HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO-18-015 - Business Plan Status Update - April 2018REPORT TO: Community Infrastructure and Services Committee
DATE OF MEETING: June 18, 2018
SUBMITTED BY: Kathryn Dever, Director Strategy & Corporate Performance,
519-741-2200 ext. 7370
PREPARED BY: Jennifer MacLean,Corporate Planning Analyst,519-741-2200 ext. 7263
WARD (S) INVOLVED: All Ward(s)
DATE OF REPORT: June 4, 2018
REPORT NO.: CAO-18-015
SUBJECT: Business Plan Status Update April 2018
For Information
The City of Kitchener Corporate Business Plan is designed to make progress on the priorities
in the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan and the community vision to build an innovative, caring and
vibrant community.Having staff commitment to integrate this work into the ongoing operation
of the organization provides a management framework that creates clarity and focus for
following through on the promises made to the community in the Strategic Plan.
The status of projects on the Business Plan is reported to Council three times per year, and
progress for ongoing initiatives is reported annually at year-end.The intention of sharing this
information regularly with Council and the public is to demonstrate full transparency and
accountability for this work. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with the status of
all active business plan projects as of April 30, 2018.
This new structure took effect in April 2018 and the 2018 Business Plan has been updated to
reflect these changes. As a result, some projects may be found under a new department then
in previous reports.
There were 71 projects in the City of Kitchener 2018 Business Plan that were in progress
between January and April of this year. As of April 30th, 83% of all active projects are on track
to be completed as planned or have been completed.Significant progress has already been
made on a number of projects so far this year with the following projects completed:
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IF2 - 1
1.Community Engagement Policy (OG15):The Community Engagement Policywas
approved by Council on January 29, 2018. This policy provides direction and guidance to
ensure that responsibilities to effectively communicate, consult, and engage the community
will be fulfilled.
2.Comprehensive Review of Business Licensing (CS31):The review has been
completed with a focus on consumer protection, health and safety, and nuisance control
and with the purpose of creating a clear concise and modern by-law. In December 2017, a
new Comprehensive Business Licensing By-law was passed by Council. The by-law, fees
and processes take a customer-focusedapproach to business licensing to support
neighbourhood and community organizations as well as to facilitate business development
while still protecting the public.
3.Server Systems Failover Capability (CS36):The network and server system failover
capabilities were successfully tested. This will allow for business continuity in the event of
a loss of operations at the City Hall computer room.
4. Community Energy Investment Strategy (NB20): The purpose of this strategy is to
improve and sustain Waterloo Regi
through coordination of targeted energy investments. Council, along with other local
municipalities and the Region, endorsed the strategy in February 2018.
5. Revenue Comprehensive Review Action Plan and Implementation (CS58): This review
resulted in a re-organization of the Revenue division. The new structure will provide a
more logical alignment of roles and a better distribution of tasks across roles. It will position
the division to meet future challenges such as population growth and new service trends
such as e-services.
As of April 30,10 projects have new expected completion dates and two projects have
completion dates to be determined due to vacancies in key staff positions, resource constraints
and time needed for coordination of work between stakeholders. The status of these projects
The projects are listed below with
their new expected end dates:
1. Neighbourhood Places Program Neighbourhood Greening Program (Apr-2019)
2. Responsible Pet Ownership Strategy (Apr-2019)
3. Development of Public Internet Access Standard (Dec-2018)
4. Low Impact Development Design Guidelines Stormwater Utility (Aug-2019)
5. Sustainable Development Feasibility Study (Dec-2018)
6. Parking Payment Technologies (Aug-2018)
7. Complete Streets Policy (Aug-2018)
8. Long-term Financial Plan (Aug-2019)
9. Parkland Dedication Policy Update (Apr-2019)
10. Year-round Maintenance of Trails and Pathways Around Schools (Apr-2019)
11. Corporate Climate Action Plan (TBD)
12. Make It Start Advanced Manufacturing Incubator (TBD)
IF2 - 2
A full listing of all active projects on the 2018 Business Plan and their status as of April 30,
2018 can be found in Appendix A: Business Plan Status Update April 2018.
through the delivery of core service.
council / committee meeting.
ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Dan Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer
IF2 - 3
2018 Business Plan Status Update As of April 30, 2018
Gloria MacNeil(519) 741-2200 ext. 7952
By-Law Enforcement
CS03Responsible Pet Ownership Strategy Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Work in conjunction with City of Waterloo and
Staff have developed a list of questions relating to licensing,
KW Humane Society to development a series of
microchipping and best practices. Staff have begun contacting other
actions to encourage responsible pet ownership.
municipalities who currently license cats and requested information
specific to the licensing, microchipping and spay/neuter clinics they
may have in their municipalities.
Next Steps:
Research a variety of options and best practices used by other
municipalities to better control the cat population and increase the
ability to return cats to their owners when they become lost (including,
but not limited to: licensing, microchipping, spay and neuter clinics.)
Staff will be reporting back to Council with the results of the best
practices research and a recommendation on which option, or
combinations of options the City should pursue in early 2019.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS56Administrative Monetary Penalties Strategy (AMPS)
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Research and development of removing the
City of Kitchener and Waterloo have retained a consultant to move us
parking ticket process from the Regional Court
forward with the development and implementation of the AMPS
House and implementing an internal process
program. The consultant is currently researching and developing the
that could be shared with Waterloo, resulting in
required procedural bylaws, a draft AMPS bylaw, and a Screening and
a more efficient and customer-focused process.
Hearings Bylaw, that we will be implemented if the process is
approved by Council. The consultant has also sent out an email to
several municipalities and started charting responses for us to
determine best practices.
Next Steps:
Report to Council in late 2018, early 2019 with an outline of the AMPS
IF2 - 4
Gloria MacNeil(519) 741-2200 ext. 7952
By-Law Enforcement
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB53Boulevard Beautification Guidelines
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Review and develop guidelines which will allow
Staff held a workshop with several internal staff to discuss ideas and
residents flexibility in using different materials,
suggestions of what would, or would not work within the boulevard
ground cover and plantings as an alternative to
area. Internal staff who are directly affected by work done on the city
sod on city boulevards. This action supports the
right of way also met to review the suggestions that came out of the
vision for lovemyhood by creating a system
workshop and identify any specific departmental suggestions or
where residents can take the lead in these
concerns that need to be considered in the bylaw.
beautification projects.
