HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO-20-004 - 2020 Business Plan Progress Report and Compass Kitchener Strategic Plan Evaluation GuideREPORT TO:Council DATE OF MEETING:September 14, 2020 SUBMITTED BY:Kathryn Dever, Director, Strategy & Corporate Performance, (519) 741-2200 ext. 7370 PREPARED BY:Karen Cooper, Manager, Strategic and Business Planning (519) 741-2200 ext.7817 Lauren Burr,Corporate Planning Analyst, (519) 741-2200 ext. 7059 WARD (S) INVOLVED:All Ward(s) DATE OF REPORT:September 9,2020 REPORT NO.:CAO-20-004 SUBJECT:2020 Business Plan Progress Report and Compass Kitchener Strategic Plan Evaluation Guide ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: For Information BACKGROUND: 2020 has been an unprecedented year as the City responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some staff were redeployed to support emergency operations, others were placed on declared emergency leave, and others worked from home. Through this challenging time, staff demonstrated resiliency and made progress on 2020 Business Plan projects as outlined in this report. Council annually approves a list of projects thatimplement the Strategic Planandother projects that are a priority to Counciland departments.These projects form theannualBusiness Plan. TheBusiness Plan and the budget are developed in parallel to ensure resources arealignedto completethework.The 2020 Business Plan includes all 25actions from the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan,as well as 22 business plan projects. The COVID-19 pandemic affected s ability tocomplete workand theApril Business Plan Progress Report was cancelled.Appendix Ato this reportprovides the Business Plan Progress Report covering the period January 1 to August 31, 2020. It contains the complete list of projects and their currentstatus. Compass Kitchener has the mandate to create evaluation criteria and to evaluate implementation of the Strategic Plan.The Business Plan progress reportsform a source of information for Compass Kitchener in monitoring implementation of the Strategic Plan.Compass Kitchener developed evaluation criteria for the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan in consultation with Appendix B to this report contains Compass KitchenerCompass Kitchener representatives will be attendance at the September 14 Council Meeting to present the Guide to Council. Localizing(SDGs) is an important component ofthe 2019-2022 Strategic Plan,and this report provides an update on progressin localizing the SDGs. Asa foundational piece, staff compiled data for more than90indicators that can be used to measure progress on the SDGs. Staff worked in collaboration with staff at the cities of Cambridge and Waterloothrough a federally funded project with the World Council on City Data(WCCD).WCCD representatives will attend the September14 Council meeting to present a Platinum Certificate to Council in recognition of ***This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 4 - 1 REPORT: Overall Status of the 2020 Business PlanProjects The 2020 Business Plan includes 22 business plan projects. As of August 31, twobusiness plan projects have been completed in 2020. Fifteen business plan projects are currently underway, while 5 business plan projects have not yet started due to the pandemic. The 2019-2022 Strategic Plan includes five goals and 25 strategic actions to be implemented during this term of Council. The2020 Business Plan includes all 25 strategic actions. Threestrategicactions were completed previously in 2019.The 25 strategic actions encompass 35 strategic projects as some actions contain multiple projects. Figure 1 illustrates the Status of BusinessPlanand Strategic Plan projects. Figure 1 -August 2020 Business Plan Status 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Business Plan Projects Strategic Plan Projects Status of the Strategic Plan Actions Of the 25strategic plan actions, threewere completed in 2019, 20were scheduled to be underwaythis yearandtwoactionswere to commence in 2021.Two of the 20 scheduled actions are being moved to 2021.Nine actions were to be completed in 2020, and sixare on targetto be completed this year. Figure 2: August 2020 Status of Strategic Plan Actions by Goal 6 5 4 3NOT STARTED IN PROGRESS 2 COMPLETED 1 0 People FriendlyEnvironmentalVibrantCaringGreat TransportationLeadershipEconomyCommunityCustomer Service 4 - 2 Status of the Strategic Plan Projects Atotal of 35 projects are tobe delivered to achieve the 25 actions over this term ofCouncil. Five of these projects were completed in 2019. As of August 31, 20strategic plan projects are in progress.The other 10 strategic plan projects have not yet started.Significant progress has been made on thefollowing: Cycling and Trails Master Plan Update will be presented to Council in October Gaukel Streetwas converted to pedestrian use during the pandemic and a formal plan will be presented to Council in 2021 Community Climate Action Plan on schedule to be presented to Council later in 2020 Make It Kitchener 2.0 Strategyto be presented to Council in the fall DraftHousing Strategy was presented to Council on August 31and is on track to be completed by December Anti-stigma training will be re-launched in the fall 2020learning program Aworking beta version of the Online Customer Service Portal will be launched publicly in the fall The following projects experienced delays due to the pandemicand efforts are being made to complete them in a timely manner now that staff are returning to usualwork: Bikeshare Program City-Owned Property Review Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Customer Satisfaction Program Thefour strategic plan projectsthat have not yet started due to the pandemic are: Waste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion atOur Public Spaces and Eventspublic events cancelled City-Owned Property Brought to Marketchanges to the market being monitored Mill Courtland Community Centre Expansion Business Casestaff reassigned Open Space Strategyhiringpaused Figure 3: August 2020 Status of Strategic Plan Projects by Goal 10 9 8 7 6 NOT STARTED 5 IN PROGRESS 4 COMPLETED 3 2 1 0 People FriendlyEnvironmentalVibrantCaringGreat Customer TransportationLeadershipEconomyCommunityService 4 - 3 Status of the Business Plan Projects The 2020 Business Plan includes22 business plan projects. As of August 31,twoprojects have been completed.They are: Close the Loop with CitizensStaff have expanded E-TenderingStaff have implemented an e- email auto-notifications to enable citizens to receive tendering module to enable vendors to self- email notifications for all parking complaints.identify for interested commodities, access bid documents and drawings, and submit tenders, proposals and quotations electronically. 15projects are in progress, with some experiencing delays due to the pandemicas indicated in Appendix A to this report.The Southwest District Pool Case is scheduled to commence in the fall.Four projects have not yet been started due to the pandemic,including: Ice Demand Study Government Relations and Advocacy Plan 2020-2021 Community Benefit Charge Study Mobile Time Entry Figure 5: August 2020 Status of Business Plan Projects Figure 4: August 2020 Status by Department of Business Plan Projects 257 6 20 5 NOT STARTED 4 15 NOT STARTED IN PROGRESSS 3 IN PROGRESS 10 COMPLETED 2 COMPLETED 1 5 0 CommunityCorporateDevelopmentFinancialInfrastructure 0 ServicesServicesServicesServicesServices Total 4 - 4 Localizing Sustainable Development Goals The 2020 Business Plan Progress Report also provides an update on localization of the United Nations SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs). As expressed in the 2019-2022Strategic Plan, the City of ment and localizing the 17 SDGs. Each of the 25 action statements within the 2019-2022 Strategic Plancan be connected to at least one of the SDGs. TheCity of Kitchener was one of 15 Canadian municipalities chosen to be part of theData for Canadian Cities Pilot Project, funded by the Government of Canada. This project is an initiative of the World Council on City Data (WCCD) to support municipalities in achieving certification in ISO 37120 -Sustainable Development of Communities: Indicators for City Services and Quality of Life.Kitchenernowjoins over 100 municipalities worldwide who have embraced ISO 37120,the first international standard on city data. With support from the WCCD, the City of Kitchener provided data on over 90 indicators to achieve platinum certification in 2020 for ISO 37120 alongside the Cities of Waterloo and Cambridge. WCCD will present thiscertification to Council on September 14, 2020. In 2020, theCityof Kitchener was also awarded $94,700from a federalSustainable Development Goals grantto localize and communicate the SDGs across the community,including: 1)existing metrics, including the strategic plan and data collected for ISO 37120. 