HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHS Index 1988CON NTS COveT" The f jrbt h-Ors-e-d rawn street car ran in Berl ini, in Jura, 1. 8q9 From the WHS Bwrd of DiiectoTs und CoincjIjors . ..... .......... 2 Nlr=� A. Johnston 4 Kj,,--.,i e- ne,., Tcansit — The Fi rst 100 Ye urs; i 6 Piesentcatir-,-i tri Tace Sc],imidt ... 3C) B,reithaupt Papais Retum to ale loo Region ............ 31 To the Ladje� of New E)unde . ........... 51 Ge,.,)Tge Herm T ............ 54 The E 1 m tru L 16rary — 1f Y-ars of Servi ce -- - - - -- 78 The Prestan DebOtLng Somiety 1842-43 82 � fbrd,rj.g Places jr: j Tbwnshipdaring the 18004 85 Rev. JohTi Rayne or-d the Presbyterian Murch m Golt 113 Taking the Wrij, ..p; ...... 125 Pfeston Springs — WrAEer wl.tF Character .......... ..... 134 From Ccn-ntrevdle to 318. Leap Year in ] 9.3 a .... ....... 139 HOusr-36 of Fm-erta�rirnent jr, Wellesley Township Travellers' erne, -SLrashurg ... ........... l 147 Brjdge rtPcstO Eyre. Clasr-s _ ii.. ] 48 Dr. MY[lu-s and the Gunpowder Plot - .... l .......... 152 Le-up Year: GI T 'i ES takp- your pick and get aft-er I-he Crosshill bob q 156 0-ur Vonizhing , Hen-I a-ge, Th r 19th Cen I ury Bum, 51) From the MewI4�-tmLurg jtjdeperFjeTjf 172