Next Steps:
Staff will be holding a public meeting on May 1st to get feedback from
residents. Staff will also be meeting with Legal and Risk Management
staff to discuss the bylaw and consider any concerns they may have.
A report will be taken to Council at the end of June with a proposed
Jana Miller(519) 741-2200 ext. 7231
Corporate Customer Service
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
OG12Customer Service Review
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This action supports the Customer Service
Customer Service Strategy Session completed with Council in
Strategy principle of efficiency and
February. Extensive staff engagement campaign (online survey, one
effectiveness. This work focuses on
on ones and focus groups, leadership workshops) is largely complete,
understanding the service challenges and
having reached 1500+ staff. Soft launch of external campaign has
opportunities across the organization and from
reached 500 participants so far.
Next Steps:
include a comprehensive internal customer
service review, external citizen engagement
Citizen engagement campaign has been developed. Largest push will
campaign, employee campaign, and
happen May through September. Goal is to reach a minimum of 2000
development of a service brand.
citizens. Review recommendations expected to come to Council for
approval in 2019.
OG22Advance CRM Technology Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This action supports the Customer Service
Development of draft road map, outlining the various projects required
Strategy principle of channel integration. This
in order to implement full CRM functionality has begun.
work focuses on developing a prioritized
Next Steps:
roadmap/work plan for all initiatives required to
integrate the LAGAN/CRM software with other
Upgrade to Lagan software is required - planned for later spring, to be
key corporate systems. Deliverables will include
followed by integration to CityWorks platform. Meetings with
the development of a strategy to assess IT/Customer Service, CRM vendor on these matters are ongoing.
corporate business lines to be brought on to
CRM over time. This work is critical to the
development of a future online portal.
IF2 - 5
Jana Miller(519) 741-2200 ext. 7231
Corporate Customer Service
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
OG23Close the Loop with Citizens
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This action supports the Customer Service
Council support for Close the Loop pilot approach occurred at
Strategy principle of customer interactions. Use
February Customer Service Strategy Session. Pilot selected = long-
the information obtained through the Corporate
term customer parking complaints. Initial meeting with Bylaw to
Customer Service Review to develop a strategy
explain/get agreement on the pilot has occurred. CRM technology for
outlining how final resolution to service
automatic notifications to customers has been tested & confirmed.
interactions will be communicated to citizens,
Next Steps:
when possible.
Bylaw/Customer Service staff to develop messaging for auto-
notifications and scripting for call centre staff to use for phone calls.
Goal is to begin pilot by end of May. Additional feedback about Close
the Loop from citizens to be obtained through Customer Service
Review. Priorities for rolling the pilot out to more services to be
identified/prioritized later this year.
Jon Rehill(519) 741-2200 ext. 5500
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS24Regional Emergency Communications Centre
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Incorporate the recommendations from the
Kitchener Fire Department, in collaboration with other local fire service
regional emergency communications centre
stakeholders, have agreed to advance a common technology platform
which is the first phase in furthering the regional emergency
communications centre model.
Next Steps:
See CS61 Replacement of Fire Department Dispatch System.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS61Replacement of Fire Department Dispatch System
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement the Intergraph Computer Aided
Project team (which includes staff from Fire, Police and the CAD
Dispatch (CAD) system with Waterloo Regional
vendor) have participated in design, configuration and deployment
Police Services to enhance interoperability
planning workshops provided by Integraph. Monitor layouts and
between the two public safety agencies. The
hardware set up including purchasing of required servers and the
current CAD system is approaching the end of
creation of a temporary testing site for the new system at Kitchener
its life cycle and must be replaced.
Fire is completed. Project team continues to develop mapping,
response rules and deployment models for the new CAD system.
Next Steps:
The project is on target for completion in early 2019. Next steps
include User Acceptance testing, alignment of operation processes
between Waterloo Regional Police Dispatch services and Kitchener
Fire Dispatch services and the creation of training resources and
training plan for all Kitchener Fire staff.
IF2 - 6
Mark Hildebrand(519) 741-2200 ext. 7687
Neighbourhood Programs & Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB42Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre Expansion -
Design & Construction
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Commencement of the design and construction
Design complete. Tender documents completed and released for
of expanded space at the Doon Pioneer Park
Community Centre, including a gymnasium and
Next Steps:
other program and partner spaces, to meet the
needs of the growing community.
Tender submissions have now been received. Staff are working
through the submissions to determine a recommendation to City
Council on the award of the tender.
NB44Community Centre Audit Implementation Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The community centre section completed a
35 of 52 recommendations are completed or has been moved into the
significant audit with immediate, short-term, mid-
daily work of the section (ongoing). Work over the year has largely
term and long-term recommendations. Review
focused on positive culture and communication in and between
and implementation of these recommendations
will consist of a substantial body of work.
Next Steps:
Review our policy on community centre facility use, looking at how our
facilities are accessed by residents through such things as
Neighbourhood Association and partner programming as well as
rentals.S taff will also be leading a collaborative review and analysis
of the current Neighbourhood Association Policy to identify current
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and developing
recommendations for change if needed. F inally, staff will be
continuing work on culture in the section, specifically working on a
recognition/reward program for community centre staff.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB48Snow Angel Program
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This action is a recommendation from the city's
Research into local community-based organizations who provide
lovemyhood strategy and supports the
snow removal support, focus groups with key stakeholders, and
implementation of a program that promotes
research into municipally-run Snow Angels programs are complete.
neighbourhood safety by connecting volunteers
Next Steps:
with those who need assistance clearing snow
away from sidewalks and driveways.
Staff are making arrangements to conduct additional internal
engagement to determine the final recommendations.
Recommendations will be presented to CLT before the end of
September 2018.
NB50 Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Greening Program
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Work is underway to finalize the project charter, scope, timelines and
lovemyhood strategy and supports the
deliverables. Regular project team meetings have been scheduled
implementation of improvements to public
with internal staff who are supporting this project. Residents and other
spaces in the city (specifically neighbourhood
external stakeholders will be engaged as part of activities currently
greening efforts such as adopt a park, trail,
being planned for summer/fall 2018.
garbage can, clean-up days, etc), with a focus
Next Steps:
on providing simple steps for residents to follow
when working with city staff to make
Development of an internal project team, charter, scope and
neighbourhood improvements.
timelines. Internal and external community engagement activities are
being planned to be launched in summer/fall 2018.