2)Provide CLT with enhanced understanding and a framework for solution development and resource-based decision making that integrates the SDGs in key plans and initiatives, including engagement and communications. 3)Develop a public-facing interactive dashboardthat illustrates progress made on strategic and business plan projects, metrics chosen by Compass Kitchener to measure theimpact of the strategic plan actions, as well as metrics pertaining to the SDGs and ISO 37120. Staff will create an integrated approach through cross-departmental awareness-building, improved decision-making tools, and external engagement with key stakeholders to communicate on the City progress in achieving the SDGsandISO certification and making them meaningful in our local context. 4 - 5 Compass Kitchener Strategic Plan Evaluation Compass Kitchener has the following goals, objectives and responsibilities regardingmonitoring and evaluating implementation of the Strategic Plan. Goals To monitor and evaluate progress against achievement of strategic priorities. To report on progress made toward achieving strategic priorities to Council and the community. Objectives To determine evaluation criteria for use in measuring Council implementation of strategic priorities. Responsibilities Reporting to Council on critical community priorities to assist in the establishment and updating of-year Strategic Plan and annual Business Plans. Kitchener. Reporting on performance to Council and the Community on an annual (Report Card) basis. Compass Kitchener provided a set of recommendations to Council in April 2019 regarding evaluating implementation of the strategic plan which have been put into practice. One was to jointly develop evaluation criteria with staff. To that end Compass Kitchener co-hosted with Senior Leadership at the City joint meetings with representatives of allthe Advisory Committees to Council to discuss objectives for the evaluationof implementation of the Strategic Plan. Compass Kitchener developed draft criteria Jan 2019 -All Advisory Committees Meetingto discuss evaluationcriteria objectives April 2019 -Report to Councilwith recommendation to develop evaluation criteriawith staff June 2019-Council approval of 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Sept 2019 -CLT meetingto discuss potential evaluation criteria Nov 2019 -Check back with All Advisory Committees January 2020 -Draft evaluation criteria September 2020 -Finalized evaluation criteria Considering the input received, Compass Kitchener developed anevaluation guide, included as Appendix B to this report. Compass Kitchener has developed the following 4 levels of evaluation criteria: Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of the Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of SDGs through the Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Actions Compass Kitchenerwill present its evaluation criteria and guide to Council on Sept 14,2020. 4 - 6 ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: innovative, caring and vibrant Kitchener. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: CONSULT In 2018,Compass Kitchener consulted the public on developing community priorities for the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, which informed preparation of the 2020Business Plan project list. Compass Kitchener has been consulted onthe development of the 2020 Business Plan Progress Report. INFORM committee meeting. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Dan Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer Appendix A: 2020Business Plan Progress ReportAugust 2020 Appendix B: Compass Kitchener Strategic Plan Evaluation Guide 4 - 7 August 2020 Progress Report August 31, 2020 Appendix A: 2020 Business Plan Progress Report 4 - 8 2 . 2020 a business the priorities Business Plan in work that City 2020 there will to the public on 20 In . work priority The global pandemic in available An update on progress in 2022 Strategic Plan - . end report. - business plan project is described, business plan projects The 2019 : 22 a strategic plan action project or rojects included in the 20 The monitored three times per year and reported P for completion. projects as being reflect additional Council and staff kitchener.ca/businessplan was to be an action projects is included in this report. progress report and a year : Strategic pl includes 25 actions relating to five strategic goals. The 25 actions encompass a total of 35 distinct projects. Business plan projects: Business Plan August strategic plan action project or Introduction staff will undertake in 2020.have been categorized plan projectEach including anticipated timing completing the Sharing Our Results Progress on projects to Council and the public until project completion. 2020 afbe this The 2020 Business Plan and progress reports are 2234556788 10121417191920222224 ...... ................ .......... .............. ............... ................... .................. ........................................ ................................................ .......................... ................................................................................ ...................................................................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................................................................................ 19 - ................................ 5 Strategic Plan projects 2 Friendly Transportation - le ................................ usiness Plan Projects 2022 Strategic Plan Actions - Impact of COVIDStatus of the 22 Business Plan ProjectsPeopEnvironmental LeadershipVibrant EconomyCaring CommunityGreat Customer ServiceCommunity ServicesCorporate ServicesDevelopment ServicesFinancial ServicesInfrastructure Services Status of Status of 35 Strategic Plan projects ocalizing Sustainable Development Goals Contents IntroductionSharing Our Results L Results 2019 2020 B DRAFT 4 - 9 3 Strategic Plan Projects August 2020 Status of All Projects - Figure 1 Business Plan Projects 50 40353025201510 . and other hiring from progress on many of the critical make - non on declared emergency Two projects have been on were city staff are currently underway. pause 35a (42%) up to 97 Through this challenging time, staff , as well as , 19 , redeployed to emergency operations - impacts up to 945 staff , were ing 19 pandemic. - staff taff are evaluating revised end dates for the remaining at a given time. Impact of COVID 2020 has been an unprecedented year as the City responded to the COVIDdemonstrated resiliency and made progress onprojects within the 2020 Business Plan.completed in 2020, and another From March to Augustworkforce functionsIn additionleave TheseMarch to Augustnine strategic plan projects and nine business plan projectsRevised completion dates have been provided for eight projects, and sreopening plan. DRAFT 4 - 10 4 er our the in Agenda With making tools, - . City of Kitchen The City of decision Data for Canadian Cities to communicate on - n municipalities chosen to be their 17 Sustainable improved achieve platinum certification in an integrated approach through to localizing building, key stakeholders - create and with the first international standard on city data. We will work to localize and communicate the SDGs across . 