HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN-18-007 - 2017 Development Charge Reserve ReportREPORT TO: Community and Infrastructure Services Committee DATE OF MEETING: June 18, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach,CFO Financial Services,519-741-2200 ext 7334 PREPARED BY: Ruth-Anne Goetz,Senior Financial Analyst,519-741-2200 ext 7335 WARD (S) INVOLVED: All DATE OF REPORT: May 8, 2018 REPORT NO.: FIN-18-007 SUBJECT: 2017 Development Charge Reserve Fund ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: For Information. BACKGROUND: The Development Charges Act (1997) and its 2015 Treasurer submit to Council an annual statement of the Development Charge Reserve Fund. REPORT: Summary of Development Charges Legislation: The Act provides the authority and process for the imposition and collection of development charges. Development charges (DCs) are generally paid as a part of the building permit process, and are collected to fund growth-related capital costs for services as allowed by provincial legislation. Services are grouped into two categories discounted services and non- discounted services. The Act requires that a discount of 10% be applied to the growth-related capital costs for discounted services when calculating development charge rates. Non- discounted services refer to services for which the legislation does not require a reduction. The following table shows which services within the City of Kitchener fit into the discounted and non-discounted categories: CategoryServices within Category Discounted ServicesGeneral Government Studies Parking Indoor Recreation Outdoor Recreation Cemeteries Library *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. IF3 - 1 Non-DiscountedRoads and Related ServicesSanitary Servicing Watermains Storm/Watercourse Intensification Allowance Engineering Studies Public Works Fire Asummary of the DC Reserve Fund by Category of Service is found in Table A. Determination of Development Charges: A Development Charges Background Study is required to be completed when updating a Development Charges by-law. The by-law is then valid for a period of up to 5 years. The Act stipulates that the DC rates may be indexed, effective January 1 of each year that the by-law remains in effect. As such, the City of Kitchener indexes the DC rates based on the non- residential construction price index, as provided by Statistics Canada.The 2017 DC rates are set out in Table B. Revenue DC collections in 2017 total $8.2M, a large decrease from the 2016 collections of $16.9M. Of the total revenue, $7.4M was attributable to residential development and $0.8M was for non- residential development. During 2017, the City sold an additional 25% of its capacity at the Shirley Drive Pumping Station. A portion of this payment (6.25%, representing a quarter of the 25% additional capacity sold) was allocated to the DC reserve, and is noted as Other Revenue. Expenses Net DC expenses to December 31, 2017 total $10.9M. Detailed lists are included in the DC Reserve Fund Transactions in Tables C, D and E. Since 2004, different rates have been charged for the Central Neighbourhoods as compared to the Suburban Areas of the City (as defined in the DC by-law). Related revenues and expenses broken down by service are shown for both of these areas in Table E. Expenses are allocated to either the Central Neighbourhood or the Suburban Area based on whether the service is considered to be city wide, or related only to a specific area. If a service is considered city wide, the expense is allocated based on estimated population growth in each area as provided in the background study. Reserve Fund Balances The DC Reserve Fund at December 31, 2017 was in a deficit position of $5.6M compared to a $3.4Mdeficit at the end of 2016. It is important to note that although the reserve fund is in a deficit, the current financial position is stronger than what was anticipated in the 2014 DC background study due in large part to the strong level of new construction in the community IF3 - 2 since the 2014 Development Charges Background Study was approved. The overall reserve balance