IF2 - 7
Mark Hildebrand(519) 741-2200 ext. 7687
Neighbourhood Programs & Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Work is underway to finalize the project charter, scope, timelines and
lovemyhood strategy and supports the
deliverables. Regular project team meetings have been scheduled
implementation of improvements to public
with internal staff who are supporting this project. Residents and other
spaces in the city (such as more benches or
external stakeholders will be engaged as part of activities currently
rest stops, improvements at bus stops, better
being planned for summer/fall 2018.
shading or lighting), with a focus on providing
Next Steps:
simple steps for residents to follow when
working with city staff to make neighbourhood
Development of an internal project team, charter, scope and
timelines. Community engagement activities are being planned to be
launched in summer/fall 2018.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB52More Neighbourhood Events
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Developed an inter-departmental and divisional project team with staff
lovemyhood strategy and supports the
who worked together and with residents to support this new resident-
implementation of creating simple steps to
led program. Engaged with internal and external stakeholders and
follow when residents are working with the City
residents through engagement activities (e.g. focus groups). Secured
to organize an event, especially street parties.
an insurance package for street parties.
Next Steps:
Staff report is being prepared in collaboration with the Neighbourhood
Development Office and the Transportation division on a resident-led
street parties program, to be delivered to Council in June 2018. The
staff report will include: A new Love My Hood Street Party program,
they want to host a street party; An updated bylaw for special events
on city road, including a definition of street parties and the conditions
included for hosting them; Details on an insurance package for street
parties (to be implemented 2018).
Kim Kugler(519) 741-2200 ext. 7544
CS66Leisure Facilities Master Plan Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The Leisure Facilities Master Plan (LFMP)
The project plan and schedule are approved by project sponsor and
provides the foundation for investment in
project champion.
existing leisure and recreation facilities and
Next Steps:
services and determines future facilities and
services within the City of Kitchener. The final Approval of project plan and schedule by steering committee.T he
plan will provide recommendations on new
first project team meeting is scheduled for May 2018. S chedule
facilities to be incorporated into the meeting with users groups and staff in May and June 2018.
development charges by-law.
Research studies related to LFMP to be completed by July 31, 2018.
IF2 - 8
Kim Kugler(519) 741-2200 ext. 7544
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE25Asset Management Plans for Golf
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop the first phase of a detailed asset
Kick-off completed. Team structure defined with technical leads
management plan outlining the current state of
identified. Asset categorization completed.
assets within the scope of the plan as well as
Next Steps:
the data requirements necessary to create a
long-range lifecycle management plan. These
Schedule meetings to define the level of detail required to collect
plans will support data-driven decisions and
asset information; conduct and consolidate the inventory of assets.
balance maintenance activities to the expected
Develop a financial valuation and determine the current position of the
levels of service within the asset category.
assets within their lifecycle.
Colleen Collins(519) 741-2200 ext. 7094
Corporate Communications & Marketing
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
OG15Community Engagement Policy
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Development of a Council policy for Community
On January 29, 2018, Council approved the Community Engagement
Engagement that provides direction and
Policy (GOV-COU-2010) as presented. Staff groups are currently
guidance to ensure that responsibilities to
being notified of the new policy with additional outreach plans in place
effectively communicate, consult and engage
to drive awareness and support.
the community are fulfilled.
Next Steps:
Project work is fully completed.
OG16Community Engagement Plans, Tools and Resources Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Development of community engagement plans,
Tools are being developed and tested on an ongoing basis. This
tools templates and resources to support staff
includes a workshop planning template, a mini engagement plan, a
in effectively informing and engaging citizens.
comprehensive engagement plan and tips for survey design.
Initial deliverables will include an intranet
Next Steps:
presence with engagement plan templates,
checklists for public meetings, survey
Staff will continue testing and refining these tools, and developing
development and online engagement, and
additional templates such as evaluation forms.
OG24Municipal Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Commission Calls to Action
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This project will result in a potential municipal
Staff have begun outreach by attending meetings and events held by
response for Council consideration to the 2015
local groups. Staff are now meeting regularly with the Region of
Waterloo, the City of Cambridge and City of Waterloo to coordinate
Report, including its Calls to Action, and identify
and make recommendations for other ways the
Next Steps:
City can support Indigenous peoples in
Kitchener. Deliverables will include a staff report A scoping report is currently being prepared for council consideration.
detailing the full scope of the work and a report
with recommendations on our approach to key
issues defined through the initial project scope.
IF2 - 9
Michael Goldrup(519) 741-2200 ext. 7117
Human Resources
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS25Implementation of the First Phase of the Corporate
Talent Strategy
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement actions to ensure commitment to
The 2018 talent management priorities were supported by CLT. A 4-
becoming a high-performing, credible and
month HR co-op placement was successfully completed in April, with
dynamic organization, while supporting change
the student completing instructional design for eight online learning
to move the organization and employees toward
courses for various FCS divisions. This was a pilot co-op placement
a desired corporate culture. The strategy
for the department. A draft probationary performance review system
includes initiatives in 7 strategic programs:
was completed for permanent full-time, non-union employees. A
workforce planning, recruiting & staffing,
project plan was completed for a corporate-wide needs assessment
onboarding & orientation, learning &
to identify future 'supervising/managing' training needs for supervisors
development, career management, succession
and managers.
management, and performance management;
Next Steps:
as well as development in leadership.
Finalize the probationary performance review system for permanent
full-time, non-union employees and commence work on a system for
permanent full-time union employees. Commence RFP for profiling
assessments to support the recruitment function and employee
development. Complete a framework and implementation plan for the
development of organizational core competencies. Report on talent
management strategy results/statistics for 2017. Complete final report
on the multi-year recruiting process review results.
Christine Tarling(519) 741-2200 ext. 7809
Legislated Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS18Electronic Agenda Management
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Create, prepare, approve and publish meeting
Completed a comprehensive review of the agenda preparation
agendas in a more efficient, collaborative,
process for Property Standards and Dangerous Dog Designation
streamlined manner.
Appeals Tribunals through a LEAN perspective to identify and
implement efficiencies. Implemented electronic minute-taking to
streamline minute production process.
Next Steps:
Conducting a comprehensive review of the agenda preparation
process for standing committees and Council meetings through a
LEAN perspective to identify and implement efficiencies. Continue
investigating potential implementation of a third-party application that
leverages existing technology owned by the City. Report back to
Corporate Leadership Team on findings and recommendations.