0 Sustainable Development Goals joins over 100 WCCD municipalities worldwide who have World Council on City Data initiative departmental awareness 2022 Strategic Plan can be connected to at least one of the SDGs. for ISO 37120 alongside the Cities of Waterloo and Cambridge. - - he City of Kitchener was one of 15 Canadia Localizing for Sustainable DevelopmentDevelopment Goals (SDGs). Each of the 25 action statements within the 2019 Tpart of the Pilot Project, funded by the Government of Canada. Kitchener nowembraced ISO 3712Kitchener is a city that takes pride in accountability. We understand the importance of measuring and monitoring our performancesupport from the World Council on City Data team, theprovided data on over 90 indicators 2020 Staff are undertakingthe City of Kitchenercrossand external engagement local context. DRAFT 4 - 11 5 NOT STARTEDIN PROGRESSCOMPLETED Great Service Customer Caring Community Status of 25 Strategic Plan Actions by Goal Vibrant Economy begin in 2021: Waste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion in City Owned Property Brought to Market; Innovation Set and Communicate Service LevelsCustomer Experience Program Leadership Environmental started due to the pandemic: 2.5 Our Public Spaces and Events3.5 District (Bramm Yards) Master Plan; Civic District Master Plan5.4 5.5 Figure 2: August 2020 People Friendly Transportation 6543210 2 have not yet 2 are scheduled to Round - Actions ; Support for Safe : 2022 - Development Working Space Network - Connected to the Downtown Plan; Connectivity and Year Strategic Plan 25 Tree Planting Backlog Elimination ; Use Trails & Pathways - the First Street Plan for Gaukel Street - to be completed in 2021 Language Interpretation Support - Canopy Target Owned Property Review - Status of - Urban Design ManualBikeshare Program Complete StreetsCorporate Climate Action PlanCommunity Climate Action PlanMake It Kitchener 2.0 StrategyAffordable Housing StrategyReduce Social Stigma Through Staff TrainingMultiOnline Customer Service PortalCityCustomer Satisfaction ProgramProtected Cycling Network Cycling and Trails Master PedestrianLeverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve FundTree Incubator, Accelerator and CoEquity, Diversity and Inclusion StrategyHuron Brigadoon Area School/Community Centre ConstructionArts and Culture Plan ------------------- .1 12.1 3.1 2.3 3.3 4.2 4.3 Consumption and Treatment Facilities5.1 5.3 3.4 5.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 Maintenance of Multi1.5 2.2 2.4 3.2 4.1 4.4 4.5 are in progress 0 2 are in progress but completion is delayed until 2021: Results 3 were completed in 2019: 6 are on target to be completed in 2020:1 DRAFT 4 - 12 6 staff NOT STARTEDIN PROGRESSCOMPLETED Great Service Customer changes to the market Caring Community hiring paused Vibrant Economy public events cancelled - Master Plan Events First Street Plan for Kitchener Market - Leadership Environmental Owned Property Brought to Market - Figure 3: August 2020 Status of 35 Strategic Plan Projects by Goal PedestrianInnovation District (Bramm Yards) Master PlanCivic District New Rosenberg Community Centre/School Business CaseSet and Communicate Service LevelsCustomer Experience ProgramWaste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion at Our Public Spaces and Citybeing monitoredMill Courtland Community Centre Expansion Business CasereassignedOpen Space Strategy People Friendly Transportation 9876543210 10 6 are scheduled to begin in 2021: 4 have not yet started due to the pandemic: Use Trails & - Working Space Network - ategy Round Maintenance of Multi - : : Safe Consumption and Treatment Facilities First Street Plan for Gaukel Street - Program Status of the 35 Strategic Plan Projects -Language Interpretation Support - Owned Property Review - completed in 2019 in progress Complete StreetsCorporate Climate Action PlanUrban Design ManualBuildout of 44 GaukelSupport for Bikeshare Protected Cycling Network Connected to the DowntownCycling and Trails Master PlanConnectivity and YearPathwaysPedestrianLeverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve FundCommunity Climate Action PlanTree Canopy TargetTree Planting Backlog EliminationIncubator, Accelerator and CoMake It Kitchener 2.0 StrategyCityEquity, Diversity and Inclusion StrategyAffordable Housing StrReduce Social Stigma Through Staff TrainingHuron Brigadoon Area School/Community Centre ConstructionArts and Culture PlanMultiCustomer Satisfaction ProgramOnline Customer Service Portal Development are were Results 5 20 DRAFT 4 - 13 7 NOT STARTEDIN PROGRESSSCOMPLETED Services Infrastructure NOT STARTEDIN PROGRESSCOMPLETED Tendering - Status of E Services Financial Department Services s Total Development Business Plan Projects Figure 4: August 2020 Services Corporate 50 25201510 Figure 5: August 2020 Status of Business Plan Projects by Services Community 76543210 Close the Loop with Citizen Projects 2021 - Construction Phase 1 : Implementation 22 Business Plan the pandemic : and Expansion of Payment Options s: Status of the - completed in 2020 not yet started due to in progres Tendering - Close the Loop with CitizensEBudd Park StrategyCameron Heights Pool Visibility StudyTransformation and Relaunch of Kitchener.caIndigenous Competency Training for StaffElectronic Agenda ManagementOnline Business LicensingCivic Innovation Lab at CommunitechDevelopment Services ReviewLong Term Financial Plan Electronic Reimbursement ImplementationPoint of Sale Implementation of the Federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)Facilities Infrastructure ProgramImplementation of Significant Parks ProjectsRehabilitation of City Hall Outdoor Spaces Southwest District Pool CaseIce Demand StudyGovernment Relations and Advocacy Plan 2020Community Benefit Charge StudyMobile Time Entry are were have Results 215 1 is scheduled to begin in the fall: 4 DRAFT 4 - 14 8 egion. The r here. y be delayed until l e k Update affected stakeholders has . Progress eses YY being reviewed. Bikeshare feasibility study was wide - mpleted in 2019 Co Read Complete Streets Kitchener Project Started: A regionapproved that recommends a collaborative approach to a bikeshare program throughout the launch of the program will li2022. Project Started: The detailed design is being finalized and engagement with directly begun. Funding alternatives and operational challenges are 2019 20212022 -- Complete Timeline to Completed2020 New date: 2022 2020 ices Project Manager Barry Cronkite Transportation Services Barry Cronkite Transportation Services Darren Kropf Transportation Serv . made available for Project ikeshare service in b Actions town by 2022 hare Program cent neighbourhoods to the ch bicycles are Complete Streets‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵Bikes Implement awhishared use to the public in an effort to addrfeasibility study to determine the most appropriate system. Protected Cycling NetworkConnected to the Downtown Install a continuous and protected cycling network that connects adjadown Plan Friendly Transportation - People . 1. Strategic cent Statement 2022 Transform how people move through the city by making the transportation network safe, convenient, comfortable and connected. - town by 2022 Strategic Plan Action Develop a set of Complete Encourage and incentivize Install a continuous and 1.1 Streets (safe and comfortable) guidelines and an associated evaluation scorecard by 2020 to apply to roadway construction projects.1.2 alternative modes of transportation by developing and subsidizing a bikeshare program by 2021.1.3 protected cycling network that connects adjaneighbourhoods to the down 2019 GOAL:DRAFT 4 - 15 9 ncil in of , km City) In 2020 . budget km regional, 2 (8 will be completed. presented to Council in 2021. s km e rails YesYYes T : se U - ulti year approved capital - Project started: A draft of the formal Cycling and Trails Master Plan report is complete and will be presented to CouOctober.Project started Priority projects have been developed against 10approximately 10new M Project started: Gaukel Street was closed to traffic during the pandemic and will continue to remain closed as a passive pedestrian space. A formal plan will be Work to begin in 2021 20222022 - - To Complete in 20202020To Complete in 2020 New Date: 2021 2021 ies Barry Cronkite Transportation Services Liz Christensen Parks & Cemeter Darren Kropf Transportation Services Darren Kropf Transportation Services - - use - with 3 km , Trails and include onwayfinding. se , in one round access Round U - - - ͵ et Plan for et Plan for Use Trails and - connectivity and First StreFirst Stre -- education and l Street. the 2010 Cycling Master Plan round maintenance to multi - athways Cycling and Trails Master Plan Update Updateand the 2012 MultiPathways Master Plan to road cycling facilities, as well as offroad trails infrastructurecomprehensive plan that also addresses Connectivity and YearMaintenance of MultiP Prioritize actions,yeartrails and pathways through the Cycling and Trails Master Planan initial target of yearto a minimum of an additional of existing trails by 2022.PedestrianGaukel Street Develop plans to prioritize pedestrians over other travel modes on Gauke PedestrianKitchener Market‘ƚƩƉ Ʒƚ ĬĻŭźƓ źƓ ЋЉЋЊ . round access to - first streets - use trails and pathways - round maintenance to - Improve connectivity and Develop a plan to create minimum of an additional 3 1.4 yearmultias prioritized through the Cycling and Trails Master Planwith an initial target of providing yeara km of existing trails by 2022 1.5 pedestrianbetween Victoria Park and City