not
listed as a non-designated property of cultural heritage value or interest and
not designated under the Ontario Heritage Pict and under at least one of the
following circumstances:
(a) where redevelopment of the residential property to be demol-
ished is proposed via the submission of a building permit appli-
cation and/or site plan application,if applicable under Chapter
683 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code,and the applicant
620.2.7 DEMOLITION CONTROL 620.2.9
is in agreement with the imposition of the standard approval
(b) where the residential property is within a draft plan of subdivi-
sion for which a pre-servicing agreement has been registered;
(c) in the opinion of the Manager the residential property poses a
significant threat to the health,safety,or security of the commu-
620.2.7 Application for approval-directed to Council
Notwithstanding Section 620.2.6(a)to Section 620.2.6(c)inclusive,at the
discretion of the Manager,any application may be directed to Council for fi-
nal decision.
620.2.8 Redevelopment-approval required-conditions
In cases where a site plan application has been submitted,if applicable under
Chapter 683 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code,and a building permit
has been submitted for the imminent redevelopment of the lands subject to a
demolition control application,the approval authority must approve the de-
molition control application and may impose the following standard ap-
proval conditions.The redevelopment timeframe may be extended beyond
two years at the discretion of the approval authority,but shall in no cases be
less than two years.The Planning Act outlines the procedure related to such
timelines.No other conditions may be imposed:
(a) that the owner obtains final site plan approval for the proposed
redevelopment,if applicable under Chapter 683 of the City of
Kitchener Municipal Code;and
(b) that the owner obtains a building permit(s)for the proposed re-
620.2.9 Permit issue-redevelopment time limitation-fine
Upon satisfaction of Section 620.2.8.(a)and Section 620.2.8(b),the City's
Chief Building Official may authorize and issue a demolition permit under
subsection 33(6)of the Planning Act.The demolition permit will be subject
to the following condition:
That in the event that construction of the proposed redevelopment is
not substantially complete within two years of the date of issu-
ance of the demolition permit,the Clerk may enter on the col-
lector's roll,to be collected in like manner as municipal taxes,
$20,000 for each dwelling unit contained in the residential
properties in respect of which the demolition permit is issued
and such sum shall,until payment thereof,be a lien or charge
620.2.10 DEMOLITION CONTROL 620.4.1
upon the land in respect of which the permit to demolish the
residential property is issued.
620.2.10 Heritage property of interest- examination
In the case of a residential property having cultural heritage value or interest,
the approval authority may also request,though not require,that the owner
sign an undertaking allowing the members of the City's Heritage Committee
and/or the City's Heritage Planning staff the opportunity to enter the residen-
tial property to photograph and document the building(s)before demolition
Article 3
620.3.1 Validity
It is hereby declared that each and every of the foregoing sections of this
Chapter is severable and that,if any provisions of this Chapter should for any
reason be declared invalid by any Court, it is the intention and desire of
Council that each and every of the then remaining provisions hereof shall re-
main in full force and effect.
Article 4
620.4.1 By-law-previous
By-law 91-324 and the contents of Chapter 620 are hereby repealed.By-law
2013-093,24 June,2013.