is broken out into further detail in Table E. The detail provided shows the balances in the Suburban Areas and the Central Neighbourhoods, which is then divided intoResidential and Non-Residential services. These services are further divided into the Discounted and Non-Discounted categories, and then split into balances by service. Some services may reflect a deficit while others reflect a surplus. When the background study was completed, the reserve balances in each service were included in the development charge rate calculation, therefore over time, it is anticipated that the deficits will be recovered and the surpluses utilized. Exemptions DC exemptions in 2017 total $2.1M compared to $1.5M in 2016. A summary of major exemptions is included in Table F.Of the total exemptions, $1.4M was attributable to residential development and $0.7M was for non-residential development. Major exemptions are additional dwelling units in existing residential buildings, downtown core exemption, public school board use and redevelopment allowance*. *If a redevelopment occurs and proof of demolition is provided, the development charge applicable shall be reduced by an allowance that equals the number and types of residential units and the non-residential gross floor area of the former development, at the rates applicable at the time the first building permit for the re-development is issued. Credit for Service Agreements The City may, by agreement, permit a developer to provide services for development of land in lieu of payment of the development charge. At December 31, 2017, credits of $11.3M were outstanding compared to $4.9M at the end of 2016.Refer to Table G for more details. By-law A new DC by-law came into effect July 1, 2014 for a term of no longer than five years.Work will commence on a new background study this summer. No Additional levies The City of Kitchener has not imposed, directly or indirectly, a charge related to a development or a requirement to construct a service related to a development, except as permitted by the Act or another Act. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: through the delivery of core service. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Financial implications are discussed above and detailed in the attached appendices. IF3 - 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM council / committee meeting. In addition, a copy of this report will be provided to the Waterloo Association. ATTACHMENTS: Table A: Development Charges Reserve Fund Summary by Category of Services Table B: Development Charge Rates Table C: 2017 Transactions Table D: 2017 Expenses Table E: Reserve Fund Transactions by Service Table F: 2017 Exemptions Table G: Credit for Service Agreements ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department IF3 - 4 Total 14,957 391,558 8,235,722 (3,395,350)(5,624,254) (10,871,141) - Total 374,109 5,176,3333,384,4113,011,160 (5,923,693) 105,550 (77,243) Non-Res (165,991) (1,341,838)(1,479,522) Discounted Res 451,352 6,518,1713,278,8614,490,682 (5,757,702) Total 391,558 (359,152) 4,851,311 (8,571,683)(4,947,448)(8,635,414) TABLE A 713,832 Non-Res (330,848)(977,896) (6,221,976)(6,816,888) SUMMARY BY CATEGORY OF SERVICES DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND Non-Discounted Res 391,558 (28,304) 4,137,479 (2,349,707)(3,969,552)(1,818,526) Balance December 31, 2016DC Act RevenueOther RevenueInterest Income (Expense)ExpensesBalance December 31, 2017 IF3 - 5 TABLE B DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RATES CentralSuburban Residential DevelopmentNeighbourhoodsAreas Single detached or semi-detached dwelling$5,618$10,783/ dwelling unit Townhouse or street townhouse dwelling$3,981$7,639/ dwelling unit Multiple or duplex dwelling$3,100$5,951/ dwelling unit Lodging House$1,708$3,279/ dwelling unit Non-Residential Development** Gross floor area of building$16.78$55.53/ square metre $1.56$5.16/ square foot **The rates as shown above represent the full non-residential DC rate. For the period of July 1, 2014 to March 1, 2019, Council approved a 50% reduction of the Non-Residential rate for industrial