Hall and between the ION and Kitchener Market by 2022. DRAFT 4 - 16 10 was the . ting itchener 19 safety here will be - K similar payback utfit . and lan is on schedule to P 2021 ing at the t ue to COVID project with . ction . D A he Aud to LEDs T on hold till Progress Update limate ouncil later in 2020. eses . is C C YY or another 2020 capital energy reserve project project was switched to o it the ommunity C perations Facility (KOF) he KOF project Project completed in 2019 Read the Corporate Climate Action Plan Project Started: *Originally the to retrofit the remaining lighOconcernsremaining lighting at Treassessed if will take its placeProject Started: The be presented to 2022 - Complete Timeline to ompleted in 2020 C2019 2020To Complete --- Project Manager Claire Bennett AdministrationDevelopment Services Claire Bennett AdministrationDevelopment Services Claire Bennett AdministrationDevelopment Services Reporting * Project to LEDs in 2020. ud A community by proactively mitigating and adapting to climate change and by conserving natural resources. nually on greenhouse gas emission he Corporate Climate Action Plan‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵anreduction will continue until 2026.Leverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve Fund Retrofit the remaining lighting at T Community Climate Action Plan Complete the 80x50 Community Climate Action Plan. . Environmental Leadership 2. . ciency Reserve i Statement ergy Eff arting in 2019, leverage Achieve a healthy and livable . Strategic Plan Action 6 Launch and implement a StDevelop a Community 2.1 Corporate Climate Action Plan by 2019 to achieve an absolute greenhouse gas emission reduction of at least 8% by 202 2.2 the EnFund and other resources to reduce consumption and emission at our facilities and in our operations 2.3 Climate Action Plan with partner organizations by 2020 Goal:DRAFT 4 - 17 11 . Staff has been restart. canceled, analyzed through remote were vents events and is being public to meet target. 2020 was deferred to fall 2020 postponed until e o eses ing YYN data has been collected increased access to recycling and organics across public facilities and spaces project is canopy this Project Started: Tree sensing and digital imaging are preparing to report back to Council in fall 2020 on progress and to seek direction on canopy targets. Project Started: Spring tree plantand spring 2021 as a result of COVID impacts to contractor availability. Pending capital budget approval, staff hope Project Started: Due to the pandemic, andHowever, diversionprovided. 20222021 -- in 2020 To Complete 20202020 - Dave Schmitt Parks & Cemeteries Adam Buitendyk Parks & Cemeteries Claire Bennett AdministrationDevelopment Services ion iminat El acklog B order to guide ongoing run events with large - lanting P e goal of reaching 2,500 trees and Tree Canopy Target Review the current canopy cover and set an achievable target based on best practices as well as constraints such as land availability, quality of soil, etc. in and future investment in tree planting, protection and maintenance.Tree Plant at least 750 trees in 2020, with theliminating the current backlog by the end of 2022.Waste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion in Our Public Spaces and Events Expand the Waste Diversion Station to all Cityvolunteer involvement, and evaluate expanded waste diversion stations at events, parks and public facilities. . . 2020 and Implement the Sustainable Reduce waste diverted to 2.4 Urban Forest Strategy with a focus on establishing a tree canopy target by eliminating the current (2018) tree planting backlog by 2022 2.5 landfills by implementing new diversion programs at our facilities and events by 2021 DRAFT 4 - 18 12 2020 and with here. . here owned space - Business cases to be presented eses Progress Update .. YY . Strategy implementation to commence arts and culture, and great places to about this project Completed 2019 Read the Urban Design Manual Completed 2019 Learn Project Started: Started in 2020. Staff investigating opportunities for incubators within Citypotential partners.in 2020 and 2021.Project Started: Strategy to be presented to Council in Fall of for approvalafterward. in 20192019 dd 1 202 - Complete Timeline to CompleteComplete2020To Complete2020 Project Manager Dayna Edwards Planning Cory Bluhm Economic Development Cory Bluhm Economic Development Lauren Chlumsky Economic Development - tech industry - Project spaces in the Creative ormative actions to ensure Urban Design Manual‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵Buildout of 44 GaukelIncubator, Accelerator and CoWorking Space Network Lease all Hub, explore the potential to facilitate a Food Incubator with a business case pending, and explore partnerships for the development of manufacturing and health/medincubators.Make It Kitchener 2.0 Strategy Develop the Make it Kitchener 2.0 Strategy by 2020 with a focus on transfthe attraction, success and retention of diverse businesses, talent, and arts/culture across the city. - - h/med Vibrant Economy with a focus working - 3. Statement Build a vibrant city by making strategic investments to support job creation, economic prosperity, thriving Strategic Plan Action 2021 for the food - Complete a new Urban Design Foster the creation of a cityDevelop the Make it Kitchener 3.1 Manual by 2019 that expresses city building and design expectations to ensure vibrant new development throughout Kitchener.3.2 wide network of incubators, accelerators and cospaces by completing the buildout of 44 Gaukel in 2019, advancing work on a Creative Hub and undertaking business cases in 2019manufacturing and healttech industries.3.3 2.0 Strategy by 2020 on transformative actions to ensure the attraction, success and retention of diverse businesses, talent, and arts/culture across the city. GOAL:live.DRAFT 4 - 19 13 on of a key i Initial focus on Supportive . es pandemic, finalization delayed to YNo d in 2020. e Due to roperty will be delayed to 2021. City and BIA may Project Started: Review initiatHousing. 2021.Project Started: Make It Kitchener 2.0 will provide a land disposition framework. Due to pandemic, dispositpdevelop a new Downtown Strategic Plan in 2021. Work to begin in 2021. Work to begin in 2021 e in 2 2022022 -- 1 in 2020 To Complete New date: 2021 To Complet2020 New date: 2021 2022021 msky & u Lauren ChlRob Morgan Economic Development Brian Bennett Economic Development Cory Bluhm Economic Development Cory Bluhm Economic Development ould be eview ͵ property brought - comprehensive review owned properties by 2020 - . Owned Property ROwned Property Brought to -- 2 arket City Complete aof cityto determine how they ceffectively used to advance city strategic objectives.CityM Develop a vision for downtown Kitchener and continue to position downtown Kitchener as a leading destination for redevelopment opportunities, with at least one new city ownedto market by 2020.Innovation District (Bramm Yards) Master Plan Finalize the Innovation District (Bramm Yards) Master Plan by 202 Civic District Master Plan‘ƚƩƉ Ʒƚ ĬĻŭźƓ źƓ ЋЉЋЊ - s) Master comprehensive owned properties - Complete aDevelop a vision for 3.4 review of cityby 2020 to determine how they could be effectively used to advance city strategic objectives.3.5 downtown Kitchener and continue to position downtown Kitchener as a leading destination for redevelopment opportunities, with at least one new city ownedproperty brought to market by 2020. Finalize the Innovation District (Bramm YardPlan by 2021 and the Civic District Master Plan by 2022. DRAFT 4 - 20 I 14 supporting & and Council committees have met - eted, delayed due to staff was compl Progress Update es YYes programs; better engaging, serving & ng Strategy presented to Council, and public engagement of 2020. Project Started: The project has been started but was resource being unavailable/limited from approximately March until September. In recent months a workplan has been developed for 2020 and 2021 which includes eight specific strategy. While work on this strategy continues, the City has engaged an external trainer to provide equity training to City Council and all management staff by the end of September. Equity training to all remaining city staff will be provided by the end Project Started: Housing Needs Assessment engaged through Strategy Session in February. Public feedback obtained on issues and options through Engage Kitchener survey. Advisory Committee and the suband actively worked on their mandates. Draft Affordable Housion draft to commence in fall. Related Inclusionary