CS31Comprehensive Review of Business Licensing Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Undertake a full review of business licensing
Bylaw passed by Council in December 2017. Cross-training and
processes for greater customer focus, better
education was completed. Tool-kits were created for new businesses
use of existing technologies and to implement
& pop-up Farmers' Market. New Applications for each schedule
industry best practices. Review and update
created. Webpage developed (kitchener.ca/businesslicensing) with
licensing by-law to provide greater clarity, and
fees, applications and regulations.
review and update fees. Improve relationships
Next Steps:
and integration with internal partners, and cross-
train staff for improved service provision and Project work is fully completed.
personal development.
IF2 - 10
Christine Tarling(519) 741-2200 ext. 7809
Legislated Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS37Online Business Licensing
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement the first phase of online business
New AMANDA folders created for each class of business in both
licensing (e.g., pilot with business license
AMANDA test and AMANDA production. Automated emails created
that are sent to licensing, and any other division that has inspection
Next Steps:
New folders to be moved into AMANDA 7 (waiting on AMANDA
support & IT to upgrade). Public Portal 2 & credit card payment to
follow the release of AMANDA 7. Develop online renewals, develop
new reports dependent on new folder creation.
CS402018 Election Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Conduct the 2018 election and report on the
Updating policies and procedures to meet Municipal Elections Act
requirements is in progress. Revisions to election worker position
descriptions, requirements and training are completed. Procurement
of tabulators, laptops, barcode scanners and LTE modems is
completed.P rocurement of Voter Notification Card printer is in
progress. All forms, manuals and resources for candidates and third
party advertisers are completed and on the website.T raining of staff
to accept nominations and third party registrations is completed. Have
obtained CLT approval to recruit City staff as election workers,
including Managing Deputy Returning Officer (MDRO) positions.
Next Steps:
Complete policy and procedure updates, revisions to election worker
requirements and training, and equipment procurement. Print and
mail Voter Notification Cards. Complete and execute on
communications plan. Develop and deliver candidate orientation.
Establish emergency election centre. Hire workers and provide
training. Establish Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee.
Carry out election, report on official results. Plan Inauguration and
revise new Council orientation.
IF2 - 11
Christine Tarling(519) 741-2200 ext. 7809
Legislated Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS68Electronic Records Management Strategy
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement the necessary and appropriate
Obtained approval from CLT to make the Records Management (RM)
strategies, tools, processes and skills to
101 a mandatory training for City staff who has email account.
systematically control the creation, distribution,
Developed the module for online RM 101 training. Deployed and
promoted the online RM 101 training. Developed a dedicated ERM
records/information maintained as evidence of
resource page in KHUB where cheat sheets, tips & tricks are posted.
business activities and transactions.
Held kick-off meeting with designates across the corporation who will
coordinate the project among their respective groups. Have 75%
completion rate for RM 101 training as of April 27th 2018.
Next Steps:
Electronic Records Management Strategy, the focus for 2018 is the
management of electronic records stored in Q:, S:, O: drives and
official email records across the corporation. Continue to work one-
on-one where requested to provide support for Division Q:, S:, O:
drives clean-up initiatives; Once clean-up is completed, the next step
is to organize network drives according to the City's corporate-wide
classification system.
Dan Murray(519) 741-2200 ext. 7825
Technology Innovation & Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS36Server Systems Failover Capability
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Accelerate the installation of required
The network and server system failover capabilities were tested in
equipment to provide comprehensive server
March and worked successfully. Further projects will focus on
backup capability at the Kitchener Operations
specific business applications being moved into this environment and
Facility to allow for business continuity in the
individually documented but are outside the scope of this project.
event a loss of operations at the City Hall
Next Steps:
computer room. This installation will respond to
one of the major recommendations from the
Project work is fully completed.
business continuity project.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS62Development of Public Internet Access Standard
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Digital Kitchener outlined the development of a
Public Internet Access Standard as part of the
continued to work with the Community Services department to
Inclusive theme. This project will include
improve the delivery of public internet and computer services. To date
working with community partners to define what
this work has identified five areas of opportunity related to service
attributes would constitute public access and
policy, standard technology offerings for public use and future
then using that definition, developing a
planning. This includes work to identify a benchmark for current
minimum standard of free public Internet
service, with an aim to target service improvements over time for
access to be adopted by the City. This
public benefit.
minimum standard can then be used to direct
Next Steps:
future investments for public access terminals
or free Wi-Fi in future projects.
Throughout spring/summer of 2018 staff will continue create a
comprehensive proposal for consideration. Staff anticipate that an
update on this initiative will be brought forward to council in mid-2018.
IF2 - 12
Dan Murray(519) 741-2200 ext. 7825
Technology Innovation & Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS64Civic Innovation Lab at Communitech
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The establishment of a Civic Innovation Lab is a
The lab began operations on Jan 8th with two co-op staff. The lab
significant initiative in support of the Digital
has been working on a data platform to consume IoT data from
Kitchener strategy. The lab will operate as a
devices (Streetlights, sensors) and provide insights from data. The
pilot project for 3 years and focus on developing
system will leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning.
innovative solutions where Internet of Things
Investigations into water and gas metering projects, parking
(IoT) can help solve municipal challenges.
management and snow level monitoring projects are underway.
Work to establish the lab will begin in 2017
Next Steps:
pending project and budget approval by Council
with the intent of having a fully operational lab
Gas and Water metering project is likely to be delayed into 2019 due
by the end of the year located at Communitech.
to the manufacturer's timelines. Parking, snow level monitoring and
noise monitoring projects are being planned. Sessions being planned
to brainstorm other areas of opportunity are planned for June.
CS65Implementation of the Digital Kitchener Strategy Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Digital Kitchener, a four year digital strategy
An update to Committee on Digital Kitchener 2017 accomplishments
approved by Council in 2017, is a vision to
and the 2018 Brave Plan was presented on February 5th. The 2018
make Kitchener more Connected, Innovative,
Brave plan was unanimously approved. Work continues in the areas
On-Demand and Inclusive. A number of
initiatives will be identified on an annual basis
Next Steps:
that fulfill the action steps outlined in Digital
Kitchener and help realize the vision. Staff will
Staff plan to return to Committee with an update on the Digital
report back to Council on the progress of the
Inclusion and Public Access Standard in mid 2018.
plan annually. Ongoing communications and
marketing of Digital Kitchener and its supporting
initiatives will need to continue.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
EC07Broadband & Fibre Optic Infrastructure
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Work collaboratively with stakeholders to
With the support of the SWIFT network regionally in 2017, our
explore options to either encourage third party
attention has turned to being a SWIFT "build-ready" partner.
fibre optic investment in Kitchener or partner
Discussions with regional partners have taken place to identify areas
with others to provide improved high-speed
of opportunities to investigate collaborating on.
broadband infrastructure for Kitchener. High
Next Steps:
speed internet access is increasingly viewed as
essential infrastructure for a globally
A meeting with SWIFT representatives is planned for June to discuss
competitive economy.
their specific requirements from municipal partners. Discussions are
also taking place with local service providers as possible.