development. IF3 - 6 TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER SUBURBAN AREA DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012002 2017 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2016(3,997,138) Revenues DC Act Revenue7,880,077 Other Revenue 391,558 Interest Income (Expense)(99,626) Total Revenues 8,172,009 Expenditures City Share of Subdivisions827,742 Huron Rd14,205 Doon S Cycling Path(250,004) Otterbein/Forwell SPS Upgrades1,460,222 Freeport SPS Upgrades and Forcemain961,058 SCADA30,563 Balzer Creek Rehab214,000 Miscellaneous Creek Rehab106,121 Kolb Creek(18,000) Victoria Park Lake Rehabilitation(74,230) Engineering Studies175,808 Monitor Upper Blair Creek117,000 Master Plan/Feasibility Studies71,101 Fire Technology from Master Plan106,121 Equipment Acquisitions and Upgrades445,873 Equipment Acquisitions Recovery96,000 KOF Recovery487,000 Planning Studies166,091 Heritage Impact Assessments3,258 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment184,581 Library Technology Upgrade19,498 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre Addition2,975,246 Community Trails313,836 Neighbourhood Park Development258,080 District Park Development100,918 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation15,199 Victoria Park Redevelopment11,116 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment1,988 McLennan Park Redevelopment938 Library Recovery805,266 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery349,711 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery191,487 Total Expenditures10,167,793 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2017(5,992,922) IF3 - 7 TABLE C CITY OF KITCHENER CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 7012006 2017 TRANSACTIONS Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2016601,788 Revenues DC Act Revenue355,645 Interest Income (Expense)114,583 Total Revenues470,228 Expenditures Intensification Allowance176,868 Planning Studies18,718 Heritage Impact Assessments367 Library Resources, Furniture & Equipment17,589 Library Technology Upgrade1,858 Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre Addition283,512 Community Trails29,905 Neighbourhood Park Development24,593 District Park Development9,617 Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation1,448 Victoria Park Redevelopment1,059 Huron Natural Area Redevelopment189 McLennan Park Redevelopment89 Library Recovery76,734 Civic District Parking Garage Recovery39,289 Charles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery21,513 Total Expenditures703,348 Surplus (Deficit) Balance December 31, 2017368,668 IF3 - 8 ---------------- 915 71,31332,91219,48644,88779,536 540,594959,689574,248133,553225,906714,898295,569107,573143,023916,935 Funding (182,000)(665,779) 4,013,258 Total Other 128,375 128,375 Gas Utility 111,468 111,468 Water Utility Utility 73,378 809,689111,468 (182,000)(665,779) Storm Water Utility 71,313 873,375 Sanitary 540,594150,000111,468 Non-Growth Related Funding Grants 65,000 174,758 109,758 200 200 Donations 915 Capital 32,91244,88779,536 (45,514) 111,469133,553225,906714,898295,569107,573142,823807,177 2,651,704 Tax Based TABLE D 2017 EXPENSES CITY OF KITCHENER DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE 3,6252,1771,027 14,20530,56371,10196,00021,35616,64712,175 (18,000)(74,230) 827,742961,058214,000106,121175,808117,000106,121445,873487,000176,868184,809202,170343,741282,673110,535882,000389,000213,000 Funding Total DC (250,004) 1,460,2223,258,758 10,871,141 89 367189 1,8589,6171,4481,059 18,71817,58929,90524,59376,73439,28921,513 Central 703,348 176,868283,512 DC Reserve Neighbourhoods Growth Related Funding 938 3,2581,988 14,20530,56371,10196,00019,49815,19911,116 (18,000)(74,230) 827,742961,058214,000106,121175,808117,000106,121445,873487,000166,091184,581313,836258,080100,918805,266349,711191,487 (250,004) 1,460,2222,975,246 10,167,793 DC Reserve Suburban Area City Share of SubdivisionsHuron RdDoon S Cycling PathOtterbein/Forwell SPS UpgradesFreeport SPS Upgrades and ForcemainSCADABalzer Creek RehabMiscellaneous Creek RehabKolb CreekVictoria Park Lake RehabilitationEngineering