Zoning initiative underway in collaboration Cities of Cambridge and Waterloo and Region of Waterloo; consultant retained to assess feasibility. in Complete Timeline to in 2020 To Complete2020 New date: 2021 To Complete - Project Manager Elin Moorlag Silk AdministrationCommunity Services Andrew Ramsaroop Planning connection by providing welcoming community spaces & Project focused on f Waterloo, . nity groups and o represented - reate an Equity, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy CDiversity and Inclusion Strategybetter engaging and serving marginalized and underpeople, as well as creating a more inclusive City workplace.Affordable Housing Strategy Create an Affordable Housing Strategy for Kitchener by 2020 in collaboration with the Region commuthe development industry helping to make housing affordable. & . . nclusion I Caring Community industry f Waterloo, o Statement 4. nity groups and the Diversity and , Strategic Plan Action Create a comprehensive Create an Affordable 4.1 EquityStrategy by 2020 to combat systemic barriers to full economic and social participation in the city 4.2 Housing Strategy for Kitchener by 2020 in collaboration with the Region commudevelopment GOAL:our diverse populations DRAFT 4 - 21 15 to - our deployed launched in the fall - at which time project e adjusted for 2021. . here . es No Y supporting this project has been re workshops scheduled for the first half of 2020 . resource stigma - Project Started: Antiwere postponed due to public health directives to avoid inperson gatherings. This program will be reUnderstanding of Mental Healtfocus given to addressing both topics through this course. This course will be evaluated against business plan objectives to determine if programming needs to b Project Completed 2019 Learn about this project Project started: Staff run summer programs and services. Staff expected return in September 2020will resumeProject to start in 2021 2019 d e in 2020 To Complete in 2020CompletTo Complete 2021 Paula Dunn Human Resources Mark Hildebrand Neighbourhood Programs & Services Mark Hildebrand Neighbourhood Programs & Services ͵ Business respond Safe needs Business Case staff trainingfor ƚ ĬĻŭźƓ źƓ ЋЉЋЊ Courtland Reduce social stigma through Provide staff with the resources toeffectively to changing community demographics. Support Consumption and Treatment Facilities‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵Mill Community Centre Expansion Complete a assessment and business case to determine the requirements for an addition to the Mill Courtland Community Centre.New Rosenberg Community Centre/SchoolCase‘ƚƩƉ Ʒ . resources across and support the and an Open Space ers, Reduce social stigmas Better utilize existing 4.3 experienced by those living with mental illness and addiction in our community through staff training and supporting the creation of appropriate safe consumption and treatment facilities in Kitchener 4.4 facilities, provide relevant programming at community centequitable distribution of leisureprograms and neighbourhoods. Start work on the Mill Courtland Community Centre expansion by 2020 and the Rosenberg Community Centre by 2021. Complete the Huron Brigadoon Community CentreStrategy by 2021. DRAFT 4 - 22 16 - budget and planning for pause in hiring for non hiring YesNoYes ty of Waterloo for stakeholder consultation, research and Project Started: Detailed design has been completed. Building permits have been approved. Application to the Province for approval of design andhave been submitted by Waterloo Region District School Board; awaiting Provincial approval. Project Started: Progress has not been possible as a result of pandemic response priorities and earlier critical roles. Project Started: Developed partnership with the Region of Waterloo and the Cianalysis. Developing Terms of Referencestakeholder consultation in late 2020. 202120212021 --- 202020202020 Mark Hildebrand Neighbourhood Programs & Services Niall Lobley Parks & Cemeteries Emily Robson Economic Development the cultural - including a engaging a broad / Community section of the - Huron Brigadoon Area School Centre Construction Construct a joint school/community centre in the Huron Brigadoon area, in partnership with Waterloo Region District School Board.Open Space Strategy Develop an open space strategy to explore the value of open spaces, how they function, are planned, maintained, and managed, and review of permitted uses in parks.Arts and Culture Plan Develop a new and inclusive Arts and Culture Plan by crosscommunity including the arts and creative industry sector and multicommunities. - - Engage a broad cross 4.5 section of the community including the arts and creative industry sector and multicultural communities to develop an inclusive arts and culture Plan by 2021. DRAFT 4 - 23 17 . were plans for a Substantial . pandemic. finalized in est. . ming were received 2021. ti can be revised to reviewing Bids due to key staff being zens to t and will be they The launch plan for the now original the orporate Leadership Team delayed f/how working beta version will be taff are full Progress Update eseses A YYY on track for has been confirmed, demos have been is expected to complete inis , however s to determine i current service delivery models has been completed though most key staff project e ortal design hared with Council and C Project Started: An RFP for a vendor for the project was issued this spring, just prior to the pandemic. and have been evaluated. A vendor is expected to be confirmed in early September. project will require adjustmentearly fall with some implementation to occur before end of year. Project Started: An RFP process for a vendor is complete and a vendor has been selected. Work on the project was redeployed2020 pilot supportThe project Project Started: Thworkredeployed for much of the duration of the PsWidgets (the many functions within the portal) continue to be developed.launched publicly this fall for citi In in in ee 0 Complete Timeline to To Complete2020To Complet202 New date: 2021 To Complet2020 city by providing friendly, easy and convenient services. Project Manager Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Christine Baker Corporate Customer Service Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service - - on - n - services in customers. person - - 7 on - language ugh a - 24 an organization Project a centralized online Development Language - ulti aunch MInterpretation Support Implement a demand multiinterpretation support for telephone and ininquiries to enable staff in all facilities to ensure a more consistent and equitable experience for all Customer Satisfaction Program Implement wide Customer Satisfaction Program that enables realtime feedback, monitoring and reporting of satisfaction data to drive service improvements.Online Customer Service Portal Lservice portal where citizens can access their eone place thropersonalized, single sigaccount. of real wide - Great Customer Service collection demand customer . 5. - providing easy access and allowing financial , ervices by 2020. Provide onIntroduce a corporateEnhance customer experience Strategic Plan Action Statement 5.1 service support in many languages through the Corporate Contact Centre by 2020 5.2 Customer Satisfaction Program that will allow for the time feedback from customers accessing city facilities, programs, and s 5.3 online by delivering customized information, to servicestransactions by 2021. GOAL:DRAFT 4 - 24 18 Project to start in 2021Project to start in 2021 20222022 -- 20212021 Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Communicate Set and Service Levels‘ƚƩƉ Ʒƚ ĬĻŭźƓ źƓ ЋЉЋЊ͵Customer Experience Program‘ƚƩƉ Ʒƚ ĬĻŭźƓ źƓ ЋЉЋЊ͵ . by 2022 Set clearly communicated and Implement a comprehensive 5.4 specific service levels for frequently asked about or accessed City services, including: tree maintenance, parking, property standards complaints, snow clearing and grass cutting 5.5 Customer Experience Review Program to help ensure services are easy and convenient to access 2022. DRAFT 4 - 25 19 March . Work paused due . the closure was drafted in reopening facilities Terms of reference for n . retirement of key staff resource. and January 2020 fall as planned. oo pandemic eses YYNN 2020. in Work paused due to focus o will begin this . erms of reference for consultant services Progress Update Project Started: T2020Project Started: Confirmed involvement of Waterloo Region District School Board to assist with the study consultant services was drafted in February 2020to teacher strike, Project Started: WorkProject Started: