HomeMy WebLinkAboutSookram, Narine Dat�>Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Candidate - Form 4 Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 88.25) Instructions All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses must complete Boxes C, D, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 as appropriate. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses in excess of $10,000 must also attach an Auditor's Report. All surplus funds (after any refund to the candidate or their spouse) shall be paid immediately over to the clerk who is responsible for the conduct of the election. yy'yy MM DD "p"Y'"i'Y MM DD For the campaign period from da candidate filed nomination 8 mmp„A„A„A„A„�2 3 to 2 0 1 8 1 0 2 2 p (day ) 2 0 1.......... ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Initial filing refecting finances to December 31 (or 45 days after voting day in a by-election) Supplementary filing including finances after December 31 (or 45 days after voting day in a by-election) Box A: fume of Candidate and Office Candidate's name as shown on the ballot Last Name or Single Name Given Name(s) SOOKRAM NARINE DAT umce Tor wnicn the ca MAYOR Municipality KITCHENER Spending Limit - Gene N/A U name or no. ng Limit - Parties and Other Expressions oT Appreciation 1 did not accept any contributions or incur any expenses. (Complete Boxes A and B only) Box B: Declaration I, NARINE DAT SOOKRAM statements and attached supporting schedules are true and correct. , declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that these financial Time Filed I Initial of Candidate or Agent (if filed in person) �—. 2019/03/29 Date (yyyy/mm/dd) or 9503P (2018/04) 0 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2018 Disponible en frangais Page 1 of 8 g )o Z abed (VO/906 d£OS6 SO uoilmajdde;o suolssa.idxa .jaylo pue salljed jo; llwll 6ulpuads of loofgns sasuadxa lelo� $+ 5 $+ ti $+ 7 uolleloajdde;o suolssajdxe jaylo pue sarped jo; llwll 6ulpuads of loafgns sasuadxa S3SN3dX3 ZO 99TSW � $ : llwg 6ulpuads lejaua6 of loafgns sasuadxa lelol ....,���� $+ £ $+ Z $ 3 99*.VC6. 6 (sl!elap Ilnl apinojd) jaglo + !ep 6ullon Igun ueol uo pa6jego lsajalul + Aep 6ullon lr;un pa.unoul sa6jego >{ue8 + Aep 6ug0n I!lun paunoul saal leuolssa;ojd 'eljejouoq 'slgaueq 'seugas + fep 6ullon pun paunoul sasuadxa laujalu! jo/pue auogd + I(ep 6ullon pun pajjnoul sasuadxa eoy;O + palsoq s6ugaaW + (llsodap u6ls 6ulpnloul) su6lS sjgAg/saj n gooj q 6ulsllj9npy 4 alnpagoS ;o y elgel ul sllelap lsi!) u6ledweo slgl ul pasn u6ledweo snolnajd woo tioluanul 31w!l 6ulpuads lejaua6 of loafgns sasuadxa (saouuas pue spoo6;o suognquluoo;o amen aql apnloul .eloN) S3SN3dX3 60 9 i�E6`6 $ _ (ueol apnloul lou op) awooul u6ledweO lelol $+ $ ., $ + .... $ + (sllelap llr4 apinojd) jagl0 lun000e � ueq u6ledweo Aq pawee lsajalul (Z alnpagoS JO III lJed ujoj;) uognquluoo a pawaap lou sluana 6ulslejpun; woj; anuana�j pun;aj llsodap ubgS ssal jo gZ$ swan woo onuanaZj (4 alnpagoS ul y(. oull woj;) suollnquluoo lie jo lunowe lelol 3WOONI pamojjoq lunowy y/N uo!lnl!lsul 6ulpual pazlu600aj jo i ueq;o aujeN �,......,�,.,.,�. ��,..�....�...����....