StudiesMonitor Upper Blair CreekMaster Plan/Feasibility StudiesFire Technology from Master PlanEquipment Acquisitions and UpgradesEquipment Acquisitions RecoveryKOF RecoveryIntensification AllowancePlanning StudiesHeritage Impact AssessmentsLibrary Resources, Furniture & EquipmentLibrary Technology UpgradeDoon Pioneer Park Community Centre AdditionCommunity TrailsNeighbourhood Park DevelopmentDistrict Park DevelopmentNeighbourhood Park RehabilitationVictoria Park RedevelopmentHuron Natural Area RedevelopmentMcLennan Park RedevelopmentLibrary RecoveryCivic District Parking Garage RecoveryCharles and Benton Parking Garage Recovery IF3 - 9 938 Total 2,5741,988 35,48311,50624,75685,95894,77057,59284,89776,80019,49815,19911,116 (14,580)(60,127) 391,558670,471778,457173,340142,404356,698389,600131,212184,581313,836258,080100,918805,266276,272151,275973,445 (202,503) 2,584,7007,062,5227,489,5631,182,7802,975,2469,100,818 (1,611,255) ------------------ 938 Total 2,5741,988 78,27819,49815,19911,116 131,212184,581313,836258,080100,918805,266276,272151,275 5,014,1612,990,5103,068,7882,975,2465,247,9992,834,950 (2,179,211) Discounted 19,498 Library (20,420) 530,671510,251184,581805,266 (774,219)(499,094) 1,009,345 (1,273,313) 938 1,988 15,19911,11633,513 (18,523) Outdoor754,111735,588313,836258,080100,918702,075 (945,450)(911,937) Recreation Indoor 135,924 7,639,8281,189,0221,324,9462,975,2462,975,2465,989,528 Recreation(1,650,300) - DISCOUNTED SERVICES 9,9751,604 74,63711,57911,57986,216 Cemeteries Parking (10,621)(11,237) 426,931416,310276,272151,275427,547 (526,859)(538,096) 2,574 (9,686) 79,80070,114 Studies (63,672) 131,212133,786 (453,776)(517,448) --------------- Total 11,50624,75685,95894,77057,59284,89776,800 (42,795)(14,580)(60,127) 391,558670,471778,457173,340142,404356,698389,600567,956 (202,503) 4,072,0124,420,7751,182,7803,852,819 (2,429,461)(1,861,505) Non-Discounted TABLE EFire 308 7,544 84,89784,89715,82623,370 100,415100,723 SUBURBAN AREAS Public Works DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND 76,800 (50,196) 568,576518,380356,698389,600823,098 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE (304,718) (2,364,161)(2,668,879) 94,77057,592 Studies (17,288) 168,245150,957142,404294,766 (794,813)(143,809)(938,622) Engineering ------ Intens'n Allowance NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICES StormSewer 95,76069,18585,958 (14,580)(60,127)(19,646) 164,945173,340184,591 3,478,3183,458,672 - Water 32,896 141,645174,541174,541 1,561,9161,736,457 Sewer 36,73524,756 Sanitary999,042391,558778,457 (558,658) 2,121,0091,427,3351,182,7801,985,9931,562,351 Roads 11,506 670,471479,474 (114,435)(202,503) 1,998,3291,883,8941,404,420 (6,439,274)(5,034,854) RESIDENTIALOpening Reserve:DC Act RevenueOther RevenueInterest Income (Expense)Total RevenueCity Share of SubdivisionsHuron RdDoon S Cycling PathOtterbein/Forwell SPS UpgradesFreeport SPS Upgrades and ForcemainSCADABalzer Creek RehabMiscellaneous Creek RehabKolb CreekVictoria Park Lake RehabilitationEngineering StudiesMonitor Upper Blair CreekMaster Plan/Feasibility StudiesFire Technology from Master PlanEquipment Acquisitions and UpgradesEquipment Acquisitions RecoveryKOF RecoveryPlanning StudiesHeritage Impact AssessmentsLibrary Resources, Furniture & EquipmentLibrary Technology UpgradeDoon Pioneer Park Community Centre AdditionCommunity TrailsNeighbourhood Park DevelopmentDistrict Park DevelopmentNeighbourhood Park RehabilitationVictoria Park RedevelopmentHuron Natural Area RedevelopmentMcLennan Park RedevelopmentLibrary RecoveryCivic District Parking Garage RecoveryCharles and Benton Parking Garage RecoveryTotal ExpensesNet Change for the YearClosing Reserve Balance IF3 - 10 ----------- 684 Total 2,6995,807 (3,420) 40,66020,16333,40422,23013,50921,22489,17519,20097,40034,87973,43940,212 (47,501)(14,103) 817,555682,446157,271277,442182,601 (135,109)(384,529) 1,066,975 (6,581,838)(6,966,367)(5,992,922) ---------------------------- 684 Total 81,17034,87973,43940,212 (23,606)(68,044) 104,776149,214 1,617,387 (1,149,519)(1,217,563) Discounted ------- Library (1,273,313) ------- Outdoor (911,937) Recreation ------- Indoor 5,989,528 Recreation ------ DISCOUNTED SERVICES 86,216 Cemeteries 86,92368,21973,43940,212 Parking (18,704)(45,432) 113,651 (915,059)(960,491) (1,498,587) 684 (4,902) 17,85312,95134,87935,563 Studies (22,612) (234,460)(257,072)(774,520) --------------- Total 2,6995,807 (3,420) 40,66020,16333,40422,23013,50921,22489,17519,20097,400 (47,501)(14,103) 712,779601,276157,271277,442182,601917,761 (111,503)(316,485) (5,432,319)(5,748,804)(7,610,309) Non-Discounted TABLE EFire (1,092)(7,197) 15,11914,02721,22421,224 (51,173)(58,370)(35,000) SUBURBAN AREAS Public Works DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND 94,28672,47389,17519,20097,400 (21,813) 205,775 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE (133,302) (1,027,018)(1,160,320)(3,829,199) (6,445) 25,77819,33333,40422,23013,50969,143 Studies (49,810) (298,249)(348,059) (1,286,681) Engineering ------- Intens'n Allowance NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICES StormSewer (3,420) 43,76218,61862,38040,66020,16343,30019,080 (14,103) 923,942943,022 4,401,694 - Water 5,964 21,58127,54527,545 285,250312,795 2,049,252 5,807 Sewer (14,606) Sanitary159,461144,855277,442182,601465,850669,555 (571,801)(320,995)(892,796) 2,699 Roads (92,129)(47,501) 352,792260,663157,271112,469148,194 (4,693,270)(4,545,076)(9,579,930) NON-RESIDENTIALOpening Reserve:DC Act RevenueInterest Income (Expense)Total RevenueCity Share of SubdivisionsHuron RdDoon S Cycling PathOtterbein/Forwell SPS UpgradesFreeport SPS Upgrades and ForcemainSCADABalzer Creek RehabMiscellaneous Creek RehabKolb CreekVictoria Park Lake RehabilitationEngineering StudiesMonitor Upper Blair CreekMaster Plan/Feasibility StudiesFire Technology from Master PlanEquipment Acquisitions and UpgradesEquipment Acquisitions RecoveryKOF RecoveryPlanning StudiesHeritage Impact AssessmentsLibrary Resources, Furniture & EquipmentLibrary Technology UpgradeDoon Pioneer Park Community Centre AdditionCommunity TrailsNeighbourhood Park DevelopmentDistrict Park DevelopmentNeighbourhood Park RehabilitationVictoria Park RedevelopmentHuron Natural Area RedevelopmentMcLennan Park RedevelopmentLibrary RecoveryCivic District Parking Garage RecoveryCharles and Benton Parking Garage RecoveryTotal ExpensesNet Change for the YearClosing Reserve BalanceTotal Suburban Areas Reserve IF3 - 11 ----------- 8977 290189 Total 1,8589,6171,4481,0591,8273,9318,251 4,518 14,78717,58929,90524,59376,73431,03816,99560,13576,912 353,818387,565741,383116,733283,512626,436114,947368,668 (981,977)(272,982)(271,155)(348,067) 1,583,7651,698,712 (1,330,044)(5,624,254) ------------- 8977 290189774 Total 1,8589,6171,4481,0593,9318,2514,518 14,78717,58929,90524,59376,73431,03816,99516,777 (53,637)(52,863)(69,640) 288,351373,074661,425283,512509,703151,722 (192,319)(261,959) 1,504,0131,655,7351,393,7763,011,163 Discounted ------- 1,858 51,16830,70181,86917,58976,73496,181 Library (14,312) 137,168122,856122,856 (1,150,457) ------- 89 189 9,6171,4481,059 72,71347,38629,90524,59366,90053,199 Outdoor 174,070120,099227,269227,269 (684,668) Recreation ------- Indoor 114,648277,483392,131283,512283,512108,619 1,120,7571,229,3761,229,3767,218,904 Recreation ------- 962 DISCOUNTED SERVICES 3,4494,4114,411 12,40116,81216,812 103,028 Cemeteries 643 8,2514,518 80,73241,16620,69761,86331,03816,99548,03313,83094,56212,769 Parking (40,162)(39,519)(52,288) (143,931)(196,219)(101,657) (1,600,244) 77 290131 7,6941,0523,9314,008 (6,642) 14,78715,077 Studies (21,115)(14,025)(35,140)(48,388)(13,475)(13,344)(17,352)(65,740) (100,880)(875,400) ------------------------------ Total 1,053 79,75265,46714,49179,95842,97760,13560,135 (36,775) 116,733116,733 (789,658)(219,345)(218,292)(278,427) (1,068,085)(1,025,108)(8,635,417) Non-Discounted ------------- Fire TABLE E (35,000) --------- CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOODS Public Works DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE (3,829,199) -------------- Studies (1,286,681) Engineering 1,053 79,75265,46714,49179,95842,97760,13560,135 Intens'n(36,775) 116,733116,733 (789,658)(219,345)(218,292)(278,427) Allowance (1,068,085)(1,025,108)(1,025,108) ------------- NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICES Storm Sewer 4,401,694 ------------- Water 2,049,252 ------------- Sewer Sanitary669,555 --------------- Roads (9,579,930) RESIDENTIALOpening Reserve:DC Act RevenueInterest Income (Expense)Total RevenueIntensification AllowancePlanning StudiesHeritage Impact AssessmentsLibrary Resources, Furniture & EquipmentLibrary Technology UpgradeDoon Pioneer Park Community Centre AdditionCommunity TrailsNeighbourhood Park DevelopmentDistrict Park DevelopmentNeighbourhood Park RehabilitationVictoria Park RedevelopmentHuron Natural Area RedevelopmentMcLennan Park RedevelopmentLibrary RecoveryCivic District Parking Garage RecoveryCharles and Benton Parking Garage RecoveryTotal ExpensesNet Change for the YearClosing Reserve BalanceNON-RESIDENTIALOpening Reserve:DC Act RevenueInterest Income (Expense)Total RevenueIntensification AllowancePlanning StudiesHeritage Impact AssessmentsLibrary Resources, Furniture & EquipmentLibrary Technology UpgradeDoon Pioneer Park Community Centre AdditionCommunity TrailsNeighbourhood Park DevelopmentDistrict Park DevelopmentNeighbourhood Park RehabilitationVictoria Park RedevelopmentHuron Natural Area RedevelopmentMcLennan Park RedevelopmentLibrary RecoveryCivic District Parking Garage RecoveryCharles and Benton Parking Garage RecoveryTotal ExpensesNet Change for the YearClosing Reserve BalanceTotal Central Neighbourhoods ReserveTotal Development Charges Reserve IF3 - 12 TABLE F DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 2017 EXEMPTIONS 50% Industrial Enlargement102,091 Additional Dwelling Unit(s) in Existing760,175 Downtown Exemption609,622 Municipal Use18,782 Public School Board413,344 Redevelopment Allowance233,040 2,137,054 IF3 - 13 * TBD 593,242593,242 $593,242 30-Jun-20 (2003) Limited associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 58M-607 (30T-98201) Primeland Developments - Activa 30-Jun-23 1,578,1061,578,106 30T-08204 $1,578,106$2,736,894 Holdings Inc. May 31, 2016 Station and works Ottawa Trussler Pumping - Activa 73,416 30-Jun-22 2,650,5552,577,139 30T-08203 $2,729,075$1,110,925 Holdings Inc. Bridge works Blair Creek Drive February 18, 2014 - 19,500 Monarch 327,283307,783 $545,363 30-Jun-19 30T-07204 $8,269,801 Corporation Station and works December 10, 2013 Doon South Pumping 58M-528, 30T-07202 & TABLE G -- Activa 295,772295,772 $302,776 30T-08204 CREDIT FOR SERVICE Laurentian DEVELOPMENT CHARGE Holdings Inc. March 5, 2013 EA/Design Work - Activa 2,403 26,72924,326 427, 428 $1,642,555 Trunk Sewer Holdings Inc. Strasburg Creek December 8, 2008 Plan 58M-471, 472, 473 Plan 58M-338, 374, 426, East Forest/Decora Lands 6,0036,003 $1,400,000 Plan 58M-422 November 15, 2006 Peter Dietrich Kruse Lower Hidden Valley PS and appurtenances * Refunds for Strasburg Rd and associated works will be determined based on actual costs incurred in 2018. Balance December 31, 2016New creditsCredits usedRefund givenBalance December 31, 2017ServiceRegistered PlanDate of ServiceOriginal CreditEstimated RefundRefund to be given at earliest IF3 - 14 - Total 117,242 4,884,4486,558,738 11,325,944 * TBDTBD Becker 30-Jun-20 1,756,5371,756,537 $1,756,537 Estates Inc. associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 * TBDTBD Activa 30-Jun-20 1,756,5371,756,537 $1,756,537 Holdings Inc. associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 * TBDTBD TABLE G (continued) Limited 670,392670,392 $670,392 30-Jun-20 CREDIT FOR SERVICE DEVELOPMENT CHARGE associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 Freure Developments * TBDTBD Limited 30-Jun-20 1,089,4991,089,499 $1,089,499 Sunvest Reid associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 * TBDTBD Limited 692,531692,531 $692,531 30-Jun-20 associated works Strasburg Rd and September 14, 2017 Hallman Construction * Refunds for Strasburg Rd and associated works will be determined based on actual costs incurred in 2018. Balance December 31, 2016New creditsCredits usedRefund givenBalance December 31, 2017ServiceRegistered PlanDate of ServiceOriginal CreditEstimated RefundRefund to be given at earliest IF3 - 15