Work was paused due to closure of facilities andimpacts on ice sport organizers Completed d 2021 - in 2020in 2020in 2020 Timeline to Complete To Complete To Complete 2020To Complete Complete2020 Kugler Project Manager Kim Sport Kim Kugler Sport Kim Kugler Sport Jeremy Dueck Sport Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service e Projects Feasibility Study Waterloo Region District Pool Business Cas notifications to enable citizens - Business Plan Community Services Budd Park Strategy Identify potential sites and estimated costs to relocate the recreational assets at Budd Park and compare the costs to the economic benefits of using the Budd Park for employment lands.Cameron Heights Pool Collaborate with the School Board to determine the renovations and estimated costs to isolate the pool operation from the school operation to preserve a recreational asset in the downtown.Southwest District Engage community residents/stakeholders in a needs assessment and business case to determine the elements to be included in the new pool.Ice Demand Study Evaluate ice user needs and trends for ice time to determine the timing of a new arena.Close the Loop with Citizens Expand email autoto receive email notifications for all parking complaints. BP02BP03BP04BP05BP06 2020 DRAFT 4 - 26 20 taff ; s series will pandemic change regularly . homepage, mobile and egion of Waterloo, City of , which justments for further issues related to /priorities elation R ge. The sessions will cover original cultures, emergency operating funding from federal and overnment Federal and Provincial governments are focused on G . eses YYNo training scheduled for the second quarter of 2020 was postponed 19 health and economic impacts - part learning program in partnership with the R - person - Progress Update Project Started: User testing, engagement plan, research and recommendations complete as well as navigation and page structuring. Content writing, document audit and remediation and form building are underway. Website internal design concepts approved, and initial user consultation and testing complete. Launch of beta site with portal planned for fallProject Started: Inwhile content was updated for virtual delivery. This fall, Kitchener is launching a fourWaterloo and City of Cambridhistory of settlement and allyship with Indigenous Peoples. The first be attended by priority staff with the aim to evaluate the content to fit with organizational needs and make any necessary adprogramming in 2021.Project Started: Staff working on otherresponse and support, e.g.provincial governmentCOVIDhave been advocating about local impacts. 2021 - in 2020in 2020 Timeline to Complete To Complete To Complete 2020 ing Project Manager Nicole Amaral Corporate Communications & Market Paula Dunn Human Resources Paul Grivicic Office of the Mayor & Council - - - information 2021 - the have to customer service and Corporate Services Transformation and Relaunch of Kitchener.ca Relaunch Kitchener.ca as a userfirst designed site that is easy for residents to quickly find any information they are looking for, as well as them.Indigenous Competency Training for Staff Implement training for staff to improve increase capacity of nonindigenous staff and council members across the organization to develop respectful relationships with indigenous peoples.Government Relations & Advocacy Plan 2020 Work collaboratively with Council to determine and establish the 2021 advocacy period with the federal/provincial government. BP07BP08BP09 DRAFT 4 - 27 21 d of this en . Work is work of the lab and currently being e the complete within Licensing Services. t project will wrap up at the pilot approach to continu - eseses YYY services in an ongoing manner to the organization. lab The final year of the pilot focused on putting developed ideas into the field Project Started: RFP released and vendor selected; draft vendor agreement reviewed as part of the Phase 2 Technology Solution Assessment. Worked with Directors to identify and document divisional report approval workflows. Implementation scheduled and staff training planned for this fall.Project Started: Designs and plans for online platform are Moving to online public portal is dependent on AMANDA 7 and online payment options. On hold until those are ready to go. Project Started: The Digital Kitchener Innovation Lab piloyear. and shifting towards design sprints and rapid prototyping of ideasunderway to develop a postdeliver TBD - in 2020in 2020 To Complete 2020To Complete Jeff Bunn Legislated Services Helen Fylactou Legislated Services Dan Murray Technology Innovation & Services year - approve and products developed Business Licensing Electronic Agenda Management Create, prepare, publish meeting agenda packages and minutes in a more efficient, collaborative, streamlined manner.Online Bring applying and paying for a business license online, available to the public through the AMANDA Public Portal.Civic Innovation Lab at Communitech Focus on bringing the knowledge gained and out of the Lab and operationalize them within the City as the Labenters its final year of the 3pilot. BP10BP11BP12 DRAFT 4 - 28 22 3 . new new 1 . 3 in 2020 LTFP . Will review A final report additional . public . Two as well as is being delayed to 2021 proclaimed have been completed will commence related to e plan process sit . site plan process public engagement planned for spring will be delayed until later in 2020 ) new improvements projects 4 o eses YNY have been completed and implementation is underway policy updates improvement project related to Project Started:Project Started: Project Started: Progress Update Since February 2020, engagementimprovement projects related to the new improvement projects related to the improvement project related to public engagementSeptember.One due to the pandemic (I.e. the development of walking tours)improvement projects are anticipated to commence in Novemberto Council is anticipated in early 2021 Progress Update Provincial legislation was delayed and has still not been need for study once details of the legislation are known. June Capital Variance report planned to go to Council in fall. Other actions (e.g. or 2021. 00 Timeline to Complete To Complete in 2020 New date: 2021 Timeline to Complete To Complete in 202To Complete in 202 Project Manager Margaret Love Administration Development Services Project Manager Ryan Hagey Financial Planning Ryan Hagey Financial Planning ified Study Term - g benefit . lan P . inancial F a review of our erm T ong Development Services Development Services Review Undergodevelopment services to bring greater focus, coordination and accountability to our development functions. Financial Services Community Benefit Charge *new*Complete a communitycharge study to supportestablishing a charge under the new Bill 108 framework LImplementation Implement/considerrecommended actions identas 2020 items in the LonFinancial Plan BP13 BP14BP15 DRAFT 4 - 29 23 vendor has response and and a . andemic p Go live date scheduled for . RFP was issued . is being finalized the project. Currently entering phase 3 of the Project started July 2020 off late September - 19. identify for interested commodities, access bid documents - - o eses self ontract with the vendor YYN C . now submissions electronically for all solicitation opportunities. t Expecting kick submi endors can Project Started:Project Started: Project Started: Completed in 2020. SAP Concur Expense project was scheduled to start in March 2020 but was delayed due to COVIDlate fall of 20205 implementation phases for project plan (system configuration, review and validation) Project has been delayed due to the pandemic.been selected. Project on hold due to staff availability resulting from recovery. Vand 2020 in 2020in 2020 To Complete To Complete To Complete in 2020 New date: 2021 Completed Brenda Johnson Accounting Saleh Saleh Revenue Jason Winter Asset Management & Business Solutions Ryan Scott Procurement , - and , ansion of xp past its life cycle based forms. tendering - - bile time entry for payment options for eliminating the need eimbursements to ptions based timesheets. paper corporate credit card, - xpense reimbursements Tendering - Implement mo Electronic Reimbursement Implementation Consolidate all employee travel and eincludingmileage, parking, conference and petty cash reliminate Point of Sale and EPayment O Replace the existing Point of Sale system, which is and expandvarious services.Mobile Time Entry operations, for paper E Implement an emodule to enable vendors to selfidentify for interested commodities, access bid documents