IF2 - 13
Justin Readman(519) 741-2200 ext. 7646
Administration - Development Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE04Corporate Climate Action Plan
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan
The corporate climate risk and vulnerability assessment is complete
for the organization that integrates both
using ICLEI's BARC (Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities)
mitigation measures with adaptation strategies
methodology. Preliminary mitigation strategies have been developed
that work synergistically to reduce vulnerability
based on input from key stakeholders within the organization.
to climate risks and greenhouse gas emissions.
Next Steps:
The responsibility for this project has been transferred to the City's
new Corporate Sustainability Officer in the Development Services
Department. Timing for expected completion will be updated for the
next reporting cycle.
Mike Seiling(519) 741-2200 ext. 7669
CS55AMANDA 7 and Public Portal Review Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The AMANDA software system requires a
IT staff assisted in reviewing server options including a decision on a
significant upgrade; AMANDA 7. Prior to
go forward basis.
implementation, testing of scripts and set-up of
Next Steps:
security groups and reporting tools is
necessary. The existing public portal is integral
The vendor will build the public portal after IT confirms the server
to the core business. The project will include
verification is complete.
reviewing the existing public portal including
other software options.
Cory Bluhm(519) 741-2200 ext. 7065
Economic Development
EC04Make It Vibrant - Special Events and Urban Experience Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop a strategy to support the delivery of
Economic Development analyst position was vacated and recruitment
both world-class and grass roots community
to fill the position completed. Initial public consultation is complete.
experiences, such as festivals, events,
Next Steps:
programs and urban experiences.
Staff to table a draft strategy with Council in Q1/Q2 of 2019, followed
by final public stakeholder consultation.
EC08Make it Start - Advanced Manufacturing Incubator Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Support the development of an advanced
Waterloo Region, Toronto and Hamilton were awarded $230 Million
manufacturing incubator in Kitchener, offering
from the Federal Government's Innovation Supercluster Fund to
specialized accelerator programming for startup
support advanced manufacturing. Funding Agreements are currently
manufacturers. Funding has been allocated in
being drafted for execution by Next Generation Manufacturing.
the reserve. Implementation is dependant on
Next Steps:
the Council approval of the Business Case.
Staff continue to work with all partners involved to determine options
for advancing the incubator. Staff anticipate identifying options to
consider by Q4.
IF2 - 14
Cory Bluhm(519) 741-2200 ext. 7065
Economic Development
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
EC23Make It Grow - Music and Film Industry Office
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Support the creation of a Music and Film
Council has approved a new Film Music and interactive Media Office.
Industry office to facilitate local music, film and
The establishment of an industry office will lead activities for 2 years.
digital media cluster success in Kitchener and
Following the pilot period, a migration to a suitable, existing regional
area. Funding has been allocated in the
entity would be implemented to share future resources and
reserve. Implementation is dependent on the
investments to strengthen regional sectors.
Council approval of the Business Case.
Next Steps:
Staff are implementing recommendations for the Film Music and
Interactive Media Office.
EC24Make It Start - Creative Hub at 44 Gaukel Street Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Facilitate the development of a hub for creative
A partnership between the Accelerator Centre and ArtsBuild Ontario
industry entrepreneurs through affordable
has facilitated the use of the second floor of the building for
space, networking and professional
technology and creative industry practitioners since the fall of 2016.
development opportunities. Based on the
Currently, there are over 30 people working out of the second floor of
results of the 2017 RFP process, develop
the building.T o continue momentum for the creative hub and
revised implementation options and a re-scoped
Accelerator/ArtsBuild Ontario initiatives, staff has been working with
pathway forward. Funding has been allocated in
creative industry stakeholders to pilot creative hub activities on the
the reserve. Implementation is dependent on
first floor of 44 Gaukel to explore how the successful model on the
the Council approval of the Business Case.
second floor could maximize the use of the building.
Next Steps:
Report is scheduled to come to the FCS Committee May 28. If
approved at committee, final approval pending at the June Council
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
EC26Make It Urban - Upper Level Market Transformation
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
As part of the Kitchener Market Strategy
Team kick off for Food Incubator has occurred. Beautification
implementation, develop and begin
processes are underway (i.e. Edison LED Lights installed for
ambiance and effect during Market events in the upper level market,
upper level and piazza, with the goal of creating
outdoor furniture layout, bicycle rack improvement) .
a more vibrant, programmable, entrepreneurial
Next Steps:
and identifiable experience while generating
additional revenue. This could include a
Beautification to the Lower Piazza by the Pea Pod Fountain targeted
refreshed look, improved functionality and the to be completed by July in time for the Eby St. mural launch. Banners
introduction of a Food Incubator to support new
and hardware in and around the Market District to be installed by July.
food startups.
NB12Make it Urban - Rockway Centre Partnership Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Finalize the evaluation of potential
Staff met with Rockway Seniors Community to provide an update.
redevelopment opportunities for the land
Staff continue to work with neighbouring property owners to find
surrounding the Rockway Centre, and provide
Council with options for proceeding with a
Next Steps:
public-private partnership.
Options for proceeding are expected to be presented to Council in Q1
IF2 - 15
Hans Gross(519) 741-2200 ext. 7410
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE05Low Impact Development Design Guidelines -
Stormwater Utility
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Low Impact Development (LID) is an approach
There have now been 5 full road reconstruction projects tendered with
to storm water management that mimics a site's
LID incorporated into the design (permeable concrete parking laybys,
natural hydrology as the landscape is
exfiltration systems in the storm sewer, bioretention and oil and grit
developed. Using the Low Impact Development
separation units). Additionally, the Stormwater Policy is being
approach, storm water is managed on-site and
implemented in development projects with the administrative changes
the rate and volume of storm water reaching
presented to the Waterloo Region Home Builders Association
receiving waters is unchanged from
presented in April 2018.
predevelopment levels. These guidelines will be
Next Steps:
integrated into the existing Development
An update to the Development Manual will incorporate the
administrative changes to corporate policy MUN-UTI-2003
(Stormwater Management Policy) as well as the design guidelines
and resources developed by the Toronto Region Conservation
Authority and Credit Valley Conservation Authority for LID
implementation. Internal engineering standards will be refined as
experience is gained in design and construction projects being led by
the Engineering Division and Stormwater Utility.The Development
Manual Update has been delayed until the Spring of 2019 and as
such the completion date for this item is to be revised to mid 2019.
