HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSI Minutes - 2019-12-09PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2019 CITY OF KITCHENER The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee met this date, commencing at 4:00 p.m. Present: Councillor S. Marsh, Chair Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors D. Chapman, S. Davey, K. Galloway-Sealock, J. Gazzola, B. loannidis, M. Johnston, C. Michaud, D. Schnider and P. Singh. Staff: D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services B. Sloan, Manager, Long Range and Policy Planning T. Malone -Wright, Senior Planner, Policy A. Clark, Senior Planner, Urban Design T. Donegani, Senior Planner C. Dumart, Planner, Policy P. Kohli, Technical Assistant J. Bunn, Manager, Council & Committee Services/Deputy City Clerk S. Delaney, Committee Administrator Councillor S. Marsh advised this is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or public body that would otherwise have an ability to appeal a decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the By- law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -19-252, dated November 12, 2019, regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Ms. T. Malone -Wright and Mr. A. Clark presented the Report, advising the Neighbourhood Planning Review includes land use policies and designations; zoning permissions; identification of policies for Cultural Heritage Landscapes; Neighbourhood Specific Urban Design Guidelines; and background information. She further stated the Planning Review analyses and updates seven Secondary Plans, including: the K -W Hospital Secondary Plan; the Victoria Street Secondary Plan; the Victoria Park Secondary Plan; the Cedar Hill Secondary Plan; the Mill Courtland -Woodside Park Secondary Plan; the King Street East Secondary Plan; and, the Civic Centre Secondary Plan. Mr. Douglas Stewart, IBI Group addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes, on behalf of Park Street Parking Ltd. He advised he would like to see retention of the current'Mixed Use' Official Plan designation. Mayor B. Vrbanovic entered the meeting at this time. Mr. David Galbraith and Mr. Carl Chapman, AirBoss of America Corp., addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law. They advised the proposed land use designations of innovation employment and open space would no longer permit residential development without a privately initiated Zone Change Application. He stated the proposed open space corridor conflicts with the current AirBoss loading facilities, and suggested the current zoning continue to apply to the site. He further noted the appropriate time to identify the trail corridor would be through a future development application. Councillor S. Davey left the meeting at this time. Mr. Glen Scheels, GSP Group, addressed the committee on behalf of Catalyst 137 Kitchener LP; QSBC Inc; and, JAMZ Solutions Corp. He noted the midtown area is currently designated mixed-use and should remain as such despite the plan to introduce the innovation employment and open space designations. He further suggested with respect to the parks and open use designation, a policy framework needs to be developed, allowing for Open -Space to be located PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2019 -22- CITY OF KITCHENER DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) (CONT'D) on site, in conjunction with a more detailed master planning operation. He advised the proposed mix -use on Queen Street; proposed regulations; and, parking rates should be reconsidered. Councillor P. Singh and Councillor S. Davey entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Wagdy Botros addressed the Committee in opposition to the Open Space Zoning Regulation. He expressed concerns that several parcels are proposed to be Open Space and questioned whether the Open Space designation would permit any other uses, such as the parking of cars. Councillor P. Singh left the meeting at this time. In response to questions, Ms. Malone -Wright advised staff would be available to meet with citizens to address concerns with specified properties. 2. DSD -19-272 - SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO DSD -19-233 — NEW ZONING BY-LAW (CROZBY) - STAGE 2 - RESIDENTIAL ZONES —DEFERRED The Committee considered Development Services Department repot DSD -19-272, dated November 28, 2019, regarding the minimum lot width within the RES -3 zone, deferred by Council on October 28, 2019, and responded to questions from the Committee. It was noted any recommendation arising from this matter would be considered at a Special Council meeting later this date. On motion by Councillor K. Galloway Sealock - it was resolved: "That the minimum lot width within the RES -3 Zone included in the recommended By-law as Appendix E of Development Services Department report DSD -19-233 considered at the Council meeting October 28, 2019 be approved, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD -19-272." The Committee recessed at 4:51 p.m. and reconvened at 7:00 p.m., Chaired by Councillor S. Marsh with all members present. Councillor S. Marsh advised this is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or public body that would otherwise have an ability to appeal a decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the By- law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. Mayor B. Vrbanovic entered the meeting at this time 3. DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -19-252, dated November 12, 2019, regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Ms. T. Malone -Wright presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. Mr. Lony Economides addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law within the Victoria Park Secondary Plan. He noted the current Zoning By-law protected, maintained and regulated the heritage area of Victoria Park, and suggested high-rise development and overpopulation will negatively affect the heritage homes in the neighbourhoods. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2019 -23- CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) (CONT'D) Ms. Dina Dawoud addressed the Committee on behalf of St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church, and St. Maurice's Coptic Orthodox church, requesting to extend the proposed rezoning of properties on Pattandon Ave. Ms. Christine Stockie expressed concerns regarding increased intensification in downtown. She raised concerns with the minimum number of parking requirements; green space; affordable housing; traffic calming measures; pedestrian safety; enhanced snow removal; on -street parking; and, sustainable growth. Mr. Gail Pool expressed opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law outlined in the Victoria Park Secondary Plan related to residential infill. He noted that infill and hi -rise developments will result in negative impacts, and addressed the need for buffers to protect the important low-rise historic districts. He further advised of the need for transitions between high and low-density areas, and adequate park and open space. Mr. Joe Filaschi addressed the Committee requesting high-density residential zoning for Whitney Place. He referenced the surrounding area, which is partially zoned as high density residential and noted no homes would need to be demolished in order to achieve the request. Mr. Hal Jaeger addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law, on behalf of the Olde Berlin Town Neighbourhood Association. He noted improvements have been made with regard to transitions from low-rise residential zones; however, more work remains to be done to achieve an appropriate transitional zoning that is fair to the neighbours as well as to the low-rise residences that border a more intensive zone. The Committee recessed at 7:45 p.m. and reconvened at 7:50 p.m., Chaired by Councillor S. Marsh with all members present. Mr. Dave Aston, MHBC Planning addressed the Committee on behalf of the owners of the properties municipally addressed as 18 and 27 Pine Street. He raised concerns with the proposal to downgrade the properties from their existing permissions to open space, which would take away the permitted uses currently in place. Ms. Jane Pellar, Mr. Burnie Root, and Mr. David Shoftoe addressed the Committee on behalf of the Schneider Creek Working Group. Ms. Pellar advised in order to maintain the low-rise character of Benton, Peter and Cedar Streets, properties on both sides of these streets should be designated low-rise conservation residential. She noted if zoning changes are extended into the neighbourhood, it will challenge the overly congested, narrow streets. She further stated that elevation change is a challenge, making thoughtful transitions to low rise buildings imperative, and a minimum front yard landscape to open space standard should be incorporated to maintain limited front yard landscaping. Mr. Root requested the special policy regarding the height of 63 Courtland Ave remain at three stories due to the close proximity to Martin Street. Mr. Shoftoe addressed the committee in regards to the properties municipally addressed as 14 and 16 Martin Street. He noted the transitional manner regarding the changes in height that currently exist and asked for consideration when it comes to the character of the terrain. Mr. John MacDonald expressed opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law, stating the importance of input received from citizens, businesses, and the development community being balanced and incorporated into the planning process. He further stated input received by staff should be balanced and incorporated to cap the maximum heights permitted, all within a framework of compliance with the following: the Provincial Policy Statement 2014; the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019; the Region of Waterloo Official Plan 2015; and, the City of Kitchener Official Plan. Ms. Darlene Mack -Lam addressed the Committee regarding the Victoria Street Secondary Plan. She expressed her support for mixed-use zoning in her neighbourhood. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 9. 2019 -24- CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) (CONT'D) Mr. John Gibson expressed opposition to the Civic Centre Secondary Plan. He noted the new zoning is in contradiction to the intensification program and has concerns with the mandatory 20% of space that must be allocated for commercial use. He further advised he is opposed to the limit of three units per low rise residential and suggested the market should dictate how the commercial use space is filled. Mr. Steve Burrows addressed the Committee in opposition to the regulations outlined with the Secondary Plans stating the document is far too prescriptive; specifically related to floor heights on the ground floor; glazing; and, locations of parking loading spaces. Ms. Katherine Bitzer expressed concerns with the proposed zoning for Benton Street and increased transportation demands. Mr. Jonathan Diamond addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law, specifically noting the properties municipally addressed at 61 and 65 Roy Street. He advised the properties each contain five rental units, with a maximum of three units on each property