� glad w��� u6 ewe �w NVO"I p I p p .3 xog Expenses not subject to spending limits Accounting and audit + $ Cost of fundraising events/activities (list details in Part IV of Schedule 2) + $ Office expenses incurred after voting day + $ Phone and/or internet expenses incurred after voting day + $ Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred after voting day + $rrr,rvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrv� Bank charges incurred after voting day + $ Interest charged on loan after voting day + Expenses related to recount + $ Expenses related to controverted election + $ Expenses related to compliance audit + g Expenses related to candidate's disability (provide full details) 1 +$ 3. t $ ., . .... .. +7$$ Other (provide full details) 4, $ 3. +$ Total Expenses not subject to spending limits $ C4 Total Campaign Expenses (C2 + C3 + C4) = a' 1,934,56 C5 BOX, D: Catculkion of Surplus Or Doficit, Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses (Income minus Total Expenses) (Cl — C5) + $ 0.00 DI Eligible deficit carried forward by the candidate from the last election (applies to 2018 regular election only) 102 Total (D1 — D2) $ If there is a surplus, deduct any refund of candidate's or spouse's contributions to the campaign $ Surplus (or deficit) for the campaign $ D.3 If line D3 shows a surplus, the amount must be paid in trust, at the time the financial statements are filed, to the municipal clerk who is responsible for the conduct of the election. 9503P (2018104) Page 3 of 8 9 1 y abed (1,0/SWZ) d£096 asnods jo aleplpueo ueyl aaylo sienpinlpul — joingljluoo jad O(g$ 6uipaa3xe suollnquluoo — p Ind m (o xog ui awooul japun pjooai) suogngljluoo jo;unowy lelol 9Z$ 6uipaeoxe saoinos snowfuoue wog} suo4nqu;uoo 6ulpnloul `halo ay; o; alge�ed �o pied suol;nqu;uoo jolnqu;uoo ay} of algeAed ao pauin;aj suoi;nqu;uoo :sse-1 + °(asnods jo aleplpueo iuw; su04nquluoo apnloul;ou op) 001$ spaeoxe aolnquluoo e wog} uo4nglrluoo je;ol ay} ajagm saowas pus spoo6 'fauow ui suoi;nqu;uoo 'enuanaJ;@Moil apnpul (Z algel pus b algel ui sllelap lsll 'q a6ed uo 96 cull wog}) jolnquluoo aad 00�$ 6uipaooxa suo4nquluoo;o amen le;ol + -(asnods jo aleplpueo woad suo4nquluoo apnloul jou op) ss -al jo Op �$ si jolnqu;uoo e wot} uo4nqu;uoo le;ol ay; aiagm saowas pus spoo6 'I(auow w suoi;nqu;uoo 'anuanaj laAog epnpul jolnquluoo aad 001$ 6ulpaaoxa;ou suo4nqu4uoo;o amen le;ol + (t7 algel pUs 6 algel w palsll amen opnloul) asnods pus aleplpueo wa; saolnaas pus spoo6 ui suo4nqu;uoo 99'17£6` 6 $ esnods pus aleplpueo woo Aeuow ui suo4ngl.quoo suolinglaluoo;o Ajewwng — i laed suoi;ngia}uoo - � alnpogog Table 2: Contributions in goods or services from individuals other than candidate or spouse (Note: must also be recorded as Expenses in Box C) Namem mm„ .. Full Address Description of Goods or Services Date Received (yyyy/mm/dd) V'a lue $ I ❑ Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total for Part II - Contributions exceeding $100 per contributor (Add totals from Table 1 and Table 2 and record the total in Part 1 - Summary of Contributions) Part 111— Contributions from candidate or spouse Table 3: Contributions in goods or services Total 1B 9503P (2018/04) Page 5 of 8 g;o g abed (to/mz) d6oS6 (asuedxe ue se pue alepipueo ay; woj; uoi;nqu;uoo a se papjooaa aq;snw amen :a;oN) u6iedweo spy; ui pasn u6iedweo ledioiunw