Alain Pinard(519) 741-2200 ext. 7319
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB11Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Undertake a multi-phase, comprehensive
All recent project milestones met. Review of all external comments
review of the City's Zoning By-law 85-1 to
from the first draft complete and individual responses provided.
implement the new Official Plan and other
Numerous issues resolved via meetings, additional work, site visits,
required changes.
etc. A final draft of all of the zones (except Residential) prepared,
reviewed internally, comments and issues addressed and a final
version posted online, circulated and advertised. Statutory Public
Meetings at PSIC to table the final draft zoning by-law and receive
formal submissions on April 30th and May 8th.
Next Steps:
Receive and review formal submissions made for the Statutory Public
Meetings (Apr. 30 and May 8). Prepare final by-laws for Council
consideration in 2019.
NB13Sustainable Development Feasibility Study Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Working with partner organizations, under the
Phase 1 essentially complete. Phase 2 underway. Background
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
information and direction for Kitchener case study sites provided.
Green Municipal Funds program, undertake a
Internal team meeting at the end of April.
feasibility study to help inform sustainable
Next Steps:
development practices at a site or
neighbourhood scale. The emphasis is to be on
Internal team meetings and consultant work on Kitchener case study
energy sustainability.sites April-Summer 2018.Consultant is working with 4 municipalities
on this multi-year project. Phase 1 is essentially now complete. Phase
2 began in March 2018 which involves Kitchener and Waterloo.
Consultant advises this phase should have a draft by Fall and
complete by end of year.
IF2 - 16
Alain Pinard(519) 741-2200 ext. 7319
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB20Community Energy Investment Strategy
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
As a supporting partner with the Region of
Kitchener Council endorsed the Strategy, along with other local
Waterloo, local municipalities and utility
municipalities and the Region, in February 2018. Report submitted to
companies, explore opportunities for energy
FCM as part of grant requirements.
efficiency, optimization of local energy
Next Steps:
resources and reduction of environmental
impact related to energy. The resulting region-
Project work is fully completed.
wide strategy will set a path to improve how
energy is generated, delivered and used
throughout the community.
NB21Hidden Valley Land Use Study Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
To develop a Master/Community Plan for the
Project re-scoped. Phase 1 of stormwater flow monitoring and
Hidden Valley area that would be implemented
modeling complete. Phase 2 underway which will help provide
by way of amendments to the Official Plan and
technical background work needed for a new land use plan. Initial
Zoning By-law. This project would be integrated
internal meeting held regarding the preparation of a new land use plan
with a servicing study for the area that will be
for the area.
led by Engineering. The study will also identify
Next Steps:
any public interest in the Hidden Valley lands
including opportunities to protect and/or acquire
Future community/stakeholder engagement to be confirmed for the
natural features and sensitive lands.
land use planning process .
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB26Urban Design Manual
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Undertake a full review of the urban design
A first draft most of the sections in the new Urban Design Manual -
manual to implement the new Official Plan,
Part A are drafted, reviewed internally, revised and ready for the start
make the document more efficient and
of external stakeholder review. Industry session, coffeehouse chats
effective, complement specific design briefs etc.
and other targeted initial stakeholder engagement sessions underway.
Next Steps:
Table a first draft (not including the technical standards)
spring/summer for public/stakeholder review. Report is anticipated to
be presented to Council in Q3 2019.
NB43Heritage Best Practices Implementation Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
In follow up to Report CSD-15-08 which
Status update presentation and discussion with Heritage Kitchener in
recommended the development of a variety of
March 2018 on all of the best practices and upcoming priorities for
best practices regarding the conservation of
this year. Completion of first draft of a Conservation Plan for a City-
cultural heritage resources.
owned heritage resource (one of the best practices). Discussion
paper on delegated approval by-law update to May 1 Heritage
Next Steps:
Remaining heritage best practices implementation items will be
discussed at Heritage Kitchener starting in May 2018 and will come to
Council as they are recommended.
IF2 - 17
Ken Carmichael(519) 741-2200 ext. 7372
Transportation Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS54Parking Payment Technologies
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
A review of new technologies related to
RFP completed and proposals submitted. Committee reviewed
payment options for our parking facilities, with a
submissions to determine a rating for each proposal.
mandate to incorporate more user friendly
Next Steps:
payment options (ie. Pay By Mobile).
Staff is finalizing award. Implementation will follow immediately after.
NB18Complete Streets Policy Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The City of Kitchener has a number of policies
A draft set of principles have been established.
and practices that promote complete streets.
The development of a complete street policy
Next Steps:
would review best practices and combine
Work will be integrated into the cycling and trails master plan update.
elements into a standalone policy document
that ensures planning, design and
implementation of an element of the city's
transportation network considers and aims to
meet the needs of all users regardless of age,
ability and travel choice.
NB34Community Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Consider options to revise the mandate of an
Research has begun and the concept has been discussed at a
existing advisory committee to create a co-
Regional level with peers.
operative partnership between city staff,
Next Steps:
community groups and other agencies that
seek to enhance traffic and pedestrian safety in
Continue research into advisory Committees of other municipalities
Kitchener. The Committee will provide input and
and report back to Council by end of 2019.
feedback on traffic safety issues such as school
zone concerns, traffic calming requests and
traffic-related education initiatives.
NB46Automated Speed Camera Program for Traffic Calming Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Subject to the passing of new Provincial
Discussions have taken place at the Regional level to coordinate
legislation related to speed cameras, staff to
potential implementation of this legislation on a consistent basis
investigate the potential use of this technology
through all jurisdictions within the Region. This item is a regular
to address speeding concerns in school zones.
discussion topic at area Regional Traffic Coordinators meetings.
Next Steps:
Develop an implementation plan, working with the Region, Police,
School Boards, MTO and all stakeholders. Work with internal work
areas (Legal, Finance, Engineering) on internal requirements to
support this program.