being permitted for residential use, as per the Official Plan. He requested an increase in the maximum number of residential units on each property to five, due to the high demand for residential rental space and the low demand for commercial rental space. Ms. Andrea Sinclair, MHBC Planning, addressed the Committee on behalf of the property municipally addressed as 22 Weber Street. She requested increased height and density for the property. Ms. Annie Doran addressed the Committee on behalf of the King East Neighbourhood Association, in support of the proposed changes. She advised her neighbourhood has been subject to intensification and a great deal of pressure due to development. She requested notice regarding road closures, clear detour signage when traffic is being diverted, and coordination and communication between projects. Mr. Dan Currie, MHBC Planning, addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law regarding the transition between mixed-use areas and higher density areas, and low-rise residential neighbourhoods. Ms. Lisa Hagen addressed the Committee in support of the proposed changes to the Zoning By- law as it relates to Whitney Place. She advised the creation of additional higher density structures creates the need for more hydro lines and transformers. She further suggested undergrounding would be required for hydro to increase the aesthetic value of the neighbourhoods. Mr. Mario Chilanski addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law for the area of Mill Street and Queen Street. He advised restrictions should be imposed regarding the height of the proposed buildings and requested a restrictive zone be applied to this property for future protection. Mr. Alfred Rumple addressed the Committee on behalf of the Schneider Creek Working Group, regarding regional roads where traffic is being directed into smaller neighbourhoods. Mr. Martin Asling, Waterloo Region Yes in My Backyard, addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law, as it relates to the affordable housing crisis. Mr. John Cummingham addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law, and encouraged the preservation of the City's Heritage assets through the Secondary Plans. Mr. Randy Harms addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law for the Secondary Plan. He questioned how the height restrictions of the plan were determined. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2019 -25- CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DSD -19-252 - OPA19/004/COK/TMW & ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEWS (CEDAR HILL, VICTORIA PARK, CIVIC CENTRE, K -W HOSPITAL/MIDTOWN, MILL-COURLAND WP, KING STREET EAST, VICTORIA STREET) (CONT'D) Mr. Dave Sanders addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law regarding Roland Street. He raised concerns with changing the existing zoning from "existing use residential" to "existing use floodplain". Ms. Ingrid Fehderau was also in attendance in opposition to the proposed zoning with respect to name changes, for the property municipally addressed as 167 Sydney Street South. Mr. Adam Smit addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law and the impact on the preservation of the City's Heritage assets. Mr. Greg Dent addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law. He proposed a limitation on transport trucks using Courtland Avenue to exit the expressway. Mr. Ken Herminson addressed the Committee in support of the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law for the property municipally addressed as 29 Lilac Street. He expressed his desire to build a tiny home on the property, but raised concerns with parking. Ms. Mary Dever and Mr. John Dancy addressed the Committee in support of the proposed changes and requested staff consider inclusionary zoning in the future. Ms. Jackie Wall was in attendance in opposition to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law and commented the City and the Region should be encouraged to be more transparent in their development planning processes. Ms. Holly Andres addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposed changes. She requested the City address the derelict buildings found in the Madison Avenue South area. Mr. Philip Drader advised buildings zoned Mixed -Use 4 would have no height restrictions and requested consideration be given to imposing restrictions on building heights. Mr. Sloan advised staff have been documenting the concerns raised by delegates and would provide a response to Council on specific concerns raised by ward. On motion by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock — it was resolved: "That the oral and written submissions received by and at the Statutory Public Meeting on December 9, 2019, on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Appendix 'A' and Appendix 'B' to Development Services Department report DSD -19-252, be considered in the preparation of the final version of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, to incorporate the lands contained in seven Secondary Plans into the Official Plan (2014) and into new Zoning By- law 2019-051; and further, That following the December 9, 2019 Statutory Public Meeting on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, staff review and work through the submissions in order to bring forward a final version of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Neighbourhood Specific Amendments to the Urban Design Manual for consideration of adoption by Council." 4. ADJOURNMENT On motion, this meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. S. Delaney Committee Administrator