snoinaid woj; sleua;ew pue spoo6 u6iedweo jo /Uo;uanuI :q angel Schedule 2 — Fundraising Events and Activities Fundraising Event/Activity Complete a separate schedule for each event or activity held © Additional schedule(s) attached Description of fundraising event/activity N/A Date of event/activity (yyyy/mm/dd) Part I — Ticket revenue Admission charge (per person) (If there are a range of ticket prices, attach complete breakdown of all ticket sales) $ 2A Number of tickets sold X 2B Total Part 1 (2A X 213) (include in Part 1 of Schedule 1) Part II — Other revenue deemed a contribution (e -g. revenue from goods sold in excess of fair market value) Provide details 1. N/A $ 2. + $ 3. $ 4, + $ Total Part If (include in Part 1 of Schedule 1) Part III — Other revenue not deemed a contribution (e.g. contribution of $25 or less; goods or services sold for $25 or less) Provide details 1. N/A +• $ ...,............. ..... .m. 2. +, $ a + $ . mm ..mmm...mmm mm.mmm m.... ,,,—,— ............ 4. + $ 15 _m $ P��������������������������������� ..cln. . ������m�Boz�m�������������������m�m�m�m�mm���������������������������������������������������������� ����...�����...�������..........................�������.�.�.�.�.���.. mm������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Total art (include Icom) mm Part IV — Expenses related to fundraising event or activity Provide details 1. N/A + $ —......... .............. ....................................................... .,...., .„.„. .......... „.„.„.„.„.„.„.„.„.....„.„.„.„.„.„.„.„.„.m..m..m..m..m.„.„.„..................................................................................................................................................................................... � , $ ........ . ...... ...m.. . .......................... ...�� 5. + $ n + $ 7. + $ I�. + ,, — w ,,,,,,-- $ Total Part IV Expenses (include under Expenses in Box C) M M 9503P (2018104) Page 7 of 8 9 j g abed (t,0/8WZ) dE096 ;sanbai uodn a6iego;o as-4;euiol owoi;oala ue ui )yjayo aq; Aq elgey!ene apew aq osye pegs s;uawa;e;s lepueug u6iedweo -uado si eoL4o eq; uagm awi; e;e aoy;o s,�Jap aq;;e uosiad Aue Aq pa;oedsuy aq Aew 'uogonu;sap jieq; lqun 'pue spooai oilgnd aie 9661, 'lob, suogoal3 ledroiunpV eq; spun lepy;o uoi;oele jaq;o Aue ao >pap aq; Aq pajedaid ao q;im payy syeua;ew pue s;uawnoop (lo y �foenud jo ualoaload pue uogeuuojul jo wopaaj31edio/unlnl eq; ui buigjAue a;!dsap pue) 9666 "lob' suogoa131edlolunpV aq;;o gg uoy;oas iapun '9666 ;ob' suogoa131edlolunpy aq;;o 96 pue 9Z-gg suol;oas;o A;uoq;ne aq; japun pauie;qo si uuo; siq; uo pa;oalloo 'Aue j! 'uogeuwo;ui [euosJad pagoepe si :poda�j QI ;uawa;e;ssyw yePa;ew;o aa4 sy;y Jaq;aqm pue;uawa;e;s {epusug aq;;o Aoeinooe pue ssaua;aldwoo aq; o; se uowu do ue apynoid apoo ye;sod ao (PP/uuw/AAAA) a;eQ uo!}euywexe aq;;o adoos aq; Ino jos gsnw pue spiepue;s buy;pne pa;daooe Apejauab g;ym aousp000e ui auop aq;snLu ;iodai aql (s)auaeN uanyE) (apoo ease 6uypnpuy) 'ON auogdalal A;gedpy aweN;aaAS 'ON;a9J;g L 'oN;!un/a3!nS ssaappy aweN a16ulg ao GWEN ;seI uol;euuo;ul ;Oe;U00 pyunW VIN jo;ypny jo uogeu6ysaQ yeuoissa;ad liodai s, o;ypne ue goe4e Ism 000'o l$ 3 o ssaoxe ui sasuadxa pa.unow jo suoi;nqu;uoo pamaoaj seq oqm a;eplpueo y jaodaZtj s,Jol!pnV