IF2 - 18
Ken Carmichael(519) 741-2200 ext. 7372
Transportation Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE12Update the Cycling Master Plan
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This project will entail updating the 2010 Cycling
Staff met with internal stakeholders to discuss community
Master Plan which previously had only looked at
engagement strategy. Project Charter is complete. Draft terms of
on-road cycling facilities. The proposed update
reference for RFP complete.
will update the on-road network as well as
Next Steps:
incorporate off-road trails cycling
infrastructure. This will also include proposing
Release of RFP. Establish a steering committee/technical working
cycling related education and programming.
SE26Asset Management Plans for Parking Enterprise Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop the first phase of a detailed asset
Kick off completed. Team structure defined with technical leads
management plan outlining the current state of
identified. Asset categorization completed.
assets within the scope of the plan as well as
Next Steps:
the data requirements necessary to create a
long-range lifecycle management plan. These A number of key items are required to develop a Phase 1 Asset
plans will support data-driven decisions and
Management Plan (AMP): 1. Define the level of detail required to
balance maintenance activities to the expected collect asset information, 2. Conduct and consolidate an inventory of
levels of service within the asset category.
established assets, 3. Based on the availability of data, develop a
current financial valuation, 4. Establish a current position for which
the assets sit within their lifecycle (where possible).
Brenda Johnson(519) 741-2200 ext. 7647
CS69Automation of Payment Processing Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Multi-phase project including investigation and
Online expense demos with SAP and IT. Attended SAP Smart Cities
automation of corporate credit card processing,
Forum and learned about other municipalities who have implemented
online travel and expense claims, and electronic
online expense modules.
storage in SAP of payment documentation such
Next Steps:
as invoices and cheque remittances in an effort
to reduce paper and streamline processes.
Create a detailed plan for the project. Determine system
requirements for online travel and expenses.
Ryan Hagey(519) 741-2200 ext. 7353
Financial Planning
CS09Long Term Financial Plan Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Prepare a consolidated long term financial plan
Initial reviews of other municipalities, industry practices and
that will be the financial framework for the City
government financial associations conducted.
going forward. The framework will incorporate
Next Steps:
policy work pertaining to reserves, debt, and
enterprise investments.Continuing work to define scope, develop framework, and deliver the
long term financial plan. This will include reviews of other
municipalities, industry best practices, and government financial
IF2 - 19
Ryan Hagey(519) 741-2200 ext. 7353
Financial Planning
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS41Development Charges Background Study (2019)
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Work has begun on the development of the project plan.
Charges Background Study and Bylaw as
required by legislation.
Next Steps:
Finalize the development of the project plan. Finalize the terms of
reference for hiring a development charges consultant. Retain a
consultant prior to the summer recess.
OG10Participatory Budgeting Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Enable community members to directly decide
Staff have completed the first phase of engagement to generate ideas
how to spend part of the city's budget, allowing
for the ballots.
them to make budget decisions that affect their
Next Steps:
Phase 2 and 3 voting will proceed during the month of May with final
ballot results announced in June. Voting will take place at
neighbourhood meetings, online at engagekitchener.ca and in
community centres. Construction is targeted for the fall of 2018.
Joyce Evans(519) 741-2200 ext. 7825
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS58Revenue Comprehensive Service Review Action Plan
and Implementation
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop and implement an action plan to
Revenue comprehensive review was completed in the fall of 2017.
respond to the Revenue comprehensive review
Recommendations from this report have been implemented.
key findings and recommendations.
Next Steps:
Project work is fully completed.
Jonathan Lautenbach(519) 741-2200 ext. 7334
Supply Services
CS70Streamline Procurement Processes Related to Payment Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Streamline procurement processes related to
Project plan developed and accounting audit findings reviewed for
payment processing by reviewing and revising
inclusion in solution development
SAP functionality as well as increasing
Next Steps:
utilization of corporate credit cards.
Development of current state process maps for the following
functions: parked invoice, cheque requisition, petty cash, field
purchase order, purchase requisition / purchase order and corporate
credit card payment processing.
CS71Purchasing Procedures to Support New By-law Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Development of purchasing procedures related
Project plan developed and sample documents have been gathered
to the new purchasing by-law including:
from other publicly funded agencies.
debriefing; procurement protest; supplier
Next Steps:
performance evaluation; supplier suspension
and solicitation document drafting.
Draft procedures based on research and validate with internal
IF2 - 20
Jonathan Lautenbach(519) 741-2200 ext. 7334
Supply Services
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement an e-tendering module to enable
Project plan developed for Phase 4. Implement electronic
vendors to self-identify for interested
submissions of proposals by December 2018.
commodities, access bid documents and
Next Steps:
drawings and submit tenders, proposals and
quotations electronically.
Create bid templates for request for proposals - electronic
submissions and notify vendors of upcoming change.
Denise McGoldrick(519) 741-2600 ext. 4657
Administration - Infrastructure Services
CS22Water & Sanitary - Review of Rate Structure Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Champion a review of the water and sanitary
Staff met to review the work performed as part of the Water
utilities fixed vs. variable rate structure.
Infrastructure Program (WIP) and to develop a strategy on how to
move forward with the project.
Next Steps:
A public education/engagement plan will be developed in 2018 and
will build upon the Water Infrastructure Program (WIP) work
completed in 2017.
Cynthia Fletcher(519) 741-2600 ext. 4424
Facilities Management
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
EC28City Hall Outdoor Spaces Detailed Design
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Develop a detailed design to address critical
Based on Council feedback, the functional design was modified to
infrastructure repairs for City Hall outdoor
address questions raised. Staff confirmed with the original Architect
spaces and concurrent work to improve the
for City Hall that the current design for re-development of the outdoor
functionality of Carl Zehr Square for public
spaces is in keeping with the original design intent.
events programming.
Next Steps:
A project charter and project team for this phase of the project will be
established. Detailed design will focus on the required elements and
the optional elements will only be at a preliminary design stage.
Greg St. Louis(519) 741-2600 ext. 4538
Kitchener Utilities
CS60Utility Meter Mobile Workforce Management System Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Source a highly configurable and flexible mobile
Staff has finalized the documentations that will outline the base for
workforce management solution to facilitate in
building the solution and integration with SAP.
field management of a variety of gas and water
Next Steps:
related legislated activities. The proposed
solution will replace the current paper based The final blueprint document and other documents will be reviewed by
systems, integrate through SAP service orders
staff. The first group of tablets will be purchased in preparation for
and Cityworks work orders allowing dispatchers testing. System testing will begin in June.
to input into a queue of work plans delivered to
staff by mobile devices through the MWMS.