and drawingssubmit tenders, proposals and quotations electronically. BP16BP17BP18BP19 DRAFT 4 - 30 24 team Contract package of parks rehabilitation is . to be conducted by Infrastructure Canada. Phase 2 has been tendered and awarded and is . concrete repairs and surface preparation. Waterproofing eseseses YYYY . d April. Since then, demolition and decommissioning has been - arted: Project Started: Project Started: Project Started: Project St Progress Update Administrative processes have been established to meet the anticipated financial and compliance auditsSeveral design and construction projects are in various stages of completion. Progress is ongoing. The project was delayed due to the pandemic with a key member of the supporting facility recovery preparation. Final deliverables are being rescheduled to align with the 2022 budget. Some work is progressing such as Building Condition Assessments and other analysis such as industry comparator review and data modeling. Schlegel Phase 1 is completedon schedule for late summer 2021 completion Survivor Garden is currently on holdbeing develope The project was awarded in February and construction mobilization started in March 2020. The site was shut down during the pandemic but was able to resume in midcompleted as well as began in September 2020 2028 202120212021 - --- Timeline to Complete 2020 202020202020 Project Manager Nick Gollan Sanitary & Stormwater Utilities Beatrice Powell Facilities Management Niall Lobley Parks & Cemeteries Lynda Stewart Facilities Management s , ss RBJ r Spaces and ; and complete the stormwater management term maintenance and - comprehensive review of facility on Carl Zehr Square and College Park; plan, design and construct condition assessments, construction associated with the ing urvivor Garden Construction Phase 1 Infrastructure Services Implementation of the Federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)Plan and execute infrastructure projects across the city to leverage the DMAF grant funding and advance the implementation of the 2016 Integrated Stormwater Management Master Plan.Facilities Infrastructure Program Conduct ainfrastructure needs that will incorporate building sustainability opportunities, accessibility needs to identify current gapand inform longcapital improvement strategies to addrethe infrastructure deficit.Implementation of Significant Parks Projects Complete Phase 2 design work for Schlegel the Supgrade to Westwood Park.Rehabilitation of City Hall Outdoo Begin rehabilitation of City Hall Outdoor spacesfocusStreet. BP20BP21BP22BP23 DRAFT 4 - 31 Compass Kitchener Evaluation Criteria for the City of Kitchener 2019-2022 Strategic Plan September 2020 4 - 32 1 Contents Introduction 3 Background 3 Process to Develop Evaluation Criteria 4 Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of the Strategic Plan 5 Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of SDGs through the Strategic Plan 6 Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals 7 Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Actions 8 4 - 33 2 Strategic Plan Evaluation Guide Introduction Purpose: This document outlines the criteria that will be used by Compass Kitchener to evaluate the implementation of the City of Kitchener 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. Criteria are provided for: An overall evaluation of implementation of the Strategic Plan An overall evaluation of implementation of localizing Sustainable Development Goals through the Strategic Plan Evaluation of Implementation of the Strategic Plan Goals Evaluation of Implementation of the Strategic Plan Actions Background Compass Kitchener provides advice to Council on Guiding Principles, Values, and Strategic Compass Kitchener creates and leads public engagement processes with staff to determine community concerns. It identifies community priorities for action, and monitors progress toward achieving the community vision and in implementing the Strategic Plan. The community priorities comprise an integral component of the City of Kitchener Strategic Plan. Compass Kitchener Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities in its terms of reference include: Goals To monitor and evaluate progress against achievement of strategic priorities. To report on progress made toward achieving strategic priorities to Council and the community Objectives To determine evaluation criteria for use in measuring Council implementation of strategic priorities. Responsibilities Reporting to Council on critical community priorities to assist in the establishment of, -year Strategic Plan and annual Business Plans. tegic Plan for the City of Kitchener. w eporting on performance to Council and the Community on an annual (Report Card) basis. 4 - 34 3 Process to Develop Evaluation Criteria Compass Kitchener provided a set of recommendations to Council in April 2019 regarding evaluating implementation of the Strategic Plan which have been put into practice. One recommendation was to jointly develop evaluation criteria with staff. To that end, Compass Kitchener co-hosted with Leadership Team joint meetings with representatives from all of the Advisory Committees to Council to discuss objectives for the evaluation of implementation of the Strategic Plan. Compass Kitchener developed draft evaluation criteria and discussed them with Corporate Leadership Team. Jan 2019 All Advisory Committees Meeting April 2019 Report to Council June 2019-Council approval of 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Sept 2019 CLT meeting Nov 2019 Check back with All Advisory Committees Considering the input received, Compass Kitchener developed the criteria in this evaluation guide. The guide will be used by Compass Kitchener to evaluate implementation of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan. This is the first time that evaluation criteria has been developed along with the development of the Strategic Plan and with input from City staff. As such the guide should also be useful to staff and the public in knowing what the expectations are for implementing the Strategic Plan. 4 - 35 4 Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of the Strategic Plan Compass Kitchener has developed the following criteria in the form of the following six questions to assess the overall implementation of the Strategic Plan. 1.Does the Strategic Plan connect mission to its vision? City Mission: Proudly providing valued services for our community City Vision: "Together we will build an innovative, caring and vibrant Kitchener." The Strategic Plan makes a promise to the community that the City will deliver on the priorities that matter to the community: people-friendly transportation, environmental leadership, a vibrant economy, a caring community and great customer service Do the goals and actions align with vision and support mission. 2.Is the Strategic Plan realistic? Are deadlines achievable? Is sufficient budget provided? 3.Is the Strategic Plan integrated? Do elements of Strategic Plan support each other? 4.Is the Strategic Plan balanced? Is there a balance between the goals? 5.Is the Strategic Plan complete? Are there holes in the Strategic Plan or potential activities that are unsupported? 6.Is the document clear? Are statements 4 - 36 5 Evaluation Criteria for Overall Implementation of SDGs through the Strategic Plan An important component of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan is its commitment to the localization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Strategic Plan states: Government of Canada in embracing the universality of the 2030 Agenda and to supporting the implementation of the SDGs in Canada and internationally. The SDGs are global, but with a local lens, we can do our part to contribute to their success Compass Kithrough implementation of the Strategic Plan goals and actions. Each of the 25 action statements within the 2019- 2022 strategic plan can be connected to at least one of the SDGs. 4 - 37 6 Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals Compass Kitchener will evaluate the 5 Strategic Plan Goals of the Strategic Plan based on four criteria, timing, budget, impact and accountability as outlined below: 1.Timing Were strategic actions completed in expected timeframe? What degree and kind of progress has been made for each of the 25 actions? 2. Budget Were strategic actions completed on or within budget? 3.Impact How did strategic actions deliver on anticipated or desired impacts? How did progress on, or completion of strategic actions make a difference in the city and for citizens? Were other actions completed that advanced the strategic plan goals? 