IF2 - 21
Denise McGoldrick(519) 741-2600 ext. 4657
Parks & Cemeteries
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
CS59Parkland Dedication Policy Update
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Comprehensive review and update of the
A draft policy, by-law and discussion paper has been completed.
current Parkland Dedication Policy related to
acquiring parkland (or cash-in-lieu payment)
Next Steps:
through development applications.
An internal staff review of the draft policy, by-law and discussion
paper is planned. Council will receive the draft information prior to
consultation with Committees of Council and community
stakeholders.This project is being shifted out to better align with the
DC exemption bylaw timelines.
NB04Grand River Park - Phase 1 Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This project will include the establishment of
Staff presented to the Corporate Recreation and Leisure Steering
criteria, the evaluation of potential lands, the
Committee and received feedback on opportunities.
prioritization of natural space land acquisition
Next Steps:
opportunities, and the development of a vision,
including: potential park programming and cost Staff is presenting to the Corporate Leadership Team to obtain
estimates in order to inform future capital
direction on opportunities and next steps.
budget forecasts. Phase 1 includes the
acquisition of the site. The development of a
master plan will begin when Phase 1 is
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB10Upper Canada District Park Master Plan - Priority 1
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The re-alignment, consolidation and
The park has been stripped, rough graded and prepared for
improvement of the Southwest Optimist
infrastructure installations such as retaining structures, drainage,
Sportsfield baseball diamonds including
irrigation and servicing. Due to late Spring ice cover, re-mobilization
supporting infrastructure as identified in the
from 2017 was delayed until late April.
approved Upper Canada District masterplan.
Next Steps:
Park Opening: Summer 2018. Diamond
Opening: Spring 2019
Construction activities have resumed as of April 30th, 2018 and will
continue until project completion.
NB17Doon Pioneer Park Skate Park Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
The development of the Doon Pioneer Park
Public Workshop #2 was held on February 27, 2018 and three
Skate Park will be completed through this
concept designs of the skatepark were presented to stakeholders for
project. The Leisure Facilities Master Plan
review and comment. Public consultation also included an online
recommended that additional skateboard
Engage Kitchener survey.
facilities be developed in Kitchener in an effort
Next Steps:
to expand on the continued success at that time
of the Aud Skatepark, and to address the Upcoming public consultation to be scheduled to present the refined
growing need for opportunities in skateboarding.
Skatepark Concept Plan by the consultant.
IF2 - 22
Denise McGoldrick(519) 741-2600 ext. 4657
Parks & Cemeteries
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
NB19Implementation of the South Kitchener District Park
Master Plan Phase 1
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Phase 1 of the development of the South
A Heritage report and conservation plan was approved in January
Kitchener District Park will include the
2018. The park will be named RBJ Schlegel Park through a
development of the sports fields,
sponsorship agreement. Temporary park signs have been installed.
playground/splash pad, stormwater
Approvals from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change were
management features, grading and site
received in April. A second submission was made for Site Plan
servicing, roads and parking.
Next Steps:
Phase 1 Park & Sportfield tender to be issued and awarded in
spring/early summer 2018 and construction is to begin in the summer
of 2018.
SE06Sustainable Urban Forest Management Program Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
This project will initiate the development of a
After an extensive community engagement and planning process the
Sustainable Urban Forest Program with the
draft sustainable urban forest strategy has been completed and is
creation of an urban forest strategic plan for
ready to be reviewed by the community. A video was created and will
public and private urban forest, and an asset
be shared with the public to encourage input and feedback on the
management plan for trees on city lands. A
draft strategy.
sustainable program sets the course of action
Next Steps:
for a socially desirable urban forest that can
also be achieved and maintained based on the
The draft sustainable urban forest strategy will be presented at the
true capacity of the city to manage resources.
May 7th Council Strategic Session. This will also start eight week
public comment period for the draft. Through the summer staff will
finalize the strategy and develop the implementation plan.
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE07Iron Horse Trail Improvement Strategy - Central Section
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Improvements to the central section (Victoria
The project was awarded by council on March 19th. Detour routing
Street to Queen Street) of the Iron Horse Trail
and communication with stakeholders has been completed in
will include trail-road crossings, signage,
advance of the upcoming construction.
seating & rest areas, trail width & surfacing,
Next Steps:
connectivity, amenities and landscaping.
Construction activity will begin the first week of May, beginning with
the northern section between Victoria St and Gage Ave. Construction
will continue through the summer and is scheduled to be completed in
August 2018.
SE08Year-round Maintenance of Trails and Pathways Around Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
Schools - Pilot
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Implement the pilot project to asphalt and winter
Following two winters of data collection, a project team meeting was
maintain trails around Glencairn Public School
held to bring together all project stakeholders and coordinate existing
and that staff monitor the use of these trails
trail counts, upcoming survey work, city wide mapping and cost-
through two winter seasons. Continue to meet
benefit analysis.
with neighbourhood associations on school
Next Steps:
access routes and report back to council on the
finding of the pilot project and future direction.
City-wide mapping of trails in school zones is being completed to
analyze City-wide implementation evaluation. Engagement plan for
feedback on the pilot is being developed. This work is being moved
out to align with the first year evaluation of the sidewalk winter
maintenance program and will capture an additional year of winter
IF2 - 23
Denise McGoldrick(519) 741-2600 ext. 4657
Parks & Cemeteries
Status as of Apr 30th 2018:
SE23Iron Horse Trail Improvement Strategy - North and
South Section
Expected Completion:
Recent Progress:
Improvements to the North (Union to Victoria)
A Terms of Reference for professional services was prepared and
and South section (Queen to Ottawa) of the Iron
posted on our bidding opportunity website. Initial shortlisting has been
Horse Trail will include items such as trail
completed in order to award the project at the June 11th council
paving and widening, improved trail-road
crossings and wayfinding signs, additional
Next Steps:
seating and garbage bins, as well as, enhanced
naturalization and landscaping. Subject to grant
Staff will be making a recommendation of award to a consultant at the
funding additional trail lighting will be included.
June 11th council meeting. Once the project is awarded, work will
begin on the conceptual corridor design.
IF2 - 24