4.Accountability How did the City do on presenting progress reports that were relevant, timely and publicly profiled? How well did the City do in making progress on developing a Strategic Plan Dashboard to improve reporting to the public? 4 - 38 7 Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of Strategic Plan Actions Compass Kitchener will use the Annual Business Plan Updates and a review of reports to Council to evaluate implementation of the 25 strategic plan actions and the following main criteria specific to each action. People-friendly Transportation Transform how people move through the city by making the transportation network safe, comfortable and connected. Strategic Actions Evaluation Criteria Develop a set of Complete Streets (safe and Increase in number of completed streets comfortable) guidelines and an associated demonstrated through mapping. evaluation scorecard by 2020 to apply to roadway construction projects. Encourage and incentivize alternative modes of More people are using bikes and for a wider transportation by developing and subsidizing a variety of trips, number of rentals, people, bikeshare program by 2021. bikes and bike parking facilities Improve connectivity and year-round maintenance to multi-use trails and pathways as prioritized through the Cycling and Trails Master Number of kilometers provided over the 3 km Plan year-round access to a minimum of an minimum additional 3 km of existing trails by 2021. Number of connected adjacent neighbourhoods Develop a plan to create pedestrian-first streets (of the total) by a continuous link between Victoria Park and City Hall and between the ION and Kitchener Market by 2022. Install a continuous and protected cycling More people are using connections network that connects adjacent neighbourhoods to the downtown by 2022. 4 - 39 8 Environmental Leadership Achieve a healthy and livable community by proactively mitigating and adapting to climate change and by conserving natural resources. Strategic Actions Evaluation Criteria Launch and implement a Corporate Climate Planned vs actual Greenhouse Gas reduction (report Action Plan in 2019 to achieve an absolute annually) greenhouse gas emissions reduction of at least 8% by 2026. Starting in 2019 leverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve Fund and other resources to reduce Report on number and type of projects and their planned consumption and emissions at our facilities and in and actual impact our operations Develop a Community Climate Action Plan with partner organizations by 2020 Planned vs actual Greenhouse Gas reduction (report annually) Implement the Sustainable Urban Forest Strategy with a focus on establishing a tree Number of trees planted and amount of backlog reduction canopy target by 2020 and eliminating the reported annually current (2018) tree planting backlog by 2022 Reduce waste diverted to landfills by implementing new diversion programs at our facilities and events by 2021. Report on quantities of waste reduced or diverted and innovation used to reduce waste 4 - 40 9 Vibrant Economy Build a vibrant city by making strategic investments to support job creation, economic prosperity, thriving arts and culture, and great places to live. Strategic Actions Evaluation Criteria Number of places provided for people to connect that are Complete a new Urban Design Manual by 2019 that are safe, delightful, comfortable and inclusive with public expresses city building and design expectations to art and beautiful trees ensure vibrant new development throughout Kitchener. Foster the creation of a citywide network of Number of new businesses and number of jobs created incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces by completing the buildout of 44 Gaukel in 2019, advancing work on a Creative Hub and undertaking business cases in 2019-2021 for the food, manufacturing and health/med-tech industries. Develop the Make it Kitchener 2.0 Strategy by 2020 Number of new and retained businesses and jobs and with a focus on transformative actions to ensure the number of arts organizations, artists and people employed attraction, success and retention of diverse businesses, talent, and arts/culture across the city. Use of city properties are aligned to the Strategic Plan or Complete a comprehensive review of city-owned advancement of policy objective through their disposition properties by 2020 to determine how they could be and how many city owned properties are made available effectively used to advance city strategic objectives. Develop a vision for downtown Kitchener and Number and nature of opportunities realized continue to position downtown Kitchener as a leading destination for redevelopment opportunities, with at least one new parcel of land brought to market by 2020. Number and nature of opportunities realized and broad Finalize master plans for the Bramm Yards by public support for the plan 2021 and for the Civic District by 2022. 4 - 41 10 Caring Community better engaging, serving and supporting our diverse populations and helping to make housing affordable. Strategic Actions Evaluation Criteria Create a comprehensive Equity, Diversity, and More participation from under-represented people and an increase in numbers of people using programs and Inclusion Strategy by 2020 to combat systemic barriers services to full economic and social participation in the city. Create an Affordable Housing Strategy for Kitchener The increase in affordable housing stock that matches by 2020 in collaboration with the Region of Waterloo, community need and demand, with the objective that community groups and the development industry everyone has a home. Number of staff who receive training re: tools and techniques Reduce the stigma experienced by those living with for working effectively with community members living with mental illness and addiction in our community by mental illness and addiction educating and training staff, and by supporting the creation of appropriate safe Community needs are identified, programs are aligned with consumption and treatment facilities in Kitchener. those needs, and participation measured. Increase in usage of Better utilize existing facilities, provide relevant community facilities programming, support the equitable distribution of leisure programs and resources across neighbourhoods Beautiful and welcoming community facility meets needs of community and is well used Complete:Huron Brigadoon Community Centre by 2021 Engagement effectiveness - number and diversity of people Open Space Strategy by 2021 involved and percentage of public wants are reflected in the Strategy Commence work on developing Mill Courtland Community Centre by 2020 and Rosenberg Were projects started on time Community Centre by 2021 Engage a broad cross-section of the community, Engagement effectiveness - number and diversity of including the arts and creative industry sector and people, artists and partnerships involved, the number and multi-cultural communities to develop a new and nature of partnerships and initiatives identified and inclusive Arts and Culture Plan by 2021. established - people s are reflected in the Plan 4 - 42 11 Great Customer Service services. Strategic Actions Evaluation Criteria Introduce a corporate-wide Customer Satisfaction Program that will allow for the collection of real-time Feedback used to inform improvements to facilities, feedback from customers accessing City facilities, programs and services programs and services by 2020. Increase in number of languages provided (from the Provide on-demand support for customer service 2019 base case and annually thereafter) and level of requests in many languages by 2020. usage of each Enhance the online experience for customers by Number of people creating accounts and number of delivering customized information, providing easy transactions access to services, and allowing them to conduct financial transactions by 2021. Implement a comprehensive program of Customer Results/Improvements are made public and % Experience Reviews to help ensure services are easy improvement (i.e. shift from negative to positive feedback) over time is included in reporting perspective by 2021. Set specific and clearly communicated service levels for frequently asked about or accessed City services, Publish nature and number of service standards set including tree maintenance, parking, property each year and the percentage of services completed as standards complaints, snow clearing and grass per service levels set cutting by 2022. 12 4 - 43